1. kbam.. this explains the surprising number of bi-polar depressed people in the buckeye state.

    “Bipolar people Innactive”
    filed under Bipolar Disorder Symptoms & Diagnosis
    McCormick and Frey
    Source: University of Indiana

    …The study participants were surprisingly inactive. Inactivity is important to note, Frey said, because physical activity is considered a major health indicator for chronic diseases. ..

    So you see if you were in New York and had to run to catch a subway train you would be better off than driving a Hummer in Ohio.

  2. I think that the depression and bipolar behavior comes from inbreeding. Seriously, it seems like inbreeding went on back in the early 20th Century when you had a lot of Appalachian Americans from West Virginia migrate to the state for work. How else do you explain a town with a population of greater than 200,000 people who ALL know each other?(Toledo).

  3. Well it could just be something in the genepool of the Scotch/Irish too. I know that the hillbilly women I know get all cranky and stuck on the couch/cigarette/cable TV routine when winter hits. I don’t hang out with their boyfriends/husbands so can’t tell you much about the men …but then I digress from my main point.

    What’s so bad about everybody knowing everybody? It doesn’t mean they’re schtuppin each others moms and sisters does it? (or does it?)

    IMHO the small town mentality isn’t all bad. I mean, an ideal life is one where you have some interaction with your neighbors; otherwise life is like being locked in solitary. However, if they’re all like “Larry the Cable Guy” then maybe not.

    Are we talking the kind of neighbors who sit on the porch spitting tobacco and chucking beer cans while complaining the SSI check is late?.. or is it more the pickup truck, fishing boat football fan types. What are we talkin here? Is this a po’white trash town or one with upwardly mobile hicks like Columbus, Ohio?(we have both but they’re all basically hicks from the Tri-State )

    I thought Toledo had some Lebanese and Italians to make it cool and ethnic but maybe someone burned a cross in their yard. I’m just very curious what’s going on up there.

  4. Earlthepearl,

    I’m not knocking neighborhood unity at all. I would love to live in a world where you could talk with your fellow man in a friendly manner. I have a problem with the Toledo version of “neighborly love”. You see, Toledo is like this…

    It’s a very good sized town with a lot of potential. You can see the potential just from the skyline and the way the city sits. It could be a really beautiful place, seriously. That is, if it were ran by a government with a sense of upward mobility. The powers that be of Toledo are just determined to keep the city in 1977. It’s very union-oriented, blue collar, and afraid of change. It’s almost a sort of “If it ain’t white, it ain’t right” kind of mentality up here. To give you a picture of why culture and Toledo don’t belong in the same sentence, chew on this…
    A lot of new, cultural businesses try to move into downtown Toledo each fiscal quarter. The reason why it is so hard to do so is because Toledo has more historic buildings in it’s downtown area than any other metropolitan area in the U.S. Some acalade, huh? Historic in this case, though, means old, decaying, empty, blighted, condemned by any other city’s standards(including Detroit’s). The Historic Committee of Toledo are very strict about who they let in, and what they will let them do. Compuware, Google, Jeep, and Starbucks are just a few of the calibur of companies that were detoured from Toledo due to this fact. The only ounce of culture that Toledo does have is FifthThird Field, a picturesque minor league baseball stadium that has really raised the bar and change the face of minor league parks. It has been rated the best ballpark in the minors, and I will agree. I very much enjoy watching games at the ballpark. I will never take that away from Toledo. Also, the Toledo Art Museum is not to be missed. Very upscale, unique experience. I would recommend a stop there as well. Other than that, it’s all sports bars, OSU fans, pickup trucks, confederate flags, trailer parks, fat women, gang bangers, potholes, and a big ball of unemployment. As far as ethnic culture…Blacks, Whites, Tex-Mex, and a Polish community.

    In a nutshell…that’s Toledo.

    Hope it was helpful.

  5. To Jerold: I have a question, after the Bucky Buck Toothed Buckeyes got their asses whoped in the National Championship Game, How did Toledo react? I bet there was a riot afterwords or a bit of like a funeral service becuase the Buckey Buckeyes lost. They were probably crying like little bitches like the narrowminded losers do when they suck 😀 FYI I have been to Univ of Florida when I did my internship at the Kennedy Space Center and man that was a site to see. NOt just the campus buildings but the drop down fine ass ladies. They were asian, black, white goddess. Oh man, I felt I was in heaven. Unfortunatlly I didn’t have game back then. Now I do and I wish I could be down there now. But I have never been to OSU and I don’t think I would want to either.

    But, man I just prey you get out of that hell hole. That area just seems gross and nasty. Actually, the folks are one thing to me and they are just SLOBS!!!!!!! A SLOB!!!!!!! THEY ARE NOTHING BUT SLOBS!!!!!

    I would say this about the people in Buffalo and the rest of the Western New Yorkers. Nothing but a bunch of SLOBS!!!!!! FUCK THOSE Sloppy Bastards!!!!!!!!!

    Now the real culture is in the area where I live is the NYC and the Tri-State Area which also includes Westchester, Rockland, Long Island, North New Jersey, and Fairfield County Connicuticut. YOu have fine Latinas (Puerto Ricians, Domicians, Some South Americans, Asians, Black Carribians, Black Americans, Fine White Ladies like Italians, some Polish, Irish, Greek, and the rest of the flavors. Also, don’t sleep on Philadelphia even though some parts are a rough city, that town is still fun. DC is good to along with Boston. So the east coast is the spot but some if it is pricy like NYC or DC but the rest like Philly and Baltimore may be the spot. But I would take that and Florida and U of F grad school over Ohio State and the Bucky Bafoons any day.

    Nuff Said.

  6. To Earthepearl: I was just wondering how was the part of Ohio when the Bucky the Unlucky Eye’s did when they got their asses whiped by Florida. Did they riot, or did they act like it was a funeral or did they just get pissed and take it out on people that didn’t care about OSU? I’m just wondering becuase since they love their OSU football I was glad that Florida Won!!!!! The reason why is becuase they were disrespected in the media and also becuase University of Florida (from my previous post) has fine looking ladies there. In fact central and south florida has fine ladies. But you need game. And if you want to improve yourgame then you can Google David DeAngelo. His products are good for everyone on this board. And again don’t take advise from the SLOBS of OHIO or Western New York on the dating game. And say to the folks of OHIO that they are a bunch of slobs and the Buckeyes choked and got too stuffed on the 50 day layoff at Long Horn and Applebees and Buffalo Wild Wings while sailing at the Flats in C-Town 😀

  7. One last thing to all you bumble farts in Ohio. On the sports talk radio station in New York called WFAN in the show Mike (Mike Francessia) and the Maddog (a.k.a. Chris Russo), they just spilled the beans about your team ‘THE Ohio State’ Bucky the Unlucky Eye’s. Your offensive lineman gained 50 pounds during the 50 day layoff between the Michigan game and the National Championship Game Florida. My guess is he went back to his Ohio lifestyle of being a fat sack of crap while farting in his home barn there 😀 Or he went to Longhorn, Buffalo Wild Wings, Applebee’s, the Waffle House, and Chillis along with White Castle, Hardees, and McDonalds while watching the movie Super Size Me 😀 Then your star wide revciver Tom Ginn decided to sit the rest of the game due to an ankle sprain and to not mess up his NFL Draft status(or his so called ticket to the real world) “REAL WORLD”. It just goes to show you that your GODS don’t care so why should you farts care too. And I don’t blame Tom Ginn for not wanting to mess it up becuase if he is wise he better take advantage of going to New York, or Philly or San Francisco instead of wasting time in Bumblef^ck Ohio. So there goes your perfect narrowminded little world you SLOPPY NARROWMINDED OHIO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! SPORTS ISN’T THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! GET A REAL LIFE BUMBLEF#CKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *This is not intended for the folks that are open minded in Ohio and that would include Earlthepearl and Jerod and the others on the form from Ohio who either are trying to leave or are open minded people. So if I offended anyone here that is open minded and is from Ohio then I am sorry. This message is towards the ignorant and stupid people that refuse to change and make others misrable that happen to be open minded.

  8. lol Westwood, couldnt have said it better…. It was insane how sad and depressed people were just after the Bucks had their asses handed to them.

    I could care less about it, but like you say, its such a big thing here that its impossible to avoid it. It is also impossible to carry an intelligent conversation on with most here.


  9. You, on wikipedia there was once a war between Michigan and Ohio for the ownership of Toledo. Guess who lost.

  10. Ohio sucks? LOL I have lived in 8 states in 20 yrs and find that a place is as good as you make it…. I also understand that if you were born and rasied in this backwards W loving state, then I guess it makes sense to hate yourself and where you come from…

    BTW, being from New York and having lived in NYC for 8 years while in grad school and working on wall $treet, I came to figure out that NYC sucks also… but then again, by the looks of the comments and the locations being named in these rants, I bet that none of you have ever lived in any of these other “wonderful” places either… ex (NYC, Washington DC, Atlanta, Charlotte, Minneapolis)


    Loving the good life in a $1MM golf course home here in CBUS
    (but having the ability to leave when the mode strikes!)

  11. Is Tartan fields still selling at what it was in ’04? Not so sure I’d be bragging about that “New Yorker”.

  12. To Jerold,

    Ok, Jerold I get the picture about Toledo. We have the opposite problem in Columbus. We just knock shit down here and nobody complains.

    Our finest hour was when we knocked down our train station . It was built by Daniel H. Burnham who was one of the premier American architects. It didn’t stop them though. In 1976 the shithead-powers-that-be tore it down the night before preservationists could file a restraining order. I’m sure they were very proud of themselves.

    The demolition continued until a restraining order was put through. Only 1 arch was saved. They stuck it in our “Arena district” – sort of a tombstone.


    After: “Brilliant!

    …and 50 years later we put up a fake train station facade where the real one used to be. Now you can’t get a train unless you drive to Cleveland. I call that progress!

  13. Earlthepearl,

    Wow, I didn’t know that about Columbus. I never really been there, either. I’m somewhat afraid to venture deeper into the state because I hear that it is a big speed trap. Not to mention, the people are just plain scary. I thought that Columbus would have a better sense of upward mobility than that. If you ask the average Toledoan about Columbus, they describe it as the “Mecca of Ohio”. I wouldn’t doubt that it is, I mean…what other city in Ohio is prospering as well as Columbus? Cleveland is pegged the “Poorest City in the U.S.”, Cincinnati is pretty much Kentucky North, Youngstown is an old steel town that is really struggling, and if you wipe your a$$ with the northwest part of an Ohio map you’ll have Toledo…I guess Columbus is the lesser evil of the Ohio spawn. Well, thanks for the insight on Columbus. That officially kills Ohio for me.

  14. Earlthepearl and Jerold:

    How was your area after the unluckey buckys lost in the National Championship game against Florida. Are they still moping and crying over it like a funeral or what 😀 Just curious.

  15. Hell, I don’t know. I’m not a Buckeye fan. They just throw their trash all over the place and make it hard to park. F’ckin loud obnoxious tourists IMHO.

  16. Hey Westwood,

    Toledo was pretty down-hearted about the loss. You’d have thought that time had went back to the day that John Lennon died. (God rest his soul)

    The funny part was on the Sunday following the defeat. The pastor at my church, to add insult to Buckeye injury, wore a Florida sweater, Florida had, and got on the stage after his sermon and danced and did the “Gator Chomp”. And that’s not even the funny part. The funny part was when the audience LITERALLY got angry at him, some even cried. TRUE STORY!!!

  17. Hey Westwood,

    Toledo was pretty down-hearted about the loss. You’d have thought that time had went back to the day that John Lennon died. (God rest his soul)

    The funny part was on the Sunday following the defeat. The pastor at my church, to add insult to Buckeye injury, wore a Florida sweater, Florida hat, and got on the stage after his sermon and danced and did the “Gator Chomp”. And that’s not even the funny part. The funny part was when the audience LITERALLY got angry at him, some even cried. TRUE STORY!!!

  18. Hey, I googled “Ohio Sucks” and guess what, you have the number one result. Good Job. Of course, I was sulking, googled that term and proceeded to read all of these posts.

    I am from Ohio, born in Cleveland, raised in Brunswick and Mansfield. I moved from Ohio when I was 28. I graduated from Franklin U. in Columbus. Owned a business in Ohio. My family still lives there. And I could not agree more, Ohio does suck.

    For all of the reason mentioned above, Ohio sucks. Anyone who defends Ohio is obviously jealous or ignorant. I grew up a lifelong Browns fan, and I have renounced my love for the team, as well as the Indians. My experience in Columbus is that it is full of either rednecks or mid-western snobs, you know, the kind that move in to Columbus from some small hick town in the midwest and once they get to Columbus they feel they are “cultured” and “urban,” but as we all know here Columbus is a cow town, with nothing but strip malls and a dead city. The arts in Columbus are half assed at best, as Clevelands arts of national caliber and one of the only things going for this old city.

    Most people live in Ohio because their parents moved there, or their grandparents moved there and they have been too unimaginative to move away. Most of my friends that live there have painfully lame jobs and there is little opportunity for them. The housing market sucks because frankly, no on wants to live there. Cheap houses = No Jobs

    I too feel the people in Ohio are purely negative, unsuccessful, ignorant and uneducated. I think most people there have this sinicle white christian attitude toward the world. I would tell anyone thinking of moving there, that unless you have an excellent, and I mean very good job lined up before you go, defintely stear clear of Ohio. Once I got my degree, I moved to NYC and began working in a great job. My life has never been better since I left Ohio three years ago. I think I will avoid ever going back.

  19. You guys, man it’s so funny I used to really hate Ohio. I moved here from coastal n.j. where i was a freaking beach lifeguard and college student when I left. I hated it here so bad when i first got here. Like, really hated it. Anyway after a few years of misery and comparing things to how they were in nj..and a few other east coast beach towns where i lived, I began to realize that all the stuff i missed was gone anyway…examples..cool friends?..all married or addicted to drugs or just plane turned into assholes i wouldnt hang out with anyway..the beach? cool as fuck but i have other hobbies now…NYC ? over priced and full of fucking pansies who think 9-11 was their OWN personal fucking tragedy and will tell you how sad they were whenever they are looking for a tip. before you call me a pussy i was station at coast guard station nyc in staten island up until 2-01 so i lost a few firefighter friends in the tragedy. As for these people who tell you that nyc is full of fucking jobs they are full of shit. It is the MOST over saturated job market on the east coast and you are lucky if you can find a job selling shit on the street. As for the other places that people have said are so fucking “awesome” …yea really? do you live there? and if you do and its so fucking greast why are you on the internet googling “ohio sucks” ill tell you why its because you are a fucking pussy with no friends in your “new great town”. Its your attitude that determines how things are going to go for you wherever you are. I have a great fiance, a decent job, a couple good friends (thats all you need) I have a brand new 2007 jeep wrangler plus my old truck , my fiance has a brand new car and we are looking at buying a farm with 15 acres. So go you fucking pussies, go to all these expensive towns and take your gay “everyone owes me something” attitudes with you. OH yea and dont forget mommy and daddies check book to finace your pathetic attempt at higher education. fags.

  20. Gosh Steve. You really love Ohio don’t you? We better make way for big bad old Steve’O. He might run us over with his big angry 07 Jeep. You sound an awful lot like the last loser from NYC who bragged about his 1MM golf condo on here.

    Oh and by the way I got my degree from OSU over a decade ago with my own g’damn money so don’t be talking about higher education to me you freakin moron.

    If you love it so much then stay but don’t tell me where i’m supposed to live.

  21. Steve Quotes;

    “Anyway after a few years of misery and comparing things to how they were in nj” hahahah jesus stop it man, this is too funny, do you have any more new jersey home sickness you can talk about, the office isnt on for another 24hrs.

    “before you call me a pussy i was station at coast guard station nyc in staten island” steve, you are a pussy, you were in the coast guard.

    “Its your attitude that determines how things are going to go for you wherever you are” this should be the Ohio quote, I heard this from a lot of people in Ohio. Steve, anyone with the least bit of common sense knows this is complete shit.

    “and if you do and its so fucking greast why are you on the internet googling “ohio sucks”” its actually fun to read about other peoples bad experiences in the buckeye state with steve. Oh, and why are you on here doush bag?

    jeesh, I guess I could say that only doush bags like yourself actually move to ohio for work, and reallly, any doush can have two car payments and a mortgage, especially in Ohio where you dont really need much to get approved for a high interest loan because ohio ranks near the bottom as the least financialy fit state. Oh yeah, the coast guard thing, you rode around the bay in an inflatable raft and washed boats for two years, whoa, your a real hero now right! did you get a swimming merit badge for that too buddy?

    again, to clearly point out, doush bags like this like Ohio and move there, all the more reason why Ohio sucks and the real estate is cheap. This guy is clearly a retard and one your typical neighbors in ohio. I paid for college out of my own pocket, and nyc is a great city with great people, and yes, 9/11 hit this city the worst so please forgive us as we lay all that guilt on you. At least I am not stuck in Ohio where doush bags like steve fart around and can feel all proud about their brand new trucks that the bank owns.

  22. To Chris:

    That’s right you endorse NYC area where I live. I am from Westchster County and there it is nice and cultured as well. And the great thing is that I can go to Manhatten and enjoy the day and nightlife there as well. Now Chris you should call that Steve and New Yorker (not a buckey fan) but a buckey c#ck sucker traitors and newly bumble fu&ks. Anyway, I visited Akron, OH this past summer and I visited Canton for the Pro Football Hall of fame induction cerimonies and Harry Carson #53 of the Giants was inducted. But after that weekend I was just amazed at the amount of restaurants they have there in Ohio. I was also amazed of just how dead it was too, and a bit dissapointed about The Flats in C-Town. And after reading this and reviewing my trip to Akron, OH I said I can’t do this. Too stale and narrowminded and dead for me. I need to seek the fine ladies, culture, and other stuff on the east coast. Particulary in the New York Tri-State Area. Home of my Mets(lost in the NLCS), Giants (Eliminated in the wild card game), Knicks (not doing great), and Rangers (doing OK), but not obsessed with it. I have other things to do like the ladies, restaurants, goign to art shows, nightclubs with young professionals, maybe concerts on the lawn in Central Park where more nice looking ladies are. Only downside is it’s expensive, but you get a lot of life there. Now with Steve’s comments of “Its your attitude that determines how things are going to go for you wherever you are” only applies to areas with CULTURE AND LIFE AND INTELLENGENT PEOPLE AND A GREAT ECONOMY!!!!! It does not carry weight in Ohio where the oppertunities aren’t good so your argument is void Steve and Ex NYC Fake traitors.

    Nuff Said.

  23. thanks Westwood, you live here, you know that new york is full of great things to do and the capital of beautiful women. If your a single guy you better get here, there is no other place where so many gorgeous woman live in one place. Thus… adding to the quality of life. Have you seen the woman in Ohio? By the time they are 25 they are…married, overwieght, have short cropped weird haircuts, uneducated, and I did I forget overweight? And by the time they are 35 they look like they are in their 60’s, and dress like it too. Or they just love the Buckeyes and Indians and have nothing else in their boring lives to look forward too. Once you leave Ohio at first its weird because everyone your surrounded by are not obsessed with sports, then you realize, oh, this is what the rest of the world is like and there are other things to look forward too after work.

  24. Westwood,

    Hey man, what is the job market like around where you live? I’m scouting cities to live, and NYC was sweet when I went. I loved it, but it is way too pricey. You know of somewhere that is close and still easy on the pockets? What is the job market like that way? I’m curious. I went to Cleveland, and got out of the car this time. Man, I was so disappointed. From the expressway, Cleveland looks like it could potentially be a little sister city to Chicago. However, when I got off the exit and actually explored the city and talked to some of the natives…whoa. That’s really all I can say. The mentality of Cleveland, in my opinion comes by as somewhat similar to Toledo in the sense that no one is enthusiastic about anything there. Very apathetic and detatched from everything other than sports and drinking. I was somewhat let down, because like I said, it looked like it could be a thriving metropolis. It turns out that it’s just a big Toledo. Still more going for it, but the atomosphere is the same. I know that Cleveland achieved the coveted “Poorest City in America” title this year, and when you go into the greater part of the city proper…you can definately see why. Ohio is definately on a downslide. Oh yeah, Chris is right about Ohio women. These are really some of the weirdest, hagged-out females I’ve ever seen in my life. ALL of them have kids by the time they are 21, and they have a really messed up mentality. At least LA women keep their looks up. These women are very afraid of the gym. The conversation with them is very limited and one-sided. Enlighten me to the “Jewel of the East Coast”. How is life in the fast paced NYC setting?

  25. Jerold:

    NYC is pricy but there are some parts that are decent in price. I would recommend looking at move.com and check some listings out there. Or I would check newsday.com also. I would check in areas of maybe the bourgh of Queens, or check out Long Island Nassau County. Because Manhatten is expensive.

    But trust me it is well worth it. That area has a ton of stuff to do and a ton of choices. You could have a choce of going to the nightclubs and dancing. Check out http://www.websterhall.com or check out a guess list called http://www.ericvirgil.com about clubs in the NYC area. Or there are great bars for fun. Also, you can go to lounges, or check out cultural events, book signings, walk in central park (in the daytime) drive to the malls outside of the city with great quality. Or my favorate event is checking out the Puerto Rician Day Parade or check out the Amature Night at the Apollo in Harlem, or check out Theater in Lincion Center or on Broadway play and musical. Outside of the city to Check out are Westchester County and Rockland County and Fairfield County Connecticut north of NYC. Check out Long Island east of Queens. Check out New Jersey Bergan County, Passiac County, Union County and Essaxs County(northern part) west of the city. Pleanty of stuff to do. Or you can resort to being a bumblef*ck rooting for either Ohio State or be a Giants fan all day long (if you wanted to act a fool) 😀

    As for the job market it is good. I would say if you are in technology they are looking for engineers. The pay could start at $50,000 to 70,000.

    Only down side is it isn’t like the 1980’s where Time Square was the red light district. That got cleaned up by Rudy Guilani back in 1994-1996 and it has been sent to the Long Island City section of Queens and a few outer bourghs all scattered about.

    Now to your view of Ohio in terms of quality of ladies well, I didn’t see too much. I only went to a place in the Flats called Rock Brewery Pub and only saw the waitress and she did look good. Then the rest of the time I saw some ladies that looked like they were old people. The only other time I saw nice looking ladies was when I was at a gas station near my friends house in Akron. I only saw one nice looking lady there. Other than that I really couldn’t tell you how I viewed the quality of ladies there. But if it is as bad as you say it is in Ohio (particulary Toledo or when you visited Cleveland), then all you need to do is maybe make a pit stop in Erie, PA and then my old stomping ground of where I went to school in Buffalo, NY to just show you that it is all hell, mutated looking lady hell. Buf if you want to visit it then do so at your own will and caution eat the wings of La Nova and head accross the boarder to Canada (with your passport of course). But all kidding asside I would look into NYC period for the real life. And get that resume and job arranged so you can get that job in the NYC that is good and you can live. Good and great luck to you and escape those fat SLOBS OF OHIO!!!!!!!!

  26. I forgot to mention the West Indian Day Parade and the St. Patricks day Parade, allong with the New York Auto Show, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade allong with going shoping in the city in the section called SoHo where there are more fine looking ladies and great clothing styles as well. So enjoy another visit to NYC and ignore Ohio

  27. Oh and Jerold:

    I would suggest living in Queens near a subway line becuae that way you don’t have to depend on a car as much. And other cultural events would be concerts in Central Park or The Natural Musuam of Natural History or the American Musuam of Modern Art. Carnigeie Hall, and checking out the New York Stock Exchange. The only thing fast paced is that there are soo many things to do and things and people to see its good. Much better than where I went to school which was Buffalo.

  28. To Chris

    Sorry I didn’t reply earlier but I have been busy with work. Anyway, New York is the best place and I wouldn’t want to leave it. So much stuff to do. And for me even though I live out side of the city in Westchester County, I have an option of staying in my local area or going down to the city. Even ladies in the NYC suburbs are fine as hell to. And it may cost less to get into clubs. And in the city there are events as well like speed dating where you will meet quality. Unlike the visit I had in Ohio unless you are in college. I use to go to school in Buffalo and that town sucked the big one.

    One thing that made me laugh was this clown who was trying to say there are plenty of things to do in cleveland. I had to laugh because when I went to the Flats in this past August 2006 I saw that it was just dead. When I went back in in 2000 there was a lot of life going on but from what I heard people drowned in the Cyahoga River and the city shut the Bars down in the Flats and moved everything to the Warehouse District. Here is this clowns website http://www.flamingmailbox.com/borger/blog/2006/02/well-its-been-interesting-past-couple and how he promotes a good time with a website called coolcleveland.com. What a mess this fellow on this blog is. He must be smoking that crack pipe allong with his angle dust 😀 Anyway, I know your a Browns fan but I am a Giants fan but both of our teams are not in the Superbowl, maybe next year. But we don’t have to be surrounded by a bunch of fantasy league SLOBS Anyway, keep promoting NYC and the radio stations of Hot 97.1, 98.7 Kiss FM, Z100(100.3)FM, 103.5 KTU, 107.5 WBLS, Power 105.1 FM, La Mega 97.9 FM, and La Keae 105.9 FM and 92.7 K Rock and they all play the newest and latest music for Hip Hop, Reggae, Reggaeton, Rock, and all the good stuff.

    Nuff Said

  29. Hey Westwood,

    NYC sounds hot, I might start looking that way as well. I have an IT Certification, but there are no jobs up this way for that. I also have engineering experience from the military, so I think I’ll be good. I’m looking to move in August/September. I can’t wait to get the hell out of hell. Toledo is really just a nowhere town. Just a lot of hopelessness and depression. From what I saw in Cleveland, and what I read about in this blog, the rest of Ohio is nothing but a wasteland. I hate that I ever moved here. I’d advise anyone who is considering moving to Toledo to strongly reconsider. The city is very much dying. I would even go to the extent to say that Toledo, Ohio is, in a few ways, broken beyond repair. I don’t think that even the right mayor could turn Toledo around. The depression and hopeless mentality is so engrained in the city, that it is almost impossible to change it. As for the nightlife, there is none. I’m a single guy, age 26…trust me. The women around here are as plentiful as the jobs. The nightclubs are nothing but rat-hole bars with music in them. Unless you like your women ghetto, hagged out, classless, clueless, goaless, hopeless, uncultured, narrow-minded, unattractive, and with a lot of kids by different men at age 24, Toledo is really not worth looking at. Thanks again to Westwood. I’ll look that way. To all who defend Ohio, please take a trip somewhere outside the state before you bash this blog.

  30. Jerold – get out of Ohio, seriously, save up some money get out. 26 and single, dude you dont know what you are missing. And dont let any of the nay sayers talk you out of it, I live and work in Manhattan and there are plenty of jobs, especially in IT. I am surrounded by beautiful single women, walking down the street gives you a neck ache.

    Westwood, you know what you are talking about man. Ohio was actually looking pretty good through the 90’s, my construction business was going strong and I had a pretty good life. Once 911 hit, the state never recovered and the jobs kept leaving in droves. Then you bring in the doush Gov Taft who raised all sorts of taxes and left under corruption. With all the job loss I think the state as a whole has gotten more and more redneck.

    Cleveland was once an awesome city. There was nothing like seeing Pink Floyd at Cleveland Stadium, going to concerts at the Agora and Peabodys, the sports. The flats actually(late’80’s-mid90’s) used to be awesome, packed every weekend, lots of girls, great bars.clubs. But with the economy the whole state has gone to shit, enter the red necks. I commend those who stay there and stick it out, but I dont see it getting much better any time soon.

  31. oh yeah, Jerold. Manhattan can be done, you have to get creative tho. It would be easy for you to find an apt. share for $1500/month, meaning, you would share a 2bed/2bath with someone. If you dont like that you can live uptown(above 72nd st), and find studios and one bedrooms that start around $1300/month. For a bachelor, this is heaven.(I am not joking)

    Brooklyn is a great place to live, if you work in Manhattan. Great apartments, way cheaper than Manhattan, and yes, lots of cool single women. Hoboken is another great place right across from Manhattan with cheaper rents. Just like Westwood 1 said, Queens is awesome. Astoria Queens is a good cheap place to live with lots to do. These places have apts. starting around $1000/month.

    You might think it is expensive, but you do pay for quality of life. Good job, great place, these places generally cost more. You just have to ask yourself if life is long enough to waste your time in a shit hole. I did that when I left Ohio. You will make more money and have a great job, and your resume with put you in a whole new job class. Good luck.

  32. Yesterday was the Super Bowl and for one day and one day only the entire U.S. including the NYC area became like the state of Ohio for a day. Everyone all hyped up for a football game. Real fun for me being a bumblef*ck for a day 😀 Well Congrads to the Colts but the game was just bland with the tons of comercials and the moonsoon in Miami during the halftime show.

    Anyway, the Super Bowl party was good as the folks I spoke with talked about parts of the game and all other stuff in life. I bet Ohio folks said everything reminded them of either the Browns or the Unluckey Buck eye’s 😀

    But Chirs is right, and NYC is the place to be and here and here is an example with the nightclubs. Check this out below:

    1. http://www.ericvirgil.com This is a guestlist to some nightclubs. The club names are
    1. Sol-West 29th Street and 11th Avenue
    2. Lotus-Meat Packing area West 14th Street and 9th Ave
    3. Providence-West 57th and 6th Avenue
    4. Strata-Broadway and West 21st Street
    2. Next is the http://www.velvetlist.com and another guest list to the clubs as well.
    3. Bars which are good are
    1. Suttonplacenyc.com Sutton Place on East 54th and 2nd Ave
    2. Opel-same area as Sutton Place
    3. Redemption in the same area as Sutton Place
    4. Check out SoHo and the lounges below
    1. Madam X-www.madamx.com on LaGuardia Place and West Houston Street.
    2. Libation on Spring Street.
    5. A good club is also is http://www.websterhall.com (Webster Hall) on East 11th street and 3rd Ave
    There are also bars in that area too called Bar none nearby and a couple of other bars which are full of life.
    6. check out http://www.chinaclubnyc.com The China Club on
    7. Or check out the Shadow Night club (a review http://www.nightclubnycguide.com/shadownightclubnyc.html on 7th Ave and West 28th Street
    8. L.Q’s Latin Quarter fine ladies there as well East 48th Street and Lexington Ave.

    But check out those two sites for the guestlists for discounted rates.

    But for living conditions do check out Brooklyn like Williamsburg section or Uptown past 72nd street or check out the suburbs as well like Chris said. Anyway hope this helps and reply back if you have any questions

  33. Chris: I was just curious again if you knew what exactly happened to the Cleveland Flats after Febuary 2000. We went to a slew of bars and then we went to a club called Mirage in the Flats. It seemed pretty good at the time. But again when I went this past summer while visiting a friend in Akron and seeing the Pro Football Hall of Fame Ceremonies in Canton, I saw that the Flats were dead and the only thing around was the Rock Brewery Pub. It was OK but that seemed to be it. When we left I saw that the Warehouse district was going well, but since I had a sinus problems while driving through Pennsylvania and being in Ohio during that Heatwave in NYC to Ohio I wasn’t feeling good going to that place. So oh well.

    Anyway, enough of Ohio banter and on to the real matter. I just wanted to ask you where are your favorate spots in the city to go to. Do you go to clubs or bars. I do some of those but the real great stuff is the social networking functions to meet the ladies. I do those quite a bit becuase sometimes as well. Just curious?

  34. Hey Westwood/Chris,

    I’ll definately go out for a visit soon. I usually go to Detroit to club. The D is pretty cool to chill in and have a good time. It has TONS of clubs, social networking events, concerts, etc. It’s where all the people who moved to Toledo from other places go to have fun. There are a lot of nice clubs and bars to go to. Thanx for the link. That place looks like one of the places I go to in downtown Detroit. It’s called Centaur Bar…


    There’s also Bleu, X/S, Times Square Detroit, and Envy. Bleu is probably one of my favorites.


    The only club that Toledo does have, and it’s pretty good, is Syn. It is okay. Detroit is my spot on the weekends. Ann Arbor is also jumping. Oh yeah, check out Elysium’s site as well…


    Very nice place to chill. Let me know what you think. I know it ain’t NYC, but they are nice clubs if you ever do have to be in the D.

  35. I am sure once upon a time this may have been a nice place to live…but not anymore. This is the armpit of the universe. It is a Gestapo state, filled with more than it’s fair share of small minded thinking.
    There is no natural beauty and the middle class is disappearing along with all the manufacturing jobs.
    Hence the little hamlets are now cash strapped and so the local cops have to make up the deficit. Now it would be ignorant and infantile to say that all cops lie, but I will say my experience has not exactly been in their favor.
    I was recently pulled over on a Sunday driving home from church in Bay Village Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland) with my wife along with my 5 month old 2 and 1/2 year old and 4 and 1/2 year old daughters. I was NOT speeding, I was in a brand new van and totally cognizant of my precious cargo and surroundings.
    A quaint back road, the cop was coming towards me from the opposite direction when he pulls a u-turn upon passing me. I was congenial and he was rude. I aksed to see the read out and was told he didn’t have to show it to me. He told me I had 4 speeding tickets on my record…another lie (I haven’t had one in 5 years) I told him that was false. I asked to see that information and when and where the alleged tickets came from. He said he didn’t know the dates, only that Columbus has provided them that information.

    Again. This place is god ugly the lying cops are like the gestapo. He gave me a speeding ticked on a made up charge and left.
    With an incredibly lousy housing market ,(Ohio has been depreciating for the past 7 years ) There was never a spike here for a bubble to burst. It’s just been good money over bad.

    I am done. I am putting the house up for sale. I will take my loss and move to another state without all the small mindedness that I continue to experience. They wonder why Ohio’s population continues to dwindle.

  36. Thanks for clarifying that for us “leaveohionow”. Do NOT buy real estate in Ohio. It is not an investment. It is a waste of years of your life and money.

    Buy an RV and move!

  37. hey Westwood, just got back from a ski trip to Vermont. Great snow up there, about a 4 hour drive and a lot of fun. Aside from running up to Vermont for some quick ski trips, in the city I generally stick to the music bars/clubs. Tonic, The Stone, Mercury Lounge, Bowery Ballroom, North Six, Knitting Factory, Irving Plaza, Cake Shop and places like that. Just to go out I like th Third & Long, Gaslight and various other fine drinking establishments.

  38. If you think ohio is bad try Texas or mississippi. Try living in a place where you cant even feel like you can leave your home the hate is so intense. White suberbans will always have something hateful to say about a mediocre place like Ohio, but the fact is that people like you are the only thing thats wrong about this state. My friends in Ohio have always been helpfull and suportive. I am glad to live here and call it home. Please check your egos and try not to be so hateful.

  39. “Try living in a place where you cant even feel like you can leave your home the hate is so intense.”

    I do live in a place where I feel like I can’t leave my home because the hate is so intense. I live in Toledo, OHIO. Texas doesn’t have a dying job economy. To be quite honest with you, I think Ohio is a lot more racist than both Mississippi and Texas. At least the white people there with let minorities know up front that they don’t like them. Ohio rednecks are the type that will befriend someone they know damn well they have hate for. Plus, Texas is more culturally diverse than Ohio. I’ve been to Texas many times and find it to be a very beautiful, scenic state. Ohio can’t boast scenic beauty or cultural diversity. Well, let’s see…
    there’s Lake Erie (a brownish color with that hint of gas station toilet aroma), then the Ohio Triplets(Cleveland, Cincy, and Toledo.) offer all sorts of cultural diverse areas(just make sure ya ain’t black or mexican), and of course the charming Ohioans who are very open-minded and conversational (just make sure that they’ve known you their whole life, and you’ll be fine.) Get real, Ohio’s a joke.

  40. Ohio is a joke just look at the criminal codes that seem to favor the criminals and if you dare to criticize the police in Ohio you are labled a dirtbag by these upstanding citizens. I agree with Jerold Ohio bigots are a hoot they say they hate blacks but not only do they listen to black music, talk in ebonics, and dress like fugatives from Yo MTV Raps when I lived in Norwood one bar that I use to frequent the regulars would say the word nigger on a regular bases and wern’t afraid to show their bigotory but they talk black, play hip hop on the juke box to which their big butt girlfriends dance to. People in Ohio do tend to be two faced and a tad bit on the fair weather side they are your buddies one minute then turn on you the next expecially in Norwood those people are the worst when things are doing good and you have extra money these people are the best friends you think you have but once you fall on hard times or fall out of grace with one of their friends they treat you like the plague. There was a poll done by a local news show in Cincinnati in 1993 asking women what are the main qualities they look for in a man the number one answer was income in other words love and compatability take a back seat to having a six figure income and they wonder why Ohio women have a bad reputation for being whores.

  41. I don’ t know what to say about the women here. They are nothing to bring home to moms. All of them have 4 kids by different men by the time they are 25. Not to mention, conversation with one of these ladies is about as deep as a puddle of piss in Arizona on a hot day. All the females here look like a bunch of walking, talking cigarette burns. They are disgusting. Toledo women are a bunch of drunks. I’ve never met a woman who loved to drink herself to the point of nausea and amnesia until I met a female Toledoan. Life seriously begins at 40 for these lovelies, because that is about the only single life you are gonna get in Toledo. All of the single women are 40, divorced (some twice or more), about 5 kids on them, bitter, and hagged out. You better not tell them that, though. To these eligible “born-again bachelorettes”, 48 is the new 18. It’s “Hags Gone Wild” everybody!!! You gotta come to fabulous Toleda to see it all, ya’ll!!! Yeee Haaaww! Ohio blows!!!

  42. Yeowsha glad i never winded up in Toledo At least the women in Cincy and Norwood for the most part take care of themselves. The thing that always got me was seeing these fat chicks walking around wearing cutoffs, tube tops, and other tight fitting and way to revealing outfits that common sense would say are you really gonna go out looking like that. The women in Norwood are something else if you are a fairly attractive single man, clean, no criminal record, make an effort to look good when you go out and a nice guy you are declared community property in other words walk into a bar with your girlfriend or hook up with a pretty girl and depending on what bar you are at and how many locals desire you two to five women will try to intimedate her and the funny part about this is any other time if you are there alone they seldom associate with you unless they are drunk or horny. The single scene mostly consists of the following the typical middleaged divorcee, the college girl looking for a place to stay, the barflies, the chick who had a fight with their old man and was kicked out, and the over the hill party girl looking for a place to crash in other words when dating in Ohio don’t even think about having an intelligent conversation you may find one you can relate to but mostly you are better off just cutting to the sex.

  43. My wife and I moved to Findlay, Oh 1 yr ago now. It is the 23rd place that we have lived in the United States. IT SUCKS. I can say that comparing it to alot too, not only have I lived in 23 places I have spent time in every one of the lower 48 and it is now my opinion that we would be better off just giving this state to Canada. That is, if they will have it. I hope that everyone thinking of moving here goes to get professional help somewhere. Go somewhere south, Fl, Al, Ga, hell even Mississippi looks great compared to this state with its cold temps, small crappy houses, and Lake Erie beaches that have signs warning you about the Ecoli present. OHIO SUX

  44. I feel for you guys that want to leave Ohio. The second rush of Bumblefuckeye fever. It looks like Ohio State is going to the Final Four. I feel for you guys Jerold, and earlthepearl. Probably nothing but a bunch of stupid obsessed no life talk about the Bumblefuckeye basketball. I will admit Greg Oden is the real deal but I hope he leaves for greater pastures. But man guys will be enfatuated with that crap. Go Heals not the Bumblefuckeyes.

  45. I am originally from Dayton, but now live in Vegas. Dayton is pretty bad, too. An ethnic group to a Dayton resident is somebody from Kentucky or Tennessee.
    I – 75 is a racial divide (West of it being African American; East of it being Appalachian American). Dayton is just as reliant on the auto industry as Detroit or Flint, so it suffers accordingly.
    Concerning Ohio State fans, I never liked the Buckeyes when I grew up in Ohio. I later lived in Chicago in the 1990 before coming to Vegas and followed Northwestern football when Gary Barnett was coaching there. Comparing Northwestern and Ohio State fans is like comparing apples to oranges. If Northwestern has a losing season, so what and who cares? But if Ohio State HAD A LOSING SEASON, the whole state would experience a hike in murders and suicides like nobody has seen.

    i left Ohio in 1991 and have not gone back too much. My family and my wife’s family are afraid to come out here to Vegas probably because they are scared of a radically different environment and the fact they are so closed minded

  46. First off ohio is an industrialized state, which means factorys,factorys,and more factoy JOBS. That about sums it all up. I’m originaly from dayton ohio and i don’t even know where to start on this one. The weather is POOR absolutly POOR one minute it’s 70 degrees the next its -1 and snowing. The summers here are miserable half of the year is 90% humidity literaly. In ohio there is either the suburbs ( where rich white snobby people live ) or the so called “bad” parts full of either white trash or ignorant black people. Some of the women here have like 9 kids running around with 9 different baby fathers on welfare, and all of the fathers have either been to prison or are in prison. The economy SUCKS ass Theres tax on EVERYTHING you buy. The police here don’t have lifes themselvs so they spend there time pulling over people for no reason and they will make you sit in the car for an hour and then maybe decide to give you a parking ticket ( Seriously ). The scenery is HORRIBLE if you like seeing trees, sidewalks, and raggity cars then this is the place for you. Otherwise if you are an exciting person whom likes to see exciting things let’s just say you might wanna stay away or after maybe a month you’ll be severly depressed. Shopping is horrible here the malls suck. If you don’t live in the suburbs and are rich then your school is most likely screwed up. So if you like doing things repeditly ex: getting up, going to work at a factory job making $6 an hour, coming home going to sleep waking up going back to work then OHIO is for you :). IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS MOVING TO OHIO PLEASE TELL THEM TO RUN AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. can’t wait to move to nyc!! yesss

  47. To Jes: It is a great thing that you are a sell out on Ohio. Becuase when you go to New York you will see real women, not the fat lard asses from that state. I was there back in August for a couple of days and I wasn’t too impressed. I went to Akron to visit a friend where he was working at the Univ of Akron. I wanted to go to the Pro Football Hall of Fame which I did. My favorate player Harry Carson was there getting inducted and that was good. But when I saw Canton and Akron particulary I saw but a ton of restaurnts. Nothing but restaurants. I am like are these people fat or what? And the rest were malls. I even checked the Fair Lawn Mall outside of Akron and I saw Ohio State Buckeyes Club House. I was like what is this? I mean there are pro teams club houses in the mall but I thought the college stuff was on their campus. Check out my previous posts where I describe malls as just ordinary to me as they are everywhere in the New York Tri State Area. But you have to come to NYC so what’s stopping you. Go before you miss on the oppertunity.

    P.S. Don’t get too caught up in the Ohio State fever with Greg Oden. What I mean is don’t be obsessed like the rest of your state folks are.

  48. To Jes…

    I feel you on telling people about Ohio. I wish I would’ve known. I’m on pace to move soon, as well. Around August/September time, God willing. I never been to Dayton, but is sounds a lot like Toledo. You know a city sucks when the mayor orders a “Toledo Pride” sign to be errected on the expressway overpass. I thought that the white trash/snobby hick syndrome was limited to just Toledo, but it appears to have infected the whole state. Buckeye fans are also a big disease around here. The women…haha…Westwood said it all. Good luck to all leaving the buttcrack of America.

  49. Jerold: So what’s good? Chilling or what? How was the adventures in Motown these days? As far as Bumblefuck Toloda I guess going home is the in thing to do? Anyway, is Bumblefuckeye fever back again now that Greg Oden is in the Final Four for Ohio State? I mean Greg Oden is a very good talent but don’t get obsessed with him.

    I just wonder are there any gyms in Toledo like Balies, or World Gym or Golds Gym there? If so then those folks in those towns know how to waste their lives by folks not using the gym 😀 Anyway, is BumbleFuckeye Plague sprouting up again due to the Final Four. Unfortuntally, my team the North Carolina Tar Heals lost to Georgetown. I went to the game at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. Now I don’t want to make this a sports obsession chat but after that I did other things like check out a volenteer networking event two weeks ago and the ladies are fine. Some are from other parts of the country trying to escape the lack of culture. So, you will also meet a lot of transplants as well as New Yorkers. So, really come on down to the Big Apple, or Philadelphia, or DC or ATL or parts of Florida and say rest in piss to Ohio or whatever accents they borrow 😀

    P.S. How is Toledo after Ohio State beat Memphis to go to the Final Four Just curious?

  50. Hey Westwood,

    I’m chillin. I’m just saving money and preparing to move later in the year. I’m definately gonna check out NYC in May. I’ve gotten good job offers from out that way. I’m also looking in Minneapolis. I’m going out that way in May and June as well. I’m very much looking forward to moving out of the Cock-eyed State. I’ve been going up to Detroit to enjoy REAL nightlife. It’s an escape from Toledo. So, you say that Philly and DC are cool as well? I’ve been to both, and liked them. Philly is kinda like Detroit. I think Philly might have a little more culture, though. DC is cool. As for the Final Four, my bracket fell apart from the opening round. I had UNC going all the way this year. I liked Hansborough. Greg Oden is a phenom in my opinion, and he should go pro. Of course, Toledo is riding the Buckeye Cock. They believe OSU will beat Georgetown. I hope they do win, because if Florida wins and beats OSU in the Finals…I can bask in the funny fact that Florida OFFICIALLY owns OSU. They will have beaten them in football and basketball. I’m definately checking out the East Coast and West Coast… anywhere away from this event horizon. I can’t wait to leave.

  51. Well the bumblefucks worst nightmare came true. Well partly. It was Ohio State against Florida in the National Championship Game in January and Florida made OSU their bitch. IT IS THE REMATCH OF THE BCS GAME!!!!!!!!!! This is the sequal Bumblefuckeye fans and this time it will get worse and gory (excuse the spelling), like a Jason or a Freddy Kruger flick 😀 And to add insult to injury Ohio State in the regular season in basketball beat Well guess what, I think the same will happen again. Go Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beat the bumblefuckeyes 😀 FUCK YOU OHIO!!!!!!

  52. Go Gators!!! They are the last hope to cure the disease that’s know as “BUCKEYE FANS”!!! And if they do win, I hope they find a map of Toledo…show it to the camera, then wipe all of their asses with it. Death to ALL Buckeye fans!!!

  53. I just saw the pregame to the Final Four’s Championship game between the Florida Gator Cheerleaders and band and the Ohio State Bumblefuckeye Cheerleaders and band. Both the ladies were fine. But the Florida ones were finer slightly as well. Now, that being said the Ohio State Cheerleaders who are fine better come down to New York after they graduate or else they will become big and fat and nasty in 2 years. In other words Go Gators and beat the Bumblefucks again 😀

  54. To Jerold:

    You got that right. Go Gators again. In fact back in 1998 I did an internship at NASA Kennedy Space Center and I got a chance to drive to Gainsville, FL. When I went to Univ of Florida well the ladies in the summer session there were smoking hot!!!! Not the weather hot but just fine as hell. Again, Go Gators and I hope central Florida and parts of South Florida leaders get a chance to Annex Ohio and make it more desirable. BTW Central Florida and South Florida has a lot of snow birds and a lot come from New York, Chicago, Toronto ON Canada, which has fine ladies. No disrespect to the open minded folks in Ohio and to the people that attend Ohio State that aren’t obsessed with the “Buckeyes”, this goes to the Bumblefucks that rule that whole state. So Go Gators and nuke and destroy the Bumblefuckeyes 😀 😉

  55. Cleveland is the next Youngstown

    Yes, Ohio Sucks.


    7 month winters. The city proper(Cleveland) has become one large ghetto. Crime, drugs, and the majority asking for another “government program”

    Residents and Visitors Taxed to Death.

    Businesses leaving right and left. Also Taxed to Death!

    Brain Drain. The talent goes elsewhere. I know I did.

    Mayor Frank Jackson is so proud of his city that he wants to pass it on regionally. So those Solon, Pepper Pike and Westlake suburbanites with homes valued in the high 6 figures can look forward to your real estate values plummeting. Oh that’s right. There are so many homes in the high 6 and low 7 figures for sale that there is more than a 3 year inventory on hand. Does that mean that those who know have already put up the “For Sale” sign??? They’re not just moving to Geauga or Medina County, the real money is leaving Ohio!

    Then at the Congressional level these intellectual nimrods continue to re-elect Dennis Kucinich. The Don Quixote of Congress. He runs for President in the last election and gets less than 1% of the vote, while ignoring his district the entire time. What do his constituents do? They re-elect him! He repays them by announcing he will run for President again in 2008! That shows the entire country how foolish these Clevelander’s are. As a result it’s no wonder the rest of the country laughs at Cleveland.

    It’s no wonder they have no support at the Federal level. Their elected officials have alienated everyone that might have been inclined to help.

    Here’s a little known factoid. The Fed’s have relocated the Federal Bankruptcy Court from Youngstown to Cleveland. Well obviously Youngstown ran itself into the ground years ago so there’s nothing left to bankrupt. The Fed’s who are very astute, looked 70 miles West and realized that the “Mistake On The Lake” is the next Youngstown.

    There is one positive! Cleveland has a great Orchestra, but I can see them in Miami so that’s no reason to stay in Cleveland either.

  56. Cleveland sounds like Toledo. You know you live in a redneck, backwards town when the Fire Chief and Police Chief are the SAME guy. I’m not joking!!! You know the mayor is stupid when he considers a drop in petty crimes an improvement, despite a 25% increase in murders. Toledo is a hopeless hole, filled with hillbillies with no sense of upward mobility whatsoever. I can’t wait to move. I’m so glad I didn’t buy a home here. You can’t go one block without seeing a “for sale” sign that’s been sitting in front of the same home for a year. Toledo has the lowest home values next to Detroit. Also, the city is determined to keep the economy in a unionized, manufacturing state…meanwhile, jobs and people are leaving buy the thousands. Living here is like living in a sad movie that has an even more depressing ending. If Toledo were a movie, it’d be called “The Pursuit of Mediocrity”.

  57. Man that is bad. No nightlife in Toledo, and C-Town the endless hood. That really sucks, Like I mentioned in a few posts before I went to Akron and it seemed ordinary to me. There were a ton of restaurants there and that was it. Anyway, it seemed bad there that a couple of weeks ago the Cleveland Indians got snowed out and had to move their home games to Milwaukee :D. It shows that is area mistake on the lake when you can’t get your opening games down pat on time 😀 Should have built a dome C-Town 😉

    Anyway, Gerold:

    How is Toledo recovering after the second whop ass from the Florida Gators 😀 Did the bumblef&ckeye’s and their fans jump off the roofs or did they start bar room brawls and destroy stuff. All I can say is Florida should come and annex Ohio ASAP 😀

    To all:

    How was C-town, Colombus, Cincinnati and the rest of the state when the Florida Gators whopped the Ohio State Buckeyes in the National Championship Basketball Game on April 1st.

    Again maybe Florida with the right leadership could and should annex Ohio 😀 Because now The Flordia Gators is Ohio State’s Bi%ch 😀


  59. Bubbles:

    I was born in Dayton, attended Ohio University, and got the hell out in 1991. It took a lot of guts to not fall into the family trap that most of the residents seem to have.

  60. YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I have potentially landed a job in Minneapolis, MN!!!!! I have my fingers crossed as I go in June to interview for the job. God willing, I’m gonna be leaving Toledo forever!!!!!!! Please, someone…anyone…pray for me that I get this job!!!! I PRAY TO GOD!!! Ohhhh, I want out of here so bad. I feel like life is passing me by, here. I’m too young, and too ambitious to be here and rot my youth away. Please God!!!

  61. Jerold:

    Great attitude!! I hope you get that job in Minneapolis. After I first graduated Ohio U, I tried to live in Ohio (Dayton and Cincinnati) for four years until 1991 and it was a miserable failure. After that, I moved to Chicago where I lived for over ten years and had a great time. Get out of Ohio and you will do the same. Even if you do not get that job in Minneapolis, just pick up and move anyway as a back-up plan. You only live once!


  62. All of us here in Nevada and California are planing to suck the water out of the Great Lakes!

  63. Tim

    Picking up and leaving is an alternative plan, just wanna make sure I have the funds to do it. I do have that as a fail-safe, though. I am just praying and hoping that the cards fall the way that I want them to. Like I said sometime before, Toledo has endless potential…just the people won’t capitalize on it. They are too busy letting an ignorant biggot run their town into the ground, while they crank out the kids and cheer on the buckeyes. I see why all of the graduates from UT leave Toledo. It’s sad. Here’s a link to give you an idea of how bad Toledo is. I think I left it a while back, but here it is for you.


  64. I bet you Ohioans are just drooling at LeBron James and his 48 for the Cleveland Cavs. Well I just think the Spurs will beat them in the Finals. If they can get there 😀

    LeBron should have been a Knick thanks to Charles Dolan the owner, Scott Laden the former General Manager, and Issaih Thomas the current General Manager (great player in his day as point guard with the Detroit Pistons though).

    Overall, I just wish the folks the best if they are trying to move out of Ohio. Because if the sports sucks there is much more stuff there, like fine ladies and it is summer now. So get your finances up and ignore the nay sayers and come on down.

  65. Cleveland is going crazy because LeBron has taken the once hapless Cavs to the finals. Toledo is going crazy because Cleveland is 100 miles away and they love any team that is close and if one of the players has a cousin from here. YeeHaww, Git r done LeeeBron!!! Us and yer cousin are a-rootin fer ya here in Toleda!!! I don’t care who wins, I’m just happy I’m leaving this crap-hole state.

  66. jerold, checked out that msnbc list you sent… telling you from experience, since you are in IT you should seriously consider san francisco and san jose california. To average Ohioans it appears to be “expensive,” but since you are educated and dont work in a gas station or for a government agency you are not an average Ohioan. Full of woman(I know I married a cali girl) and great jobs, definitely check it out, most of the people there are formerly from the mid-west and will never go back!

    With the risk of taking a major kick to the ole nuts on this board, I will say I am rooting for the Cavs 100%. Sure they have not a chance in hell, but at least they have finally made it.

  67. Jerold you need to get out of there and come to New York. Because this time is the Puerto Rician Day Parade and it is packed again with fine ladies, not hags gone wild.

    Here is a sample of what the big apple will look like tomorrow. Well you could always go for next year.


    Well good luck and get out of bumblef$#kville.

  68. Chris: Since you are in NYC you need to go there as well. I think I will skip out this year. Only because I have other stuff to do around the house tomorrow. But yeah you don’t get this in Ohio. NYC is the place.

  69. NYC looks great, I’d love to live there. Like I said before, if the opportunity presents itself…and my money situation can swing it…I’m a New Yorker. Right now, my sure shot is Minneapolis. I’ve been doing interviews out there for a couple weeks now. Minneapolis seems pretty cool. I’d definately be willing to give NYC a try, though. Anything is better than the “Worst Dating City in America”. Toledo is a buttcrack, and I can’t wait to leave.

  70. I have have never wanted anything in my life as much as I want to leave Ohio and never come back. This place is sucking the life out of me and every day I have to stay here my soul withers away a little more.

    Ohio is a hellish pit of ignorance, corruption, and sadness.

    Please, please, please, may some fool buy my shit-ass M/I house so I can flee this damned place.

  71. Ahaaa Ohio Fans. Again folks claim that you are the tough enough and the cream of the crop in sports. You folks make sports your entire life and claim you are better than anyone when you folks are nothing but pure s*@t! in your tackey homes and meaningless jobs while you put other people down who want upward mobility!!!!!! Look what happen to your lowly Cavs. They got swept by a quiet good honest team called the San Antonio Spurs 😀 Now don’t jump off the bridge now 😀 Folks, IT’S ONLY A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I guess it rung a bell but that’s it because you folks see sports as your entire lives while you rot and rot and rot. Again, your teams are everyone’s bitch from the Football Bumblef#$eye’s and Basketball to the Cavs.

    Now I am not trying to make fun of the team (The Cleveland Cavs). I respect LeBron James very much as that team as struggled to get to this level. Congrads to them. And Carlos Boozer should be blamed for one thing. He should have stayed with Cleveland instead of going to the Utah Jazz. Because he could have been the compliment player with LeBron James. All and all great season Cavs and I wish LeBron was a Kincks. Oh well I can thank my narrowminded executives at Madison Square Garden. OK enough of the sports banter.

    No disrespect to the fans or some people of Ohio who are open minded and are trying to leave or stay and keep their open mindedness. I big middle finger to the narrowminded folks of Ohio. I am glad you narrowminded folks got yet another loss in your sports championships because it proves that you are this everyone else’s BITCH (opps I mean Beitch) in sports when you act like you are all that which you are not. And all you narrowminded folks that don’t like this message then you can just kiss my a#$!!!!!!!!

    Nuff Said

    Westwood1 ( a sports fan but has a life and real fun outside of sports and is in shape representing the NYC area)

  72. I felt inclined to leave a remark on here. NW Ohio is a trash heap, and I’m glad I’m leaving. I’ve lived here for a few years in Toledo. Man, let me tell you…this town is a toilet. I can’t believe I ever found my way here. I’ve landed a new career and found new opportunity on the east coast, so I’m leaving here shortly. I never knew that human beings could be so close minded and mean. There are absolutely no jobs in the area, and the mayor doesn’t seem to care. The environment here is real stagnant, and I felt for the past 2 years that my life was stuck in a rut. I had a good job, lived in a neat little pocket of Toledo, and still felt like life was over. No one here knows how to live. They just go to work, eat, and reproduce. This town blows, and I agree with everyone else here. I don’t know much about Columbus, but I’m sure it’s just as bad and redneck as Toledo. To all the young people who just so happen to venture onto this site, all I have to say is this:
    Toledo is a dead end town. The only reasons to stay here is if you(by chance) land a good job that pays more than $7 bucks an hour, or if you have a wife and kids to take care of and need a reasonably cheap city to live in. TOLEDO IS NO PLACE FOR YOUNG, AMBITIOUS PROFESSIONALS!!! You won’t find any ACTUAL friends here. The most you can hope for is a somewhat astute aquaintance. You won’t find a wife/husband here because everyone one here seems to get married right out of high school. Lastly, your career ambititions will die if you don’t leave. You will develop that “lost in stupidity” mentality that Toledo embrasses so much. Do not come/stay here, if you have dreams of doing anything. I’m happy I’m still young enough to not have wasted all of my twenties here.

  73. Hey this is a great website and the fact that you mention ohioi s good. is interesting i see many people posting that ohio is a bad place to live, i don’t think it could be any worst than north Philly
    where i currently reside. I was in ohio July 14th and i seen many properties that were boarded up. They state that the foreclosure rate is really high there. You may say that i am crazy, but i am looking to invest in real estate in cleveland ohio. Perhaps with the many postings on here maybe you could point me in the right direction on which sections to buy in. I was looking at cuyahoga county. Investor in need of help.

  74. As the unfortunate owner of 3 Ohio properties (not a lot but enough) I can say that the foreclosure rate is well-deserved. In fact, I believe we’ve been the leader in that category and a lot of my friends who were all excited about real estate in 2004 are kicking themselves in 2007.

    You better buy a seriously well located under priced property or you’ll never sell it. Plus why would you want to make that god-awful road trip from eastern PA to Cleveland every time the tenant breaks something? How are you going to remodel the place without camping out in Cleveland for weeks at a time?

    There are a lot of better places than Cleveland. Try a little harder, it’s a big country. Go a little further west and hit Chicago. . Personally, I like Chicago better than Cleveland for some reason.

  75. I’m with you Earl. I love Chicago. I’d also recommend Minneapolis, MN or Denver, CO. Cleveland, in my opinion, seemed almost like Toledo. There are a lot of people and businesses that took a gamble on investing in tons of property in this area. Now, thanks to being close to both Detroit and Cleveland, the foreclosure rate is ridiculously high. I guess if you know something that everyone else doesn’t about Cleveland, then it’s a good gamble. I just see a city with potential that nobody will act on. At least from the city, anyway. Same thing with Toledo, lots of potential…no followthrough. I’m back and forth between here and my new apartment in St. Paul, MN, as I still have 3 months left on my lease here. It seems like everytime I come back here, another business has gone belly up. Although I move to Minnesota during a somber time(pray for all of the families involved in the I-35 collapse, PLEASE!) I still feel that there is new, better promise there than there ever was here. Outside looking in now, I’d say that unless you know something that’s about to go down with Cleveland that will turn the fortune of that city around, I think your best bet in property in Ohio is somewhere in Columbus. Earl would know more about that than I would.

  76. Hey y’all, been a while but Jerold, congrats man. Get out there and get laid dude. MN women are sweet, some of the finest in the mid-west. MN is a progressive place with some real opportunity, makes Ohio look like West Virginia 😉

    Earlthepearl, I had the idea to buy some investment property in Ohio, and manage it with a property manager based in Ohio. I live out of state. I would be buying around central Ohio. Do you see any opportunity there, with all of these foreclosures happening, are there any deals now?

  77. Cincinnati and Norwood are no different from Toledo and Cleveland except Cinci is allot more cleaner and are trying to clean its act up. Norwood is a lost cause way to much corruption, incompetency, and crime plus 70% of the population are of two types thieving assholes or just plain scumbags if I had my way I would level that whole city turn it into a shopping mall and ship the 70% off to the zoo so the kids can get a chance to see real life flaming assholes within the confines of a cage

  78. Chris, I guess I couldn’t recommend too many property managers as they all give me sh*t and charge high hourly repair prices. In fact, I don’t want to get caught recommending my current property manager but I can tell you he is in Grandview, Ohio and he is OK. I’ve had one really bad one who sold me a lemon of a property, lied on the disclosure and then mismanaged it and finally stole the security deposit of the tenant.

    As far as opportunities I’m the wrong guy to ask. My property prices have sunk and my rents are flat. I’m just holding on to what I’ve got until the tide comes back in.

    If you want to attend foreclusure sales then you have to bring a large percentage of the listed price with you in cash or get a foreclosure mortgage specialist who can finance that. The foreclosures are on the Franklin County sheriff’s web page with dates and times. You have to go to the Franklin county courthouse ,park for $5-10 somewhere and have them direct you to the sale.

  79. Man it sounds like Ohio really is a state in the flux in properties. I am sure I would never buy property there. I would love to buy a house in the New York City area but it is too expensive. But in Ohio nothing seems to rise which is too bad. Oh well, there are other places.

  80. If you are not college educated in Ohio then you are treated like shit when it comes to employment and social life especially if you live in a fucking college town. I had an incident where I was talking to a friend in a bar about politics when this loud mouth college know it all overheard us and proceeded to chastise me because in his bigoted mind since I was not a college man I should only limit my conversations to beer and trivial things the only thing that saved him from a five knuckle phd was the bartender who threw him out. Ever notice how born and raised Ohioans love to berate and put down people from West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee for every little thing but I’ve seen homes and neighborhoods that make the worst deep south trailer park look like real swanky places.

  81. Hey JimPickens,

    I hear you on the bigotted college people in Ohio. When I lived in Toledo, I worked with some of the so-called “young professionals” it had to offer. These “young professionals” were really just somewhat educated, racist, narrowminded bigots from the hick towns that Toledo classifies as suburbs. Only these people wouldn’t welcome politcal conversation unless it consisted of praising the war in Iraq. Other than that, if you didn’t graduate from UT or BGSU…you were pretty much treated like an idiot. Oh, and they only make fun of those places because they think that they are inferior to them, Jim. In fact, the news up here in Toledo tried to poke fun at Boise, ID. A month later, a survey came out that labeled Boise as the number 7 most progressive city in America…while Toledo was the 12th poorest city in America. So, go figure.

  82. I used to live in Maryland and i moved to ohio ohio sux the people everyware in columbus are white trash and everything sux the cops you have 5 different police that have juresdiction in grove city every one of them want to pull you over the Highway patrol can pull you over in the middle of the fuckin city i hate ohio i movin to AMSTERDAM

  83. Ogh oh guess what time it is again. If you saw the BCS show the Bumble F$ckeyes are back. Yes those crazy loser fans of the bumble f$ckeyes are back drinking their guts out at their mega sports bars in Columbus and Toledo, Ohio. I did run into an Ohioian from Canton on a shopping trip Manhatten (I was actually coming back from a mid-afternoon session from moxieinthecity over at a bar called Latatude on West 48th and 8th avenue). I met the dude in Time Square. He did seem somewhat civil but he had on his Bumblef$ckeye hat. Well All I can say is GO L.S.U. AND GOD BLESS SOME OF THE PLAYERS ON THAT TEAM THAT’S FROM NEW ORLEANS (PARTICULARY WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM FROM HURRICANE KATRINA) They are back to get their a$$es handed to them 😀 GO L.S.U.

  84. I stumbled on this site because I wanted to see if there were any others out there who’ve been to this God-forsaken state and share the same opinion I have of it. I live in Cleveland, and let me tell you, I’ve never lived in such a suck of a town. I am originally from Colorado, as I moved here because of my wife whom I met in the Air Force. After 3 years of wedded bliss to this native Clevelander, we are now in the process of a divorce. A lot of people looked at me wierd when I told them I was gonna move to Ohio with her. I wish I would’ve taken heed to the many warnings about both the place and the people. Although I have a good job that pays well enough to live in most major cities, I’m apalled at how the city’s government or people refuse to do anything to improve the poor economic crisis this place is facing. I hate how the people here are surprisingly very bible belt-ish, biggoted rednecks.(Hence a lot of the reason why my wife and I can’t see eye to eye on anything.) There is no intelligent conversation to be had here, as the people only care about the Browns and Ohio State. The majority of the populice seems very uneducated, even in the more affluent areas like where I live.(well, by Cleveland standards it’s nice…average at best though.) I haven’t made ANY friends here, either. Married couples here tend to hang with other married couples just to have business to meddle around in. My co-workers don’t like me because I wasn’t born and raised here, and my in-laws are just a trip. My wife has fought with me (literally) numerous times because I just seriously don’t like the Ohio State Buckeyes or the Cleveland Browns/Indians. I say that because most of the people here are dead serious about their sports. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sports fan myself…but if you aren’t a fan of Ohio teams here, they SERIOUSLY harbor ill feelings toward you. I just don’t see myself raising children around such an ignorant mentality. My wife is a true Northeast Ohioan. Not to get on here and bad mouth her, but her mentality and ways are just not in sync with mine. I’ve never seen such infidelity amongst married couples as I’ve seen here, as she was unfaithful to me with one of her friend’s husband. So now, at 28…I’m moving back to Denver in the Summer when my divorce is finalized. I’m happy that I didn’t have kids with her, because I don’t have any ties to Ohio at all anymore. I would never want to subject my children to have to live or spend time in such a sad place with sad people. Everything in Ohio is bad. I thought my wife was an exception, however 3 years and 145 lbs later, not so much. I can’t wait to go, and I agree with the previous post by Westwood 1…I hope the buckeyes lose. To hell with Ohio.

  85. Don’t tell me the loserfest is coming a float again. I mean your Browns choked on the Hooters Wings with their fans lard a$$es and their botched playoff run by your other team the Bungles (opps I mean the Cincinatti Bengals). Now you have the hype of the BCS which involves Ohio State being the while universe in that bumblef%ck state and stating that they will take it all and they are royalty which revolves around those broke a$$ lard a$$ fans is a joke. Again go L.S.U. Not O.H.I.O. (ORIGINAL HOGS of IGNOReNCE and OBEESITY). And if anyone who is an ignorant and narrowminded and all of the above from Todd’s last post and doesn’t like what I got to say than tough s$it and kiss my a$$. Have a nice day and go L.S.U ;-0

  86. P.S. Too all the open minded folks there if I offended you then sorry but I just wanted to attack the stupid and ignorant. So, open minded folks of Ohio if you wish to change the area or leave the state then again sorry but for all the ignorant then I hope you all go down in the BCS

  87. Guess what Ohio??? All you Bumblef$ckeyes my team is in the Super Bowl. Go Big Blue. LET’S GO GIANTS!!! And they will be facing the Pat’s. Where are your Brownies playing golf in Shaker Heights or some dump of a town you call suburbs. And guess what Brownie Fans, your former coach turned the New England Patriots around and he was a Defensive Cordinator for my Big Blue Giants. And guess what he was winners, WITH THEM. NOT YOUR STUPID BROWNIES WHO HAS NOTHING BUT LOSING MENTALITY. SO YOU IGNORANT F%CKS YOUR S$(T STINIKS BADLY IN STUPIDITY. NUFF SAID



  88. I agree with most all of you. Ohio is, for the most part, a shit hole. However, not the entire state is a redneck white trash haven. For instance, i grew up in North Canton (on the list of “America’s top 100 places to live, along with Oakwood, OH). I recently moved to a small town south of Pittsburgh and i absolutely hate it. I find most of western PA smells horrible. Anyway, my point is this, no matter where your from, chances are you live no more than ten miles from a shitty little town.

  89. Oh, my. I just moved to Columbus 6 months ago from Montana. Lived 52 of my 54 years in Montana. Parts of the state are beautiful. But – you want to talk redneck?? The guys all aspire to have their truck, their rifle (in the truck) and their dawg (also in the truck). The central part of the state, where I’m from, has a hideous economy. One new business comes in – two others close. The housing is totally unrealistic for the wages. And talk about nothing to do. Most events are priced out of reach of the locals. If you ever want to live in Montana, try Billings, Missoula or Bozeman. And get ready for 9 months of winter every year. I remember one winter where the temp got down to 45 below. That’s not wind chill – that’s actual temperature. Still it would be a change from Ohio, I guess!

  90. I have been in and around Cleveland and it is one backwards,hillbilly,Police State.I am moving to Madison, Wisconsin where real people live. Ohions are some unfriendly ,stupid, ignorant assholes.I made more friends in 1 year in tennessee than 7 in ohio. move and move fast.

  91. You wanna talk about redneck, try Toledo. I am leaving as soon as the weather breaks. Toledo is a big trailer park. Full of backwoods, ignorant, racist/biggoted, bumpkin mouth breathers. All they talk about is Ohio State and the Browns. It sucks so much here. I can’t wait to get the hell out of here. And Eric is right, these are the most unfriendly people.

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