1. The worst thing about any geographic location
    be it Ohio or outer mongolia is the feeling
    of being trapped. The feeling that we’ve made
    a decision that we can’t get out of.

    I guess I don’t have a lot of ideas to help my own
    situation caused I’m basically F***Ed, but I sure have
    one good piece of hard-won
    advice for the kiddies out there and one of them is for sure
    the longer you stay the harder it’s going to be to leave.

    If you’ve got to the point where you “must” do
    something irrevecable like buying a house(in Ohio yuck!),
    or the whole town wants you to marry your high school sweetheart,
    or joining the marines, or up and moving to California.

    Think of the negatives and positives and how
    you can weather the storms you’re about to fly into.

    Make some real plans.Heres some advice.
    ( A sleeping bag is a good investment.)
    (…cause sometimes they turn off the heat when you’re broke
    and it takes up to 2 months to evict your sorry-A).
    (The marines are perenially underfunded cannon fodder.)
    (You’ve known your High School sweetheart for how long? 2 years?)
    …what about the other 25 years?)
    (California and particularly the Bay area have a very high suicide rate…why
    do you s’pose that is? I’ll give you a hint. It ain’t the natives who are jumping
    off the Golden gate.)

    Don’t rely on pure faith. Save about 3 grand. Buy a trunkload of doritos and sh*tty energy
    drinks or whatever it is you kids eat in this godforsaken day and age
    and then after careful planning and maybe investing in that sleeping bag and a car with
    a big old bench seat in the back for said sleeping bag and tinted windows front and back and sides
    ..then go and do it to the maximum. Find your place in the sun. Go get a great job and never
    -ever –ever come back. Especially if people start calling and begging you to-because they

    B.T.W. if you’re going out then you can rent a car in Vegas very cheap…for your sleeping bag but
    it doesn’t come with the tints. Should cool off in the nighttime. You’ll have to leave your
    carhome in the daytime I would say.(maybe a van with a couple bags of ice… is the way to go?)
    You can shower at the health club while your down-and-out. Eventually you’ll find something and it will
    all just be an embarassing memory. Meanwhile those other schmucks run out of cash and come home telling
    mommy and daddy how much LA sucked.

    Just don’t be angry,impulsive or emotion driven. That’s definitely
    the path to hell(or Ohio in my case). Be steadfast but flexible.

    That’s all folks. Doubt if I’ve helped anyone.

    None of this applies if you’re a rich A-hole or
    have a grad degree or a fat wallet.. and by the way stay the F**K out of Ohio!!!



  3. I agree with earlthepearl. If you are gonna get out of Ohio, don’t go to California, unless you have the California money. Plus, that lifestyle is sad, as so many people out there are living way outside of their means just for the “prestige” of saying “I live in L.A.” If you are gonna leave Ohio, good for you. But have a plan as I did. Now I have a rewarding career in Minneapolis, a vast circle of REAL friends, and a pretty satisfying life. Ohio has no upside, it’s a bad situation. For the love of God, please have a plan. Don’t go to L.A. thinking you are gonna continue your lifestyle on your current Ohio budget, because you’re in for a rude awakening. Save for a couple months, have a plan, land a good job, find a place, then move. And DON’T GO BACK TO OHIO!!!

  4. I’ve been doing a TON of research and thought Ohio would be a great setting for the book I’m writing. I accidentely came across this website and it sounds like Ohio really does suck. Are they any great “small” (9-10 thousand+) towns anywhere in Ohio? Thanks!

  5. Depends on what kind of town you are looking for. The key reason Ohio is so undesireable is because of the people. It’s a real “Twin Peaks” feeling that you get from Ohioans. They are very unfriendly, not what you would get in a steriotypic nice small town. There aren’t any “nice” towns in Ohio. The ratings range from horrid to not too terrible. If you don’t mind a not too terrible community, then you can base it in a few affluent suburbs of Toledo such as Perrysburg or Maumee. Those are the high-end areas of Toledo. Hope that helps.

  6. Out of the complete state of Ohio, Toledo us by far the nastiest, ugliest and most depressing city to be in. I have been around the world, and even in 3rd world countries people have more class and culture than the inbreeds of Toledo.

    The weather sucks; freezing for 4 months, hot as hell for 3 months, muck, sleet, rain for the remaining time of year. Sure there are a few very nice neighborhoods, but you’re still surrounded by shit and dirt anywhere you go so it doesn’t even matter in the grand theme of things. You have gated community’s right next to trailer parks and they all must coexist. I have come here with hopes of staying for a few years for school and can’t wait to get the hell out, anywhere but this hellhole.

    Its funny how many people mention the lack of intelligence, culture, manners, and general intellect in this part of the country. It really is true; people here “go out” to Olive Garden on Fridays and think they are experiencing Italian cuisine, ahaha! Hate to break it to you but THERE IS NOTHING CULTURAL OR SOPHISTICATED in Toledo or Ohio, their so called high end restaurants are shanties anywhere else in Europe, an average Toledoen is a caveman when it comes to literature or anything ethos related.

    The great irony is the spectacular Toledo Museum of art, which is full of splendor. The building itself is magnificent, and by a weird twist of fate completely engulfed within a ghetto with crackheads walking around every which way. How the hell can anyone in Toledo appreciate anything of such caliber? Compelling to say the least.

    Books, what’s that? The Toledo Blade is what people read here, and waste their pathetic lives talking about the Jeep plant on Sunday mornings. The grim landscape consists of broken down buildings, boarded up crackhouses, little barn churches on every street corner, and random piles of filth (usually with a crackhead wearing a red hat rummaging through it). I can’t fathom having a life here; gloomy, depressing, poor, dumbed down way of existing. I crack a smile every time I hear of people “living it up” around here, a bunch of buffoons who have never been anywhere in their life. It’s sad really because you can’t even explain it to them, they won’t get it. Those who have seen the least marvel the most at NOTHING and Toledo is a whole bunch of NOTHING.

  7. Ohio is full of people who have failed at life. If you didn’t go to college you are screwed, because you will be stuck at a dead end job there making ends meat for $10/hour or working at some factory job like a moron. It’s the only state where you will see a lawn-care “company” sticker on every beat up rusted truck, if not that than construction. Every high school drop out starts a construction company here, what the hell the whole state looks like a giant pot hole! Cutting grass and building roofs thats all these rednecks do, and usually very bad at that. No work in Ohio? No shit, every dumbass is bringing the state down by merely existing here. How can a state full of idiots ever make anything of itself? The educated doctors and lawyers live in their own circles and hire workers from out of state. Ohio=pathetic.

  8. Out of the complete state of Ohio, Toledo us by far the nastiest, ugliest and most depressing city

    to be in. I have been around the world, and even in 3rd world countries people have more class and

    culture than the inbreeds of Toledo.

    The weather sucks; freezing for 4 months, hot as hell for 3 months, muck, sleet, rain for the

    remaining time of year. Sure there are a few very nice neighborhoods, but you’re still surrounded

    by shit and dirt anywhere you go so it doesn’t even matter in the grand theme of things. You have

    gated community’s right next to trailer parks and they all must coexist. I have come here with

    hopes of staying for a few years for school and can’t wait to get the hell out, anywhere but this


    Its funny how many people mention the lack of intelligence, culture, manners, and general intellect

    in this part of the country. It really is true; people here “go out” to Olive Garden on Fridays

    and think they are experiencing Italian cuisine, ahaha! Hate to break it to you but THERE IS

    NOTHING CULTURAL OR SOPHISTICATED in Toledo or Ohio, their so called high end restaurants are

    shanties anywhere else in Europe, an average Toledoen is a caveman when it comes to literature or

    anything ethos related.

    The great irony is the spectacular Toledo Museum of art, which is full of splendor. The building

    itself is magnificent, and by a weird twist of fate completely engulfed within a ghetto with

    crackheads walking around every which way. How the hell can anyone in Toledo appreciate anything

    of such caliber? Compelling to say the least.

    Books, what’s that? The Toledo Blade is what people read here, and waste their pathetic lives

    talking about the Jeep plant on Sunday mornings. The grim landscape consists of broken down

    buildings, boarded up crackhouses, little barn churches on every street corner, and random piles of

    filth (usually with a crackhead wearing a red hat rummaging through it). I can’t fathom having a

    life here; gloomy, depressing, poor, dumbed down way of existing. I crack a smile every time I

    hear of people “living it up” around here, a bunch of buffoons who have never been anywhere in

    their life. It’s sad really because you can’t even explain it to them, they won’t get it. Those

    who have seen the least marvel the most at NOTHING and Toledo is a whole bunch of NOTHING.

  9. I say ditto and amen to the previous posters. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Ohio is a dump, a joke ,and a garbage state. I’m 23 and I’m prayerfully getting outta here by the end of the year. I’m not wasting anymore of my precious 20’s in this piece of crap state,and to make things worst, I live in Cincinnati of all places,,yuck..I hate this trashbag ass city..

  10. nobody in ohio gives a shit, they go to crummy jobs every day, come home drink bud light sit on the couch watching sports that nobody else cares about and complain complain and complain some more. most unfriendly, uneducated, self absorbed people in the world. every low class ohio family has someone who is fat, full of tattoos and drinks cheap beer, pathetic. oh and do forget loser adults who are college sport fanatics. what the hell is wrong with people in ohio?

  11. Yes Jerold,It is that bad, about as bad as Toledo,and I’m outta here asap. This place isn’t gonna suck me into a mediocre and crappy lifestyle. There’s nothing to do here ,asbsolutely NO JOBS that pay good wages for college grads like myself and others, it’s like nobody even cares about education. The whole situation with Ohio and Shiti-nati all together is bullsh@t..and I’m not gonna take it,and neither should anyone else that actually has sense enough to know this place frikin sucks.

  12. I totally agree with all of you, especially Toledo Hick. He hit the nail on the head about Toledo. I’m so glad I moved, I don’t know what to do. I encourage all of you to do the same. Leave before it makes you old, cynical, and empty(emotionally and financially). Toledo is definately no place for any forward thinking human being to reside. You won’t make any REAL friends, just carbon copies of the idiot you just dodged before. You won’t really find any career opportunities outside of call centers, factories(that are dying), or hospitals(if you know someone). You won’t meet your wife, unless you dig chain smoking women with yellow teeth, bad breath, body odor, and no ambition in life other than to have a baby from a lot of trailer and project felons. Ladies, you won’t find a husband unless you dig trailer or project felons with 5 baby’s mammas. You won’t find much of anything in Toledo other than the Art Museum or the Mudhens. Other than that, if you don’t like OSU, NASCAR, or the Browns/Lions…you’re a leper to them. Good luck to all!!!

  13. LOL this was some funny honest post!

    Did everybody know that Ohio has the lowest prices on houses, maybe because no one smart enough will live there and the Highway Patrol suck donkey

  14. You are all a bunch of losers. Life in any state is what you make it. I am glad you have left because we don’t need losers. PS the coastal states bite.

  15. Well I better behave with crazy chucky loose.
    What a classic line, know you leave and get bent.

  16. Wow, at least Ohio has the largest in-door water park in the U.S. 🙂 That kinda offends me, I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life. I can stand all the queer people at my school (They act STRANGE). Us Ohioans get pissed off easy. I’d say probably the worst state Would be Louisiana ATM. I AM NOT OFFENDING ANYONE ON PURPOSE.

  17. Yea, and basically the teachers have awesome senses of humor in my school. I just come home after school and play Doom 3. not scary at all :confused: LOL. I feel sorry for anyone who is afraid of this game, except for the British who are pussies. Brave Heart powned. I bet you all that Brave Heart could win Doom 3 in less than 20 hours; because Brave Hearts courage makes up for his lack of knowledge 🙂 🙂

  18. I was transferred to Columbus 3 years ago from San Fransisco, and I agree. Ohio sucks, the people suck. How can you be snobby and be FROM and live in Columbus, OH??? Did I mention the food.. What a joke. It sucks too. The Ohioans love their White Castle and Wendy’s. And they hate you if you don’t like it or if you HATE their Buckeye’s. Try the pizza, It’s cut into these tiny little “squares” that you have to hold between your thumb and finger. Its like a cardboard crust, reminds me of frozen pizza. Mmmmm delicious Columbus, Oh cuisine..:) The Ohioans love it. It is so fuckin shitty weird here.. Can’t wait to leave and get the fuck out of this nightmare and away from the Ohioans.

  19. COLUMBUS Ohio sucks cause number one they have no beaches trailor trash people that have issues half the people are crack heads and have diabetes the lakes are dirty who wants to swim in a lake theres always a shooting there they have nothing to do there and small minded rednecks i’m telling you dont live in ohio and they cut there pizzas wrong little square size bits there resturants arent that great OHIO IS REALY DEPRESSING

  20. COLUMBUS Ohio sucks cause number one they have no beaches trailor trash people that have issues half the people are crack heads and have diabetes the lakes are dirty who wants to swim in a lake theres always a shooting there they have nothing to do there and small minded rednecks i’m telling you dont live in ohio and they cut there pizzas wrong little square size bits there resturants arent that great OHIO IS REALY DEPRESSING AND THEY ALSO HAVE LOTS OF CHILD MOLESTERS THERE THATS ONE OF THE LARGEST STATE THAT HAVE CHILD MOLESTERS OR PEDIFILES

  21. My name is Bubba, that’s the name of every other hick here in Sandusky, OH. We have a middle school called Briar Middle School…another name for a Appalachian Migrant Hick. We of course have Cedar Point, which attracts the purists of Michigan white trash as well as our own. The water parks attract even more trash that considers a weekend getaway “this years family vacation.” If you are a townie, everybody knows everybody here. The girlfriend you just met that you think is so great, has already been fucked by the half the people at the bar you are about to visit. If you are bothered by that don’t be, it’s supposed to be accepted in Sandusky’s culture. There are nothing but cliques here. People with no personality and fat girls that think they are hot. Working Womens Wednesday’s at Cabana Jacks means chicks that are so fat they can’t wear shoes…they’ll be soaking up the bar piss with the cotton socks. Anywhere you go you hear the same old OSU chants. Half the retards that are yelling it never went there. Fuck OHIO. Fuck Santucky, OH. I don’t want another girl here that I have to explain to her why it’s wrong to cheat on me. I don’t want to hear Hang on Sloopy anymore. I don’t want to date inside the Circles of Grossness anymore. Fuck CoCo Beanos, coverband crap. FUCK OHIO! Sandusky blows!

    Pharmacist will ALWAYS have a job here selling the antidepressants!

  22. I’ve been in Toledo, OH for 2 years now, and this town without a doubt blows ass. I’m currently in school, and I’ve put in for a transfer last week. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of Ohio. I hate these cliquey, wierd assed crackheads. Toledo is a big pile of crap. I’m so tired of hearing about OSU, going to sportsbars, and talking to some of the FATTEST women you will ever meet. I kid you not. I’m tired of the detatched, depressed, mean spirit of these people. They act like assholes and think that its cool. They go out of their way to make you feel left out of anything. They love to make you feel bad for being single without kids. They love to talk behind your back. I’m so sick of it. There is nothing cultural about Toledo. Perrysburg is the “high end” pocket of this shithole, and it’s nothing but a trailer park with big houses around it. Yet, the people here act really snotty, as if Perrysburg were Beverly Hills. I laugh when I see that. The women here are either fat and slutty, or skinny, cigarrette burned whores…both of which with bad breath and yellow teeth. Ohio is just a nice way of saying Kentucky/West Virginia/insert any redneck southern state. I promise you that the people in Toledo are more redneck than Jeff Foxworthy. There is nothing affluent about Toledo (Detroit,Jr.) It’s just a big trailer park. Dirty, slummy, shitty, white trash city. Not to mention…very uneducated. Fuck Ohio!

  23. Jerold,

    I was interested in your comment about having a “vast circle of real friends” in MN. That’s been the 2nd worst (and sometimes the worst) thing about living in Ohio. As soon as I had money at 18 I was surrounded by people scheming and scamming to get their hands on it. It’s been so bad over the past 25 years that I sometimes have to fight an atavistic urge to punch people in the nose.

    Of course, you can have this problem anywhere but here in my city I stick out like a sore thumb.

    Glad to hear you’ve settled on a better place and wish me luck getting out of the hell and purgatory of Ohio.

  24. Hey earlthepearl,

    I totally agree with you about Ohioans. They are mooches. I know that Toledoans won’t even talk to you unless they can use you. If they can’t, you’re outta here. I was there for 2 years, Earl…2 years and NO ONE said one word to me. I patronized the same coffee shop downtown for the whole time I was there, and the attendants were still very unfriendly to me. Not even at church, which Toledoans pride themselves on being God fearing christian folk with good, wholesome values. Toledo is exactly how you describe Columbus. It just sucks alot more. Thanx, by the way…Minneapolis is lovely. I’m actually around people who love life, and love making people around them happy. I wish you all the best in getting out of O-HELL-O!

  25. Most of you people come off as very strange to me. I came across this after looking for Jobs in Cincinnati, Ohio,where I live. I don’t really go outside of Cincinnati for anything, but give me a break. Someone said people from Ohio cut their PIZZA wrong??? Their PIZZA!!! It’s laughable. I am not going to get on here and bash these other people saying that they dislike Ohio.They can have their Opinions, but the World does not need anymore Pessimists. Do something better with your time than write out long essays on the internet,including every possible horrible thing you can imagine up to say that could hurt people on purpose.Say,like, Calling people rednecks,white trash, moochers. I am so incredibly sure that you know all of the people in the State of Ohio.That’s amazing!!!! A young girl I attended school with did not have any complaints about Cincinnati,Ohio.She came here from RUSSIA, to the Drake Center for her Burns. An Ohio family took her in and cared for her like she was their own.And who paid for her chance to have the best medical care at Drake??? The State of Ohio. Just get a life and do good with your words, rather than being ugly.You should have been raised well enough to have been taught, IF you do not have anything nice to say, DON’T SAY IT ( or type it) AT ALL! Now, back to researching Careers in Cincy…..Oh, and I’m not looking for a job at Wal-Mart which someone referred to as being a main career choice for “Ohioans”, I’m looking to fill a position as a pediatric nurse.


    An Orlando woman went to a gas station for a snack, but what she got was anything but appetizing. She said she found bugs crawling across her Hershey’s bar and videotaped the proof. The candy bar wasn’t the only one covered with insects bought at the Chevron gas station at Marks Street and Mills Avenue near downtown Orlando. When Eyewitness News got involved with the case, the Florida Department of Agriculture did, too.”

    First MOTHER OF THE YEAR candidate for 2008
    A Central Florida mother was arrested Friday, accused by authorities of leaving her 3-year-old in a locked vehicle with the windows rolled up while she shopped at a flea market. Vangmee Pha Lee, 24, of Clermont, faces one count of aggravated child abuse and two counts of child neglect after the child was left alone in a vehicle at Flea World, in Sanford, for about 30 minutes, according to the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. According to a sheriff’s report, deputies were dispatched to Flea World and discovered the child in a red Honda in the parking lot. The child was holding an empty water bottle and was sweating profusely with a dazed look on his face, the report stated.

    An apparently random punch at an Orlando restaurant has turned into the city’s first homicide of the year, according to police. Investigators said Thomas Oglesby, 25, was at the Wing Shack on Michigan Street early Saturday when he was punched for no apparent reason by another man. Oglesby collapsed in the restaurant and died several hours later at the hospital. NICE!!!

    Lets start off by getting to know the average Orlando resident. He looks something like one of these people. Scofflaws, nere-do-wells, rouges, cads, urchins.. those are just a few of the types of people who would be scared to walk our streets at night!

    Remember, the Bible said “love thy neighbor”.. I’m sure God didn’t know he was going to be one of these guys.

    That’s great right? These will be the people you see where ever you go in Orlando, they will be beside you at the movies, in line with you at the grocery store… their omnipresence will be inescapable.

    Sure, sure, beauty is only skin deep. Believe me the people you meet in Orlando will be ugly on the inside too. Even in what is known as the service industry (restaurants/hotels) you will meet people that Ripley would have LOVED to pickle in a jar.

    Orlando had more murders in 2006 than you could shake a stick at, a big blood dripping murdering stick. And 2007 is on pace to obliterate those numbers. Did you know that? Well you do now.. it’s a lot like the old west here, if you step out of your house/apartment/condo after dark your taking your life in your own hands. Then if you get inside a car, WOW, you do have gonads don’t you.

    Anyway, on this page you can peruse Orange County Jail mug shots, see the latest Amber Alerts, look over a live feed of the Orlando Sentinel crime blog, find useful Orlando crime links.. and most importantly you can read my highly important opinion about the current state of affairs in Orlando! Oh, and if you came straight to this page from a search engine I would encourage you to check out the rest of the site, this is just the tip of a giant brown disgusting ice burg.

    Orlando Florida Weather

    Anyone who has ever been here or watched the news knows that Orlando weather SUCKS! I mean, 3 hurricanes in a row… cut us some slack God! Haven’t you tortured us enough with toll roads, must you smite us with hurricanes too?

    In the summer months you can count on rain almost every day, not a lot.. just enough to ruin a vacation or two. When it’s not raining the temperature is about 92 degrees. Perfect if you want to cook a Chihuahua in an 84 Honda Civic.. but not good for much else. Oh and did I mention that when it DOESN’T rain the forest is ALWAYS going to be on fire somewhere and the air will be full of smoke for weeks at a time? We have to smell that stink EVERY summer. Did we learn nothing from Smoky the Bear?

    During hurricane season we can count on one tropical storm after another in the gulf. They are frequent enough to cause long lines at the gas station at least once a week.. and I’m afraid to even buy frozen food anymore. When we had those three hurricanes back to back they were handing out “food stamp” credit cards at the Orlando convention center because so many people lost all their food! That is not a joke, it’s the truth.

    If your reading this and thinking of moving here YOUR NUTS! During our “winter” it will be 35 one day and 80 the next.. that’s REAL convenient. This is the only state I have lived in where I have to step outside to see if I need a long coat or a speedo to go shopping!

    2008 starts with a BANG! – The Florida Highway Patrol warned drivers to stay off the roads Thursday morning, because driving conditions were as bad if not worse than Wednesday morning. I-4 was closed for a 14-mile stretch in both east and westbound directions and was expected to remain closed for an indefinite time. Crews tried to work through the night, Wednesday, to repair a stretch of I-4 damaged in a fiery 70 car pile-up, but had to suspend their efforts when more fog and smoke filled the air and construction crews could not see. Florida and local officials said four people were killed and 38 were injured in the mangled, fiery wrecks. The blazes left what amounted to a 650-foot wide hole in the interstate that will have to be repaired before the roadway can be reopened. Authorities thought if all went well, there was a possibility that could happen by mid-morning Thursday, but they weren’t making any promises. The damage was most significant in the eastbound lanes. Diesel fuel spilled during the crash which softened and damaged the interstate.


    Ok, I know traffic sucks everywhere.. but TRUST ME, no where
    is as bad as Orlando! I say a prayer every time I get behind the
    wheel. People here DON’T CARE if they hit you. I don’t know if
    it’s because they all drive tiny Hondas that are worthless or if it’s
    because they are from a country where people ride in hay carts.
    Scientists have been studying the traffic patterns
    of the 84 Honda and this is what they have found…

    Well I couldn’t leave this out.. the jobs in Orlando Florida. Thousands of people move here every year with stars in their eyes hoping to work at the Orlando theme parks. What I really mean is Disney, I don’t recall ever seeing anyone with stars in their eyes wanting to work at Universal. The bottom line is working at Disney gets old REAL QUICK. Disney pays almost nothing and the hours will KILL YOU. They expect you to work constantly even if you work there part time?!? The tourists (Disney wants you to call them “guests”) will treat you like crap, and you will make a whopping $6.35 an hour. Even with all that hundreds of people enter the Disney casting center every day looking for a Disney job??
    Disney College Program

    If you have stumbled across my page because you are coming here for the Disney College Program let me fill you in. You will be living in Vista Way which is a ratty old apartment complex that should have been torn down years ago. Disney is going to take 75% of each check for “rent” while you are here. You will be packed in a 3 bedroom apartment with 5 other “CPs”. Yes you heard me right, 2 people per bedroom in the smallest beds you have ever seen. You better work all your hours or your check could be “0” or NEGATIVE!

    If you are here during the 3 month term that runs through the holidays your in for a special treat, not only will you work around the clock but you will witness people crying in the “tunnels” of the Magic Kingdom because they have never been away from their families before at Christmas. The only “upside” to your whole stay here is that Vista Way is basically a modern “Sodom and Gomorrah”, with drunken parties every night and sex between people who have known each other for 5 minutes. If your a parent reading this and your son/daughter is going to be in this program I really don’t know what to tell you.. I have witnessed this stuff first hand, this is not speculation. To be fair a lot of people who have been through it must have LOVED it because they move here and go to work at Disney full time. If you google it you can find a LOT of pages of people who can’t talk about any thing BUT the college program.. they were probably the drunk ones having sex the whole time.

    The hotels and restaurants are the same way.. no pay and grueling work. You will at least have REAL benefits working for one of them. No point in making friends though.. everyone you work with will quit or be fired with in a week. They quit because they find some place that will pay them .05 more an hour, or offers a free sandwich per shift.

    Just who you want teaching your kids!
    This pot growing teacher is a great role model.
    A former Titusville elementary teacher caught growing marijuana plants in her home will serve two years of probation after pleading guilty to manufacturing the drug, court records show.
    Heather Ovalles, 36, was a first-year teacher at Oak Park Elementary when police said they stumbled upon the drug operation while searching for Ovalles’ ex-boyfriend, Shawn Creamer, following a December 2006 shooting rampage at the Great Outdoors RV Park and Golf Resort outside Titusville, Local 6 News partner Florida Today reported.

    In a quest to confront another ex-girlfriend who lived at the resort, Creamer killed a security guard and his ex’s friend before turning the gun on himself, police said.
    While questioning Ovalles, police said they discovered an “elaborate grow house” in the woman’s Titusville home, which included a room equipped with special lights and ventilation devices used to cultivate 56 marijuana plants.


  27. I live in Perrysburg, OH. I don’t know about the rest of the people here, but I think that Ohio is garbage. I am here because of my job, which I’m about to quit because of the lifestyle and the overall atomosphere here. I just graduated from Bowling Green, and I hated it there as well. To Elizabeth…Ohio sucks, and you know it. I read your post, and I must admit…you aren’t looking at this outside of your own eyes. Ohioans are mean. I thought that they were friendly, until I got totally backstabbed by them at my job. Now, I know that backstabbing happens outside of Ohio, but here…everyone is like that. There are no friends or relationships to be had here. My ex-boyfriend was very phallocentric, and he had such a right wing agenda for our relationship. There was no equality, just Republican dominance. Toledo, OH is a mess of a city. It’s sad really, as the people are really unaware of any better way of life. I’m originally from Chicago, so this is all new and wierd to me. I’m hoping to go out west, because I think the midwest and east coast as a whole are just plain mean and disgusting. No dreaming or ambition. Toledoans are some of the wierdest and cliqueiest people I’ve ever seen. Not to mention…MEAN!!! And don’t stick up for Cinncinati…I’ve been to the jazz fest…and they are still mean. Ohio is harsh…don’t ever come here…EVER!!!

  28. I’ve been stuck in this hellhole of a state for over 30 years ever since my stepdad and one of his coworkers were transferred up here from Florida by the company they worked for. His coworker realized what a shithole this state was and fled back to Florida in less then three months. We moved into our house and the first thing our neighbor said was not to blow your nose on a street corner because it will be in the local paper the next week. I have NEVER lived in a state where everybody wants to stick there nose into YOUR business. Amazingly the company he worked for fired him years later, stating they were “downsizing”, but then hired two younger guys half his age to replace him. I advised him to sue for age discrimination but “I don’t want to sue a company that has been good to me for the last 20 years” was his response. He and my mom went from state to state doing various jobs till the finally settled in Tennessee where they absolutely love it. So thanks for ditching me in this fucked up state where I have watched my job pay go from second highest in the county to what is now the lowest. And now another company is hiring part timers at a higher pay rate then what I make working full time. This state blows big round donkey balls! Thanks for ditching me in a state where I have watched my taxes go higher and higher to where in 7 years my house payment has gone up over $200 a month because of all the bullshit taxes tacked on to “maintain” services….this from a city and state that took FOUR years to patch a pothole on my street that eventually became the size of a small crater on the moon…even though I had called and bitched about it constantly. Thanks for ditching me in a state where I see my security light come on and look out a window to see kids attempting to break into my car and watched as they moved down the street attempting to break into more cars, call the cops, give them a description of what they’re wearing and watch as they drive right by them. And after I chase down the cop car and asked them why they didn’t detain them because they “told us they’re just out for a walk” and after I asked for their names and told them I wanted to speak with their commanding officer RIGHT NOW did they turn around and go after the kids and watched as the kids were hightailing it down the road…and then said since they didn’t actually break into my car they couldn’t do anything. So thanks for leaving me in such a fucked up, lazy ass state to the point where when I’m driving over a bridge, I’d just as soon drive OFF of it!

  29. I dont give a crap what anybody says. Shitinati (Cincinnati) is hot garbage, and I’m getting the hell outta here. You can sit up here and stick up for it, and act like it’s paradise all you want, but I know the truth. This place (Shitinati) is horrid, depressing, and just a straight up shit-hole. No self-loving young individual (like myself and many others) would stay here.So fuck Ohio (O-hello-O), fuck Shitinati (Cincinnati) and anybody else who is to dumb to realize that this place has NOTHING to offer, but ragadey ass people and a pathetic mediocre lifestyle. I’m Out.

  30. I don’t mean to bitch into everyone’s “good” opinion but, that’s what all this commotion was about? Some statement that Ohio sucks at electing? How in the hell did all these comments spark from that? >:(

  31. One other thing. Why the fuck would people live in Ohio if it sucked? Let me guess, not enough room. Some people should be wondering, “Oh, I wonder why Ohio has the FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME!”
    Retarded survey says, “because it sucks.”

  32. I just looked and there’s actually more articles on the subject that California sucks. Go look it up for yourself. Type in “California sucks”

  33. Someone shoot me please! Why does Ohio suck? Well for starters I have three strikes against me when trying to date here in this putrid state. Im white, im educated, and I have a job. All of
    these things make you unworthy of these stupid bitches here. The bigger the loser the more attractive you are to these passed around bitches. The ignorance here is second to none, the politicians are idiots, and your required to have served time to be worthy of getting laid. Anybody born here with any brains gets the hell out as soon as possible. Thomas Edison for instance, the light went off in his head and he got the hell out of here. If the social life here isnt enough to make you vomit, just visit one of these lovely cities. Toledo is the arm pit of America and Cleveland is the crotch. If God hates you and you find yourself in one of these hell holes, just take a look around, it speakes for itself. Ive spoke with people from just about every state in the union and all of them ask the same question. What the hell is wrong with people from there? Its like there is this ignorant loser stench that Ohio people carry around. Maybe its in the water. Winston Churchill one said, “if your going through hell, keep going.” My advice if your traveling through Ohio dont stop just keep going!

  34. Fish. Excellent comment. It sounds like you have been niggarachied many times in your experience of living in this shithole. Just do yourself a favor and get the hell out. This whole area is conducive to the uneducated, unwashed masses that prowl the streets. I loved that comment posted earlier about the rusted out pick up trucks that are lawn service mobiles. Hilarious. It is all so overwhelming and scary too. It’s like, this is the direction our country is heading into. I think of the movie I AM LEGEND with Will Smith when I think of Ohio. I am trying to find a cure and other people that aren’t like this somewhere else. Eventually all of these assholes will penetrate into the existing colony of educated, smart folks, that want to do something in life. I feel like telling tons of kids around here that they will never be 50 Cent, so stop acting like him. I don’t think that 50 fucks fat white bitches either. Even though they cracked my ass up, I never got my job acting like Beavis. It looks like another night of looking at porn and job hunting again. Please God help us all.

  35. Hey Fish, the same goes if you’re black and well educated with a good job. I lived in Toledo for 2 years, my man. Let me tell you. Unless you are a trailer or project fellon…you have no hope of getting a woman there. You don’t want one there anyway. They all are baby mamas who love to make baby daddies out of those losers guys and live in mediocre, pathetic lifestyles. I’ve gotten a lot of those questions about Ohioans as well. I don’t think it’s color or race as much as it is just plain character and ambition that turns these women off. Ohio women are a bunch of stinky booties!!!

  36. I must agree with Jerold that Ohio is the navel lint of the United States and the evil tendrils of it’s pervasive mediocrity affect all it’s poor and downtrodden citizens regardless of race, creed ,color or religion.

    To see the long-term effects of exposure to the Ohio spore one need only watch the former Mayor of Cincinnati-Jerry Springer on daytime TV. Sad, what Ohio can do to a promising political career.

  37. I am in my sixties, born and raised in Ohio,was mistreated and beat up all my young life here because I was a small bespeckled man, an easy target for the strong, good looking,and financially well off,I quit high schoolat the end of my junior year to save mt life, as was beat up and humiliated so much,I flunked most of my studies. Teachers, Police everyone had the same small town attatude,had to be big, strong,have money, or you were Nothing but a punching bag to them, no rights at all, I moved to California by myself, with tears in my eyes, swearing I would NEVER come back to this Backward state ever again.

    OH I came back 3 times with my tail between my legs because I was starving to death, NO Education means little if any work, and minimum wage, I managed to stay in California untill nov 1992, decided to move to Florida, because injuries to my body doing HEAVY work my small body was never ment to do Caused me Back problems.

    I lived close to my older Brother there, got a bad leg injury,lost a business I had there and most of my money,my Father died in Ohio, I decided to move back there and Live in my Elderly Mothers home, to take the strain off of my older Sister that comes there to help her….Only reason I am in this BACKWARD, HATEFUL SCREWED up state is because I live here cheap,and have a mother and sister that depends on me, I hate OHIO
    but am stuck here untill my mother passes on, she may out live ME, My Sister owes me $ 37,000 as I paid her home off so she will not be out on the street, because of the Home Forclosure problems ..

    Yes I could write a book on How OHIO screwed my life up big time…maybe you will not agree with me, as you know nothing about my life, except a few lines I printed here, BUT believe me, have been to 40 of the 50 states and over seas, NO WHERE are the people as RUDE and Hateful as OHIO.

  38. To Jerold:
    How’s Minnapolis, MN treating you? I think that is wonderful. Just don’t let the Vikings Beat my Giants 😀 Anyway, it sounds like Ohio sucks as usual. I saw my friend from college that is out in Cleveland (a.k.a. C-town, crap town) and he has told me that he wants to leave because he feels that it’s gotten old. He wants to see if he can come back to the NYC. So, you are right if you move there stay for at most 6 months while you save your funds and then leave forever.

    To Elizibeth Brinkley:
    You try and glamorize your name with the model Chirstly Brinkley. Yeah right you are probably a skinny lady with yellow stained teeth and crappy breath who tries to make herself look great where if you were in NYC nobody would talk to you. Besides quit defending your town when you know it sucks. And quit smoking the OSU Bumblef*#keye Crank.

    To What Ohio:
    You tell that lady off. Great Job telling it like it is.

    To the rest on the board that are saying why this state sucks:
    Keep on going with that and tell the public about the hell hole.

    To the Defenders:
    Again Quit smoking the OSU Bumblef*&keye Crank and Meth and get real lifes, travel, and learn to live life and be more open minded. Or else die broke you stupid blokes.

    Nuff Said.

  39. To Brian: I feel you on having pizza that tasted like cardboard. I went to college in Maryland and it tasted like cardboard. My point is this, I am from the New York area and if you want great pizza come to the east coast. Particulary NYC like Ray’s in SoHo or in myarea of Westchester County where the pizza is real and not that generic crap like Pizza Hut. I visited Ohio back in 2006 and I thought it was plain and lame. I was in Akron and went down Market Street and saw nothing but Restaurants. And they were comercial restaurants nothing authentic. So, I feel your pain. So do what you can and escape. Seriously. To the rest of the board, who hates Ohio, find a way and leave just like Jerold did.

    Nuff Said

  40. Hey, I checking out PrimeTime tonight on NBC on Child Sex Slavery. IT takes place in Toledo, Ohio And one of the places it reported was a girl identified as “Kim” gets kidnapped by a Derick Willoghby a pimp. It even said that Toledo, OH is a hot bed for that crap. Oh man that town sucks the big one when your town has Fat Women, Stupid people, Trailer Park and Project Felons, and just waste. Man OHIO REALLY SUCKS THE BIG ONE WHEN YOU HAVE PEDIFILES RUNNING YOUR AREA. OH MAN I AM SOOOOOO GLAD I LIVE IN NEW YORK AND I NEVER RE-LOCATED TO THE BUMBLEF*3KEYE STATE.

    OHIO SUCKS!!!!!!

  41. Opps I meant this show tonight was on ABC Primetime. NBC is Dateline. Sorry for the error. But that is sick and it shows what a LOSER STATE OHIO IS!!!! OHIO SUCKS

  42. It shows you also how Toledo sucks when an actual kidnapping is a low priourty to Toledo Police. This is in relation to this show on ABC tonight on Prime Time. All they probably cared about was pulling over inoccent people (minorities and opened minded people) to make their quotas, and checking out their football fantsaies drooling on the Ohio State BumbleF*&keyes.

    Again Ohio Sucks and needs to be nuked!!!!!!!

  43. is there a lawyer out their that can handle a case ,,,,no 15 minute breaks no lunch breaks 9 years !!!!!!!!!sundanceswampfox@gmail.com —-2 other hosers 1 foot in grave so hurry

  44. Ohio sucks really really bad, especially Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Toledo. But being from Cleveland, I don’t think it could get worse anywhere else in this country. I really do mean that and I will stand by it. First off the OSU thing that many people on here have seen eye to eye with me and I thought I was the only one. Ohio State are thee most annoying bunch of sports fans I have ever seen. They are bandwagon fans because they think they have to root for them just because they live in Ohio. Not the case. They are cry babies and will probably take it out on everyone else or won’t shut up the rest of the day if they lose, especially to Michigan. What really grinds my gears is their infamous “O-H…I-O” chant or saying that they think is the sweetest thing ever. That is so gay and if I hear that again even when I am not in Columbus, I will go grab a shovel and bury myself in the ground. Shut up already, we heard you the first 100 times.

    I don’t even like that university in general. It was one of the colleges I visited. The tour guides, administration, admissions people, could not have been any more rude and unhelpful. Hell I am from Ohio, lived here my whole life, all 23 years and I never really worshiped OSU or was that into it as others. I even like Penn State better honestly. Ohio State is overrated, always has been, chokes against big named schools, has terrible graduation rates in their athletic department, bottom 3 in the Big Ten since 2000 to be exact.

    Then there is Browns fans. While most people from Northern Ohio are Browns fans, there are a lot of Steelers fans that pop up. Lots of built up hostility wherever you find Browns fans. They aren’t the smartest and heck neither is the coaching staff. But the Steelers beat the Browns 7 consecutive games and 16 of the last 18 but they still talk crap about how the Steelers suck and can’t get it that it’s the Browns that suck. They talk crap and don’t realize how stupid they are for what they say. All Cleveland sports teams suffer losing records, high volume of injuries, turnover in personnel too often, and never winning a championship of any kind. Makes things more depressing to live around here when the sports teams don’t help. Could be the reason for the high volume of drunks in Ohio. Don’t be surprised to live a block away from an AA member, or be surprised to see a depressing person walking back from a gas station with a 12 pack of Natty Light at 11 AM on a Sunday morning.

    While on that subject, people in Ohio don’t know what good beer is. Go out to California or out west and people won’t be drinking Natty Light, Milwaukee’s Best, or Keystone. Job growth isn’t getting any better. Forbes.com ranked Cleveland dead last out of 50 major metropolitan cities in job growth. New Orleans being 1st of course because of the hurricane. The liberal mayors and conservative governors of Ohio ruined things in the last 25 years. The Cleveland school systems are among the worst in the country and most U.S. citizens actually know this, that’s sad. If you sell your home in Ohio, you won’t get even close to what its value is. Take a loss and move on. The rates are now -16% from asking price on average. Cost of living is decent but that’s because there is nothing to attract business to come here outside of Columbus.

    There are hardly any full-time jobs here. It’s an employer’s market. I recommend to move somewhere where it’s an employee’s market. Lots of part-time jobs though. Everything is sales, labor, bar-tending, and serving tables. After all, Ohioans like to eat, drink alcohol, smoke, bitch about everything, and nothing else. Shit gets old fast. If you do happen to find a decent job, you will get underpaid as long as you work in Ohio. I know someone who has an advertising job for Home Depot in Atlanta, GA. She gets paid $60,000+. If you had an Advertising job in Ohio, you would get $35-$40,000 and not even reach $60,000 by retirement. And there are a ton of rednecks around here, even in Akron and Cleveland for some reason. And that’s funny because I could have sworn Ohio is in the Midwest. NASCAR, alcohol, and OSU football solve all their problems. We have already established the weather opinions in other posts. I share them all.

  45. There are a few other things I wanted to mention about Ohio. The majority of the restaurants or bars you go to, whether it be Cleveland, Cincinnati, or Toledo, because I have been to a few in all of the cities from visiting friends, the service is subpar and people just don’t give a damn. They have that attitude that if they do the bare minimum they will get tipped, or no matter what they do, the people won’t complain anyway. I am not afraid to complain about service in restaurants or not give a tip. Don’t ever go to a Bob Evans, Denny’s, or IHOP in Toledo and don’t ever go to an Olive Garden, TGI Fridays, or a Max & Ermas in Cincinnati. Just from personal experience, they serve you on their own schedule rather than yours. And there a handful of restaurants in Cleveland with exceptional service but they only seem to have that during lunch for the some reason. Also don’t be surprised if you see a group of women get better service than a group of men at a restaurant in the Cleveland area. It’s true.

    I have been to San Francisco and Myrtle Beach on spring breaks, the service at restaurants and bars were phenomenal. In SF, I ordered 3 long islands and they were made in like 20 seconds. In Cleveland, most bartenders I’ve come across, which are like all women for some reason, send texts to their friends, do some flirting with older men, or talk to their girl friends about how good their boyfriend is in bed before they serve you. A few times I waited 5 minutes to get served after I sat down at a bar and there was like 2 other people there. They wouldn’t let all this crap happen in SF or Myrtle Beach.

    About beaches, the ones in Ohio that someone on here claimed to be nice, are just rocks and sediments scrunched together and not real sand like in Myrtle Beach or Florida. Beaches in Florida blow away Mentor Headlands that people seem to be high on. I have family in Tampa so I’ve been there. Not to mention the majority of people on the beaches are under the age of 30 and not over the age of 40. There is a huge age gap of people here. Pittsburgh is the same. Lots of people late 50’s early 60’s, lots of early 30’s, and high school kids/teenagers. Cleveland has 4 seasons: Winter, long winter, still winter, road construction.

    The young women here are either really thin or really fat. Families think it’s the norm here if your daughter is married at 21 or has a child before 23 or both. I didn’t see too many pregnant or married 21-23 year old women in SF, Myrtle Beach, and Tampa, FL and I got a good look. In Northeast Ohio, the majority of women ages 21-25 are either really overweight bar hoppers, mothers who aren’t married, smokers (some when they are still pregnant), aren’t college educated, sleeping with 3 different men, are huge OSU fans even though they don’t know a thing about football, and townies who’ve been here their whole life. It’s just depressing the way people look in Cleveland or Akron. Akron in particular is filled with degenerate, ugly, worthless people. I went to school there for 4 years. People in Northeast Ohio love to eat fast food, love to drink their alcohol on any given day of the week, and they love to smoke. Is that surprising? Well the American Heart Association ranked Ohio the 6th worst state in women’s heart health and 9th worst in men’s heart health in 2007. Get used it people.

    Ohio just sucks sucks sucks sucks. Only thing keeping me here is my job. Hope to get enough saved then try to move for a better job and have a good life. I am 23, still got time. But I have no intentions of staying in Ohio. I’m considering Phoenix, Denver, Seattle, DC, or Chicago. I don’t want to be considered a fascist anarchist for not liking Ohio State anymore, I don’t want my intelligence to lower because of others idiots, and I actually want to live where there are things to do besides eating food and drinking alcohol.

  46. Very good posts Ryan. I’m getting out of O-Hell-O as soon as possible. You and I are in the same boat. Ohio is the without a doubt the most disgusting pathetic piece of trash state in the country. Like I said before ,I’m not waisting my youth hear ,and I am saving to move as we speak. Cincinnati is a garbage ass town. There’s nothing here but uneducated trashy types w/ horrible attitudes. There are no decent jobs. I just can’t wait until I can move and actually live by a REAL beach.

  47. Oh where do I start? What is it with all the ananalyzers and observers in Ohio. Everyone is so negative and hateful here.Its like everyone is in their own little clicks and if you talk to strangers just trying to be friendly, theyll observe you and then talk about you to whoever they are with. Why do you go to a store in the middle of November and it looks like everyone looks like mindless zombies walking around. Ohio is the most miserable place ever and I cant wait to leave. Its really great to live by the lake and never be able to swim in it. Only in Ohio rest stops can you find plastic jugs hanging on a metal clothes hanger to catch falling liquid soap. Enuf said. The weather here is great I dont even know why summer even bothers happening anymore it just makes fall and winter so much worse.People are so bloated and crabby and act like big constipated babies here. Ohio is a big giant mcdonalds full of slimy unhealthy smelly ignorant lazy obnoxious fat people that like to complain about everything. And the yellow and red just matches 1970s primary color ohio sooo well.Yeah so Ohio has cedar point. Wow its a park you can only go to 4 months out of the year and their is nothing cool around it. hey lets just put an amusement park in the middle of nothing. And lets hire people who have no personalities and hate life. And lets never remodel the park and still have tables that are from the seventies.its just so strange here , so strange. But okay if you are from ohio and

  48. And yet people always say that West Virginia is nothing but backwards white trash hill rats. My advice to these people spend a long period of time in Ohio it’s like stepping into the twilight zone.

  49. I have analyzed the depression you are all experiencing and it’s the fact you are not self-actualized in Ohio and need to make the next step into another career, furthering your education and finally or firstly relocating away from the trailer.

    There are a lot of very backwards folks you have to rub elbows with in these here parts and they do tend to drag you down and sap all the energy you need to launch out of here.

    Funny thing is, all those same fine upstanding Buckeye fans will climb all over themselves to tell you how great it is…why we have Walmart here in Beavershit,Ohio!*belch*fart*

  50. I agree 100% with everyone who has a gripe with Ohio. I lived there for 10 years in the Toledo area, and man did it depress the hell out of me. Earlthepearl was right about how the people will suck out the ambition to try to move and relocate anywhere else. I was in a relationship with a native Toledo girl for most of the time I was there, and all her friends and family would say is that “Ya’ll should git murried, have some yungins, and live like proper folk.” I kid you not. I basically had to leave because the overall economic outlook for the city is sad, as they swear up and down that the auto industry will rebound. Also, just the overall backstabbing nature that most Ohioans seem to foster. They really don’t like to see you progress in any way, shape or form. I got a promotion that moved me to San Diego, and my then fiancee’ hated the idea of leaving Toledo. She was so afriad of finances, regardless of the fact that my company was giving me 100% relocation pay. After explaining to her that we can live in a nice apartment and save some money that way, she flipped out and left me for some drug dealing bum that got her pregnant. I don’t know what’s up with that, but I’m glad, because I love SD, and life is much more affordable by myself. To anyone who lives in Ohio, get out and never come back. I know I won’t.

  51. I 100% get the “You’re going to fail/die/commit suicide/implode/combust!” whenever I’m dumb enough to discuss leaving with a native.

    I just don’t get why they have to say that but it’s a pretty successful tactic. I’m still here bitching about it.

  52. Congrats Ron 😉 I’m right behind you. F@ck Ohio, and all it’s backwards trash ass residents.

  53. “After explaining to her that we can live in a nice apartment and save some money that way, she flipped out and left me for some drug dealing bum that got her pregnant. I don’t know what’s up with that, but I’m glad, because I love SD, and life is much more affordable by myself. To anyone who lives in Ohio, get out and never come back. I know I won’t.”

    I agree Ron and the point you made goes with the point I want to make. You may be living somewhere with high expenses and it may be difficult to save money, but because you have a decent job and live in a better city than anywhere in Ohio, you know you will be better off and you will know it. Who says you have to force yourself to get married anyway? You are lucky you could move because of your job. I am working here trying to save up money to leave and get the hell out as you probably read in my last 2 posts/rants. After looking at Forbes.com’s “Best Cities for Singles” and “Best Cities for Jobs” and looking at reviews on Travel websites, I know now for a fact that about 80% of major cities or metropolitan areas out there are better places to live than any of the 5 major cities in Ohio. Especially Cincinnati and Youngstown, who have no economy going whatsoever for them.

    Ohio is the best example of a state where people look at you funny if you do anything weird or don’t carry yourself the way most Ohioans do and say “We don’t do this here.” It’s almost like the majority of Ohioans, at least in the major cities, don’t care about anything or improving themselves and have no direction in life whatsoever. It’s like they want to stay poor and have a bunch of children, especially at a young age, and then sit at home all day and do nothing. Does anyone else also notice how the majority of people are just worthless and degenerate and are like 10 years behind on everything? I’m sorry but it just annoys me to see people in the mall or out in public wearing their pajamas or dressed like bums and don’t even realize how uneasy on the eye it looks.

    Check out this website: http://www.forbes.com/careers/2008/01/11/jobs-economy-growth-lead-careers-cx_mk_0110cities_table.html

  54. I love it how the typical stuck up observers that stand around in that culture talk stance with their little coffee cups say that people are unhappy in Ohio are unhappy because they are uneducated. Yeah I know it’s as run on sentence Ohio analyzers so anyways I would rather be outside than standing in museum , I have time to do that when I am a senior citizen. Half the people that live here are so shallow they love to learn their little facts to tell their studffy dry lifeless friends that have to get shitfaced to be happy cause they are misweable I wanna move somewhere that I can look out the window and see sunshine and plants all year round I’m sick of wasting my life indoors

  55. I love how people who like ohio say that all these great people were born/lived here. Except the only reason they became great is because they lived in this armpit of the world called Ohio and wanted to get out! I know I do.

  56. The legal system is nothing more then a corrupt money making business.They cash in on human misery every day.God help the people in authority there.They are surely hellbound for what they do.


  57. Yeah it’s sad one of the leading industries in Cleveland is the tattoo industry. Lots of them have left. The only growing ones are hospitals, medical, and our favorite, the insurance companies. Oh and those business with the one day pay loans (Cash only) type places are all the sudden popping up everywhere. And that will make things worse for the economy around here but this state voted for it to keep financial options. But going back to what someone said in a previous post, yeah sure seems like people in Ohio including certain businesses don’t like to see people prosper and grow on themselves. Especially college graduates like me who got lead on and backstabbed by certain companies while trying to find a real job for a year. I got turned away by some just because I had a college degree.

    I think Ohio is the only state that will have companies turn away from someone just because they have a college degree because they would care more about how much money they would have to give a new employee regardless of their qualifications. In the end they only care about how much money they end up with at the end of the year and nothing else. Like I said Ohio is full of people who don’t care about seeing people prosper and grow in life. I have a dual degree and I am working a part-time job right now because I can’t find any company who is smart enough to take a chance on me because they want to avoid paying me what I really deserve. Gotta love those women in HR who think they know what they are talking about. Women are just stupid in this state.

    To put it to the test, I applied to 4 businesses in Chicago in one day and 2 of them replied back to me the very next day wanting to schedule an interview. I applied to 60 places in a year here in Ohio and only got 5 interviews. Again certain places I’ve applied to have hired stupid women who have dropped out of college to fill certain positions just because they had big boobs and were hot or probably felt sorry for them. Banks like to do that. Or they have hired a bunch of lazy minorities just to have diversity. Right now I am working my ass off just to gain money to go and live somewhere else so I can start living and have a real job and not get underpaid, and meet REAL open-minded people. I guarantee no matter what your job or career is in Ohio, you will get underpaid.

    And every other family in Ohio probably has at least one fat person in their family, one person with at least one tattoo, or one person who loves Ohio State. I will say this, people are more open-minded and friendlier in Michigan than in Ohio. But knowing someone from Ohio they will probably not believe me because it’s Michigan. They think they aren’t supposed to care about Michigan and thinks everything sucks about it just because they think they are not supposed to give a damn about it. That’s what annoying OSU fans will do to you. But a typical Ohioan will be known to judge a city or state and form all these opinions about it even though they have never been there. That’s how stupid people from Ohio can be. Detroit has actually improved its economy better than Cleveland has in the last 8 years, that’s sad. Go to Forbes.com people and search “best cities for jobs”. 5 out of the 6 major cities in Ohio are in the bottom 20 out of 100 in job growth and income growth. No other state has come close to that. I have been to about 10 states outside of Ohio and I gotta tell ya, no other state has as much apathy about life or goals in life in general than people in Ohio.

  58. This trashy state is the worse state I have ever lived in, and I have lived in some of what most here would consider “high class” areas like for example West Lake or Bath Ohio. The people here are truly twisted, and I cannot wait to get the f*** out of here.
    The people are unfriendly and everyone has their little clicks. I am a New England girl by birth and have lived several places in my life, but I would compare living here to living in the worst 3rd world country you could ever imagine.
    Most of the people that I have met are backwoods, and trailer park, fat dumpy looking, stringy hair, no teeth,racist. I have met racist people all my life, but I think most of them congregate in ohio.
    I hate this place and I cannot wait to leave!!!!
    I have never been so depressed as I have since I have been here. If it weren’t due to certain circumstances in job promotions and a career, I would have been gone a long time ago. I have been here 6 of the longest years of my life , and after purchasing a house here, now i have to wait until the housing market is sane again. The people here are very judgemental and argumentative. Just down right rude. Anyone who say they love it here has never traveled the world and discovered other cultures and the great things in this world. I have so i know from experience. The people of ohio can keep this place and they know where they can SHOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

  59. I agree metropolitan girl. And Pennsylvania and Michigan aren’t far behind with how depressing people are and certain areas are. But at least these 2 states have nicer people overall than in Ohio and have more pleasant things to look at. People in Ohio spend more time plowing and shoveling snow than exploring the great things life has to offer. There is so much to see in other states if people in Ohio would only leave here and take a look.

    Go out west, more things to do, more things to see and enjoy, more people who are worth being friends with, more things that will convince you life is good, better scenery, less smokers, less degenerate areas to live, etc. I have been to Denver, Phoenix, and Houston each for about a week with friends or just for the sake of travel. The negativity is like night and day compared to Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Toledo. The people in those cities are on opposite end of the negativity/positivity scale. And way way way less smokers out there than in Ohio. Here in Cleveland, every 3rd person is a smoker it seems like.

    And if you are a recent college graduate like me, especially with a dual degree, I guarantee you it won’t take you 1 year to find a decent full-time job. Because people aren’t stupid and won’t pass up on you when you have a degree like Cleveland would. And most cities out west won’t have worthless, misleading companies either, I’m sure. Especially the ones that think door-to-door sales or just sales in general is the same thing as marketing. Houston, TX and Denver, CO have real businesses who actually have a mission and follow it. And probably not as many shallow and rude people working for them out there too. In Ohio, you have to do a bunch of ass-kissing just to get anywhere. Because I have done research on companies around here and have applied to about 60 of them in Northeast Ohio, and it gets more and more frustrating every time. I applied to get a job with the Cleveland Cavaliers and couldn’t have made it any more clear I wanted to work for them. I have lots of leadership experience and volunteer work and a college degree as I already said. They turned me down because I was “too educated”. OK, define “too educated” for me? To not be “too educated”, does that mean going to college for 3 out of the 4 years and not graduating with a degree? Does that make me considered just “educated”. I almost choked on my food when I read that on my laptop. Only in Ohio would they come up with that kind of concept. Need I say more about this place?

  60. Ryan and metro girl you guys have great posts, and you are both sooo right on the money. This shit box of a state leaves a trillion things to be desired. Especially if you’re young sophisticated and educated. You wont find ANY job or ANYone on your level in this sorry ass state. I mean it’s not even worth the hassel. Time is too precious to waste away in some piece of trash state like O-Hell-O. Oh and that too educated nonsence is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard..ONLY IN TRASH BOX OHIO would you ever here that shit..

  61. The state needs to be nuked. What more can I say. From the fat and nasty people to the dullness and boring mean biased spirted hypricital folks there. I hope the Ohio State Bumblefuckeyes rot.

    Nuff Said

  62. Ohio has to be one of the most retarded states ever. The people are rude, and don’t even get me started on the asshole drivers who cant drive to save there own frekin’ lives! i am from texas and i am a proad texan, they may have hillbillies down there, but god! up here there everywhere! the politians are rats and cheap-ass, double crossing,back stabbing dickwads who rip people off! the state didn’t really become a state untill the 1950s! i’m serios! look it up, you’ll see that it should be 49th state of the union…if you even want to call it a state! the cops are currupt, cleveland sucks, the sports teams suck, every frickin’ thing about the state…SUCKS!

  63. how do ohioans keep their fucking licsences!? i mean really i used to live in ohio and some jackass cut me off and what do you think he was doing? talking on his fucking cellphone!
    and where did their football team come up with that fucked up name? BROWNS brown is the color of shit so what does it mean they cant play worth shit! and the indians are the most racist mothers i have ever seen first they make a racist symbol of a red skinned indian then they keep the name now i know that ohio used to be a state of indians but if you are that racist why dont you tell a hispanic to mow your lawn and wash your car…oh wait you do do that!?… (he he i said do do)any ways ohio sucks brown indian monkey ass!
    go COWBOYS and fuck those shit players!

    oh and merry christmas!

  64. O-Fuck-O (Ohio) is definitely a sewer..because there is nothing in shitbox Ohio but white trash, ghetto rats and horse shit!! every damn day..Ohio has all the components of a sewer, trash, rats, and shit..Fuck You Ohio and ALL of you piece of shit residents..

  65. Everyone knows you can’t do a damn thing in this state, especially during any season that isn’t summer. All you can do in January is drink, sleep, put up with the Ohio State fans for a little longer, and wait for the snow to melt. In February, you can sleep, go outside and realize hardly anyone lives in you area because everything looks so dead, watch people get fatter, and wait for the snow to melt. In March, you can sleep, watch dumb women walk around in skirts or clothes that don’t fit them when it’s 55 degrees outside, see more cigarettes and fast food wrappers fly around everywhere, and wait for the snow to melt. I don’t think anyone in this state knows how to keep things clean, or just clean in general. In April, you can pray for a 65 degree day to come, watch the few parks that exist become ghettofied, smell the stinky air from the potholes/sewers, and stay inside from the pouring rain almost every day. In May, you can watch or avoid massive road construction that flourishes everywhere and hope the summer comes ASAP. Any guy could make a lot of money being a construction worker in this state.

    I’m not even going to go on but you get the idea. Ohio is so retarded in everything. I leave you with another thought. Politicians are terrible money sucking people in this state and obviously don’t care about the future of this state and have taken the hope out of everyone who lives in this god awful state. Ask yourself, “When was the last time I saw my city’s mayor, or state governor in person, and when was the last time I heard them reaching out to the community or state I live in?” Think about it…………..it’s ok, I got time……….Alright sorry times up.

  66. Gosh, when will Ohio drivers actually learn how to drive and get off their cell phones? When will they stop pissing off other drivers and not be ignorant about it? Ugh!!!

  67. OK, so I’m one of those who “escaped” Ohio – Cleveland to be exact. I have lived in NH for about 8 years. Growing up in Ohio, I used to dream about New England – how wonderful it would be to live here. What I discovered is this: A place can be beautiful, but if the people have ugly attitudes then nothing else matters. I have generally found New Englanders to be very self-centered, judgemental and downright cold. It took me a long time to adjust to living here, and I still feel I haven’t completely. I lived in Lakewood for a few years before moving up here, and I really missed it – friendly people, that great little Thai restaurant, Aladdins, being right on the lake, etc.. Also, family counts for something, too. If all of your family lives in Ohio, try moving to that place you think is “perfect” – you may find it’s not what you had imagined.

  68. Hey what is this world coming to? I mean Joe Prezdski (a.k.a. Joe the Plumber) is now a reporter? I heard about this on WNBC TV in New York City. And when I saw him on the news he sounded stupid as ever. BTW Joe the Plumber is from Toledo, OH. Makes you wonder.

  69. I need to escape this state. The women here suck. They can’t take care of their emotional issues, are depressing, and create their own drama. The majority of people here are ignorant to what little things this state has to offer, especially the city of Toledo. People do nothing outside of work and drinking at the bars. People in Ohio don’t go to bars for occasional enjoyment, they go to bars to bitch and complain about everything that they possibly can. I am too ambitious and open-minded to stay in this hell hole of a state. Anyone who lives here realizes that everyone including themselves get up, go to work, come home, do nothing, go to sleep, get up, go to work, etc. This is nothing to do outside of work. There are many places where you can observe ghettoness and eavesdrop on unintelligent conversations with the men or the ridiculous conversations of the hagged-out, overweight, worthless women.

    Someone explain to me why the majority of the single scenes anywhere in this state consist mainly of rude ugly people and middle-aged divorcees? Lots of entertainment places in Toledo and Cleveland are sausage fests and if there are women, they will either be way too skinny, fake, smokers (which makes them 10 times more ugly), or overweight bar-hopper slutty women. I’m convinced that if you live in Ohio, are white, have a college degree, have a decent job, are not 30 yet, and are single and good-looking, you won’t find too many other women on your level or women who actually would be attracted to you. It’s a proven fact that the women in Ohio like ass-hole guys with a bunch of gay looking tattoos, muscles, and a mouth that likes to swear every other sentence. For you military guys, you have more to choose from, you’ve met your requirement. Any women around Toledo or Cleveland, would gladly bang you for free, publicly or privately.

    In the meantime, I am not going to lower to anyone else’s level and have other Ohioans effect my intelligent level. I am going to make effort to leave this place and hope to never come back. Just have to keep working my underpaid job for an unreliable company and save up some money just incase I get let go out of nowhere like some other people around here have told me.

  70. Man oh Man..I just took a drive through Columbus and OMG does Columbus look like shit! I mean I don’t know why I was expecting anything better.I mean it is in piece of shit Ohio..Ohio is the ugliest,most pathetic, shitbox of a state in the country..I’ve got to get the fuck out of this ugly ass state.

  71. “I have no money, I am a failure, my leaders have led me to ruin, and I welcome the absolving embrace of death”

    …and most of all he couldn’t get out of O-H-I-O.

  72. It’s very simple. The smart people get out of Ohio to have a better life or start a better life while they can. Those are the people who are more ambitious and more open-minded. The rest just stay here and think life is good, but they don’t realize what other parts of this country they are missing out on. As much as I would not like to live in California with all the strange liberals and such, I know I would be better off than living in Ohio. There is not one single city in this state worth living your life in. This state and its cities are so gosh darn miserable with nothing to offer its residents but a bunch of depressed looking drunks to watch.

    The economy is miserable, the close-minded people make you miserable, and last but not least, the scenery is miserable. I talked to several friends who just packed their things and up and left here and already knew after a week or two that they would be better off there and had no regrets leaving. Every one of them said to me, “Hey Andy, you really should move here, there are jobs everywhere compared to what is in Cleveland.” “The size of downtown Cleveland is like a thimble compared to the size of downtown Chicago.” For me, it’s just a matter of saving up money to get out of this sorry excuse for a state. No one deserves to live here, if you are goal-driven, you deserve better, plain and simple.

  73. I have to agree with westwood1 about converting the state into a glass plain. Might make it easier to drive through without stopping.

    The only luck I have here is bad. Luckily my dream of leaving is one property closer now.

  74. Ohio does suck. For some reason, if you go to any bar on the west side of Cleveland, people won’t be friendly with you unless they’ve known you their whole life. I also figured out that if you try to be friendly with some of the degenerate people in those bars, they won’t be friendly back unless you buy them a beer or let them bum a cigarette off of you. Hmmm…. sound strange I know. Also on the west side of Cleveland, it seems like almost every woman who is single is single because she probably couldn’t stop cheating with the last guy she was with or because she smokes, which made her 10 times more ugly so no intelligent guy would want her. Why are so many women hagged out? Especially the ones in their mid 20’s, they look like they are 10 years older some of them. And I’ve come across a lot of young waitresses who are bitchy for some reason and they wonder why they don’t get many tips. And no one can’t possibly live their dream in this state. All you need to do is look at how ugly and empty most of the cities are and the failures around you who smoke and drink cheap light beer every day.

  75. You know, I could pick ANY state in the U.S. and pick it to pieces.. The fact is, it is entirely a matter of preference. It’s funny though, especially in the middle portion of the country, how most of the people who have never even attended college, can’t spell the word college, or give you the location of the college they so blindly support sports wise, root for these seemingly precious college sports teams that mean, in reality, absolutely nothing to them. Two prime examples; Michigan and Ohio. I lived in Michigan for 5 years, believe me, they are the main reason the word retarded was entered into the Websters dictionary. The state is a garbage dump for Canada, all of their lakes are polluted, the food absolutely sucks, all of the whites want to be black, and unemployment should be their state motto. The only thing good about Michigan, is that the women love to suck dick.. Ohio sucks too, I was born there, left there, came back, left etc.. People are idiots, can’t drive for shit..

  76. Ohio isnt for pussies like all of you. Ive lived in other states, and Id rather live here in Cleveland. Yeah, its a dirty, nasty polluted hell hole, but its our hell hole. People arent fucking fakes like they are down south or on the west coast. We work for our living here, we dont expect a handout. As for people on the west side being hostile, its cause your a dick or a suburban chode. Go fuck yourselves.

  77. !Ohio definetly does blow, i’ve lived in Dover for 19 years now and I’m 19. Hah, its a waste of space in the union! Come to Ohio on vacation leave on probation! Its fucking redicilous the laws the redneck authority the lesbian probation officers. Fuck that shit! The weather is horrid, the indians blow. lebrons leaving the cavs. About the only good thing for ohio is our colleges, Athens and Kent, and a few other good ones. But to say the least, Fuck you ohio.

  78. Yeah Ohio, there could not be any worse of a state, except maybe New Jersey. But I have been to 15 different states in my life and the job market, the entertainment, the scenery, and the weather could not be any worse than the metro areas of Ohio. There is nothing to do in Cleveland, Toledo, and Cincinnati. The metro areas of Ohio have nothing great to offer its residents and the politicians of the state certainly are being very incompetent to help make things better.

    If you are young and want to be somebody and live a decent life, get out while you can. I had to leave the state to get experience and it was well worth it. I met way better people down in North Carolina than Ohio. Not to mention their metro cities have decent job growth. And there are better things to look at rather than factories, gas stations, and cornfields everywhere. In Ohio, there is a ton of worthless white trash who think labor jobs are a decent living. All people in Ohio want to do is drink beer, smoke, and eat food. Ohio has that luster than just won’t let people reach their full potential. After having been to Toledo, Cleveland, and Cincy, I have never met so many negative and close-minded people in my life. In North Carolina and Tennessee, everyone is positive and helpful, even to strangers.

    All I can say is, to young people who don’t have much job experience, move to a city with a better job market, who will take a chance on you and not turn you down when you have a college degree. When I applied for jobs in North Carolina about a year out of college, half of them called me back within the next couple days. In every single interview I had, the interviewer was shocked that I still didn’t have a job yet after a year. And because of how strong my resume was. I had a college degree with experience in 3 different organizations, and had a strong background with computer software. Well that’s Ohio for you, what can I say. Ohio f*cking sucks. This sorry excuse for a state can go to hell. The only time I am ever going back is to visit. Every single major city gets worse every year and I wonder why. Terrible mayors, terrible government, corrupt police forces, terrible real estate, terrible urban planning, more mean and degenerate people, etc. I love North Carolina, you can’t go wrong living in Charlotte, Raleigh, or Greensboro.

  79. Another thing I never understood was the fact that Ohio is in the Midwest but like 80% of the people in the state act like Southerners and love their country music. This state is full of guys who act like assholes and think it’s cool. They love to treat people like shit and think it’s cool. They love to put people down to make themselves look better. Especially true in Cleveland. There are high levels of douchebaggery in almost every suburban bar around Cleveland. I have never seen so many women who are ugly and or fat but act like whores and think they are hot. Go to a bar in Cleveland or Akron, the bartenders are snotty and are bitches or assholes who will put you down if you aren’t there to get shitfaced. Better cities probably don’t have bartenders who give you a weird look just because you took 5 extra seconds to decide on what drink to order.

    I have been to major restaurants in the Cleveland and Akron areas and compared to the major restaurants in Chicago or Milwaukee, it has 10 times worse service and 10 times more unfriendly people. The servers in Milwaukee and Chicago, and even down in the Carolinas, don’t avoid you or push you out of there just so they can take their cigarette breaks. The kind of women you meet in the bars in those areas aren’t middle-aged divorcees or slutty whores who have 3 kids with 3 different fathers. Those women probably become classy before they become legal. Good luck trying to find those women in Ohio. And last but not least, is there any other state that has more cliques and “people knowing everybody” type of bars than in Ohio? Shit gets annoying.

  80. Greg,

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. Toledo was a nightmare and a joke. I now live in San Diego, and I love it. What everyone on here says is true…I’d rather have an apartment in SD than live ina mansion in Toledo, OH. Wrap your mind around this scary thought…the nightlife and women in Cleveland are actually better than in Toledo. So, that gives you an idea how bad I had it for 2 years. lol

  81. I can’t believe i found a website with people who understand what i’m thinking. I grew up in Philadelphia, and i never saw or heard of a white ghetto until i moved near Youngstown Ohio. The bars suck, with the most hideous women i’ve ever seen. The women in Ohio must all take the same class in high school called bitch about my life 101. The white kids act like they are gangster rappers, but when you tell them they are about to loose some teeth, they automatically change their voice which is funny. The shitiest bars have dress codes LOL. I go home to Philly a couple times a year and i sit in a irish pub and soak up the history and atmosphere since Ohio has none. The people who i employ won’t work more than 3 days a week so they don’t lose welfare benefits. Everyone is on drugs and that is not a overstatement. We had druggies in my neighborhood in Philly, but they at least did not brag about it like it is a badge of honor. I’m friends with some cops and they tell me i’m not crazy. Whatever you do don’t move your family here, take it from me and this blog. I’ve tried to think about that maybe i’m being hard on Ohio, but everyone who has traveled and comes back says the same thing. In closing, Ohio is a big open sewer,with religious nutcases who are all on welfare and sit on porches and complain about why life sucks. Here’s a thought, make Ohio the official Goth state, that’s very fitting. Oh and do research on why some of the most horrific serial killers in America grew up in Ohio.

  82. Scott,

    Ohio could be called several names. The Road Kill State, since there is road kill every 2 miles on every freeway. The Garbage State, since there is garbage along the side of many roads around the city, including cigarette butts and black and mild mouth pieces out the ass. The Close-Minded State, since every other person is close-minded and is stuck in any year before 1988. The Unemployment State, since pretty much the job growth has never increased in at least the last 12 years. I would rather give that nickname to Michigan though.

    The city of Cleveland is ranked 4th poorest city in the US, 7th highest in crime rate and the 9th most unsafe city to live in, according to Forbes.Com and CNN. The population has dropped an average of 1.1% annually since 1998. Cleveland was the 23rd most populated metro city in the US in 1990. As of 2009, it is the 42nd most populated metro city, which is almost dead last. The drop of 19 ranks since 1990 has had no other city come close to that. Not even Jacksonville, FL, Kansas City, MO, or Providence, RI. Can’t say I am surprised. It is probably going to continue like this as long as we keep having uneducated left wing nuts living here and liberal mayors.

    P.S.- To anyone who wants to move to Ohio, your first order of business should be to learn how to avoid the annoying and bandwagon Ohio State fans at all times. Don’t be ashamed if you don’t like Ohio State and all their O-H-I-O gayness. Just be prepared to be treated like an degenerate from the Middle East if you don’t worship them.

  83. You think Cleavland is bad try living in Norwood a ghetto surrounded by ghettos. Break ins are common place and happen in two stages one to see if you have anything worth stealing two the actual theft home invasions are bad there also I’ve personally foiled about twenty. assaults both violent and non violent are frequent at one point in the 90s you couldn’t step out on to your porch without some white boy hoodlum harassing you. The city itself is dirty trash littering the streets go to one of their city parks and it’s nothing to see empty beer cans and bottles, wine bottles, fast food containers and wrappers, and cigarette butts all over the place along with graffiti and busted up vending machines. The whole city for the most part is nothing but bullies, thieves, thugs, and druggies with a few exceptions you can’t go to a bar without being hassled or getting into a fight and the police are a joke.

  84. I currently live in Cleveland, Ohio. I moved from one shitty city to the next when I left Youngstown, OH for this dumpster of a city. I lost my job some ways back and I still have not been able to find a position that meets my monetary needs. I am a college graduate who is disgruntled at the fact that jobs are scarce in Ohio..particularly NE Ohio. There is nothing here but retail and telemarketing jobs…there is no real future in that stuff. Yes, the economy is bad, but, Ohio was in a recession way before this economy hit rock bottom.

    Speaking of Cleveland..this place fucking sucks. Everyone here is a LeBron James/Cleveland Cavaliers fan..everyone seems to EMBRACE the Cavaliers. I can understand why..because he is the only hope for this craphole. It is ALWAYS raining or snowing here..it’s raining now in fact! The attitudes of the people that live here is nothing like I’ve ever seen before. People are always angry, they are not open to difference of opinion, overly aggressive and wildly insecure. Not to mention, these people drive like complete CRAP. I agree with whoever said “If you’re young, ambitious and want to be something in life..then you need to get out of Ohio”. Fuck this place, I am out of here next opportunity that I get.

  85. I am so with you..I’m 25 years old ,and I am freaking out because my youth is leaving me and I’m still sitting here in this piece of shit state..Cincinnati(Shitinati) is the ass crack shit hole of the universe. I can’t wait to leave this ghetto trash hell hole.I’m about to fight like hell and save all I can so I can be rid of this dumb ass place within 2 years..

  86. Have a riddle for you guys.

    What is the difference between a woman from Ohio and a woman from anywhere else in the US?

    A) A woman from Ohio cares more about Ohio State than finding a decent guy/non ass-hole

    B) A woman from Ohio think douchebags in bars/clubs make great boyfriends/husbands

    C) A woman from Ohio wears short skirts and flip flops when it is 55 degrees out.

    D) A woman from Ohio always has something to bitch about and/or bitches at her boyfriend/husband every other day

    E) All of the above

  87. lmao…Reading all of these posts makes me so happy I left. Like a few others on this site, I lived in Toledo, OH for a couple of years. I was married to a local girl. Let me tell you, whoever said Ohio women cheat on you as quick as they can breathe was not lying. I’m a Network Administrator for Google, yet my “wife” cheated on me with a low life from Cleveland. Go figure. Anyway, I won the divorce…got to keep ALL of my money…successfully sold my house in BORING Perrysburg…transferred to Seattle…and I am now a happy 30 year old, slender bachelor who is enjoying the life that I was “RE” blessed with. It’s funny, because now my ex is now broke because of her felony finding boytoy. Toledo, in a nutshell, was a craphole of a town. ALL the women, yes even my ex, are at least 270lbs with 3 kids by 4 different guys. lol. Toledo is a living Maury show. Not to mention the lack of culture, nightlife, happiness, fitness, and just plain things to do. Going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Buckeyes game was all they ever wanted to do. I tell you…I couldn’t be happier that I left. I read all the posts by Jerold on here. He hit Toledo spot on. I don’t really know about Cleveland or Cincinnati(Spelling error). I never travelled that far into Ohio. My ex always wanted to go to Columbus, which I was not impressed with in the least bit. Ohioans think of Columbus as the center of the world…but it’s just the center of their world. Everyone is miserable there, and I’m glad I left. Save you youth. Leave Ohio!

  88. Ohio is unfortunately experiencing the contraction it needs to handle what its economy can produce. When the economy is suffering and the state can not attract the bright young interesting people, then an Ohio resident can expect what everyone has complained about above.

    I was at Roverfest in Cleveland yesterday. Yes, the event probably attracts a certain type, but I think it was reflective of what a lot of the young people are like in Cleveland. Close to 90% of the young white men were dressed with baggy jeans, white shoes, the neatly trimmed beards, and big chains. Tattoos galore. Most of them appeared angry as they were talking on their cell phones. “Shoot”,”Where you at?”, “Hell No”, “Fuck That”, “I’m gettin that money” and running after they said that was occuring. I imagine this type of behavior is helping accelerate the job growth.

    Socialism, of course, is not helping any of the big cities in Ohio either. Welfare states, single mother families, all add to the cancer we have to fight off.

    Other states such as Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Missouri have got to suck too. Iowa has to suck.

  89. I’m Sorry, but, Ohio has always been 10-15 years behind the other states in the U.S…particularly Northeast Ohio. After Ohio lost it’s industrial stronghold, it never did anything to “diversify” it’s economy. Alot of other states have the biotech industry, strong financial industry etc. What does Ohio have? Hmm…farming, very light financial industry, diminishing factory jobs and lots of retail. An educated person cannot sustain themselves in these industries. That is why the people who go to college here graduate and quickly move out of the state.

    Ohio also cannot attract employers here. 1) the population is poorly educated, 2) Noone wants to live here..the weather absolutely sucks. Don’t get me started on the NE Ohio winters. It’s always raining, snowing, bitter cold or extremely humid. 3) Ohio taxes are so ridiculous that employers don’t want to relocate here. Not to mention that we have a state government full of corrupt politicians.

    To the guy above who spoke about the young men doing the cursing etc…that’s Ohio for you. A state full of disgruntled, uneducated people with very ugly attitudes.

    I am saving up and planning to make my own exodus very soon. I personally can’t deal with it. There are people sitting around here wasting their lives working low level jobs. There are also people who have been waiting for YEARS and YEARS thinking that the steel mills are coming back. Well guess what? THEY AREN’T COMING BACK PEOPLE! This recession is only going to cripple Ohio even more. Hell, Ohio was in a recession years before this mess even started. Once it’s over, due to a lack of a diversified economy…the exodus of previous employers etc…Ohio will be in even worse condition economy wise.

    I am out of this craphole as soon as the right opportunity presents itself. I can’t take this bullshit anymore..seriously. Anyone who decides to stay here is an unambitious fool.

  90. Ohio is a sad sad state. The tattoo industry is growing more than the financial industry is, that’s how bad the economy is here. More and more companies are leaving. A young person looking for a professional job around here will take at least 6 months to find a decent one. Forget finding one that pays well, they are all underpaid. I have a buddy who has a pre-med degree and he is working a job doing research that pays the same as a secretary, barely over $30,000. Are you kidding me? Almost all of the starting salaries for jobs in places like Washington D.C., Denver, CO, and Nashville, TN are in the high 30’s/low 40’s.

    Screw Ohio had it right, there is nothing but retail and factory jobs here. And lots of telemarketing companies. And I love how everyone thinks Columbus is the greatest city ever and that it’s the center of the world. There are plenty of rude and uneducated people there too. It’s sad that West Virginia is hiring for more jobs right now than Ohio is. And West Virginia has only like 2 major metro cities. Ohio has 88 counties which means plenty of school districts. But West Virginia still has the higher percentage of districts right now that are hiring. Thanks Governor Taft for your ignorance.

    There seems to be a lot of recent college grads moving down to the D.C. area to find jobs. That’s because there are jobs everywhere near there. The cost of living may be a lot higher than here but you are still probably better off. Most jobs aren’t going to return to NE Ohio and I bet there are hardly going to be any more coming in as much as Obama says there will. As long as the recession continues, more people and businesses will be leaving and when this job crisis simmers down, Ohio will still be worse off because of taxes climbing, lack of ambitious people who have money (no one has money in NE Ohio anymore), and industries never coming back.

    I have a 4 year dual degree in Marketing/PR, graduated with a 3.0, experience in 3 college organizations, a page full of volunteer work, have had 5 different jobs in my life, have 4 legitimate professional references, have applied to about 100 places in the last year, still no full-time job, and am contemplating switching career paths. How could any recent college grad want to be in the position I am in? Especially after spending $70,000 on college. I start to wonder sometimes that the people in charge in Ohio don’t want to see people succeed. Probably because they are arrogant idiots who want to protect their own jobs. Most of the places I’ve had interviews with are either pyramid scheme companies or businesses that hire people for temporary reasons and let them go out of nowhere. Ohio needs to learn how to create business friendly atmospheres for the businesses that are here. That may also be a reason why educated people are leaving.

  91. Hello! My husband and I just moved to Southern California from Cleveland, Ohio four months ago. We owe everything that we’ve accomplished in life to Cleveland. We would have never met and obtained our careers if it wasn’t for the buckeye state. My husband and I love travel, but when we weren’t traveling we were discovering great restaurants in Cleveland’s Warehouse district, taking the Cuyahoga Valley scenic railroad tour in the fall when the trees are at their most beautiful, red, yellow, purple green etc. or camping in Hocking Hills in a beautifully made cabin with handmade Amish furniture. Stop for a an intimate concert at House of Blues or attend a Cavs game at the Q, how about a Father’s Day brunch aboard the Nautica queen cruise, there is always a festival of some kind going on. With so many wonderful places to go, we were never bored. The cost of living is affordable and we surrounded ourselves with considerate folks who treated us like family. BUT!!! Considering all of this, we were offered the chance to move to California and jumped at the chance. The weather is incredible and the scenery is absolutely breathtaking where we live. I think we just miss being familiar, knowing where everything is. Oh well, we have a GPS now. I would have never left Ohio if it wasn’t for the terrible weather, six to seven months of bad weather. It gets so cold your bones ache. I would get atleast two serious sinus infections every year. Since we have arrived in California, I haven’t taken one sinus pill, it’s a real miracle. California rent is expensive, but the high gas and electric bills in Ohio kind of evens things out. The weather and scenery was definitly worth it. I will visit Ohio anytime, but we don’t have any immediate plans to go back, I recently visted New York City and found I missed it more. Thanks for everything Ohio, hellooo sunny California!

  92. Ohio is depressing. I left because there was no mental stimulation. Everyone drinks and grazes during the winter. I came to Nashville because its a more active lifestyle and tons of business opportunity. Speakign of comparing shopping malls, the difference is stark. The Cool Springs Galleria in Franklin TN is night and day compared to the old Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, OH thats just falling down. Sad to see malls everywhere become extinct as more open air shopping centers like Lenox Village in Beachwood OH and HG Hill Center in Green Hills TN.

  93. God toledo sucks there’s nothing to do here it’s filled with abanded houses, and the city isn’t cutting the fricking grass and now there’s weeds growing up to my adoment. Now unlike NE there are SOME friendly people if you live in the southside or in beverly the rest is just some mullent loving drug addict rednecks, and white trashplus with African americains fighting over about gang warfare or some stupid thing like it and let me tell you if your not christain or Jewish in this state most of the dumb people will chew you up and spit you out espically if you’re arabic. It was hard to keep the depression down from highschool after 9/11 it went real bad for us I’m telling you about 89% of people making a racist comment dosen’t even make fucking sense. They all ways metion 1 country. Iraq. WTF Now for you people who know there is 1 more than 1 religion in the Middle east 2 The’re a crap load of countries there why only metion 1. This is how stuck up the people are. Oh yah by the way the made the racist comments 2 years after 9/11. What bullshit. Now let’s talk about jobs, now I want to have a job to be a video game designer or something to do with computers, what I get ethier a cheaply paid Docter a pissed off Lawyer because of the Ohio laws there (that I’ll mention that later)a screwed teacher or cheap labor, also some farms which is bullshit beacuse they grow corn like crazy. It could be the next set for children of corn 7 or12 I lost track of the movie. Now I want to go to Dvry since it’s the only college that dose that kind of stuff. I look it up to see where’s the nearest location only to see that’s in Dayton, Columbus, and Cinitnate. That’s when I lost it, with ohio the only bright side is I’m out of Toledo. But come on that’s stupid why is it so necssary to be more than 150 miles away, well blog later.

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