Even in the Book World, Crime Does Not Pay

The Chicago Tribune considers the case of David George Holt, a seemingly quiet man who used various aliases to swindle countless rare-book dealers to the tune of $95,000. Despite serving in jail for steailng his grandmother’s bonds, Holt has yet to be convicted for his tome-related offenses.


  1. I’m interested in Holt’s time in New Zealand — initially trading under the name of Holt’s Rare Books, but after his conviction in the USA trading — apparently legitimately — under his latest wife’s name,(Dr Raisa Litchkovakha) in addition to the scams documented by the ABAA. I’m a journalist in Wellington NZ and am endeavouring to contact Holt – if anyone has a recent phone number, address or email for him, I’d be interested to hear. New Zealand Government authorities have just started “making inquiries”, and I’d like to have a conversation with Holt before they catch up with him…

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