Hurray, film noir! And speaking of film, I saw The Departed over the weekend and hope to offer some thoughts on what this means for both Scorsese and the film business later this week.
Housekeeping #1: For those who have emailed me on the Millenia Black story this past week, after several conversations calling into question the veracity of what has been claimed, I have decided to stop pursuing it. I have neither the time nor the inclination to proceed further — unless, of course, a reputable publication pays me to write an investigative article. But if you remain curious as to the why, Lynne Scanlon comes the closest in her speculations.
Housekeeping #2: And while we’re on the subject of overblown publishing industry scandals, a big amen to Miss Snark for her thoughts on L’Affaire Armstrong.
You say that Oprah is a thoughtful television show? Think again.
At 64, Harrison Ford is “fit enough” to star as Indiana Jones. And by “fit,” Spielberg assures us that he’s only using the walker on weekends.
Robert Bly will receive $775,000 for his personal archives. Memo to University of Minnesota: you can have my personal archives for the low, low price of $235,000. And you can pay 10% of this with a lifetime supply of Tootsie Roll Pops. Get in touch with my attorney.
As yet unpublished in the States (a solecism for which this Faber fan hopes some publisher will atone for), John Barlow takes a look at Michael Faber’s The Apple.
Well, not *all* bloggers. 🙂