1. Ohio….. Full of fake people. Full of people who pretend to be your friend. Full of people who don’t want to have anything to do with you. Full of people who don’t believe in the concept of community. Full of bandwagon sports fans (Ohio State). Full of Steelers fans (still can’t figure that one out). Full of people who think you are an illegal if you dislike Ohio State. Full of rednecks, some of which are more redneck than people in Tennessee or Alabama. Full of people who are pissed off for whatever reason. Full of people who think that having a shit ton of food establishments in your area means you have a lot to do. Full of people with tattoos; ugly ones, ones that make no sense, ones in the wrong places, too many of them, etc. Full of women who can’t wear clothes that fit them. Full of people who think eating Taco Bell means you are on a diet. Full of people with mid 1990 cars. Full of self-righteous Christians. Full of fake Christians. Full of alcoholics. Full of people that stay at home all day. Full of people that wear clothes that are 20 years old. Full of people that complain on a daily basis. Full of people on welfare. Full of people with no degrees but complain about not being able to get a job. Full of 40 year olds working part-time jobs. Full of overpriced colleges/high in-state tuition rates. Full of subpar sports teams. Full of people who still can’t get over the Browns moving to Baltimore, the Cavs losing to the Bulls in 89, the Indians losing in the 97 World Series. Full of overweight women. Full of ugly women that think they are hot. Full of conservatives. Full of people who have lived here their whole lives. Full of people who are stuck in the 1970’s or 1980’s. Full of abandoned buildings. Full of terrible economically developed cities. Full of corrupt politicians. Full of terribly funded schools. Full of underpaid teachers, or better yet underpaid anythings. Full of bars, food establishments, gas stations, any place to get a bunch of alcohol pretty much. Full of police cars and policemen who have nothing better to do with their time but catch speeders, even when they go 7 over. Cedar Point.

    Did I miss anything?

  2. I just can’t stand it anymore how people in Ohio think they are better than everyone. It really pisses me off and makes me sick. Most of these people in Ohio need to move down south to be straightened out. People carry themselves like they are better than you and want nothing to do with anyone else. I have lived in Ohio for 3 years and just can’t get over how unfriendly people are up here. I went into a Walmart and had to go through 8 people to get help with something because people just kept avoiding me or walking away from me while I was talking.

    Everyone just looks so pissed off and hagged out as if they don’t want to live life anymore. My next door neighbors and people that live on my street don’t even wave back when I wave to them. I offered to invite them over to get to know them and just BS and they were giving me weird looks as if I was crazy. And the economy is like night and day down in Georgia compared to Ohio. There are less taxes, education is more affordable, there isn’t a food establishment, bar, or pharmacy every where you look, and people know how to smile. I know for a fact that if I worked my job I have right now down in Georgia, I wouldn’t be underpaid. I just have to make what I can make.

    They say you don’t realize how much you hate living somewhere until you lived somewhere else and want to go back. Well it’s the truth. Thanks Ohio for your 3 years of shitty hospitality and atmosphere of people not even worth knowing.

  3. I just got back from a trip to Columbus, Ohio and I love how EVERYONE there is an Ohio State fan by default. I also love how boring and drab the 90 mile stretch of I-71 is. You literally need to overdose on Prozac to drive ANYWHERE in Ohio. I’ve lived in Ohio all of my life and the drivers and the people here are so disgruntled. All I want is to be around nice weather and nice people. You can’t get ANY of that in this crappy state. People in Ohio are so used to cold weather..that some guy asked me “where was my jacket” and it was like 75 degrees outside. Another thing that you’ve got to love is the economy here. I love how I can’t even find a decent job to be proud of and support my family with. I love how Ohio is STILL stuck in a manufacturing based economy decades after the great depression. I love how people just continue to settle in this wasteland in hopes that the steel mills will somehow resurrect themselves. The auto industry is gone, the still mills are gone and new employers overlook this area because it sucks so bad. Everywhere you drive…all you see are gas stations & retail stores. Retail is the only thing propping up this craphole..and guess what? After Christmas, the retail bubble will burst. The politicians in this state are crooked, selfish a-holes who could care less about Ohioans. The schools systems in every major city are severely behind other states. I swear, I hate this place. I’ve been without a job for a while due to layoffs and I don’t know what I am going to do. My wife is being laid off from her job in October and it sucks. I just want to move out of Ohio and start a new life elsewhere. I fucking hate this piece of shit state.

  4. Ohio Andy you didn’t miss one thing. Ohio is a piece of SHIT and full of a bunch of dumb idiots and f#ck-ups who wouldn’t know a real life if it bit them in the crotch..The count down to leaving this shit-land is ON..

  5. I know leaveohiopasap. But I mean I just can’t stand how everyone assumes that everyone should be an Ohio State fan by default. I can’t stand how people in Ohio have the mentality that they think they are better than you! Whoever said this is the “We don’t do this here” state is right on. I love people from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois (surrounding states). They have nicer people, waaaaay more hospitable and don’t treat you as an outsider. People from those states come here and are like “What the hell is wrong with this state?” or “What the hell is wrong with the people here, why are they so rude and mean?” My brother went on a date with this one woman and she started liking him less as soon as he told her he wasn’t into Ohio State and didn’t care for them. She was like “I expect this from someone who is from Michigan, but not you.” His jaw just dropped in disbelief. I almost crashed my car I was laughing so hard when he told me the whole story.

    I mean whenever I go to Michigan to visit cousins and family, the people there have never ever looked down on me when I said I was from Ohio. They were always just happy that they got a visitor and happy with what they have there and just try to live life. People in Ohio on the other hand carry an automatic negative mentality that makes you want to move even more. People are so close-minded and unfriendly here. You go outside to jog or take your dog to a park, no one ever says hello to you or responds when you say hello to them. I have a very good friend here from Texas and a friend from northern Michigan. They are actually true friends and not fake friends and they don’t like very many people here as do I. So it doesn’t take long to figure things out.

    People should move before they are stuck here. This state is crap and a foundation for failure for anyone who wants to get ahead in life. If you don’t know an important person or are semi-good-looking, you are fucked. It’s hard to find a decent woman to marry in Northeast Ohio with normal and good morals, that is not pissed off all the time, is well-educated, knows how to dress herself, doesn’t have tattoos, has non-bitchy friends, and can be a good wife. Feel free to give me an AMEN!

  6. I love living in Ohio. If you do not then you can just get out. The last thing Ohio needs is some whiney, hypocritical, little shit complaining about living here when you are perfectly capable of getting the heck out. You should of stayed in that tourist trap you call a state, also known as Flordia. Pull up your big girl panties and get over yourself!

  7. Hey CoolPenguin,

    If you LOVE Ohio soooo much…how did you find your way to a site(forum) entitled “Ohio Sucks”? You don’t just find this place by accident. I don’t believe you. You know that Ohio sucks like the rest of us. Unfortunately, you are probably one of those individuals who are stuck here. You mention about being “capable” of getting out? I believe that is a cover-up for your feelings and not being able to leave this state. Stop trying to convict others and be totally honest with yourself because I don’t believe your false pride and patriotism toward this craphole state.

  8. CockPENGUIN or whatever the fuck you call yourself, Obviously you are one of those idiot retards that think Ohio is glorious.. Go kill yourself..Please!Read the title of this message board.It says Reasons Why Ohio Sucks! If you don’t like what we are saying,get the fuck off our message board you fucking idiot..

  9. My name is Bill…I was born here in Ohio…I am now 43…

    In 1988 – my family dragged me back to this piece of Satan’s used SH:# paper kicking and lamenting, because “They were homesick”. That’s a little bit like desperately missing the experience of having a rabid skunk pee on you while your muddling through a bad case of leprosy.

    Ohio is Horrid. It is horrible. If you like Ohio -then you are automatically a sado masochistic freak of unnaturalness who also probably likes to be hung from the cieling by your penis with a rusty fishing hook, or force fed live maggots with the business end of a toilet plunger.

    This is the kind of place you pray to escape from.
    Living here should be a penalty for the worst forms of murder, rape, and pediphelia that can be imagined in the darkest recesses of the inhuman id. Only Hell, or Afghanistan could possibly be worse. I hate this place.

    #1 The people here are far more than merely rude. You could pull one from drowning in a river, and they would merely readjust their clothing and walk away from you with their nose in the air like they were fricking entitled. Forget using manners – they WON’T appreciate it. A smack in the teeth would impress them more probably.

    #2, You can’t really enjoy either the brief spring / summer months, or the mild autumn spell that lasts about a month or so – because of the constant tornado warnings, and the joy of camping out in your basement, or staying glued to the local weather channel. It’s like a non-stop fear fest – it’s tormenting.

    #3, THERE ARE NO GOOD JOBS unless you are a doctor, a nurse, a truck driver, or a heating and air conditioning specialist.

    #4, Yes – all that they like to talk about are the Bengals, OSU, NASCAR, guns, or fishing.

    #5, YES – most woman of child bearing age here are typically pregnant and / or with three kids in tow. This doesn’t cause nausea in and of itself – except when they whip out the state assistance card while in the store line in front of you, and they’ve got three thousand dollars worth of groceries – most of which is soda pop, potato chips, c.

    #6, There is NOTHING to do here at all to have any real fun in the Winter months – and you have to drive for hours to find anything in the summer.

    #7, Winters last for seven months typically – and they are painful. It’s so cold it physically hurts you to go outside.You can NOT travel in the winter months unless you HAVE to.

    #8, Most of the rivers are polluted horribly here – but you still see people fishing in them…Why?

    #9, In the spring and summer it’s like Louisiana. In the fall it’s like England. In the winter it’s like a hundred miles north of Siberia.

    #10, People let their dogs and cats run loose constantly – you can’t take a walk without worrieing that a rottwieler will come running from artound a corner at you.

  10. (continued)
    #11, The people here in Ohio hate you if you use too many “big words”. In short – they make fun of you if you are slightly more intelligent than a wart. Explains why Bush was so popular.

    Note – my own mother told me not to use big words around people when I was growing up in this F%&ing landfill most people loosely refer to as a state…

    #12 The most popular front yard game in the state is where a bean bag is tossed through a hole in a piece of lumber at 50 paces. They call this game “CORNHOLE”…No more need be said about that. Draw your own conclusions…

    #13, My childhood here stank – it reaked – it was unfulfilling, painful, unpleasant, disappointing, and pathetic.

    Ending this list on a “13” note is appropriate.
    I have to escape here – but I lack the funds, the transportation, and the preparation – despite years of trying. Please don’t live here if you really don’t have to – and if you do live here and can leave – LEAVE!!!

    Leave as quickly as possible. I have had neighbors who have moved out of Ohio – and even though I hardly knew them – I felt like weeping with joy because yet another soul found liberation.

    Encourage others to leave Ohio – let’s start a campaign so that everyone will leave Ohio – and let this decrepid shriveled beast finally starve to death for want of more souls to absorb – and die on it’s black and twisted vine.

    Let’s make it vacant and urge the government to use this condemnable wasteland for weapons testing, or poxied animal research. This cursed land has claimed too many lives – and has extuingished the twinkle from the eyes of far too many souls who were not born with the natural defences of inbred moronicism or obtuse circumstantial tunnel vision, or a love of the chronically familiar that was so profound as to prevent one from leaving a warm, festering pile of worm ridden SH%T.

    I am halfway decent – red blooded heterosexual man with a judeo-christian value set, but I’m almost to the point of prostituting myself out of desperation to escape this House Of Usher called Ohio. It is a pit of doom and a spiritual blood bathe of despair.

  11. (continued)
    When I leave this place (Ohio) – and find a better place to live (there ARE better places by the way – despite the cultish mooney banter of other Ohioans who tell me “There aren’t any better places to live” because misery loves company), I will hit my knees and thank God with a loud voice for my liberation. Ohio IS oppressive to your mind, your body, and your soul.

    I was once told that Ohio was one of the most haunted states in the union. I don’t doubt it.

    For those of you who have children, don’t bring them here! Ohio is a lousy place to raise kids – I can gaurantee you. For those of you who have elderly family members – don’t bring them – they’ll be lousy by the medical establishment here.

    My sister was brought to a local hospital after a car accident that shattered her spine – and these idiots tried to MAKE HER WALK shortly after entering the emergency room.


  12. Ohio is somewhere in the top ten spaces on the states lists for bankruptcies, pollution / polluted waterways (number 2), teen pregnancy, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lymphoma, allergies, taxes, lowest wages, infant mortality,
    chronic (morbid) obesity, poverty per capita, unemployment, divorce rates, murder, sex offenders, STDs, meth addiction and trafficking, and the heartbreak of severe acne.

    Ohio is also one the top states for property damage due to severe weather annually (not a good place to live – that’s why housing is generally cheaper, because you’ll only own it up until a nice breeze sends your shiznak off to the jolly old land of OZ).

    If you live in Ohio – best have lots of video and computer games and board games and such – cause you aint goin out of the house NO WHERE from Late November to mid April aside from going to work.
    You’ll also need a fortune in Gas Treatment and Antifreeze, and maybe a change of tire or to from them either collapsing too much, or exploding from the -10 degree F weather that starts around Late January / early February.

  13. Ahhh yes – Ohio. Do you know how absolutely wonderful it is to get a brief preview of the subtextural joys of the apocolypse, by having to sit in your house and listen to them test the tornado alert sirens every first wednesday of the month? It’s like living in Silent Hill. It’s a reminder of just how uninhabitable and fruitlessly useless this cess pool really is.
    Oh there is no measure possible by mere human standards that can even begin to gauge the absolute contempt that I have for this filthy pergatory.

    To people from Tadzikistan, Ohio might be like Malibu on a sunny day, but to everyone else who have tasted life outside of this rot hole, it’s a unbearable adventure in misery.

    Why do Mexican immigrants move here? I’m not against them really – and I’m not being biggoted either – I just can’t understand how they could even begin to possibly believe that Ohio is BETTER than Mexico. Why are they running deliberately into agony? Surely no-one could possibly be so desperate except those souls from those rare places upon the tiny blue planet that are worse.

    Did you know that Ohio is also one of the states in the union with the most cemetaries per county?
    Nearly every town, no matter how big or small, has approximately four cemetaries at least. Not only that, but your also not counting the ancient indian burial sites that are also all over the state. It’s a place of despair.

    As you enter the state line – the sign shouldn’t say “Welcome To Ohio” – it should be more truthful. It should read something like “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here”. This state will trap you because once you move here it will suck your finances, and then when your caught – it will torture you with a litany of dismality, cruel irony, misfortune, emotional turbulence, anti – success, and dirty gray entropic lethargy – like the waters of a luke warm, stagnant spillway full of old sewage and sludge.

    Living here is like sliding into a manure pit where the sides are too slimy to pull yourself out of it. It reminds me of that thing in the original Star Wars movie out in the desert – that looks like a hole in the ground with teeth sprouting out of it.

    I HATE this place – and that’s an understatement…

  14. P.S. – If you love Ohio – please don’t email me and bad mouth me all over the place. If I could leave Ohio I would, it’s agony to me.

    If you want me out of your precious state – then start a collection for me, I’ll need at least $25,000,00.

    If you did that for me – then I would love you forever, irregardless of whether or not you were deranged enough to actually enjoy living in a place like this. If I ever had children – I’de name my firstborn after you. I would give you a kidney if you ever needed a transplant. I’de buy you something every Christmas – and also on your birthdays. I would love you dearly. I would weep at the mere mention of your name with sublime devotion and heart felt thanksgiving. If I ever became rich – I’de build a Hospital and name it after you. I would build a monument in your honor. I would be a faithful and devoted friend to you with fanatical – almost religious ferver.

    I’ve had my gripe – I’m done with it…

  15. Why are people so pissed off here? It’s like they wake up everyday looking for something to bitch or be mad about. And people actually do say, “You will find the same thing anywhere else.” or “It’s the same everywhere else.” Not true. I don’t care what you think, unless you have been to other places and cities, you can’t say anything. In fact, I know a lot of people who have moved out of state and have tried to make it on their own somewhere else and have come back. And then they realized that there are better places than here in Ohio. I mean ALL OF THEM miss the places they lived before coming back because of finances or jobs transfers. But at least they tried to get out of this hell hole trap that doesn’t want its citizens to succeed like other Americans.

    There are way too many jobs that are never coming back here. People have ruined this state and taken it down. Since 1997, Ohio has been negative 40,000 in jobs, while Texas has been positive 500,000 and Tennessee 75,000 in jobs. This a fact from Forbes research and Money magazine. You could probably move to any metro city in Texas and be happy for life and never want to come back to this dreary state. This state has nothing good to offer and its #1 export is people hands down. There are so many things in this state that push people away and I think we all can name off at least 50 reasons.

    I like when Bill The Depressed mentioned how you can’t use big words around people here. This one amazes me because I can’t tell you how many times someone gave me that “you are weird” face whenever I used big words or said something intelligent. Or better yet, many people have told me “You’re gonna have to dumb it down for me.” whenever I explained or asked something to them. This even happens at work lol. If you are an arrogant douchebag in this state, people will actually like you, especially true for single women. If you are full of yourself and/or act like a yuppy, you are more likely to get a job for some reason.

    After living in this state my whole life, I have concluded the following:

    1) No other state could possibly top Ohio in the “I only care about myself and don’t want to have anything to do with anyone who is not like me.” category.
    2) This state by far has the most people who never say hello back when you say hello to them.
    3) This state has a ton of people who complain about their finances but go out the next day and spend an outrageous amount of money on something that they probably don’t need. And then they want help from the government (It’s the bills that aren’t being paid)
    4) The state has more Steelers fans than Browns or Bengals fans. I may need a detective to figure this one out, because I haven’t solved this case yet.
    5) Ohio has the worst drivers of any of the other 10 states I have been to from all angles.
    6) We have the most people who stay inside all day.
    7) Ohio probably has the highest alcohol consumption rate per capita than any other state.
    8) The worst sports teams, need I say more. Miserableness is the gathering point.
    9) Ohio has a shit ton of teenagers or people under 21 who are pregnant, already had a kid, and/or have had sex 20+ times already.
    10) It’s very difficult to get ahead or succeed in life here with a college education, good looks, volunteer experience, and aren’t a minority. Because people in Ohio don’t think these things are a big deal. (Translation = If you recently graduated college, get the hell out before the idiots here drag you down)
    11) Ohio State football is the reason why people get up in the morning.

    Well I hope I have been in assistance to anyone who has never had thoughts of leaving Ohio. And to those who have never lived in Ohio, start thinking of a backup plan if you do decide to move here.

  16. Greg,

    I was with you until you started talking about not being able to succeed here unless you are a minority. I believe that you are wrong there. Minorities have it bad, not only in Ohio, but everywhere else in the country. Ohio is very racist. I’ve seen alot of racism concentrated in all of NE Ohio and cities like Cincinnati. If you are a minority and you wish to succeed in this state…you are better off looking toward Columbus. Ohio in general sucks, but, Columbus is probably as best as Ohio gets. It’s the only city that has a diverse economy and appears more accepting of difference races and nationalities. Otherwise, you are better off leaving this craphole for all the reasons mentioned above.

  17. Life is tough in Ohio, especially in NE Ohio. The Cavaliers are the only exciting sports team to look forward to. Everything else is depressing. Most cities with teams that have very loyal fans don’t suck as much and don’t have as many bad seasons as the Cleveland sports teams. I have noticed over the past few years that when people are away from their hometown and are asked where they are from, they avoid saying they are from Cleveland and mention the suburb or town near Cleveland instead. I agree with them, the idea is to get that thought out of your head of letting people know you are from Cleveland. Because it is embarrassing. People don’t want to be reminded that they are from Cleveland. I have friends who live down in Texas and Florida and they love it down there because of better weather and job markets. They brag about it all the time. They probably wouldn’t want to remind me where I am living but can’t help it.

    I asked my one buddy who works for a magazine down in Dallas, TX, if he ever meets any good-looking single women between the ages of 24-30 that are educated and don’t have a child. He said very often and usually has at least 1 date every 4 weeks. That’s hard to come by over here. Most women around here are pissed off and have kids by accident. They also don’t care about their image as much and it just makes you sigh if you are a good-looking single guy, who is educated, has a job or two, and is looking to start a life. Well actually, sometimes it’s not by choice if you are stuck here when it’s hard to save up enough money and live somewhere else. I hate the mentality in NE Ohio.

    Everything good in the business world is kept private, the media has nothing positive to write about so they make up and twist things. Most businesses/companies don’t like recent college graduates and the idea of them succeeding. Rather, they care more about their own finances and worrying about how much money they will be able to hold onto after future retirees leave. There are too many things around here that are backwards, especially parenting and the school systems. Politics are at an all-time high in most districts and they care way too much about being better than the other schools next door. Makes teachers, such as my brother want to throw up.

    How the hell can you succeed in life living in Cleveland or Toledo or Youngstown? Especially being on your own and just graduating college, even with a higher degree. I feel bad for all these college graduates with nowhere to go. I guess they have to rely on family businesses if they have them. Or start their own small companies and do jobs that are anything having to do with labor and barely making above minimum wage. Just creates a high volume of people who don’t want to work but want lots of money and expect handouts. No wonder why people are pushing to have casinos in Ohio. They want to try to get money fast and plus the state needs a ton of money from all the crappy funding and spending in the past. I might go out on a limb here and say that leadership doesn’t exist a whole lot in NE Ohio.

    No one has a clue on when anything and everything will get better. President Obama is a bum who can’t even run a country and we’ve all seen what he has done to the economy. I am worried I won’t be able to retire or even have social security left for me by the time I am 55. Then he is having trouble keeping his hands off my health care, it just never stops. Nothing is going to grow and get better if everything keeps trying to be universalized.

  18. Greg mentioned how it’s a puzzle to him how there are more Pittsburg Steelers fans here in “FUCK”, I mean “OHIO”, than Bengals or Browns fans. I know exactly why Greg – and I’ll tell you my fellow denizen of the land of filth shit.
    Well – it’s like this, these zombies are subconconsciously living vicariously through other states!

    Their imagining on a subliminal level that they are actually part of something better – even if it’s fucking PITTSBURGH!!! Sad…Oh man – how pitiful…

    If I leave here, I’m never coming back to live here – even if my finances are shot and I’m living in a box under an interstate bypass – because I know it’s an eternal trap, and bad vibes of this magnitude are NOT worth it.

    I’ve done that “return to smegma” fucking shit, and it wasn’t even by my choice really – I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!

    Some people dream of wealth, others want power, others want to find true love, and still others want to taste sexual experiences that make the mind reel. Me – do you want to know what MY dream is? Do you want to know what causes a tear of joy to well up in MY eyes when I dream about it?
    I’ll tell you…It’s to whip out my hose and take a good healthy piss on the highway sign that reads “WELCOME TO OHIO”, and then get back into my car and haul ass in the opposite direction, either west towards Vegas, or south towards Florida, AND NEVER LOOK THE FUCK BACK – EEEVVVEEEERRRR!!!!!

  19. I hear a lot of people on this forum complaining about the sports teams hear in “O-LOW-O”. Hey – we’re in this together – but there are WAY bigger fish to fry here – forget the sports teams issue.
    I’m talking about how this place drains you of your will to wake up in the morning.

    Seriously I’m thinking that somebody ought to start a rescue fund to help people move the frak outta here man.

    YES – yes – yes – there are commonly probably far better looking women on average in prison, than walking around free here in the buttfu..Er..I mean “buckeye” state. Yes, people have a snotty attitude here. Yes – the state in general sucks unwashed porno cock, but seriously – if you can leave, LEAVE! If you can’t leave, like me and most of the people on this forum, then plan to leave.

    I’m going to TRY to streamline my budget to evac the hell outta this toilet. I’ve had it.

  20. All of you guys are so off about Ohio, it’s not even funny. Just to let you know I live in Mason,Ohio in the Cincinatti Metro. I moved to Ohio from Pennsylvania. I feel it’s my duty to come in here and correct all you haters. I read a couple of posts here and some of you are right about some things, I think there was one person who mentioned how they pronounce things in Ohio differently, like soda=pop, and broom=sweeper, etc. But seriously, a lot of the things mentioned badly about Ohio are just very negative opinions. I’ve lived in a lot of places as I moved a lot as a kid. I lived in Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Oregon and previously Pennsylvania. Most of those states have a lot more problems than Ohio has. Arizona was a pretty nice place to live, though. North Carolina is growing out of control with redneck hicks surrounding you everywhere you turn, more than Ohio has. Oregon had it’s gloomy overcast skies. For people saying that Ohio is just a bunch of white-bred hicks, then it must just be your neighborhood. Toledo is a very diverse city. Check out the demographics. It has a very quick growing hispanic population. Columbus is one of the fastest growing cities in the whole northern US. Cincinatti is one of the fastest growing metros in the NE and Midwest. Cleveland is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the nation as well as one of the biggest banking cities in the WORLD. Over 300 billion is assets. I can think of two states right off the bat that are worse than Ohio. Like I said I’ve lived in both Michigan and Pennsylvania, they both SUCK. You want to talk about hicks and bad weather just head to Pennsylvania, with the mountains in PA and they way people live and talk you would think you’re in another country. Michigan has the worst economy in the nation. Unemployment through the roof and a high crime rate. Ohio’s unemployment rate is 10.5% compared to Michigan’s 15%.

    Talking about cold winters, head to Michigan. The roads there are horrible because they don’t clear them off. You want to talk about bad cities, just look at Detroit and Flint. Urban decay everywhere and crime through the roof. Detroit is the most dangerous city in the nation. Flint not far behind. Pennsylvania has some of the worst freeways in the nation. They’re horrible with potholes everywhere.

    My wife moved to Ohio from Florida, and you want to talk about their fair share of problems. Hurricanes are horrible there. They still have damage in downtown West Palm with three highrises abandoned since Katrina. Not to mention the horrible cost of living and the horrible school system. Florida is ranked 45th in graduation compared to 17th here in Ohio. We have many large cooperations based here in Ohio. There is a lot that I didn’t even know were based here.

    Also Toledo has the 6th highest amount of development going into the Midwest. Competing with cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Columbus, St.Louis, and Minneapolis. You want to talk about jobs. Ha, just look at Florida where most people make their living off being a waitress or working in the tourism business. Trust me they don’t make much money. I know this because a lot of my family lives there. My brother in-law and his wife are moving from Boca Raton, Florida to Columbus, Ohio for a better education for their kids. They had no problem finding a job here and they got a 600k dollar house in Dublin (a suburb of Columbus. A 600k dollar house in Florida is nothing. It’s very small and probably in a bad neighborhood. In Ohio that can buy you so much with money to spare.

    I moved to Ohio from Pennsylvania, I can tell you without a doubt that Ohio is a much better state to live in. I work with many people from across the world that have moved to Cleveland. A lot from West Virgina and Kentucky getting a better job oppurtunity. I have been to many states across the country because my job makes me travel. I can tell you that Ohio doesn’t face near the amount of problems some other states are facing, believe it or not.

    Everyone here has shared their opinions, and I’m sorry you don’t like Ohio. Just remember no place is perfect. I had to come in here and correct some things. I know many people who have moved to Ohio and hated it, and some that loved it. Eventually it just comes down to who you are as a person, and what things you’re looking for in life. Don’t blame a state for what it is, but rather blame yourself for not knowing exactly what you will have to deal with anywhere you go.

  21. Mikey, mikey, OOOohhh precious Mikey. My dear, innocent lad, (sigh) – such a starry eyed child.
    Mike…I don’t know how long you’ve lived hear in Satan’s Hemmoroids – er – I mean “OHIO”. Mikey…God bless your nieve little soul…I HAVE LIVED IN THIS STINKING FILTH HOLE PRACTICALLY SINCE MY MOTHER CRAPPED ME OUT LIKE A BOWL OF ROOM TEMPERATURE CHINESE FOOD AND DAY OLD RUFFAGE! I WAS B-O-R-N HERE!!!

    Oh – You’ll be ok for a while anyway – that is – until it traps you. It’ll start with a minor depression – shortly followed by your life crumbling to pieces, but it’ll happen. Eventually, you’ll taste the wrath and evil vibe of this sink hole. You can’t avoid it. Leave while you can – because if you don’t, then you’ll become a part of this concentric circle in Dante’s Inferno. You’ve been warned little brother. It will chew you to pieces…

    Go ahead…Spout statistics if it makes you feel more warm and cuddly in the night. When you said your wife wanted to move here – and I read that – it made a deathly cold shiver craaawwwlll down my lily white spine like the icy touch of doom. Yes, Florida’s not all beaches and smiles, but you’ve walked right into the greyest qwagmire of lethargic entropy and abyssmal decay that you will probably ever know.

    They so that to…The lost souls forever chained to this place…”Hey – everyplace you live has it’s down points.” …Yes…They say that to.

    Leave this place Mike – or you will forever say that. You will say that one day with gaunt dark circles under your eyes, tears streaming down your face, and a weight like a boulder on your back that you will carry with you as you drag yourself out of your bed every morning.
    That phrase will be the one saving grace that you’ll have to cling to.

    Bless you Mike – I wish you all the best…

  22. Mike – one final thought…The reason why property prices are so cheap here is because NOBODY WHO IS SANE WANTS TO LIVE HERE! I’m sure property values are low pretty much anywhere that’s physically, culturally, socially, and intellectually desolate, stagnant,and FOUL.

    Statistics are BULLSHIT Mike. I’m not great at math really – but I could show you how I could use statistics to demonstrate inarguably to you that people who eat celery on a weekly basis are 70% more likely to be gay, or turn gay, than non habitual celery eaters.

    I could prove to you that you are 25% more likely to die in an an auto accident if you sleep on your back every night as opposed to sleeping on your stomach. I could demonstrate how you are more prone to heart disease if your last name has two vowels seperated by a consenant, is no more than five letters long, and ends with an “H”.

    Mike – I could even use statistics to persuade you that if you ate blueberry ice cream every new moon for three months – you were going to be inclined to be ass raped by a cross eyed Saint Barnard with a limp. Don’t l;isten to statistics – listen to a native!

  23. If by reading the last two statements you picked up on a subliminal “BUTT” theme – it’s because OHIO IS A BUTT – A HUGE, STINKING, RANCID, UGHLY BUTT! I cannot begin to describe how “Asslike” this trash heap really is.
    It’s the skid mark in the underwear of the world.

    Yes – Florida has hurricanes, Arizona has oppressive heat, black widow spiders, and poison snakes. California has Earthqaukes, mudslides, and wildfires. Oregon, Wyoming, and Hawaii could explode from catastrophic volcanic eruptions at any moment. Nevada is covered in residual radiation from atmospheric and underground nuke testing, and Texas – is, well, God help us it’s just Texas, but Ohio…Yesss…Ohio can drain your very soul like a vampiric parasite.

    Ohio has it’s own unique flavor of agony. In those other states – there are upsides and pros that offset the downsides and cons – but not here. Not here in the Netherworld,s kindergarten, noooooo. Ohio has little water for a dry and parched tongue. It’s a void – a nothingness.

  24. Mike you are a fucking lunatic idiot if you think that SHITinnati (Cincinnati) is paradise..Fuck what you say. I’ve lived in that ghetto hell-hole (cincinnati) my whole fucking life. There is nothing there but white trash and ghetto bitches with discusting attitudes..Living in that discusting ass city is a waste of life.The locals there are fucking gross, and wouldn’t know shit about education if it bit them in the ass…Young people like myself will never have a real life.So Mike if you want to sit your ass in this pathetic shit-land and rot, go right on ahead..But the rest of us with a brain, who want to live our lives, are getting the fuck out..Keep sipping on the shitinnati cool-aid..Oh yeah this is the OHIO SUCKS board, and if you don’t like what we are saying you can always get the fuck off our board. There is no place that is as shitty as SHITinnati.That fucking hell-hole town can BURN..

  25. Mikey,

    You can’t sit there and tell me that Cleveland, Toledo, and Cincinnati don’t have urban decay. Toledo has the biggest waste of city potential of any major city in the state. The people there let it get worse every year. They get an overflow of people from Detroit who are stuck in the 1980’s. If you are comparing education of people in Ohio to people in Florida, they isn’t much difference. Columbus is the only exception and we know why. But education in Florida is more affordable, especially with the shit ton less amount of taxes down there. But just because graduation rates are higher up here, doesn’t mean there is a higher percentage of people with college degrees here. They are really about the same. And yes I do know that the salaries of most jobs in Tampa or Orlando, FL are pretty similar to jobs up in Ohio. Cost of living is the same pretty much too, so I will give you that.

    But that doesn’t make Ohio the more pleasant place to live. Still doesn’t change the fact that this is a piece of shit state with narrow-minded people and no positive direction. There are no jobs being created any time soon. The government recession may be plateauing but it still isn’t over and there are still more and more job cuts being made. In Cleveland, Toledo, or Cincinnati, I don’t think the economy will be rising any time soon in these cities. It just won’t happen here. People are poor, and spend more money on fast food than paying the bills, the unemployment rates are too high and while the rate may be 10.5% here, that’s only in jobs with benefits. We have such a large population of unemployed workers between the ages of 17-25 here, especially in Northeast Ohio. The unemployment rate in Ohio counting jobs without benefits is about 18%. The county I live in is about 16% total.

    And you are comparing Ohio to Pennsylvania and Michigan as far as stuff to look at and economic development. OK well with the suburbs of Toledo, I guarantee there is terrible economic development there. People don’t upkeep the city anymore. Everyone drinks and eats fast food there that they don’t care about their property values. You got the black people who put fences up around their yard, which makes things ugly and ruins the value of homes around them, but they don’t care. You got the homes with 2 or 3 single women living there and they don’t do shit to their yard but throw cigarette butts on them. There are people in Toledo who probably haven’t owned a lawn mower or weedwacker in 10 years.

    OK and I would rather live in Florida with nice landscape, sun shining, pleasant looking people, and white sand beaches than live in areas with cigarette butts all over the road, train tracks with weeds growing around them, bridges that are falling apart and about to fall down, homes that are supposed to be worth $200,000 that are valued at $140,000, roads that are narrow as hell, degrading and empty abandoned buildings, bars with pissed off white trash people hanging out at them, fast food places every mile down the road, homeless people expecting a handout the closer you get to the city, fat people walking around wearing clothes from the 1980’s, and Wal-Marts or CVSs everywhere. Driving through Ohio, there is nothing nice to look at. And with people in Florida working in tourism, at least they have a growing industry. Ohio’s growing industry is fast-food and tattoo places. Ohio has the worst concept of having a diversified economy compared to other states. Well Michigan may be worse. Ohio’s economy is retail (with more jobs being cut for that), telemarketing, factories that are meaningless, and fake businesses popping up because of the economic downturn. Face it, there are no decent paying jobs here except the very few corporate companies downtown who by the way are cutting back majorly. And just so you know, since 2007, there have been a total of 45 retail businesses in just NE Ohio that went out of business because they couldn’t compete with the economy. Source is Cleveland magazine. Everything is way too backwards here to want to live here and be able to succeed.

  26. ohio does suck the laws are possibly the dumbest in the nation. fat fucks everywhere in spandex theres one thing i hate more than dirty fucking spics that ohio seems to attract a shit load of and that thing is extreme fat people and again ohio has plenty of those ohio is a joke but then again nothing to good is coming from america as a whole “land of the free” free to live by the dumb fucking laws

  27. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me if you think Ohio is some type of island of paradise. I haven’t moved out of Ohio yet(I moved to Columbus) from that armpit of stink called Cleveland, OH..or “Believeland” as some of the locals like to call it. Yea, it’s “believeland” alright..I BELIEVE it’s a pile of shit. Cincinnati sucks, I will NEVER, EVER visit that place again. The place is full of racism and hillbilly types. Hell, they had race riots in their downtown. Name me one city that still has racism so bad that mass riots take place??? Toledo is yet another crappy Ohio city. It’s trashed, it hasn’t developed a diversified economy since the glass companies left. By far though, the worst city in Ohio that I have every lived in was Youngstown,OH. In that city…the people are literally decaying. That city will OWN your soul and suck every bit of hope out of you just like 99% of all cities in this state. There is one exception. Yes, I said it..ONE exception. I’ve been living in Columbus and I can’t really complain abt this place except for the massive congestion. Congestion from people who managed to escape the treachery of Northeast Ohio and Cincinnati. I don’t wish Northeast OR Northwest Ohio on ANYONE. It took me 27 years of hard work and fight to get out of the clutches of Northeast Ohio. In the grand scheme of things though, my goal is to leave Ohio completely…and I WILL do it. It’s my opinion that Columbus will only hold but so long before the flood gates open and ppl start migrating here from Northeast Ohio. NE Ohioans have the shittiest attitudes I have ever seen in my life and their work ethic is TRASH. So, we’ll see what happens. I like Columbus so far. There are actually educated people here. But, I’m not allowing myself to get comfortable here..that’s for sure. I can tell you one thing…if I am laid off again..I going to throw up my middle finger and head out of this piece of shit state. But, like I said..Columbus is about as close as you will get to a REAL, modernized, booming city in Ohio. Youngstown, Cincinnati, Toledo, Cleveland…I’ve been to them all and they qualify as landfills. You’ve got to be out of your damn mind to think that Ohio is the best that the entire U.S. has to offer.

  28. I can honestly say that Bill the Depressed is speaking the absolute truth in every word of his posts. Even if it is a little colorful. I am so disgusted and weary of this truck stop culture with its tentacles of doom impaling me on the city limit sign, refusing my passing. All he said..I echo. I can’t write my own feelings or I may crumble from the hopelessness. I reach out to you Bill from Portsmouth, Ohio…Appalachia in all its splendor..drug infested, disease ridden, empty storefronts, muddy toxic river, zombies, plant life attitudes, pain pill capitol, poverty x8, crooked government….& so much more..but it’s good to know we’re under the same stars and
    I’m not alone. Thanks for being my voice. Some day..soon..we can leave this place..and our life will get better.

  29. Wow Bill, my depressed internet friend. You can sit there bashing Ohio, but what will it get you, nothing. None of you are doing any good for Ohio, you can have a nice life here, if you try, most of you on here are just failures. Then you blame your city for what it is, like I said, it’s the people not the place. Florida isn’t all white sand beaches Ryan, in fact you’d be very surprised at what it truly is. Fast food everywhere, rascism, and not between whites and blacks, between the different Hispanic groups there. You walk around and ask locals direction, or for information, but the only reply you get is “So sorry, no speaky English.” Ohio isn’t an exciting place, and I’m probably not going to live here forever. Bill, I feel sad for you buddy, your description of Ohio is somewhat laughable, you really need to get some meds and a chill pill. You could be stuck in the middle of Africa, like millions of people, no food, water, no shelter, sweltering heat. But your not you should just be proud you live in a house and have all basic nescessities. Ohio is what you make it to be, instead of complaining, do something about it, please move, it would be one less car in my traffic.

  30. If you like fat women with 2-4 bastard babies and multiple tattoos ohio is the state for you. Amazing that there are so many bastard babies when probaly 50% of the fat tattooed ohio women have at least one or more abortions. Part that amazes me is where do they find all the guys to breed with these things. Most of the baby daddies look like a cross between Joe Dirt and Eminem. Ohio also has one of the highest tax rates in the county.It also has some of the worst weather and the economy just plain sucks. The people are very disfunction with alot of folks resorting to drugs or alcohol.

  31. I visit this website frequently to read the many posts about Ohio. I used to live in Toledo up until last year. I read the recent posts by Mike and Bill the Depressed. I must say, I can see the sides of you both. I agree with Mike when he says that no matter where you live, it’s what you make it. I live in Denver, and I love it so much. I will admit that when I lived in Ohio, I didn’t like it at all, however I found ways to make life tolerable. One point I will make is that I made a lot more money in Ohio than I did here…yet…I enjoy life more in Denver than I did in Ohio. I won’t bash the people too harsh, as people can be crazy and narrow-minded where ever you go in the world. Education doesn’t matter. In my opinion, what makes Ohioans such a bitter taste is that the average Ohioan sees anyone who isn’t from Ohio as an “outsider”. I witnessed this first hand while living there. In the 3 years I lived there, it wasn’t until my last 8 months that I met some somewhat decent people who didn’t treat me like an outcast. I couldn’t even get people to come over for bible study. I think this stems from years of negetivity and futility within the economy of the city. People in Toledo tended to be very depressed about money or lack thereof. I believe I am a reasonably friendly, smart, and outgoiong person. However, Toledo is one of those towns where most of the population grew up there and feel that they have their friends already. So, that takes away any desire to meet and get to know new people.

    Another reason why Ohio may not have been a great place for me was that Toledo didn’t have much to cater to my interests. See, I’m in my late 20’s and have a career in engineering. I really didn’t meet many women there, because most of the women are married and have families. Not that it’s a negative, but that means no prospects for a single man. If I did meet a woman that I liked, she already had a child or more. Again, not that its a bad thing, but I don’t date women with children. That’s more of a “me” thing, but that’s a reason why I sought somewhere else to live. Toledo is nice for you if you have a wife and kids. If you are young and single, then you should really seek elsewhere to live. When I moved here, I just decided to do everything that I wanted to. Although, while living in Toledo I did all the things I love to do as well. The difference is that I’m not an outcast in Denver. It’s rather easy to talk to people here, as half the population are transplants. So, it’s easier to meet people who share a common situation with you. I never snowboarded in my life until I moved here, yet in my snowboarding classes…I enjoy the experience, and I’ve made good friends in it. I never danced Salsa before coming here, yet when I started taking lessons, I’ve made really good platonic female friends who all try to set me up with their hot friends and sisters. Dating is great now. Again, not to bash Toledo, entirely. It’s just that a lot of things weren’t available there for a single man like myself.

    Toledo did have positives. I loved the Toledo Art Museum, and I miss going there. I used to go to Mudhens games so much, that I should’ve just bought season tickets. Plus, I got on my feet there. I made the ultimate decision to leave, because Toledo didn’t really have the resources or opportunities that Denver or other cities I was researching at the time offer. I own my own resume writing and web site design companies now. I didn’t have the network to do such things in Toledo, so moving was in my best interest. Toledo also had a few unique physical features about it that I found kind of interesting.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that Ohio, like anywhere, is what you make it and what you are looking to do with your life. I believe that you are at the mercy of circumstance more so in Ohio than a lot of other places. That’s mostly due to the economy and overall resources provided. The racism there bothered me, as I am a black man. I’ve found that racism is everywhere in America, some places worse than others. I will say that Ohio is in the “worse” category for racism. I felt and experienced more racial tension in Toledo than I did in Boston or Texas. Ohio is surprisingly similar to the deep south with racism. Yet and still, it has positives and negatives like most places. I think that the difference with Ohio has more to do with it’s economic history. Ohio has been the way it is for a long time. The environment is stagnant and hopeless. With that comes a hopeless mentality, so progress is an alien afterthought. I’ll admit that it bothered me that the people didn’t really get excited about anything besides Ohio State football and drinking. I guess it depends on what you want in life. I’ve always said that if I did have kids and a wife, I might have view Ohio differently. With all this said, I’ll never go back.

  32. Denver man, I couldn’t have said it better. Although, I wouldn’t dare live in Toledo, I have heard hell from there. People in Ohio are exactly like most people on this forum who say it’s the biggest hell hole in the world. Mostly everyone here is really ripping on themselves. Ohio is full of depressed people, angry people, fat people, ignorant, rascist people blah, blah, blah. Look at yourselves and lets talk narrow minded and ignorant. If you spent less time ranting on here and do something about it, then go ahead. If you want to live in a fast paced city with a lot of stuff going on then you shouldn’t have moved here. If you wanted a hip, nice city, with good looking people, then you should have moved elsewhere. If you like a liberal city-then you shouldn’t have moved here. If you like a city with less fat people- (as if most people would care, but whatver), then you shouldn’t have moved here. If you don’t like snow and cold then you shouldn’t have moved here. If you like laid back place to raise a family in the country then Ohio is perfect. What bothers me is people who come down here then complain like a crazy person about Ohio didn’t know what they were getting into. Your fault, not Ohio’s fault. You had to see options of how you wanted your lifestyle, and you didn’t, and it bit you in the back, and now your out to blame everyone and everything but yourselves. All you haters made a wrong move, Ohio isn’t for you, and there is somewhere that is. All you haters really need to think about it and backtrack for a second.

  33. The only reason I dislike fat people is because if you notice the fat ohio women tend to wear cloths a little on the small side. I understand it is because fat ohio women have a tendency to gain at least 10 pounds a year if they are single and 30 pounds a year if they are living with their bastard childs babydaddy. Fat does not bother me because I do live in ohio and have accepted this as a social norm. I just hat it when you have to see the fat girls tramp stamp ouzing out of her fat rolls. This would not happen if her cloths were bigger.

  34. Gwen (I’m assuming your a woman), thanks little sister.It feels good to know that I’m not alone as well.

    Micheal, as for you – well – Mike I’m not angry with you for insisting that I need to be on meds – no – I can’t be angry with you Mike, because I’m too busy shaking my head sadly, desperately wanting to save you, as I watch you dance with smiles and rosey cheeks, obliviously, into the very Labrynth of Leviathan.

    The road to destruction is a wide one, and it’s paved with good intentions – at least that’s how it looked to me travelling back North on I75 coming from Orlando, as I returned with my immediate family from a vacation there a few years back. I’m sure your intentions in coming to this cess laden dead zone were to say the least, golden.

    We stayed in a lovely bungalow with an arched cathedral ceiling and a qaint little inground pool in the back, in Florida. It was marvellous – a genuine breather from the agonies of pergatory, with the exception of having to be dragged every darn day through amusement parks as big as Rhode Island. Saint Augustine was beautiful in stark contrast to Dayton, or Cincinnati, or the rancid septic tank in between them – Middletown.

    Each time that I went there and for a brief time escaped this qwagmire – I could feel a sensation like being purged and freed of unclean demonic parasites like fat bloated toads that were attatched to my soul, and that drained my very being of the joy of life in even it’s most simplest expressions.

    We had gone to Florida on vacation every summer for five years straight. Each time for a three week stint. The first year that we went there was the first time that I had been swimming in YEARS! It was blissful.

    Mike – you’ll miss Florida, trust me. I will NEVER miss Ohio if I leave here. I will curse it’s name and spit on it’s vile Luciferian memory – and I may decide to not even allow my dead, dry bones to be suffered the final indignity of being buried here.

    You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone Mike. Here in Ohio – I know for a fact what I have – MISERY. You had Florida Mike – sure – Florida certainly IS NOT a utopian paradise. But in time your going to find that it IS a preferable alternative, even in the short term.

    Oh yes Mike – there are WORSE places than Ohio.
    There are quite a few as a matter of fact – but I believe still a rare number in comparison to all of the other locales where one might choose to live.

    No – I’m not in Ethiopia, or Cambodia, or Somalia, or Sudan. No – I’m not eating U.N. aportioned protien gruel from a dirty tupperware container while bot flies blow my open sores caused from malnutrition and a lack of access to medicine and hygenic facilities – your absolutely right Mike – but I’m sure that even Hell has it’s better neighborhoods to, and that liars occupy a slightly more tolerable region there than murderers. In that regard – I have no regrets about complaining about Ohio – despite the existance of “places far worse”.

  35. Bill, I gotta say you have great writing skills. Im serious. At least living in Ohio has made you a great writer, so there’s a plus for ya. I can see it now “Ohio Sucks, and here’s my description of it which sounds a little bit like hell” By Bill (Last name) The Depressed.

  36. Ok – so – Mike, you went and done it buddy, you inspired my catharsis. I’m gonna vent more (my apologies to everybody here).

    Back in 1988, I had been living in a “Southern State”, (“NOT FLORIDA”), for approximately eight years – nearly the entire decade of the 1980s.

    It wasn’t a whoopteedoo fantasy land full of half naked beautiful women romping around topless in only loincloths through lush green forests filled with fruit trees and rivers of cool, sweet wine, but it was home. As a matter of fact I could probably say that I had my best times of my life living there.

    All the while certain members of my immediate family, who somehow had forgotten how much Ohio actually reaked – began to voice their long lost love for this graveyard more vocally and frequently than they had in quite a while.

    Finally – one day they made the decision to return. Most of the family went back first to get things straightened out and set up, and me and my brother stayed behind in a temporary studio apartment that wasn’t half bad at all.

    Being of legal age – I wanted to stay. My work place was just down the street – and I figured that I could just ride my ten speed back and forth to work, which I did with no problems.
    My brother – who was slightly more insistant, and considerably physically larger and stronger disagreed on my intent to stay – and thus, when the time came – we loaded the car with our few taudry belongings, and we bugged out.

    I remember the night we finally pulled up to the new house – in the old place of woe. The first thing that I noticed that should’ve been an obvious omen of what was yet to come – was the fact that the night was pitch black. It was darker than any night that I could remember in recent memory then. I never thought that night time – even in the middle of a town full of street lights – could ever be that dark.

    At that time I owned a 1979 Mercury Zephyr that me and my brother had rode back in. It wasn’t a year of being back that the old fucker that lived next door to us got a nasty hair in his red neck, grumpy old ass – and took the liberty of having it towed away because I hadn’t moved my car “at least two inches in a twenty four hour period”.

    This is an ordinance in FRANKLIN FUCKHOLE OHIO!!!
    Remember that town, FRANKLIN OHIO. John Cougar Mellencamp would’ve considered this place WAY too putrid to write a funeral dirge about – let along a snappy little jingle celebrating life in the bowels of Americana. “Little Pink Houses my ass”.

    I still remember that night to this day so very clearly. God how I hate that night… The night I “Came Home”.

    I remember the house to. Everything in it was gas, and the electrical insolation on the wiring was tearing off. It had not been updated probably since 1948. My what a comfort.

    The house smelled like a gas leak constantly. I remember that the whole town looked like some weird combination of a slum from a Charles Dickins tale – and a dark, twisted, Halloweenish contrivance from the mind of Tim Burton. A theme of white trash soot and grime covered the place it seemed. The skies were overcast, almost ALWAYS overcast. It’s a common condition for this valueless vortex of nullness.

    This place IS so very much reminiscent of an eastern European or Southern Russian state. It looks like it could just as eaily be Gadansk, or the seedier side of Minsk, or Russian Georgia, or a less prosperous suburb of Moscow. I recently saw an episode of “Destination Truth” where they were ghost hunting in Chernobyl, and the general scenery looked no different really than Butler, or Warren Counties here in the land of sloffed off dreams and crushed aspirations.

    God how I hate Ohio…

  37. I give up on ya, Bill. Move to whatever you think is paradise, but everywhere has problems. I couldn’t ever stand the heat and humidity in the South, the dumb (and yes dumber and more crazier) rednecks and hillbillies. The ones who literally look inbred, and are probably either married to their sisters or their pets. The South is one big pile of shitty nothing-ness, but I shouldn’t say that cause I guess you think Ohio is too. I’d rather live here than live in Arkansas or Mississippi, or Alabama where the motto is (Mississippi, proud home to the armpit of America’s people, last in graduation rate, and well….uh….birthplace of Waffle House. )

  38. Actually I’m thinking more along the lines of Arizona, Nevada, or Southern Cal., Probably California, I don’t know. Florida was nice to visit – but yeah – it does have it’s down side.
    Heck even Illinois might be an improvement. All I know is I’m gonna do some research – put back some bucks – buy a pickup truck or a cheapy little motor home, load up all of my worldly goods (which by the way would fit snuggly but soundly in the back of a 79 chevy panel van – and roll my ass outta here and forget this place ever existed.

  39. i lived in ohio for 6 years it does suck i tell you why there the highest rate in pedophiles stupid redneck ignorant yahoo people got nothing to do in there just drink and get high there are no beaches only dirty lakes you might catch something jobs are hard to find and it looks depressing the weather when its winter time you have to get out of the state for vacation you will go crazy dam and they worship there ohio buckeye football team like it was a religion stupid a$$holes there cut there pizza slices funny like square lol

  40. I mean, most people in Ohio would always say or think that the people are the same everywhere, the jobs are the same everywhere, and the atmosphere is the same everywhere. Well I will say that that is not true. The weather is not the same everywhere, the drivers aren’t the same everywhere, the intelligence of people is not the same everywhere, the way people dress is not the same everywhere, and the amount of bitches and assholes are not the same everywhere.

    I just hate how people from Ohio, especially the ones who hardly travel anywhere else say things like “It’s the same everywhere you go.” or “Jobs suck everywhere you go.” Well those people are in denial or are using it as a defense mechanism for their failures. There are many research companies that think otherwise such as Forbes or CNN.

    The people are not the same everywhere and I guarantee for example that the metro areas in North Carolina or Viriginia have a better economy than Ohio. There are people in Ohio who can’t even identify what industries are around here. That’s proof that they aren’t in to travelling and leaving there houses for other reasons than getting gas, grocery shopping, and getting their weekly amount of cigarettes.

    I am a single guy in my mid 20’s and still can’t seem to match with someone or land a good woman for me. I am the most open-minded person you will ever meet around here (not to be conceited), I am nice to everyone (that should eliminate the “he’s a jerk” complaints that you hear from a woman everywhere you turn), I am educated, I don’t smoke, I have 2 jobs, I take care of my aging family, I don’t mooch, I don’t bar hop every weekend and make fun of the people that pass by me everyday (seems people from Ohio like to treat people as an outsider if you don’t do the things they do). So you get the idea, and it’s tough out there.

    Most women in Ohio and I’m not kidding you, are done and hagged out by the time they are 25. Like once they hit that age, they realize how unintelligent they are, how uncool it is to have a baby out of wedlock, they start to put on the pounds, not care about how they look, drink a lot more, start to date stupid guys when they deserve better, they get themselves stuck here and never want to travel and explore other options, and they get lazy and if they hadn’t finished their education yet, they probably never will.

    I have a couple buddies from high school who moved away 4-5 years ago. One moved to Texas, the other to Virginia. Both are married now, and found their future wife within their first 6 months of living down there. Neither of them had a real girlfriend their entire life. True story. So I will tell you it’s not the same everywhere. Women in Ohio are so uptight and they seem to have a difficult time accepting something when it’s right in their faces. People have such a huge negative mentality around here that it sends out a vibe to every woman that they automatically don’t let their guard down and think every guy is the same. That’s no way to live life. It fuckin makes me sick how people live around here or how they treat others. I am saving up to get out of here and live in a real city where people have a clue and there are things to do where you don’t have to worry about running into sluts or douchebags everywhere you go. Or a city that doesn’t keep electing retarded mayors, especially ones who have a niece that has slept with a serial killer.

  41. I heard that the current governor is going to initiate a hearing next month to change the state bird of Ohio. From what I hear instead of the cardinal it will be a tramp stamp with wings on it. Anyone else hear of this? I guess the reason is because they are so more common than the former.

  42. Drab scenery, brutally cold winters, absurdly high state taxes, horrible drivers, disgruntled/rude residents, stagnant/declining job market….

    All of these descriptions paint a picture of the life in the state of Ohio. Simply put, I hate it. I am 28 years old and I have lived in Ohio ALL of my life. I am from a small, economically depressed city named Youngstown, OH. Youngstown, like most Ohio cities, has never recovered from the disappearance of the steel mills. The U.S. used to be a manufacturing country and the rust belt states (Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Michigan) were big players in the steel and manufacturing industry. Once that industry disappeared, rust belt cities were forced to explore other industries. Unfortunately, most Ohio cities like Youngstown, Dayton, Cleveland etc., have had a difficult time adjusting to this change. This has also had a horrible effect on the job market situation as most companies are reluctant to do business in this state for various reasons such as high taxes. The tax rates in Ohio are equivalent to that of the state of New York..yet the job situation is a whole lot worse. During this recession, Ohio is being hit hard..especially Northeast Ohio. Believe it or not, Northeast Ohio has been in a recession period since 2005. Jobs are being lost and they are not being replaced by new ones. A lack of a diversified economy is causing a massive exodus of residents to southern Ohio or moreso…other states.

    To bluntly put it…Ohio is drab. It looks and feels really depressing 3 seasons out of the year. The winters are horrific, especially in Cleveland, to the point that you need a tank equipped with snow tires to get around. If you are lucky enough to find a job around here in an industry that you specialize in…you will likely face a 20-30 minute commute. It will be even longer and more dangerous if it is in the winter time. There is nothing here for young people to do..which results in extreme boredom and sometimes depression. If it is not raining here…it is usually very cold and snowing. If it isn’t either of those…then it is unbearably humid and muggy. It just sucks.

    Then, you have the people who live here. They are exceptionally rude and appear disgruntled with their lives. Hmm, I wonder why? Maybe it’s because they live here and are stuck in this crappy state. Lastly, the drivers suck. They are wreckless and do not seem to like obeying traffic laws.

    All-in-all, Ohio sucks. There is nothing to do here, nothing but service economy jobs and jobs that you need little or no education for (and even they’re cutting back), crappy weather and angry people. I’m a guy who likes sunshine, happiness, gardens, friendly people and a decent opportunity at life and a career. I’ve visited states in the south and if I had the means…I definitely wouldn’t have come back. I can’t do this anymore. It’s time to make something happen. I feel like I am in prisoner in this state. I’m tired of not being able to do anything or build a prosperous life for myself here. It’s time for a serious change…sooner than later.

  43. Another shitty day in Ohio. Cincinnasty is such a piss-on town. I HATE THIS GHETTO SH#T HOLE TOWN..This has to be the trashiest most ass backwards retarted town I have ever seen..This town has the most uneducated discusting racist assh#les for locals..The cops are all a bunch of bastards and pigs. Living here is like living in satan’s ass.Trust me, I know. I’ve had the misfortune of living in this pathetic wannabe town.This dirty ghetto sh#t hole will NEVER be a real city..Ohio should get rid of trashinnati and give it to Kentucky because the whole damn town is just a giant ghetto trailor park anyway. But of course Ohio will still suck gorillas balls. There is NOT ONE good or progressive thing about this discusting piece of garbage town, and the funny thing is the locals act like this sh#t-hole dump is some world class city. There are no jobs (and this was before the reccession) ,and if you have an education they they look at you like you’re crazy around here..Young people beware. Get the f#ck out while you can..

  44. I have to agree w/ all the hate for Ohio at this point. Growing up in NW IA I thought moving back to the midwest would be a nice change (I was living working in DC after college).
    I found to the contrary that this place is the worst. Lack of any good is what best describes Ohio. The sun is absent for days and sometimes weeks at a time in the winter. The economy here is dying worse than even my small town NW IA home is and some how people only bitch about the fucking Browns and Buckeyes.
    When I moved here I called Columbus “The rectum of the Universe” and I continue to stick by it but have expanded that definition to include all fo Ohio. I’m just a polyp trying to get outta here.

  45. I have to agree w/ all the hate for Ohio at this point. Growing up in NW IA I thought moving back to the midwest would be a nice change (I was living working in DC after college).
    I found to the contrary that this place is the worst. Lack of any good is what best describes Ohio. The sun is absent for days and sometimes weeks at a time in the winter. The economy here is dying worse than even my small town NW IA home is and some how people only bitch about the fucking Browns and Buckeyes.
    When I moved here I called Columbus “The rectum of the Universe” and I continue to stick by it but have expanded that definition to include all for Ohio. I’m just a polyp trying to get outta here.

  46. Get this:
    Recently here in “OturdO”, there was an issue on the ballot – Issue #3 – that if passed, would bring out of state casinos into Ohio. WHO do you think was one of the BIGGEST PROPONONENTS for issue #3? THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE!!!!!

    In other words – corrupt cops pushing for more pick pockets, more drug dealers, more prostitution, more scam artists, more bars and strip joints, and more urban decay, to move in and even furthermore destroy and decompose already damaged communities – just so these petty, sans personality, donut sucking tools would have job security!

    Makes me physical fricking ill just thinking about it. Bottom feeding, treasonous parasites committing social sabotage so that they can save their jobs, and then – when they finally retire – can move the fuck outta here into nice beach front condos down in Tampa, or Boca Raton Florida after having fucked Ohio up even further!!!

    Just bake your noodle on this diddy and ponder this bass akwards bull shit kids – COPS PUSHING CASINOS!!! That’s a little bit like nuns lending moral support to the Mustang Ranch in Reno, or
    The U.S. Marines starting a “hug a Taliban” campaign. These corrupt assholes didn’t even try to hide it – they did a fucking P.S.R. PROMOTING IT!!!

    So apparantly now – cops in Ohio have ZERO integrity, ZERO ethical conviction, and ZERO street credit!!!

    Don’t get me wrong, I respect GOOD police officers. Every day GOOD cops put their lives on the line to genuinely serve their communities each and every day in this country – and they DO need to be celebrated and commended, but when the State of Ohio Fraternal Order Of Police pushes casinos, the stink of corruption fills the air like a whole bean burrito fart fest.

    To “Protect And To Serve”, yeah – right – tell me another lie.

    By the way – Issue #3 passed, but I haven’t heard of construction on any new casinos beginning any time soon here. I guess most of them feel just about the same way that other corporations do about moving into this mess.

    Then again – Miller Brewery has a plant here in a state full of drunks who drown themselves in booze to forget the horrible fruitlessness and tragedy of actually living here, so why shouldn’t a branch of Ceaser’s Palace open up here in a state full of desperate gambling addicts who scratch tickets like a flea plagued labrador digging into it’s own hide for relief.

    Actually I retract that – because most of the poor souls who play the state lotto games here probably see it as the only alternative to a better life that they actually have. A tragic and pathetic cycle – but I’ll bet the cops around here aren’t complaining – not NOW.

    Am I against casinos? Nope – not at all. I’m against bringing them into communities where poor people might see them as their only recourse to a better life – that’s where I have a problem with it.

    Vegas was built in the middle of a desolate wasteland hundreds of miles from anywhere – which was actually a stroke of genius, not in the middle of a relatively densely populated area suffering from economic blight and stagnation. That’s a recipe for disaster – and the Ohio Fraternal Order Of Police is counting on that chaos with baited breath and panting tongues.

  47. Hello, I have lived in NE Ohio for 40 years now. Ashtabula used to be a nice city full of oppurtunity. Over the years it has gotten drastically worse. There are no jobs to be found and we are the poorest county in Ohio. The only thing OHIO has to offer is drugs and gang bangers…If I had the money I’d leave today. OHIO SUCKS BUTT!

  48. I am a Kent State student stuck here for the next 3 1/2 years (when I graduate). Kent is up in NE Ohio and it is home to some of the most blatant, open racial division (being half african-american) I have ever seen.

    My grandmother moved herself and her children to ohio from New York due to a death in the family and a subconscious need to be average in every way. My Grandfather moved himself and all his kids out here for work. Little did they know that their grandchildren (me) would rue the day they moved to such a god awful place.

    Let me start with the weather. It is cold 9 months a year here and it bakes the other 3 – the summer months. The snow can come like wave after wave of god’s punishment for living here. I often have to dig my car out if I want to go anywhere. The state will automatically smother the street with salt substitute that compunds on your car making it look dirty. It is always gray. you will see the sun 2 or 3 times a week if you are lucky and it leads to some amazing depressive feelings. People are often pale because you must go elsewhere for some rays.

    Next, there is the matter of people in general. The people are in general – depressed as hell. No one smiles and they tend to walk around with their heads down. If you force them to interact with others, it can be awkward and sometimes rude. If you are a minority, you can add a little emphasis onto the rudeness. People here are closed-minded. No way around it. I went to New York and i was shocked at the number of people who were not black OR white! It shattered my idea on what diversity really is!

    So in conclusion – i just want to live somewhere where its not a shitstorm outside always. I want to live somewhere its not always gray and there is some culture (adding more color!). I want to live somewhere the people are cultured, intelligent, and accepting of others.

    I cant wait to get the FECK! out of ohio! take it from someone who lives here. Stay awaaaaaayyyy!

  49. I agree with what everybody says on here about Ohio sucking. And to the Kent State student there, I couldn’t agree more. I went to Akron for a while and the people there were just too self-oriented. Like they didn’t want to welcome outsiders, they stuck to hanging out with their friends that they already knew, you know the ones they’ve known since elementary school. And didn’t care about meeting anyone else, that’s because every is so close-minded. I get so sick of people around Cleveland saying the Browns have the best fans in football, I’m sorry but definitely not true. I have been to Browns games and there isn’t really any energy among the fans throughout the stadium, just in one section, the dawg pound. You want an energized football stadium, go to Baltimore, Philadelphia, or Green Bay.

    And just to prove how bad Browns fans are, they are awfully negative, it makes me want to watch the Andy Griffith Show more than the Browns games. This city hated Braylon Edwards and gave him crap just because he went to Michigan. I’m sorry but any football fan of another team will think that’s silly. That’s just like a Green Bay fan hating a player on their team just because he went to the University of Minnesota. Get over yourself, first of all Cleveland fans, stop trying to mix Ohio State with the Browns by doing the O-H-I-O chant during Browns games. Then stop treating the Fuckeyes like they are a professional football team.

    Another thing is how people from Cleveland treat people who are from Pittsburgh. Are there any Clevelanders who have the energy to welcome someone here from another city? I don’t think so, once you come here from another city, if you don’t act like the people who live here, they will think you are a weirdo and want nothing to do with you. People from other states that have culture and better jobs are saying, “Yeah you are probably being a dick but are depressed on the inside because guess what, I am happy and you’re not.” And I people in the Cleveland or Akron area think you are strange if you are happy all the time. This state doesn’t get life or the idea of it at all. You can get a caller on a radio show such as Rizzo or Trivisonno (who are both jerks by the way) who is from Pittsburgh and they will either hang up on you right away and not let you talk or when you do hang up, they will instantly talk shit about you after as if you are the devil. And the media in Cleveland wonders why no one wants to come here and live here ever. The city of Cleveland drops in population an average of 1.1% every year, at least since 1999.

    The media in Cleveland doesn’t like anyone and the sportswriters for the Plain Dealer are hypocrites and think they know everything. Do they not realize that they represent one of the worst papers in the country? For one, I question the sports knowledge of Mary Kay Cabot. She is one reason why women shouldn’t be writing sports. They are always behind on their facts, they ask questions that don’t matter, and they try too hard in what they do. Mary Kay Cabot is terrible, she asked Mike Homlgren who was only hired a week before, if the final 53 man roster was set for next year and who has the final say. If you knew anything about football, you would know that it takes at least 5 people to decide the roster, and by the way, they didn’t have the draft yet and the season wasn’t over yet. Do your homework Mary. And if you read her articles and stuff she puts in the paper, you can easily tell the arrogant sound in her voice, but nobody likes that.

    Then there is Bill Livingston who wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every day and hates the world and everything the Cleveland sports teams do. Would someone tell me please what you can get out of life by putting down other cities or people from other cities such as Pittsburgh, who by the way has a football team who will forever own the Browns over the span of a coon’s age and doesn’t compare in population loss every year. And they have their education together too. Cleveland has nothing to offer anymore and I’m getting the hell out of Cleveland as soon as money is saved from my underpaid job.

  50. I read a lot of posts on here, and I must say that I’m a bit mixed. I agree that Ohio is a depressing place, and that it’s shortcomings are plentiful. I think that most of the gripes against Cleveland are kind of ignorant. Don’t get me wrong, I grew up in Cleveland, so the people do have a weird mentality. The Ohio State fans are a virus, and it’s way too redneck to believe. However, I’ve had a chance to live in a lot of other cities as well. My analysis is this…

    1. People are people no matter where you go. I do agree that in the eastern half of the country, people tend to be a little more edgey and rude. However, after living in L.A., Boston (Boston College Grad), Chicago, San Diego, and now Seattle, I must say that people can tend to be very similar in any part of the world. People are cliquey no matter where you go. The only places where this may not hold true is NYC…and Toronto. Women can be cigarrette burns no matter where you are, Cleveland or not. I visited Denver, and a lot of the women there smoked like chimneys. Plus, Denver isn’t a liberal as people say it is. It’s all preference. Whenever I go to Cleveland on holidays, I tend to find girls that fit my preferences. I admit, a lot of women there are 21 year old moms, but I don’t bother with them. I try to mess with the ones who at some ambition in life. As far as friends go, its all on the self to just put out your own vibe and allow the right people to gravitate towards you. I lived in Seattle for a year and some change before anyone would talk to me. I felt alone and abandoned, but I kept on being me. Eventually, my crowd came to me. I’ve learned that, Cleveland or Moscow, all you really need is 3-4 really sincere friends who will have your back in good and bad. That’s all I have in Cleveland, 2 friends. Forget everyone else. People can be people no matter where you are. That said, I do hate Ohio State fans. lol

    2. Sports fans can be crazy no matter where you are. I’m sure you heard of the Seattle Seahawks “12th Man”? Nutzo!!! These people are rabid about two things…Seahawks and coffee. I like Seattle, but I am a Browns fan. Granted, you will never catch me chanting the “Hang on Sloopy” song, I do cheer for the Browns. I almost got into a fight at a sports bar here because I wore my Browns jersey. Bad thing about it…the Browns game was playing at 10am, and the Seahawks game didn’t start until 1pm. We weren’t even playing each other. Yet, some guy wanted to fight because of my jersey. Sports fans can be idiots, no matter where you go. Ever been to Boston, and seen Red Sawks Nation? That’s a trip. Goes hand-in-hand with the Ohio State fans. Plus, Seattle doesn’t have a basketball team anymore. Which sucks, because going to a basketball game is a really good date to take a lady. I gotta say, I love my Cavs and I hope Lebron stays.

    3. Weather is all about regions. If you don’t like rain, don’t move to the Pacific Northwest. Don’t like cold, don’t move to Chicago/Minneapolis. Don’t like humidity, don’t move to the southeast. Don’t like sunshine in December, don’t move to California. Weather is all about region. I will say, Cleveland is very overcast for much of the year, but again it’s all regional.

    4. Economy is bad all around right now. Some places are weathering the storm a lot better than others. I will say that Cleveland needs to get it together and come into the 21st century. Let the unions leave and start making the city more business friendly. Did you hear that Colorado’s unemployment is up higher. Again, some places are weathering the storm better than others. Want a good job, go to Dallas right now. If you wanna career, start a business like I did. I’m doing quite well for myself.

    In all, no matter where you are, it’s what you make of it. I might move back to Cleveland. I wouldn’t mind. I have my two friends, my favorite gyms, restaurants, and lounges, and my teams. I’d love to live there again. I didn’t grow up with that many friends in Cleveland. Both of my friends there now, I met in college in and through my career. It’s what you make it. To all those wishing to leave Ohio, I wish you blessings and good fortune. Just be sure you do your homework on where you want to live. Don’t read blogs like this or Forbes “Best Places to Live”. Actually save some money and visit the place. Talk to some of the locals. Plan. Don’t make the mistake of moving somewhere out of spite for Ohio, and think you’re improving your situation. You might be disappointed and actually make it worse. God bless all.

  51. I have lived in many spots…the Big Apple, the Big Easy, LA, Phoenix, Chicago, Mexico, Madrid…and by far Cleveland Ohio (and the surrounding “inner ring” suburbs) was the absolute worst. I endured the roughest years of my life in that angry closed off town. Cleveland is a mean town. Someone else commented on how people in the town carry themselves. I called it “the Cleveland Grimmace”, meaning that when you caught people in repose and unaware that you were observing them, they always had a frown or a snarl on thier faces. There is no spirit of intellectual curiosity. They are constantly talking about how cleveland used to be with no interest in updating or upgrading or modernizing. Mediocre is good enough in Cleveland. I am so so so glad to be far away from the cesspool that is Ohio.
    As another stated, the legal system is merely a dis-organization set up for corruption.

    Racism in Ohio is astounding. I worked at a place where I was told that before me it had always been a white company and now because of me there was a flood of minorities (3 in total). I brought in a big account to a firm I worked for and was asked how did I do it was the manager a black person? But even more astounding is the level of ignorange that allows people to say these things out loud!

    Just so glad to be gone…I will NEVER be back to live…only to yank my son out once he graduates from Kent.

  52. Ohio teams SUCK! The Browns are useless and the sad part is that the locals here get all excited each year, flying their Browns flags and talking big. The Cavs are a joke. When is Lebron going to wise up and go play for a real team? The Indians are losers, too.

    The women here are fat. Really fat. No one here can speak standard English and Cleveland is a big, sprawling ghetto. When is this economy going to get better? As soon as it does, I’m out of here.

  53. you people are insane. where are you from?? Ohio smells bad?!? where are you people driving through!? I live in Ohio, I have for all my life. I am moving, but not for the reason of hating Ohio, I love Ohio. There is even a possibility I’ll come back after college. There is a lot of rednecks in Ohio, but none of us give two craps what you city people think honestly. I’m from a real small town in Ohio. Ohio Pro football teams do suck, most of us don’t even like Ohio teams. and ya’ll can’t say anything about college teams. how many times have we been to the national championship? are you all just jealous or what? go ohio.



  54. Casey is the result of what Ohio, can do to your brain after being exposed for years of OHIOAN_RAYS. The symptoms are, Ignoring the problem, like if it was not real. For Ohioans the outsiders are ignorant and crazy. For Ohioans, Ohio is a great state, Columbus is the “town” of dreams, OSU football is the king of the hill. For Ohioans everything in they’re state is not that bad after all, when compared with places like Mogadishu, Tijuana, Haiti, lool….
    For us outsiders, Ohio is a piece of shit, its people are rude and weird, OSU football is non existent out of OHIO, Columbus is a big-farm-town with some technology, they don’t get the fashion from France, they get there fashion from a wall-mart trucker. Everyone is OHIO backs stabs each other, the list goes on and on, but Casey is too smart for us outsiders, she represents the weirdness of OHIO!! I am from New Mexico and I feel bad for Ohio, is truly a piece of shit!

  55. Ortega, I TOTALLY agree..This state really is a HUGE shit-hole especially SHITinati (cinti) I hate that ghetto ass shithole with a passion. That shithole is full of a bunch of half brained assholes, bitches, and too much ghetto trash.I’m leaving that ghetto shit hole and NEVER looking back. Ohio (cinti) is hell on earth. Literally.

  56. Yes, Columbus sucks and these Ohio State fans are driving me crazy. I’ve lived in two other crapholes…Youngstown and Cleveland. It is incredibly boring here and the food tastes like pure hell. I honestly cannot wait until the day that I am able to finally leave this POS state. Hopefully, it will be before the next recession comes because Ohio will definitely be wiped off the map. There are no jobs here for young ppl…nothing to do….limited sunshine. I want to move to a better place with nice weather, sunshine, decent..respectful ppl and a place where I can have a garden year round. I’m out of this craphole once the economy fully turns around.

  57. There are no jobs for younger people here. My cousin who is 24 spent 2 years out of college working a part-time job, she never found a real job with a college degree. She applied to about 180-200 places and got maybe 15 interviews and it was the same old story. She had tons of leadership experience and graduated college magna cum laude. No one really cared for her though. Then she decided to just make the jump and get the hell out of Ohio. She moved out to Denver, CO and found an internship within 3 months of being there and after that, found a real job within a month. Now she is doing fine for herself, saving some money, and finding something new to do every day. She said the people out there or out west are 5 times more happier, 5 times more hospitable, far less fat people, and far less single mothers.

    I told her I wasn’t surprised and that she made the right move. She told me herself it was the smartest decision she ever made and that it was the right move for her. Now she can careless about coming back to Ohio. Now she has friends who are inviting her to things every other day, she is finding more people who have things in common with her, and hasn’t met too many rude people, like in Ohio. People actually have hobbies out there instead of sitting on their fat asses all day drinking beer.

    I know I’m about ready to move out of state, I almost have enough money to do that. Just have to apply in other cities and line up interviews. If I get a job somewhere else, I’m never coming back unless I can’t afford to live wherever it is. Every person and I mean every person I know who moved somewhere out of state to a better city was glad they moved and every time they come back to visit they miss where they moved to real fast.

  58. I think that Ohio offers two good choices to be fair.out of two choices one is bad. You either commit suicide, or you come to this state, get your darn college degree at Ohio State (who still runs by quarters unlike the rest of colleges in the USA) and get the fuck out faster than you came. Ohioans are always degrading states like Kentucky( BTW a much friendlier state, more down to earth) not realizing they live in the Balls-pit of america. The weather here in Ohio is always pissing on this state, or taking dumps. Lol not even the weather stays in this state. In Ohio they say they are westernized people, hahaha, my ass. They are as backwards as someone who came from outer space. People in Madagascar have more manners.

  59. Joakim Noah was right…Cleveland sucks along with the rest of this armpit of a state. I agree…get your degree and get the hell out of this craphole as fast as you can. It’s a shame when NBA players diss Ohio cities. That’s when you know it’s bad. There are no decent jobs in this state to make a living….it’s just sad.

  60. yeah, lets move to the inbreeding south..you people are a bunch of douchebags….THE GREAT STATE OF OHIO says FUCK OFF. Go Bucks!!!

  61. Bill the depressed, you are a brilliant man. You covered every square problem that our state has. People are a little nicer in the southern part of our state, but yes for the most part everyone is prude. I don’t get it man, people up in the northern parts need to chill it lol.

    I plan to leave soon, but at least I live across West Virginia (yeahh dub v!) and my life doesn’t completely suck. And there is some nice scenery although enough pollution to kill it all twice… Umm for all you up in the north part of the state, I suggest migration.

    yeah nascar

  62. I am glad to have read these comments they are all so true. I moved back to ohio from Tampa Fl to go to college. I am back in Fl. Ohio is like a bad dream. The people live in thier own world. I found myself getting mad at people for their narrow minded veiws but I just feel bad for them. There are no jobs or money in Ohio just bars and redneck religious nuts. I have family in Ohio but I have no disire to go back. There is no culture in Ohio its just sad. The only thing people look forward to is thier local high school football game and getting drunk afterwards. I

  63. Norwood is basically Cleavland lite the people there are with the few exceptions bitter corrupt thieving punks who resent anybody who does better or strives to do better than them. The second largest city in Hamilton County and yet their mentality is that of a corrupt small town. Other than retail Norwood has nothing going for it unless you’re into drugs most of the decent jobs are moving to Kentucky. And since people are always nibshitting into your personal life if go out and something nice and if someone wants it your chances of becoming a victim of burglary, robbery, the scum just coming in taking it, or their buddies on the police force confiscating it are pretty good.

  64. You tell em Bill! You are my HERO! 3 more years and I am GONE! Gonna finish college and consider the peace corps because living in Africa at a poverty level not seen in the states for 27 months BEATS THE HELL out of living in this wretched sociocultural AND economic WASTELAND for ANY PERIOD of time. Living in NE Ohio is the equivalent to residing in Northern Russia but with 8x more assholes and a smell that just never seems to GO AWAY! Imagine walking around everyday with the constant pungent aroma of the tailpipe of a monster truck combined with unwashed feet. The people are all backwards ass hill billies who start anti government “militias” because they just cant bring themselves to live in a country with a black president.

    I used to be a Buckeye fan . . AND THEN I GREW THE HELL UP. There is a time for Uber-fanatic, cult like following of a footbal team. And that time . . . is never. You are looked at like you have some sort of communicable disease if you are not a raging buck nut. Yeah I used to be a fan but then I realized that they are just a team . . and I am not on it. They do not represent me in any way and do not know I exist. Also, Tressel couldn’t win a big game for his life – get over it.

    Kent State University is located in Portage County, the poorest county in Ohio. FACT! Watch the TV long enough and you will see a commercial of some guy trying to get elected to some shitkicker smalltime office. I shit you not – the commercial says (paraphrased) “So-and-So is from Portage too. He’s one of us – not some outsider trying to get over on us”
    1) Since when am I one of you? I just got here
    2) Is your mindset so small that everyone from anywhere else at all is some sort of alien not to be trusted?
    3) I have to trust him because he’s from here? Since when does that make someone trustworthy? Ignorance may be one of my greatest pet peeves. Xenophobia too.

    I am non-religious and dammit if I have not lost more than my share of friends who just cannot simply comprehend that there are other beliefs systems other than their own. Without any undo bashing, allow me to just say that Ohio is a lightning rod for religious fanaticism and xenophobia that will truly, and ultimately alienate you if you do not fit into the white, christian, land owning, male archetype. Hell! If you ARE in that group, you may still feel like you are surrounded by small minded jerk offs.

    Being here is more than enough to suck the spirit right out of you. If you live here, i am TRULY sorry. If you don’t, congrats, and steer clear. The constant gray hue of the entire state, the stupid hillbillies, and lack of life in general will suck you in. I am proud to say that I will be the first person in my family on either side with the stones to move somewhere else. That spells victory to me!

  65. I have family in Michigan and even in that state there are better things to look at. The unemployment rates are high but even still the people are way nicer and more hospitable, they are happy with what they have, they aren’t so damn negative all the time, they don’t force their Christian beliefs on you, they don’t think you are a terrorist if you aren’t a fan of Michigan football, they don’t purposely mistreat people from Ohio just because they are from Ohio, their restaurant and bartending service is 5 times better, their divorce rates are lower than Ohio’s, and they have a better loyal following to their sports teams, especially the Red Wings.

    Detroit and Cleveland are similar cities. Their ghettos are both bad, their unemployment rates are the same, their mayors are terrible, and crime rates are bad. BUT, Detroit has a little bit more culture than Cleveland and it has more things to do in the city and surrounding cities. There is more to do than going out to eat and going to bars all the time seeing the same type of people. Detroit gets more tourists than Cleveland and they have actually made more economic development over the past 10 years than Cleveland. Their sports teams have won like 16 championships combined and Cleveland has like 2 or 3.

    People are way too disgruntled and close minded and it amazes me how the media does a shitty job reporting things. It’s like they always want to make the city look bad and give negative publicity. The media in Cleveland and the people in Cleveland make everyone think that they should hate anyone from Michigan or Pittsburgh because of their stupid rivalries as if it’s an outbreak of a contagious virus going around. Ohio State football is overrated and doesn’t exist outside of Ohio. They choke in big games, the refs bailed them out in 2002, and the fans still brag about that as if it happened yesterday. I am so disgusted by this state you have no idea. My cousins from Detroit have asked me if Columbus was a suburb of Cleveland because people are making it seem like that. I just laughed haha. This state just can’t move on from anything. They still hate Michael Jordan and John Elway as if both of them set the city on fire.

  66. Our friend Marty is been sucking Brutus red Cock, while reviewing the forum. He is the product of a wasteland where people have the mind set of a rats tail, and the manners of a shit in swimming in your coffee cup.

    Marty loves them sloppy Ohio girls, who lose they’re virginity at age 12, by some ugly trucker that turns out to their daddy. lol

    Marty is all about the OSU life style, such a friendly people, polite, so smart and educated, intellectuals who want to change the world, but cannot change their own state because they focus to much on sucking G-Gees little dick.

    Marty is probably a trisexual, he gets it done by two dudes and his fathers donkey.

    Marty believes that we outsiders are crazy, yet he is the one worshiping a nut with a tumor giant on is head. If Marty’s lil mouth was bigger he take on the buckeye and all the other dicks in Ohio!

    Go OSU

    OHIO SUCKS U : )

  67. Listen al you people who think they kno ohio just becuase you drove through it u people are wrong on most of the part.Keep reading…
    i lived in OHIO all of my life im 14 now and you guys are write theres nothing good in ohio bout 60% of it is farmland and cleveland and columbus and Cincinnati are just garbage but i dont get why my family even stayed in OHIo…
    The only good part of OHIO for me is my family my friends and sports but theres nothing good in ohio trust me its not the first place i would choose 2 live…
    When i Graduate highschool im moving 2 south carolina and going 2 College there the Beach is what its all about….
    OHIO doesnt have alpt a rednecks the people who drove there probly stped at a truck stop or something because alot of people arnt rednecks in ohio ….
    OHIO i will always love tho R.I.P youngstown the new begining is arriving

  68. Some corrections to my last post. If you go out and buy something nice if they want it your chances of being the victim of a robbery, burglary, home invasion, or the shit taking it out of your vehicle, or having their police buddies or politician buddies have the police confiscate it are pretty good.

  69. It had occurred to me that Ohio has more lesbians, gays, and bisexuals than one may think. But one thing I noticed about living in Ohio is that most people who are of the above become like that after being straight beforehand. It seems like most women in Ohio totally change themselves after they finish high school. Like I hear many stories about how straight women end up becoming bi or a lesbian once they turn 18 or 19. And you wonder how it happens so sudden. Both myself and a guy I work with have ex girlfriends from high school who are now either bi-sexual or are a lesbian. That stuff gets creepy but you have to expect it in Ohio.

    I also have realized that once women in Ohio become age 21, they change who they are and talk to or start hanging out with totally different people they did in high school. Then they also start to become more fat, put on weight, get uglier, and pretty much become done and hagged out by their late 20’s. They start to look depressing and don’t give a shit. And then they can’t figure out why guys don’t go after them. Compared to other states and cities I have visited, Ohio seems to have the largest population of young women who don’t care about their image. I’m talking about being fat and wearing clothes that don’t fit. I’m talking about dressing way too casual in a fancier or more professional setting. Being 28 and dressing 19. Every time I go to a bar, I find at least one woman who has something sticking out somewhere (butt crack, tramp stamp, boobs, etc.) Today I saw a chick with see through white pants on and black underwear, and she was like 30.

    There is just no opportunity for a young person in this state. There is nothing going on for the majority and you gotta go where things happen. A young good looking successful college educated man probably won’t fair well with single women in Ohio. If you are around Toledo or Cleveland, don’t expect a woman to think highly of you. If you try to make something happen with her, brace yourself as you should expect to be turned down right away because she is usually disgruntled about something from the past and thinks you are just like the others. Relationships have always been two way since the beginning.

  70. I full agree with those who say you never really know how bad this place sucks until you’ve been elsewhere and come back. I’ve lived up north in Maine for a month and as soon as I graduate I am high-tailing it back to New England. The area is beautiful up there, there’s nothing here. No employment, a failing education system, one of the most dangerous, impoverished cities in the country, rampant pollution, muggy summers, freezing winters, bad tempers and rude people, horrible road conditions, a rapidly declining population, I could go on and on.

  71. Ohio has it’s good side. History, Ghosts,farms,countryside,woods,lakes.
    Bad side: OSU,too many blacks in major cities, too many whites in major cities, not enough cultural diversity. Not any true educated people. Money educated maybe. Lots of prostitution in Ohio, Drug problems,Hate and Violence. Those are the downside.

    Good side: Beautiful scenery in the country and woods. The lake is beautiful. Snow can be beautiful at times. Small town people are a little bit friendlier.

  72. I would honestly say that out of the 8 different states I have been to and have stayed in for at least 2 weeks, Ohio has the most close-minded people. Especially women. It amazes me how the women are here. In any major city, there are so many women who have direction and aren’t even worth dating. It’s almost like every woman becomes hagged out and shaky about themselves once they turn 25. From living in Ohio most of my life, I have come across many women in Cleveland, Akron, and Canton who look depressing and just have no ambition to better their lives. I have seen many women who are in their mid 20’s hagged out as if they are a single mom in their mid 30’s.

    I have friends who have moved out of Ohio and never want to live here again. Almost all of them found a job within 6 months of arriving there, have found girlfriends, and are happy with their life. There is absolutely no opportunity in Ohio, especially NE Ohio, for real jobs, especially ones that pay the politically correct wage/salary. There is also small opportunity to meet the right woman, especially one who is in the same direction you are. It’s hard to meet someone worthy of marrying in NE Ohio even when you have average standards and realistic expectations. It really sucks. It’s even hard to marry someone that you actually want and have her like you back the same way. Most of the good women have left the state and anyone can see why, because they actually have ambition in life and won’t settle for less.

    I have 4 buddies right now who are in their mid 20’s, single, college educated, good looking, live on their own, but can’t seem to find a good girlfriend. All of them have basically only had 1 girlfriend in their life. That’s because most women in this state are raised terribly, lack self-respect, and have unrealistic expectations. Most of them get married at 23 and have children by 25 or at least vice-versa. So your luck runs out fast. It sucks. I’m getting out as soon as my lease is up. The people in this state are worthless and ridiculous when it comes to how they handle life.

  73. WOW. I cant believe all of these miserable people on here. Let me start like everyone else and say I have lived in many different areas myself. I also stayed in the cicny area for about 6 months for work. For starters life is all about what you make of it no matter where your at. People keep talking about these terrible ohio women, I think most of you must be terrible with women or just at the wrong places. When I stayed in cincy I met all kinds of beautiful and lovely ladies. I mean if you consider 5’3” 110lbs with nice figures good looking, and there would be packs of them. Most of them were extremely nice. They showed me many of good times. I would go downtown by myself and would actually have random people buy me drinks just because I wasn’t from the area. Hell I would have to turn people down at times because it would almost be to much. I thought the hospitality was great. Close minded people huh, you have obviously never lived in NY LA MIA etc because to them if your not from there then you really aren’t crap, because they are always the coolest no matter what. (And god knows thats not true.) I like real people, and ohio seemed to have alot of them. It’s when you go to those other cities I mentioned when you run into all kinds of fake people. I have even spent some time in NE Ohio and it wasn’t that bad, I managed to have good times and if I lived there I still would be having good times.(Remember my quote at the top.) If you have surrounded yourself with scum that is your own dam fault, scum is everywhere. People normally react to how you come off, and if your an a@@hole then your going to get treated like one. Which would probably explain why these people think Ohio is filled with them. Most of the people I met in Ohio that seemed shady weren’t even from their. If that tells you anything. If weather dictates your mood as a person then I already feel sorry for you. Everybody on here just needs to grow up and enjoy life. You probably think people are close minded just because they don’t think like you do. (Which technically makes you close minded.) Ohio is not bad, if a little bit of crime bothers you your probably just a weak person anyways. All in all Ohio is just like anywhere else, just a different setting. I am a college educated person here with no bias at all here.

  74. I’ve lived in OH since 1999 and it SUCKS! The people suck, the scenery sucks, this whole god-forsaken state sucks!

  75. Your just depressed, it’s not Ohio. Do something with yourself. I stayed there six months and met all kinds of really educated and fun people. You just need to get out of your shell and enjoy life. Life is all about what you make of it no matter where you are at.

  76. ScJon, you stayed in Ohio..Cincinatti for that matter…for only 6 months!!! How could you possibly give an accurate account of this crappy state over people who have been here their entire lives. Cincinatti sucks..it’s the worst city in Ohio period. The race relations there are just horrifically old school, it’s boring, no jobs..exc. Why were you on a job there for ONLY 6 mths? Let me guess…you got screwed over and terminated by the idiot people that they put in place for management in this state. I lived in NE Ohio all of my life..Youngstown to be exact…and it freaking sucks. Crime is horrible there, unemployment is around 17% and the only jobs that you can get are retail and telemarketing positions. Who the hell can live off of 8-10 dollars per hour in a state with a ridiculous tax rate. Ohio is not progressive…it is a regressive bullshit state that refuses to get with the times. This state(esp NE OHIO) still believes that manufacturing will come back and revitalize this piece of shit. Well guess what? MANUFACTURING IS NOT COMING BACK!!!!! Ohio is not a business friendly state because of property and building taxes. Businesses will not relocate here because minus the typical Ohio state crowd…people in this state are by average poorly educated. Not to mention, there is no way in hell you’d attract outside candidates to this area with the shitty weather that we have. Not unless you pay them some ridiculous salary to be miserable for a few years. People here are so angry all the time because trying to live and survive in this state is tough. Especially, when you’ve lost your job and you can’t find anything else other than retail or telemarting. I don’t want to here that bullshit talking abt “it’s like that everywhere”. No it isn’t!! The sports teams here suck..no wonder tey are having a hard time keeping Lebron. No sports star in their right mind wants to live in Ohio unless you’re past your prime or just plain desperate. ScJon, your analysis of this state couldn’t be any more farthest from the truth. Your credibility is already shot because you lived in Cincinatti…which in my opinion is worse than Youngstown. Me personally, I hate this fucking state…it’s a gotdamn wasteland that is being reclaimed by the forest. I truely hope to be gone very, VERY soon.

  77. Ohio Sucks, I couldn’t have said it better.ScJon I can’t believe anyone would defend a that fucking piece of shit hell hole, shitinati (Cincinnasti). I was unfortunately born in that shitty ghetto hell hole,and I unfrotunately grew up in that fucking shitty town too.Don’t you tell me shit about being depressed..You are just blind to Shitinati’s bullshit..CINCINNATI IS SATAN’S ANUS.You can look at that trailor trash ghetto hell hole with rose colored glasses all you want..

  78. SCJon, I see your response was mostly in rebuttal to what I said. I know for a fact I am not close-minded (I know you didn’t say that), but I am a realist. And when you are in a situation like me and my friends, you know how to report the truth. All the stuff that people on this site are claiming are their opinions and personal experiences. No one is making this stuff up. I know not all women in this state are the same as I mentioned but when you are in your mid 20’s and keep going out to bars and meeting 22/23 year old women who are hagged out and already have 2 or 3 kids without even being married for that matter, shit gets annoying fast.

    Either that or you get those pretty girls who smoke every 15 minutes and always think they are ugly when you know they think they are hot. Decent guys like me get tired of going out and meeting women who think they are hot shit and don’t know how to handle their alcohol. If anyone wanted to write a book on “What alcohol will do to a woman” all they have to do is live in Ohio for about 1 year.

    Jobs really do suck here, OhioSucks isn’t lying one bit. And tax and rent rates are outrageous that most businesses who want to try to do well around here don’t last long. Ohio has one of the worst rates in terms of how long bars last in business. Every time a new bar opens up, it lasts for about 2 years and then it either changes management, gets a new name, or the crowd of people changes/gets ghetto and people decide to go elsewhere.

    The close-mindedness comes from the people who have lived here forever. They aren’t very welcoming to outsiders or people who are from Michigan or Pittsburgh and it’s true. Cleveland sports fans are the worst, trust me on that. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say “I’m from Michigan” or “I’m from Pittsburgh” and the response from the stupid people are “I’m sorry, I feel sorry for you.” And they think they are funny for saying that. If that’s not close-minded, I don’t know what is. I go to Michigan a lot and even when I say I’m from Ohio, they are still happy that I visited there. I guess the end all be all of if you are truly an Ohioan is if you are on the Ohio State bandwagon.

  79. Its official! LeBron leaves Ohio! He knows whats good for him. He did something today that most of us are scraping and fighting to do. Good on ya BronBron! Lemme thing about it for a while
    Cleveland: Freezing temps 1/2 the year, jackasses everywhere you look, Never making it out of the eastern conference (Never getting a ring).
    Miami: Gorgeous weather, gorgeous people, multiple rings, oh and umm . . YOU GET TO LIVE IN F*@KING MIAMI!

  80. WOW, Lebron is with the HEAT!!! I feel bad for Cleveland, because I liked the town when I visited. Then again, I was only there for a couple of days. I don’t think I’d wanna live there. I do admit that Lebron could’ve broke the news a little different than on national tv. But that’s just me. Over all, Denver isn’t gonna melt if Melo leaves. This should make Cleveland look at itself if an athelete’s decision to leave and pursue happiness is going to tank the city’s economy. That says more about the city’s poor management than it does Lebron. That said, used to live in Columbus…left…love Denver…if you can…LEAVE OHIO!!!

  81. I agree with Bobito….Cleveland sucks and it is a hellhole. The people who live in Cleveland are all essentially moody, miserable, uneducated, disgruntled, backstabbing, attitude having douchebags. It doesn’t surprise me that they are burning this guy’s Jersey. I can’t blame Lebron for leaving Cleveland and Ohio period. The weather sucks here 8-9 months out of the year. The job situation is HORRIBLE and becoming even worse. Who the hell wants to live in a state where you will have to settle for working at a call center or a retail store for the rest of your life. Even if I did have to work one of those jobs, I wouldn’t want to do it here in Ohio. I currently live in Columbus and it’s basically one large, boring, glorified strip mall. This place is as flat as a pancake with nothing interesting. The people are nicer than NE Ohio folks but it def sucks living here. It’s just way too boring for a young person like me. I could talk abt the other cities in Ohio but why bother? They are all the same basically. Except Columbus isn’t an economically depressed steel town like those four shithole cities up north(Cleveland, Youngstown, Akron, Toledo) and that crapstain Kentuckinnati roughly 200 mi to the south..I mean Cincinnati. Ohio should just give that city to Kentucky. It’s full of racist hicks. God I hate Ohio. I can’t allow myself and my future to be held captive by this place. I am saving up and it is my ultimate goal to leave this place while I am still young.

  82. Lol.I knew you guys were going to be talking about LeBron, but anyway even he knew what the f#ck was up and was smart enough to get the f#ck away from this stupid ass state. Even LeBron knew this state is hell on earth. That says something right there when you’re such a sh#tty state that you can’t even retain your athletes. F*cking Pitiful. Sh*tinati,OH is an EPIC FAIL. Period. You got ugly ghetto skanks,bitches, and assholes with sh*tty attitudes, and dealing with the trailor trash they have in that ghetto hell hole is enough to make you just pack your sh*t up and drive to the nearest city that isn’t in Ohio. I’m telling you Shitinati is straight GARBAGE.The locals are GARBAGE and dumber than a bag of sh#t. I have suffered so much and wasted almost 4 years of my 20’s in this retarted ass place. I wish I had the power to get the f*ck away from this hell-hole like LeBron.

  83. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. The funny thing is that I don’t even live in Ohio. I was a truck driver for 4 years and everytime I drove through Ohio I got a disconnected, odd feeling. That feeling dissipated once I left Ohio in a westbound direction.

    Also, what is up with all the white thugs in Ohio? I used to tell my friends that Ohio is just one big Eminem temple. Never in my life have I seen so many ethnically-confused, pasty-faced men per-capita. What’s odd was that it wasn’t just the urban areas that were afflicted with this problem. The rural areas were just as bad.

  84. I’m an Ohio transplant (grew up on the east coast) after living here for about 30 of my 60 years, I’ve got a few pieces of advise for those of you who MIGHT be able to handle the truth.
    First if you don’t want to date “bar flies” stop looking for your dates in bars!
    Maybe people change after you met them BECAUSE IT”S YOU! (duh)
    Second I have never been into Ohio sports teams, it’s not a requirement, I hate all sports. Find something else to do with your self and your time. Join a volunteer organization, I met my two very best friends that way,and guess what, neither are from Ohio.
    As far as people “pitying” you for being from other states..it’s a joke man! you are the closed minded one if you can’t take a joke. I’ve heard this said about about every place on earth.
    And last but not least, I have heard people call OHIO..NorthWest West Virginia, or Lower Lower Michigan, Why? Because in the area I live ,3 out of every 5 person are from those states, came here for work (manufacturing) now that’s it’s gone we are left with an over abundance of people looking for work who don’t consider themselves Ohioan even after living here many years,maybe that’s why the place “sucks”.
    I agree, I’ve been trying to get out of Ohio ever since I got here,I’m originally from the east coast like I said and it sucked too, WAY too crowded for me, but instead of sitting around complaining about it on a message board, do something to make your own little piece of it a better place, I always wanted to retire in Arizona, but now it REALLY sucks.
    As someone above said, life is what you make of it, don’t wait for some one to make it for you!

  85. Shitinati (cinti) Oh has to be the biggest trailor trash ghetto shit hole there is. The cops are sooo retarted and STUPID (but that’s probably cops everywhere) anyway I just got pulled over by this trailor trash f*g ass moron with a badge. That’s what these retarted idiot cops do here in Shitinati and Ohio all together..They sit on there dumb asses and write tickets..and THAT’S IT..Such worthless pieces of sh*t..It’s funny beccause when I lived in Nashville I NEVER got a ticket..and I never saw as many dumb ass cops on the road either..Shitinati is just a fucking nightmare..I have never had as many problems in other places as I have here. Nothing but bullshit comes from Shitinati..I really don’t give a shit what any of the Ohio defenders are saying on here..This is the Ohio SUCKS message board..NOT the Ohio is glorious message board..

  86. JustMe, are you serious? Ok, don’t take what I am about to say to you as a personal attack. I am younger than you and I totally respect my elders…BUT..I don’t agree with ANYTHING that you said except for the whole bar thing. Number 1, you’re retired. Ohio suits a retiree better due to the low cost of living. When you retire, of course you don’t want to live somewhere where you’d wind up blowing through all of your savings so fast that you wind up having to take a part time job at WalMart as a greeter. We are still young and most of use have 30-35 years of a working life ahead of us. THAT just will not work here in Ohio. The GOOD paying jobs with 401 K’s, good benefits and livable salaries have LEFT Ohio for good. It’s not like we can graduate high school and go work at a factory for the remainder of our lives as it used to be. College graduate CANNOT find work here. That’s why most people get their degrees and ship out. Or…they do like me…get a decent job..save up a BOATLOAD of cash and start slowly heading out the back door. Number 2…you’re age. Let’s face it…no disrespect..but you’re decades older than us. We are a younger generation that likes to have fun. We like to be able to go out and actually DO things. What can you possibly do in Ohio???..besides axing some trees…growing some corn and maybe hanging out at one of Columbus’ MANY strip malls. The weather sucks 9-10 months out of the year with either large packs of snow on the ground OR unbearable humidity. Who comes to Ohio and says..let’s go to the beach? I’m not talking abt the shores of the polluted, Asian carp infested Lake Erie either. I’m talking about the beach that Lebron will now be able to enjoy since he made the wise “decision” to leave this dump. The bottom line guy is this…We are YOUNG, We want to be able to have a stable, good working life and not have to work some shitty call center or retail job for a living. Especially after working hard and accruing loan debt in college. WE deserve better than what Ohio has to offer and WE have a right to complain until those overpaid government shit bags like Ted Strickland start making Ohio a BUSINESS FRIENDLY state. Small businesses GROW the economy but the economy WILL NOT grow in Ohio until people start realizing that our manufacturing base is gone and we need to diversify our economy. No one will want to do business here because you don’t get the best “bang for your buck” as a business owner here in Ohio. You get shitty undereducated workers, a shitty business tax and shitty profits because most people that live in this state are poor and can’t spend money to support whatever your business sells. PLEASE don’t get me started on the disgruntled people that live here. You’ve got to be living in your own world if you don’t notice how angry these people are in this state..and rightfully so…..because it SUCKS. Hey, try locking yourself up in an outhouse after someone politely took a shit in it and you have life in Ohio. Leaveohioasap, I agree about these cops. They are ridiculous. Ohio is one large police state where the cops are secondary tax collectors. I too don’t give a shit about the people who come on here trying to “praise” Ohio. You’re in one of three categories if you live in Ohio. You’re old, You’re lame, or You’re just temporarily OR even permanently stuck here because you decided to purchase a house and have bunch of children. I feel sorry for anyone who raises a child in Ohio. Good luck finding a decent school system as they are all terrible and perform below standard. How abt the major cities in Ohio?? Youngstown, Cleveland, Akron, Shitinati(Cincinatti), Columbus, Dayton, Toledo… 6 out of 7 of them are old, abandoned, decaying steel and manufacturing towns with NO jobs, declining revenues. Columbus is shit as well. It’s one huge strip mall with nothing but healthcare and retail jobs. Want to know what all 7 of them have in common besides equally being bad?? ALL 7 are some of the most VIOLENT, crime ridden cities in the country. I can understand a state having ONE or maybe TWO really bad cities..but not ALL of them. If after all of this…you STILL think that Ohio is some grand utopia…even during retirement….then not only do you need your head examined but you deserve to be here when the floor finally gives out from up under this state. Ohio will be wiped out after the next big economic crisis and I hope to be gone by then. Ohio is a pile of garbage and I am proactively working and saving so that I can be out of here in about 2 years. You can take that shit to the bank.

  87. I lived in New Mexico and in Kentucky and recently moved to Columbus. Honestly Ohio really sucks, I fell bad for people growing up there. it has no identity, the people are rude, and all white folks wanna be Niggas or wear bicycle gear. They are always talking shit behind your back, but always talks nice to you. They are weird, and they don’t understand. They all pretend like they come from LA, or NY, lol! but they all come from a Big town (sorry not a city) and grew up in the suburbs of emptiness or in farm town. They have a middle age mentality, and they think that by having technology they are westernized. They never tell you what they think, and they seem fake. I have never understood why they act this way. They criticize Kentucky (lol and they are from OHIO, see how stupid these hypocrites are?), say its backwards, but hey I found Kentuckians to be lovely people and not mean. Do yourself a favor, get out from OHIO it is a weird state and its not coincidence that so many travelers report craziness and weirdness in this state that looks like shit. I will be leaving soon, thank God.

  88. a large percent of ohio people are FAT ,nosy, snobby, back-stabbin, racist ,inbred ,jerks! and the closer ya get to bigger “cities” (really just over grown cow towns) you can add in pretend to have class (like a single one would know what class is ,if it bit em on the behind!).

    want to move to a new city? a nice city? DONT PICK OHIO! ive lived all over the USA ,and can say that im counting the days when i can get out of ohio! GO! (to heck) BUCKS!

  89. I’ve been to nearly every single state in the United States, and by far the worst state I’ve ever been to is Ohio, with Oklahoma at a close second. The whole state is a homogeneous dump of abandoned factories and pollution, and very little points of interest. T’is a piece of shit, and the only redeemable factor is that it doesn’t have red, infertile soil like Oklahoma.

  90. To reply to PennMitsurugi, I would put Louisiana 3rd, maybe Nevada 4th, and West Virginia 5th. There is no reason to live in Louisiana, except for New Orleans, Nevada, except for Las Vegas, but even then the people there suck, and West Virginia is just like Ohio, people being nice up front but then talk shit behind your back. Some underrated states to live in from what I researched are Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri. They keep their economy under control, keep their unemployment rates more steady, and have way more hospitable people that Ohio.

    My girlfriend’s sister who lives in Virginia, near DC has driven through Ohio 3 different times in the past 4 years and she always says she feels like blowing her brains out. She always said she can imagine what it would be like growing up in Ohio and raising kids in this god awful state. There are very very very very very little amount of jobs in Ohio for the younger Generation Y and it’s only getting worse. I know a whole bunch of people with 4 year degrees that have been out of college for 2+ years (including me) that can’t get hired for anything full-time. The state of Ohio is so oblivious to all the crappy businesses and shitty politicians in the state that they don’t have a clue that college graduates are far from being successful. Working a crappy part time job that will lead you to the sewers is not successful.

    The real world experience by Ohioans is atrocious, but that’s because most people are too poor to travel and get the hell out and figure out the world outside Ohio. People are way too disgruntled for me here. The thing that really grinds my gears is that colleges and universities in this state are waaaay overcharging of students putting people further in debt than they should be just to make themselves marketable to today’s economy. I might as well sell my degree to someone because after all, they are so worth it in Ohio’s economy.

  91. I went to school for 4 years in Columbus, Ohio, and I couldn’t wait to get out of it asap…and I did. It is definietly true about what everyone is saying about it being a “shit storm” of cold and snow to a point where you can’t even get your car out and drive anywhere. And then, 3 months, in the summer, its blazingly miserably hot. Also, the Buckeye fans make it a pack of robot retards filling the streets with every game and having to block off roads and roads. My workplace was right around there, and it was highly inconvenient to get to work sometimes. The buckeye fans wear every red and white every day of their lives, which I found rather dumbingly irritating. Also, since its a huge college town (OSU, CCAD) almost every single person I knew gets drunk out of their minds on the weekends, and often weekdays. No one really knows how to interact socially without a beer in their hand or drugs in their pocket. I found it ridiculously hard to come across anyone decent and goodhearted. And yes, I think a lot of it has to do with how much Ohio depresses people….everyone basically loses their souls. Which goes back to the weather to blame which lead to overindulgence of alcohol…you get it? Well, I’d personally like to live where people atleast feel like they have souls.

    On the flipside. Columbus DOES have an incredible club scene. There’s every awesome dance night you could ask for. Axis: Sweatin….THE best dance night I have ever been to. The djs are sick, the crowd is hott (sometimes too slutty and gross tho, but atleast they are somewhat artsy about it), Wall St.: Gay club, but still a blast to go to. THey have Hip-Hop night if you dare, and First Fridays (everyone goes, SO fun). The dj scene is really up and coming and REALLY knows how to pump some of the best electro beats their is. However, the downside is this often how everyone in college comes together to get laid after the party. Yes, I forgot to add, C-bus people are extremely often sleazy with their sex life.

    All and all the people suck, but the place is pretty cool if their wasn’t so much alcohol, drugs, and promiscuity on such a ridiculously often basis. But people don’t have souls typically, and you get taken advantage of or ridiculed often times if you try to be a good nice person.

    I personally had a bad experience. But if you can find good people to hold onto that aren’t a addict of substance or themselves, and enjoy super harsh cold weather, more power to you, and you probably will have a better experience than I did.

  92. Here’s a post from an older person (late 40’s) who’s lived in OH for 40 years, specifically NE OH. Graduated high school in early 80’s, got secretarial degree in order to get out of restaurant work. Right as I was getting out of secretarial school, the big “esteemed” rubber shops (where all the “good” jobs were) were starting to close down BIG-TIME. My “business plan” was already going astray and becoming quickly unsustainable. Got married, left the state for a few years, came back in order to have kids (raise them amongst grandparents and other relatives), and have become permanently stuck here. Got a business (accounting) degree plus a good number of post-bac credits later at the U of A. Kids got entrenched in school, two kids graduated from college, the rest of them are still in school. Kid #1 can’t get a job in his field to save his life even though he has a marketable degree (not in Ohio, apparently). Jobs here are a joke…I say this sincerely.

    People around me are racist, backwards, redneck, stuck in a time warp and can’t get out, can’t speak standard English, pronounce “warsh” for “wash”, and are close-minded bigots bordering on the KKK level. There is a good number of “unemployable”, I repeat, “unemployable” people, people who have neither graduated from high school nor went to the dentist for years. There is an increasing number of obese people riding scooters at Walmart and such. Truth be told, I am working on losing weight myself, so I’m no skinny thinny, but I swear to all that is good, people here become obese because of the incredible depression that exists in living in this state and they develop various health and mental conditions which all lead to overeating and obesity. Mind you, a good number of drugs (medications) will also do a number on the body leading to obesity. Bottom line is that there is a good number of people in NE OH, who are just existing; I wouldn’t call it “living.” It’s an incredibly depressing state due to living in such depressing circumstances.

    Then we move to the sports fans. My husband is one of them. Their happiness and life in Ohio is dependant on how well their sports teams are doing. The BIGGEST reason he would not leave Ohio (God as my witness) is because of the sports teams here.

    Then we have the Ohio lifers who have been here their whole life because their family basically entrenched them here due to the previous number of plentiful manufacturing jobs (those days are LOOONG gone), but in their mind, it still goes on…kind of like the war that goes on in Frank Costanza’s mind (Seinfeld). They are living their life in the past….and in doing so, they are forcing their kids to remain in this state even though the opportunities for their kids are dismal. They guilt their adult kids into staying here without really thinking about how their are hindering their children’s (and future grandchildren’s) futures. Sure, the old-timers who are retired need not worry about having career jobs (vs. retail or telemarketing jobs), because they’ve already rode on the gravy train that was 35-50 years ago and have pension plans, ss, and Medicare intact. Screw everyone else. Times have changed since then, but they do not think about it because they did not deal with the economic reality that is today. They don’t know how others can’t make it when they could….I wonder.

    As far as the weather, don’t even get me started on that one. Even if everything else could change about Ohio, if jobs suddenly returned or were created, if people changed, etc., the weather would still be what it is. Some people love it or can stand it or tolerate it, I personally, cannot wait to get the hello away from it. People claim that there are four seasons in Ohio. I beg to disagree. Sure, there are four CALENDAR seasons, but there are NOT four equal three months to every season weather-wise. By far, winter is the longest season and that is good if you’re an Alaskan husky and/or run the Iditerod in your back yard. Summers have become sweltering hot hell holes.

    What do do? Get out of here as fast as possible, as finances and job/other factors allow.

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