1. Maicde, let me just add on my opinions and observations about the “unemployable” people in Ohio. Cleveland is well known for this because people aren’t raised properly and because most of them are 10 years behind on everything, and I mean everything. But I was sitting down in a coffee shop one day thinking of reasons why so many people are unemployable in Ohio, not because I have nothing better to do but it just piled up into my head. Here is what I came up with:

    1. As you said, terrible teeth or haven’t been to the dentist in years.
    2. Most people don’t dress presentably or have a fashion sense beyond the “i just go out of bed” style
    3. Too many people go out in public wearing sweats or inappropriate clothes. (It kills people to dress maturely sometimes)
    4. Too many people don’t have a college degree. They have the ol’ I went to college for 1 year and dropped out, and thought about going back for the past 5 years but never did.
    5. They looked hagged out and look like they don’t take care of themselves, in terms of staying fit and body hygiene.
    6. You’d be surprised how people have trouble spelling or writing, like resumes and cover letters.
    7. Lots of people aren’t friendly to their neighbors. Smiling goes a long way.
    8. People have attitude problems, especially young single mothers who try to get jobs they aren’t qualified for but do it just to make money to support their unplanned children.
    9. There are too many crap jobs such as retail and pointless sales/telemarketing that has an effect on how degrading people can make themselves out to be.
    10. People in Ohio are just flat out stupid.

  2. I am a literate Ohioan with good teeth, perfectly fit, going to college, and have a presentable appearance about myself.
    I take offense to this generality.

  3. Anonymous Ohioan,

    Well then that would probably mean your employable, and you seem intelligent enough to be one based on your response. My post was about the unemployable people in Ohio, as I said at the beginning.

  4. Hello, all my fellow geographical prisoners!
    F#CK Ohio!
    I am proud to say that I am doing absolutely every possible thing to get outta here as fast as I can! Might even graduate from OSU earlier than neccessary!
    I love how people say “oh, well it’s nice to have 4 seasons!” No, buddy. We don’t. The fact that our winters are 5 F#CKING months long is math enough to know that sh!t doesn’t add up! Oh, and during that 5 month long span, you might see the sun once or twice a week. Awesome. Why the f@ck am I here?
    So tired of all the Ohio sports fans. Never before has a group of people been so consistently distasteful. Every time I go to an event, the crowds chanting personal insults at the away team. I mean, they are really hating LeBron for leaving! They burned his jersey in the streets! He left because your city blows @ss. All the true fans are just supporting their team’s mediocraty. And if you tell them that their team is what it is . . terrible (Browns, bengals, reds, Indians) they will turn on you like hungry dogs. Your team sucks! Get over it. I knew a guy once who had an ohio state football tattoo on his calf. He never went to college. WTF? Just goes to show the kind of people we are dealing with.
    The people here support their mediocre-at-best state just like they support their terrible teams. I mean, what do we have here? Long, vast, stretches of grey nothing. The cities are rotting strip malls with teenage mothers pouring out of the woodwork. As soon as you leave city limits, all that’s left is appalachia. I feel like I’m watching Deliverance every time I step outside. I’ve seen enough farmland to last me two lifetimes. I’m tired of it. It’s BORING.
    Ohio now has the MOST hate groups out of ANY STATE in the union. KKK, Brotherhood, etc. This state is racist as crap.
    Forbes magazine rated Cleveland as THE MOST MISERABLE city in the U.S. in 2010. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, Detroit was NUMBER 3!!!!! Damn!
    I am hoping that one day, after I leave, Ohio is wiped off the map in a devastating natural disaster/blessing. I don’t really care if anyone is still here or not. I just want it gone. Even if it is not all of Ohio, as long as that Hellhole NE Ohio is gone, I’ll sleep better at night.
    Lets all get out of Ohio together! You only live once, so live where you want! Don’t lose your drive to get out of here. KEEP FIGHTING!

  5. Ok so I just want to start off by saying that I personally LOVE everything that Bill has been writing about this sh**hole place. I think its great that i can type in “ohio sucks” and actually find a site that supports my feelings! So i have had the HORRIBLE experience of living in a sh**hole of a place called Youngstown Oh for 31/2 yrs now…OMG what the F**k was i thinking…i swear i must have been on some type of drugs at the time i made this God awful decision to come to this crap as state and “save money” Bahahha!!! What a joke! I was raised in FL….forever held grateful to my parents for such a fine decision. I have lived in a few places for more than a few months at a time to be able to compare Oh to any other. I have lived in places from NY, RI, Puerto Rico, FL (of course) ect… Oh is by far the worst place i have ever ended up in, in all my life!! I hate it here..YES, Yes i am getting out..this is my last winter here and i am so ecstatic about this move that i am throwing a “I’m getting the hell out of OHIO party” But i just wanted to say that Bill was pretty much on the ball with everything he has said…along with a few others on here. I was laughing my a** off as i was reading his post, as well as others. The people here are some of the most plain, boring, no sense of humor, uneducated people i’ve met… I also may add that i have worked in parts of PA where the people there dont fall far from the ones in OH. They ALL SUCK!!! The weather sucks, the people suck, the jobs suck, the houses suck, it all sucks!! This state really does literally suck the life out of you!!! I have never felt so downed out before in my life…the only people that could possibly like or even love it here are the ones that are to ignorant to get out of here and see that there IS life outside this shit state!! I run into alot of people in my line of work and OMG people are sooo Freakin stupid!!! I’ve never seen so many grown ass men have their mommies do everything for them before….really grow the F up and cut that cord…we are talking about grown ass men…late 20’s and up having their mothers call their Dr’s for them, fill out there paper work for them, even answer their questions for them WTF!!?? I have a family (poor kids) that i brought here along with my husband….and we are all healthy…but when i moved here all of the sudden everyone is getting sick with things that are not just your everyday cold *cough* *cough*… Oh no…there is definetly something in the water/air here and i am not sticking around here to find out what it is!!! My family is worth more to me than that! I hate ohio, it disgusts me…makes me sick….the people make me sick—I have never seen so many people (obese people) riding around those shopping carts things ever!!! No wonder everybody here is fat..have you seen the things these people put into thier shopping carts!!?? I also never seen so many dead deer before either, lol. I know random but just a thought. The kids are dirty half the time and the parents seem to have no shame in that…not only that but they love to just yell and curse out thier kids in front of all to see with no problems at all. And yes forget about using “Big” words with these people..thats a joke. These are people that will come through a drive thru (steak n shake for instance) and ask if they sell shakes!!! Steak n SHAKE people!!! What about coming to a Walk in clinic and asking if they take Walk ins??? WALK IN!!! OMG you ohioans are soo freakin uneducated and supid it’s just enough to help me get through a day where i feel like i am living in a twilight zone to keep me from wanting to choke the living daylights out of one of you… God be with all of you who think ohio is great…ignorance is bliss…and God bless all of you who are trying to get out of this hell hole, like me!!! Where there is a will there is a way!! Like nike says “just do it”

  6. I just can’t help myself every time I keep coming back to this website and wanted to add more thoughts about this crap hole of a state. The thing with the marriage/divorce, having kids as quick as possible seems to be a common trend in Ohio. I am 25 and single with a college degree, still no real job, still not married (poor me), no children (no rush, don’t care). But goodness I keep hearing things from people like “Oh, you are 25, why aren’t you married yet?” or “Why aren’t you having children yet?” And I’m like “Sorry to disappoint you but having children out of wedlock or before the age of 22 is not the coolest thing in the world.” But like people will look at you as not normal if you don’t have children (no matter who it’s with) by age 25. People don’t seem to care about women having children to a guy they aren’t married to or aren’t seeing anymore. God forbid, being 25 and not being married yet or having children, I feel like I’m the only single person left in Ohio, poor old me! If you are wondering why the world is going downhill, it’s because of the decline of family structure and Ohio supports that paradigm.

    It’s like most of the women in Ohio aren’t intelligent at all. Most of them are either 1) white trash and had a child before age 25 out of wedlock, 2)are pissed off all the time and want nothing to do with men, or 3)stuck up and rich because of their husband’s job and are married before 25 because their husbands have money. And if the women have money, they probably have a job that’s medical related (no diversity). If there is a young intelligent single woman who is worth marrying in this god awful state, she is either a medical assistant or nurse, or a teacher of really young children (which doesn’t require much college education). It’s the same shit everyday.

    And how about the parenting in Ohio. The majority of married couples I’ve come across seem to hate each other and treat their children bad verbally. They even talk shit about them behind their back a lot. You hear it in a lot of public places. I don’t think that’s cool if you ask me. Half the adults in the state who are over age 30 don’t even dress presentably in public and are scrubbed out. I see couples all the time in fancy Italian restaurants wearing a hoodie and wind pants. Casualness has gone overboard in Ohio. But people in Ohio don’t realize all of this ridiculousness that I’ve said because they haven’t been outside of Ohio to know the night and day difference of the way people are here.

  7. Wow..to the person who left Florida and moved to Ohio..Youngstown,Ohio at that…wow do I feel your pain. I spent 26 yrs of my life in that hellhole and it was VERY difficult for me to get away. You might think Youngstown is a small city that noone knows about..but..you would be DEAD wrong. Try applying for jobs outside of the city and one of the first things people say is how BAD Youngstown is. The crime, the poverty, the ignorant people, the weak economy…it’s just all bad. Even at my job now…people LITERALLY run the other direction when I tell them that I am from Youngstown. It’s also a city that before you leave..make sure that you break ALL ties to…or it will lure you back in. Tell your family to get out..if you have any property there…SELL IT…break all ties and don’t ever return. Unfortunately, mine and my wife’s family live there so I am sucked back in every few months. It is such a draining, gloomy..depressing place. One of the worst places to be in Ohio next to Cincinnati. Northeast and Northwest Ohio in general are shitholes. Central Ohio aka Columbus isn’t much better. I can’t believe some people actually like it here. It is SO boring..the crime rates are ridiculous and there are multiple…major accidents because these asshole Ohioans can’t drive worth shit. People in Ohio are fake and are major backstabbers. Furthurmore…good luck finding a decent job here to even try to raise a family. My bags are already packed..I’m just waiting for God to open the door. Last one out..please turn out the lights.

  8. Man I just had to move to Ohio from Honolulu, HI where I lived for almost 20 years due to the poor economy and lack of jobs out there.

    So yes I will say it too…Ohio sucks

    From my more recent experiences I have been having trouble dealing with people that have lived here their whole lives…or maybe a few hundred miles outside the borders but thats it. They don’t even realize the bubble they live in. They think the whole world is like Ohio and that people should act and behave they way Ohio people do…its ludicrous actually, and Im sick of it.

    Im not stranger to cultural differences and I do my share to ‘fit in’ here sometimes. But for god sakes meet me halfway….if u dont feel u have to or should I think that’s sad…it means u would rather remain in your sh*tty small town Ohio mindframe forever and dont want to expand your mind into new things, cultures, ideas, beliefs, etc.

    Anyways Im just ranting…glad to find this site too under a Google search for “ohio sucks” lol….

  9. I agree completely- Ohio is a pit-slum- ghetto and redneck heaven. Everyone I know (my husbands family and everyone they know ) is a drug addict – alcoholic, loser with a 8th grade education and severely metally ill.

    Ohio sucks- cleveland sucks and is the biggest ghetto in the country- with the worst crime rate.

    The only nice place in Ohio is Hudson- and unless you are filthy rich- you won’t be able to afford to live there and that’s the way the like it ! (keeps the rif-raf out)

  10. I’ve read all the responses on this page, and I’d like to say a few things

    First, I want to state that Ohio sucks, there are better places to be. That said, I’ve lived in Ohio all 25 years of my life, so for those like Jason and GettinOut, not to put too fine a point on it, suck it up. You haven’t lived here nearly long enough to hate Ohio like I do.

    Second, while I don’t dispute all the negative comments about Ohio, a few are taken to extremes. For instance, the sports fan issue. It’s called LOYALTY. Here in NE Ohio, we’re not bandwagon fans. We stick with our teams through hell and back. The LeBron thing, it’s not the fact that he left that we’re pissed about, it’s the manner in which he did it. Now, I know for people used to winning sports teams, it seems like an excuse, but again, you haven’t lived through the sports hell that I have, so really and truly, you have no clue what you’re talking about. In fact, I wonder how many of you come from cities who have won a championship since Cleveland last won one (The Browns did it in ’64, the year BEFORE the Super Bowl started). I’m willing to bet it’s better than 90%

    Third, the lifestyle here sucks for a reason: no one here has money, unless you’re lucky/pretentious/enough of a complete douchebag to live in Hudson or Beachwood or the nice part of Lakewood and the like. Now, that said, there’s legitimate culture here, if you know where to look. The arts scene is getting a much needed jump start, the music scene has never been in dispute, the food is getting national acclaim (if I’m not mistaken Iron Chef Michael Symon is FROM Cleveland, and my favorite drive-in, Swenson’s, was just featured on Food Network, along with my nemesis, Skyway. Akron is the home of the hamburger, and we have the best frozen custard/ice cream in the country at Strickland’s

    Fourth, the weather here is great…from April to mid-October. I won’t quibble about the snow cause it sucks, but guess what? Unless you’re from here, the Plains or New England, you have absolutely NO grounds to bitch about the snow. Having been raised in the cold, I’m harder for it than those of you who moved here from Florida and the like. I know how to drive in all kinds of crappy weather because I’ve done it on the regular

    Lastly, I don’t want to hear a deuced WORD about attitudes. New Yorkers (those from the city) and Bostonians are known to be complete bastards. I won’t get into the special kind of pretension that many Californians and Floridians roll with, and for all of our assbackwards yokels and hate groups, we are NOWHERE near as bad as some of our southern neighbors (I’m looking at you, West Virginia). Yeah, many of us have bad attitudes, and yeahm there’s rampant ghettoness, but again, look where you’re moving FROM. Really? If someone from Detroit had said something, that’s one thing, but pretty boy coke dealers from Coral Gables have no room to talk about the ghetto.

    For the cats who were born and raised here, you can say all the crap you want, you know the score. One guy lived in Youngstown, I feel for you, it’s Mob Central and there’s no jobs whatsoever. Trust me, I want out too, but at the same time, we both know there’s a couple things to hang your hat on…just not that many

    Now look, I’m not defending Ohio to the tune of it’s a great place to live, cause it’s not, really. But a) there’s a lot worse out there (ie the middle of nowhere Nebraska where they’re literally GIVING land away) and b) for as much as you complain about and think you know, there’s a whole lot about Ohio you’ll never know, because you’ve not lived here all your lives.

    With that, I’m signing off. Go Browns! Go Buckeyes! Go Tribe! Go Cavs! F*ck LeBronze, the Bengals, Steelers, Ravens, Yankees, Red and White Sox, and the Cheatriots!

  11. It all boils down to small-minded, self-serving people, “provincial” people (people who have never left Any Small Town America corners), people who have no clue how other people in other states operate, etc. If you stay here, be prepared for the lack of opportunities, lack of educated people (because most others who are educated and are looking for employment can’t find any, so they leave the state), lack of dreams, lack of hope and faith to swallow you in and spit you back out as a washed up hack. This state will suck the life and soul out of you and all the while the Ohio cheerleaders will tell you that it’s YOU that’s the problem. This is 100% true. If you don’t believe me, you’ve not lived here long enough.

    Ohio had it’s heydey about four decades ago. Word to the wise: don’t wait for Ohio to provide what was provided to your parents or grandparents (depending on how old they are), because it’s not going to happen. We’ve been taught that “working hard” brings results. The truth is that it’s “working smart(er)” is what brings results. Trying to work smart here yields very little results, if any. It’s very much the “Old Boys/Hillbillies/Rednecks” network here. If you’re not part of it, then you’re seriously wasting your time. Everyone else who wants to be below average, you can stay here, get on some sort of public aid (welfare,etc.), get fat, ride on scooters at Wal-mart, and dream of a better life perhaps in your next life on this earth.

    Life is too short to be stuck in Ohio if you have any dreams or ambitions left in you. Get out while you can and don’t come back if you know what’s good for you.

    P.S. – Ignore the people who say that this is happening or that is happening and how change and progress is coming to Ohio. These people are liars and blowhards. When you wake up from your stupor, you will find that they’ve moved on to another state with more opportunities and you’ll still be stuck here. That’s the real rub of it all.

  12. To Ohio – empty and dead dream state- You are so right on! I lol’d at your post. If you want any kind of life get the f#ck out of Ohio. Don’t even think about going anywhere near that pile of sh#t in southwest OH I mean shitinati/cincinnati..Cincinnati (and the pretty much the rest of Ohio) is for low life losers who don’t have anything better to do but sit around and be trashy, disgusting and pathetic. Hate is not a strong enough word to describe what I think of cincinnati. I have never seen so many disgusting bitches in my life.

  13. I honestly couldnt agree with you more. I was born in california but iv been raised in Ohio and i cant say without hesistitation that Ohians are FUCKING STUPID. Like seriously, your average ohian thinks that obama is respnsable for our countries problems, and im all like “WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!” George w BUSH and his assshole buddy cheney are the ones that that fucked us over!! eregrdless they are completely convinced obama is the devil likely because of some past molestation or rape period in their life. It is as if they were dead during the bush years and never watched the news and suddenly discovered the free press when obama got elected.I have news for you california, the average american is an absoulute FUCKING idiot. Ive witnessed it in soo many ways and I am ashameed to be an american at this point. someone comfort me plese. My email address is godsbusytryagainlater@gmail.com, please someone who is not an abosolute right wing asshole write me please. some 1 who isnt retarded in every sense of the word I repeat, ANYONE!

  14. OK so to CHris…give me a break!! You dont start off sayin ohio sucks..then defend it in every way that you can think of to justify the fact that youve lived here all your life.. See the thing is..i dont have to “suck it up” You are the one that has been doing the sucking up. That is why you have lived here for 25 yrs and i only a mere 2 and know when it is time to go…two yrs ago btw. So dont come on here tryin to sound all sympathetic to us peoples who know OHIO SUCKS!!! You sound like the typical ohioan defending this state, stuck in your little pathetic bubble of gloom. The weather here sucks ass!!! The people here are ignorant, stupid 2nd grade educated retards and their is NO jobs, and you will continue to have NO life here. Face it…as much as you sit here and say ohio sucks you LOVE it here…which is why you defend the people “your people”. You all seem like your stuck back in the 50’s , LOL! And so like i said earlier, and i speak for others who know the truth as well…YOU don NOT have to have lived here all your life to know how much OHIO SUCKS!!! I dont need your retarted ass telling me what i already knew the first month i settled in….there is life out there and i feel bad for you that you will never come out of your lifesucking gloom bubble to find out. You only talk about others from other states, you never left here to live some place else. So you are the one that needs to step back and take a look at this shit hole state and admit that it sucks. Yes i am originally from FL but as you stated in your comment that only people from new england should be able to talk about up north and the snow. Well FYI i live in RI for 5 yrs…and let me tell you there is NO comparison between the states…Snow here sucks…people here suck…you suck. New england (RI) is great…they have the beach, believe it or not the winters are not as bad (check the weather channel…its DEC and they havent had not even a smidget of what we have had here yet) and the people are GREAT! As said in anothers comment this is for ranting and raving about SUCK ASS OHIO…not for those to defend this shit hole. So go google Ohio is great and comment there!!! Leave the rants and raves to us who know the truth about this state! To those out there that want out…please dont give up!!! There is life out there…and there is a way…even if you have to sell it all and move away…its completely worth it. Start over fresh…what do you have to loose..theres nothing here!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

  15. I have to agree with GettinOut. This forum is for those of us who have had the misfortune of living in Ohio – either having moved from another region, and, so have an something to compare the experience with; or have lived there all or most of their lives and don’t find it so appealing.

    I’m originally from the East Coast – split my time between North Jersey/Metro NYC and the DC/Baltimore regions. I lived in Columbus for eight years and have been back in NYC for about two years and couldn’t be happier.

    I only lived in Columbus, so can’t speak to Youngstown or Cinci – other than to say I have been to Youngstown and, as far as first impressions, I thought it was a sh*t-hole.

    The most annoying thing I found about Cow-lum-bus was how a lot of the people liked to act like it’s some kind of big, important city, but it’s very much a provincial (I’ve long known the dictionary definition of the word, but it took living in Ohio for me to truly understand it) cow town. I’ll give just one example, which will make everyone not from Blow-Hi-Oh grin with understanding.

    One day, just a couple or few months after moving to Columbus (this was around ten years ago), I turn on the television one morning while getting ready for work. There was a breaking story of magnanimous proportion; burning up airtime simultaneously on all three or four local major network affiliates: The Ohio State University had just abruptly fired their head football coach. The news announcers were practically, “OMG, OMG, OMG *sounds of apoplectic breathing*, this is HUGE people!”. For the next six to eight weeks this story, in its various incarnations (Why was the man fired? Who will replace him? What’s the status of the search for a new coach?) held this cities rapt attention. I mean, c’mon, fortheloveofchrist. This kind of thing would never happen in a REAL big city. By comparison, Tom Coughlin, Rex Reed or John Harbaugh getting fired would certainly be A major news story for a day or few but not THE only one. My first reaction was, “You people really need to get lives around here.”

    I have many more amusing (I hope) stories such as this to pass along – and I hope to over the coming next couple of months.

  16. I also agree with “GettinOut”. You don’t have to be in Ohio long to figure out that it is a complete sh*thole. My brother left Ohio 10 yrs ago and the last time he was back was for my wedding..which was 3 years ago! Anyone who leaves this pile of doggie-poo MUST make it their goal to STAY AWAY..permanently. “Ohiohtr”, I know all too well about the Ohio State stories. I have the unfortunate opportunity of living in Cow-lum-bus amongst these madhouse OH-State fans. It’s ridiculous. I remember the firing of the coach incident..I..once again and unfortunately…was living in Youngstown aka Your-dying-town. The same news was going on there..except that it was a diffrent speculation. There were rumors that Jim Tressel aka “Sweater Vest” was leaving Youngstown State University to coach the “Ohiyah” State Buckeyes. i swear..people in this damn state have no life whatsoever. I can verify that Columbus is indeed a “cow-town”. It’s UNBELIEVABLE that people actually think that this is a REAL “big” city. The only real “big” city in Ohio is another sh*thole that I happened to have the pleasure living in which was Cleveland.

    Concerning Cow-lum-bus, there is nothing here to do except teenie bopper activities such as shopping or going to see a movie. Sure they have libraries and museums but WHAT CITY DOESN’T? Cleveland sucks but at least famous music artists perform there. I get pissed when my dad, who lives in Cleveland, tells me that he’s went to another concert involving one of my favorite artists and I am stuck in this sack of shit Columbus with nothing to do. If you’re not an “Ohiyah State” fan..you WILL NOT fit in here. I wouldn’t even recommend Columbus to a retiree. I find it funny that everyone who retires from my place of employment..and have chosen to stay in Ohio post-retirement..died on average..4 years after retirement. Died of boredom perhaps? If you are young and have ANY SENSE or WIT about yourself..get the hell out of this state. It’s almost winter and everything is dead…trees..grass..the people. Do like Lebron and “Take your talents” elsewhere. Sure, you may struggle like the Heat did for a while..but you will eventually find your rhythm somewhere else…somewhere warmer and with better job opportunities. You will be a much happier person.

  17. I grew up in Southern California except for 3 years when I lived in New England. I had a hard time growing up: scrawny, awkward, dysfunctional family etc. so i decided to go to small liberal arts college in NE Ohio called Oberlin, which was probably a bad decision as about halfway through it became abundantly clear that the college wasn’t for me ( a topic for an entirely different forum), but I still really did not want to go home.

    I started washing dishes, prep cooking and doing an assortment of crappy McJobs in the surrounding town. By this point I was also a full blown miserable alcoholic. I recently had a baby with a townie (I’m 24 and she’s 22) and we’ve gone on welfare becoming those people you see in ohio wal-marts buying hundreds of dollars of food with at a time food stamps (at least we aren’t overweight and spending it all on chips and “Pop” yet). don’t get me wrong, I’m happy I have a baby and a woman who loves me, but I have no idea how this state reduced from someone who once had a promising future to basically white trash. i had to go to rehab to quit drinking about 6 months ago and i’ve recently gone back to school to become a veterinary technician in the hope that things will turn around here. Of course, the onset of another winter has reminded what an awful place it is here:

    1. It just endlessly snows with this horrible vengeance and travelling without mishap is basically impossible since I can’t afford a the gigantic tank with colossal snow tires that you need to safely transport yourself anywhere. I recently banged up yet another car getting trapped in the snow trying to back out of a narrow ice coated driveway. I basically have decided that I have to give up on doing anything that requires driving more than 5 miles for the next 4 months unless it is an absolute vital necessity. I just have to hide in my house and pray for the sun to come back as the snow just keeps pouring down.

    2. It’s frequently bitter cold and flat out painful to be outside. Once Winter really hits (December on the lucky years but often earlier) it just stays that way long after winter is supposed to be over, like into very late April it will still be shitty out. The days are just dark and grey and the utter lack of sunlight throws off the chemical balance of people’s brains in ways I didn’t think possible. Every December here I become angry to the point of violent impulse and very depressed and the only explanation I can come up with is humans need sunlight for their brain chemistry to stay balanced. Even when it isn’t frozen over hell it’s just pouring rain half the time by the way.

    3. Rednecks and Ghetto boys. I live in an apartment building where most of the other people are on Section 8 (federally assisted living). They’re constantly drinking malt liquor, making the building reek of marijuana, screaming and beating each other up. Oh and a few months ago their giant attack dog (everyone around here thinks it’s cool to have huge violent guard dogs) bit me. It was the same was at the last apartment we had. The police come to my building on a very regular basis. It’s also the weirdest juxtaposition of low class white people and low class African American people I’ve ever come across. I go to Cleveland and and I feel like I’m in some gangsta rap movie about how deplorable life in the hood is, and 30 minutes outside of any city and it’s KKK country.

    4. Having tons and tons of kids at a young age, out of wedlock, and without adequate means to take care of them is the norm here and it’s frightening. I think having a baby is the only thing that people can do to basically pass the time and make life seem not be completely meaningless in this awful place. It’s really sad. Especially because a lot the single mothers seem basically proud, as if it’s an accomplishment that they got knocked up by an African American guy (I’m really trying not to be racist here it’s just what I see all around me) who already has like 6 different kids with 4 different women. Someone else wrote that half the baby daddy’s around here seem like a cross of Joe Dirt and Eminem. It’s so true. Pathetic “Wiggers” are like the plague here.

    5. Anyone whose intelligent here drinks way more than they should while waiting to get out. Actually pretty much everyone here drinks way more than they should. Ohio is full of alcoholics and stoners. I think people here seem to basically resort to alcoholism and constantly smoking weed to deal with being here and the hopelessness of the situation.

    6. The obsession with Ohio State (and to a lesser extent the Browns) here is retarded and pathetic. The only thing that makes people happy seems to be drinking and Ohio State football even though these people don’t even go to college. There’s a difference between loyalty to your sports teams and just being flat out obnoxious.

    7. Lack of sunshine, racial discrimination, and inbreeding have made people here monstrously ugly. When my parents visited me here my father remarked how the white people here are like “super white”. The girls who don’t just give up after getting pregnant for the fourth time become these awful superficial jerks who get those like super orange fake tans and become super anorexic and bleach their hair with like clorox in this pathetic emulation of California girl.

    8. People here are fake, rude, gross, and dislike anything intelligent or creative. Just shut up, drink your beer, and put on an Ohio State hat.

    9. The job market here is a joke and I think it’s why a lot of people just give up and go on welfare. People get sucked into this terrible place because failing is basically the norm and that makes it okay to just give up and be a piece of shit but still feel okay about yourself because everyone is like that here.

    I’m praying I can finish my 2 year college program, get my license as a veterinary technician, marry my girlfriend, and get my wife/daughter moved far away from here before I have another nervous breakdown or re-succumb to alcoholism and before my daughter gets old enough to have a deeper awareness of where she is living. While I don’t care for the south, I know the people can’t be more low class than they are here, and at least it won’t be constant arctic wasteland. Ohio is just no good: god awful weather, lousy people, hopeless economy, disgusting culture. i don’t want it and i don’t need it. fuck ohio.

  18. My family being military and me joining i’ve met plenty of people from Ohio who were great people, sometimes a little slow but thats with anyone. Living in SC for 6 years and going to college here I’ve literally met the dumbest people on Earth, most of which are from Ohio. Ohio State can suck a dick, and you are not “THE.” i dont say that the college should go to hell or all of the people that go there, but come spring / summer break almost all of the fights i’ve seen from locals / out of town have been because of some northerner (usually from Ohio) starting shit. people here have bumper stickers that say Go Back To Ohio. If you suck, and you live in Ohio, just fucking stay there. No one wants you to leave.

  19. Hey, “I want out” (and others trapped in his purgatory, better known as Ohio, and specifically, NE OH (for me)):

    “I want out” – I just wanted to tell you how much I understand where you’re coming from at your age of 24 and your fiance/SO at age 22. That’s exactly the ages my husband and I were when we were struggling half a life-time ago (we’re in our late 40’s now) going to school, driving cr*ppy cars which always had the potential of wrecking (well, my husband actually demolished his car as we didn’t have collision insurance on it because we couldn’t afford it. God, I wish we wouldn’t have listened to stupid relatives who gave us bad advice when we were so young, but that’s neither here nor there). It was a life of pure survival, and we lived in that mode for a long, long time while husband and I were in college while raising kids. I commend you for going through rehab and working on your future right now.

    Everything you said is accurate in my estimation. I know that I should have left Ohio a decade ago, but family commitments (taking care of an elderly, chronically ill parent, getting the kids through school, having a husband who can’t ever leave Ohio due to the sports teams) kept/keeps me here. I certainly don’t want to divorce in order to leave this cr*ppy hell-hole of a state, but it’s getting harder and harder to endure each winter. As you said, SAD, is a very real condition and there’s no way in hello that I’m going to subject myself to Prozac or some other anti-depressant just to live through winters in Ohio. I mean I KNOW what’s wrong with me for God’s sake! It’s the weather from hell, the relentless and never-ending cold and gray, going-no-where fast people, lack of jobs, lack of progressive thought – God, I could go on and on. Basically, you said it all for me, and I commend you on that because you’re half my age and you have it figured out. To be truthful with you, we lived in S. CA in late teens and early 20’s, and moved back here at about your age in order to raise our future children amongst relatives. I guess things were okay, but they are 100% worse now. I have two children that are your age and two years older. Both are college graduates. Both are having a difficult time finding a job even though they have good degrees.

    I don’t hold out hope for Ohio ever becoming a progressive state. It is what it is and it will never change. There’s no point in going through each and every item, because honestly, you did an excellent job of breaking the problems down one by one. I agree with your assessment. Again, kudos for figuring out this now and not later (like me).

    I wish you, your SO, and your child the very best. Hang in there. Hang in there all of you Ohioians who want to get out. Happy new year 2011! 🙂

  20. I think I am going to pick apart I Want Out’s recent post and try to see if he’s telling the truth.

    1. It just endlessly snows with this horrible vengeance- (Dead on)
    2. It’s frequently bitter cold and flat out painful to be outside. Once Winter really hits (December on the lucky years but often earlier) it just stays that way long after winter is supposed to be over, like into very late April it will still be shitty out.- (Dead on)
    3. Rednecks and Ghetto boys. I live in an apartment building where most of the other people are on Section 8 (federally assisted living). They’re constantly drinking malt liquor, making the building reek of marijuana, screaming and beating each other up.- (Dead on)
    4. Having tons and tons of kids at a young age, out of wedlock, and without adequate means to take care of them is the norm here and it’s frightening. I think having a baby is the only thing that people can do to basically pass the time and make life seem not be completely meaningless in this awful place.- (Dead on)
    5. Anyone whose intelligent here drinks way more than they should while waiting to get out. Actually pretty much everyone here drinks way more than they should. Ohio is full of alcoholics and stoners.- (Still dead on)
    6. The obsession with Ohio State (and to a lesser extent the Browns) here is retarded and pathetic. The only thing that makes people happy seems to be drinking and Ohio State football.- (Still dead on)
    7. Lack of sunshine, racial discrimination, and inbreeding have made people here monstrously ugly.- (Still dead on)
    8. People here are fake, rude, gross, and dislike anything intelligent or creative. Just shut up, drink your beer, and put on an Ohio State hat.- (Still dead on)
    9. The job market here is a joke and I think it’s why a lot of people just give up and go on welfare.- (Absolutely dead on)

    Well, I tried to find something that wasn’t true in his post but just couldn’t. Sorry, but Ohio is very much a state I wouldn’t recommend anyone with an ounce of ambition to live in. Unless of course you want a career in laying down cement, installing windows, or being a service or construction worker, where you are way underpaid for how hard you work. And I feel sorry for others who were born and raised in Ohio and went to college in Ohio because of how difficult it is to find a full time job right after you get your college degree. I mean unless you want to spend at least 5 years after you worked your ass off to get your degree working crummy jobs that you have never found yourself having any business being in when you graduated high school, don’t come to Ohio.

    I mean there is a reason why Cleveland loses 1.2% of its population every year. There is a reason why cost of living is so low because hardly anyone has money here. I won’t support Cleveland’s idea of what it means to live a good life, sucking all hope out of anyone who lives here and producing people who think you’re from another planet if you come off as being intelligent. Just talk about smoking and how much you like drinking beer and throw on your Ohio State hat and BOOM! you will fit right in. Oh and you can also talk about how cool you are for being a mother or father of a child when you aren’t even married, before you reach age 24. And lastly, if you show off your “tramp stamp” and think you’re some sort of extra special person. If you do all these things, you have fulfilled the norm.

  21. Here’s one for the new year – has to do with the very name of the Ohio city where I lived for a while, before coming back East: Columbus. Think about it – short of being in Nebraska or something, the town is about as land-locked as can be. So they name it after a nautical figure? Sure, there’s a couple of “rivers”. Let me tell you, though, where I’m from, those things (Olentangy or Scioto) would not count as a river. I mean, in order for even smallish pleasure boats to use the Scioto – the lager of the two, it had to be damned; allowing a swath of only about a mile of it or less to have enough depth for even that. Hate to tell you, that’s not a river folks. In Maryland, we’d call those a creek or run (as in Bull Run). A river – like the Hudson or Susquhanna – can have freakin’ ocean liners in it (I’m not lying, there’s a Holland liner that leaves every Sunday or two from around mid-town Manhattan, I see it all the time). So given the obvious nautical connections between central, corn-field friggin’ Ohio and Genoa, they name the place “Columbus”. Couldn’t name it something that makes sense and even sounds very cool, like “Tecumseh” – who was a famous warrior and chief from the are. Nooooooooooo. Idiots! As well, the baseball team – Columbus Clippers – have a sailing ship as their logo. But… not a Clipper (I’ve seen many a true Clipper in Baltimore, a place that actually manufactured the things back in the day). A Clipper, you see, has a low-set hull, which makes it move through the water faster; hence at a “clip”. What they had on the logo was more of a big war ship, like a ship-of-the-line. But, I guess that’s what you get when a bunch of clueless inlanders try their hand at creating nautically themed logos!

  22. I am a single man with no wife and kids. I moved from NYC and NJ a couple years ago. I lived in Jacksonville, Fl, Louisiana, Houston, TX. Now l bought a house in Cow lum bus. This place sucks ass. It is boring as hell here. If you like going to bars and nightclubs that close at 2 to 2:30 am. The parties here are lame the music is wack. Played out music that was playing in NYC 7 months ago is now playing here. The women here arent good looking or have any money. Some of the women here look good if you consider a beer belly and being fugly. Some slim women here carry a little beer belly and they are slim. They probably have a beer belly from having 2 to 4 baby daddies. Compared to NYC or NJ women there are hot but stuck up. Women in NYC drive either brand new cars or nice luxury cars. In Ohio people drive any peice of shit. People in Cow lum bus are narrow minded and are lame as hell. All people talk about here is Bullshit OSU football and basketball. I could care less i dont play for OSU. They arent doing anything to help me. The malls here have nothing nice in there to buy compared to NYC. This town is for losers and people who like mediocre bland living. In the night clubs here women are stuck up and shallow. They are mainly looking for a drug dealer or a playa to give them a free drink at the bar. Women here arent that good looking and everyone here needs to go to the gym. I am tired of seeing ugly women and fat people. Dont live in Ohio it sucks. There are lots of people here in Columbus who havent even been to big cities especially NYC. They dont know how other people live or act. Ohio is a bag of shit.

  23. To Wack Ohio, absolutely correct. But you don’t even really need to live somewhere else, you can just go on a trip or vacation to a bigger city that actually has some aesthetic taste to it and cares about the lives of its residents. Visit there for a week or two and take it all in and you can conclude that things are so much better there. I’ve been to bars and clubs in more populated cities and I agree with you about the women here in Ohio compared to those cities. They are more shallow and lots of them have their guard up and want to avoid guys whenever possible. Yet they spend all that time getting ready to go out and pick their hottest friends to look good with but want to shut down all guys that want to talk to them in those bars and clubs. It’s like they think they are smart enough to draw conclusions about guys that fast without getting to know them. It’s so funny to watch them do that too.

    I’ve personally talked to women in bars and clubs in Cleveland and Columbus and I have never come across so many women in dance clubs who are already taken and have boyfriends. It’s like why would you act single and come to dance clubs when you have a boyfriend. And why such a high percentage? In Chicago, like 95% of the women in the dance clubs, I guarantee you were single and letting guys dance with them. Because in those types of cities women actually go to clubs with a goal to dance with guys and meet them. Cleveland women just don’t have a clue as far as that. They act like they hate men but then they still go after douchebags who have “I don’t know how to treat women” written all over them. And they love to use that word too for some reason.

    I understand that you can have a better chance of getting a job in Chicago, Denver, Houston, or Atlanta, and the cost of living is high and it’s hard to save, but in the end, you know you will be better off. And it’s because you will be surrounded by better economic development, friendlier and more hospitable people, more things to do to help you think life is worth living, and have a higher chance to meet your future wife because people take better care of themselves. But in Ohio, people are more disgruntled, have a lazy attitude, and don’t mind the same old shit every day.

  24. “I’ve personally talked to women in bars and clubs in Cleveland and Columbus and I have never come across so many women in dance clubs who are already taken and have boyfriends.”

    Hi, Ryan W.

    Yes! I completely forgot about this and will back up your observation. When was single and living in Columbus, encountered this same thing all the time. It was pretty confusing at first – it wasn’t just that there were women out on a weekend night together; you know, “gals night out” or something. It was the places they were going – places obviously targeted at singles looking to mingle, and something in their body language and demeanor that even could be read as “single”. After a while, I learned to get a good look at their left ring finger, but I still met more than my share of women in serious relationships, but not married.

  25. How true all the stories are about the crappy state of Ohio. I’ve had the displeasure of living in 3 of Ohio’s so called big cities; Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus. Or (Leave-land), (Shit-in-assy) and (Dull-um-bus) as I like to call them. You know Cleveland is bad when it makes Columbus look good and all I can remember about Cincinnati was buying booze in Kentucky at 2 am. Now I’m at the Crossroads and I need to escape this hell hole or else I will end up unhappy and dead. I have never fit in with the people of Cleveland and every place I’ve traveled was like paradise compared to the cities in Ohio.

    The truth about Lebron is he made a smart decision to take his talents to South Beach because Cleveland SUCKS, period! If you ask me he did Cleveland a favor by leaving so they could do what they do best, bitch about something else. Next year 70,000 plus idiots will support the joke of the NFL called the Browns. The other crappy team the Indians will groom the next super star for the Yankees, Phillies or Red Sox. The other teams in Ohio can do whatever, I’m rooting for the Steelers & Ravens.

    This is the state that probably coined the phase (Baby Daddy & Baby Momma) so way to go Ohio. I notice that the most beautiful, intelligent and down to earth females in Ohio are tourists and are usually gone in a few days. The city is filled with hate and stupidity, it makes me want to cringe.

    In Ohio you have to really look hard to find people who are genuine and real. I’ve given up on the ass-holes in this State except for a few friends who feel the same way I do. I know not everywhere else is perfect and that there are places that even Ohio is better, but still why be some place where there is no hope. My family sucks just like the rest of the idiots so what’s the point of staying here?

    Yes the weather sucks, the job market sucks, the cities all suck, the single scene sucks and most everything else sucks. I can see why I can’t fit in because all of these ass-holes act the same. All the idiots I’ve friended on Face Book all have the stupid Browns, Indians & Cavaliers crap to share. All the girls are unwed mothers who have nothing to talk about except their precious little ones who are the joys of their lives. Okay, we get it but do we have to get it every frickin day? Or they are middle aged and trying to be like their teen aged daughters or better yet hot cougars (in their dream) bragging about their materialistic lifestyles which consists of going to sporting events, playing darts and getting drunk. Sometimes they go out and play the guys that actually have money, but never have a real meaningful relationship with anyone. And the guys that have the kids use them as a way to converse with the single mothers by claiming to be great fathers.

    I have to close this rant because I could go on and on about the other things I hate about Ohio. I actually was searching for Cleveland Sucks. Who knew I would hit the jackpot and find that Ohio was the Heat of It All!

  26. YES Ohio sucks, alot of the natives have that “Fat Bastard”(Austin Powers)mentality,funny in the movies,but imagine working in a factory 8-12 hours around several of them and no way to escape,and yes they truly think they are normal !!
    Pathetic pieces of $#!T.They think they are better than anybody else,but don’t have
    a clue what it means to be the better person.For some reason they champion themselves for being assholes,but I’ve got to be honest thier are 4 or 5 decent,
    well balanced people within the whole state!!!(I’ve lived in NE Ohio for 10 years,but
    then again if you live in Ohio you are not really”LIVING”.)Glad I found this website for most of the negative comments posted are true,but you can’t tell that to a native Ohioan,because they are eternally in denial that anything is wrong.

  27. I just spent the better part of an hour skimming all the comments on this thread. Of course I agree with pretty much every complaint about Ohio. Ohio is a place where mediocrity is considered a virtue (e.g., people are always impressed when a big chain store moves in and peddles their most middle-of-the-road products). It’s a place where pretty much everyone’s life is spent drinking, smoking, and getting fat. It’s a place where everyone “thinks small.” I participated in this miserable existence for 15 years in a small town near Springfield, then 6 years in and around Columbutt while in college, then 3 years in Yellow Springs. Finally I got a wild hair and put my stuff in storage and went for a long, long drive to the West Coast in the early days of the tech boom. I didn’t have a plan, other than to just be open to new experiences and to make a good impression on everyone I met. I had vague plans to stay with some online acquaintances, and that was about it. I figured I end up back in Ohio in a few weeks, but I ended up being gone for 4 months. My good attitude, a smidgen of self-taught skills, and just being conscientious and humble got me a series of high-paying temp jobs doing web coding. I maxed out my credit card and totaled my car on that trip, and wore out my welcome couch surfing, so I did return to Ohio, but only about 6 months, just long enough to save up for a car while I lived in a white trashy apartment complex in suburban Cincinnati. It sucked, but I temped some more at an ad agency and in 6 months made enough to pay down my credit card a bit and start making payments on a lightly used, fuel-efficient Toyota which I still drive today, 12+ years and 200,000 miles later. I put my stuff in storage again and went to Colorado to visit a buddy for a couple weeks. My credit card was maxed out again in no time just paying for food & gas, but basically as soon as I got to CO I landed a job, romance, and got myself into an efficiency while I figured out whether to stay. I stayed, and it has been relatively smooth sailing, with life getting better and better ever since. I live debt-free now, am fit and healthy, live well (actually make good money too), and almost never go back to Ohio anymore, not even to visit family. My advice is don’t wait for money to fall out of the sky, don’t wait to graduate from college, just pack up your crap and go to somewhere where you *feel* good, someplace with better weather and more sunshine than Ohio, and where there are at least some jobs. You’ve got some online buddy in some other state, I know you do…see if they’ll let you stay with them for a couple weeks and get a feel for things. Don’t wait until you’re ready or you have enough money to cover everything. You just need enough to get you there and to eat for a couple weeks. Have a positive attitude (it’s much easier to do when you’re not in Ohio), dress for success (again, much easier outside of the land of mediocrity), and do your best to make a good impression on everyone you meet. You will have a job and the world at your feet in no time. Do it now, because the more you wait, the more you’re sucked into complacency and thinking small. It’s totally within your power to leave. A small storage unit is $50 a month and they’ll even pick up your stuff for you. Leave the rest on the curb with a sign that says “free” and don’t look back. Stop waiting for the time to be right. This is the right time, right now. Get in your car, take only what you need, and go.

  28. Ophelia, great post! Thanks for sharing your story. You give hope to those of us that are still in our precious 20’s (and early 30’s) and still “living” in this piece of sh#t hellhole with the ghetto trash and trailer trash to go with it. Shitinati is hell on earth. Seriously.I’m tired of looking at Ohio. This place has got to go. One of my biggest fears is being stuck in trashinati until I’m 30. I’m at the point where I’m about ready to pack my sh#t up and just leave..Ohio is indeed a black hole, and it WILL trap you. I wish i could personally give Lebron a high five. There is more to life than Ohio.

  29. I wish I could defend the State of Ohio, but I can’t. I said Cleveland must really suck if it makes Columbus look good. Even though there are assholes everywhere, I’ve never seen people in other places act as ridicules as the people in Ohio. I can tell you I’ve seen some pretty stupid people in Ohio, especially in that Shit-hole Cleveland.

    First, Cleveland is a DUMP and the only thing these idiots care about is the crappy sports teams. I wish I could defend them, but this group goes beyond loyal to being stupid. It’s like your wife cheats on you, but you still believe she loves you and if you give her another credit card, she promises it will never happen again.

    That brings me to the fact that the best women in Cleveland are visitors. I’ve been lucky to hook-up with a few throughout the years and could not believe the difference. Why am I still here? I am ready to get the hell out, not this second, but this year. All I can see is another crappy winter day here in North East Ohio. Let’s keep the orange barrels coming so more over paid hillbillies can keep getting a paycheck. Let’s make sure to screw the working poor so they good ole boys can feel good about themselves.

    Let’s all go spend our money in the crappy bars and clubs in Ohio. Make sure that you ladies go screw some fat ass drug dealer this weekend, while your 3 kids do whatever they want. These are the ladies who sit on facebook telling everyone what great mothers they are. To bad they can’t find a real man who would give them a real life.

  30. Ha Ha Westwood1! You and me must have been thinking the same thing at the same time..but hey OH sucks twice as hard as all the other places in the country. Ohio is definitely an epic fail. I mean living here isn’t just a nightmare it’s a hell-mare.Can’t wait to go to a fresh new state. As long as I’m not in that pile of ghetto sh#t trashinati and OH I promise you I WILL be happy. All the young folks I have seen leave sh#tinati and OH have gone away and NEVER looked back..They have MUCH better lives, and I will too one day-can’t wait.


  31. After reading many of the posts, I have come to the conclusion that OHIO isn’t so bad as long as you fine people feel as strongly about this place as I do. It’s nice to know that I’m not crazy and that I have experienced many of the same things that I have read about on this site. At one time I too had a high paying job, a wife and a home I could be proud of. But that was a while ago and I’ve been kicking myself for not getting the hell out of OHIO when I got divorced. I have tried to adapt to the ways of this state (BTW) I live near Cleveland and do not love it one bit. It’s amazing how many posts really hit home. First, I have seen how the people of Cleveland are when it comes to being decent human beings. I don’t hang out in the hood or bars, I don’t know any drug dealers or criminals. What I do know are a great number of people who say they are good people, but are really no better than the low life scum that would rob you at gun point. We have many serious problems living in OHIO such as bad government, crime, lack of good jobs, bad roads, corruption, high taxes etc. I have seen how a great deal of people in north east OHIO treat people who want to better themselves. There are so many people in OHIO that fit the descriptions I read on this post to a tee. Without getting into details about how bad it is in OHIO, I am going to take Ophelia’s advice and just get out. I plan on leaving by the end of this year since I can force myself to stay one more summer to save enough to be able to start fresh somewhere else. Thank God for you folks on this site who feel like I do.

  32. First off I am from Ohio I was born in the defi talking about Defiance Ohio. I am educated and well traveled been almost everywhere in this country. The weather here sucks a lot granted but it makes you strong not a pussy ass nigga from fl or some other shit state. We don’t get publicized for being nice here this is the state that deal with all the shit from Chicago and Detroit drug runs we have to be strong to keep our cities ours. Ask around we keep things on the low down here you call us backstabbers but when is the last time you here of a rat bastard living after they speak shit they had no business bringing up? We real here no matter what you say come to our city and talk shit you just disappear nothing in the papers no cops looking for you just gone truly Ghosted! This is farm land as well a lot where the fuck you think all the bodies go lol!? The farm lands if you didn’t realize are great for business as well you dumb fucks think about it great for growing those trees son. Were smarter here than you give us credit for yes a lot of people here are ignorant but the ones who run things are smart, deadly, and truly don’t give a fuck unlike all you fake ass people. As far as our driver fl boy you fucking joking with me? I lived in PCB fl for two years those fuckers slowed down and even stopped for fucking rain down there take your weak ass trash talk somewhere else little bitch.

    Real Family Mid-West from the Defi…

  33. Salyers Boy Son! – you just crack me up. God, I would see tons you doughy, pale, I’m-wearing-saggy-pants-so-lower-my-IQ-by-50-points, wanna-be gang bangers out in Columbus all the time. Defiance? Give me a break, that’s just some goober-ass hick town in the middle of nowhere. Pul-eeee-ze. I lived in Baltimore City for many years, as well as spent a ton of time in DC. “Ghosted”. You make me laugh. You want to see the real deal, cow tipper? I’ll take you around some of the neighborhoods where the tv show “The Wire” takes place – they’re real neighborhoods and the folks there would eat a chubby-assed, bad-haircut, American Eagle wearing wanna be frat chump like you up in a heartbeat. Once you’ve shit your pants a few times while up on North Avenue, we can get on the Bolt Bus and I’ll take you up to NYC, where I now live. We can hit Hollis or Flatbush. Hell, you want to be a big, bad gangsta so badly, I’ll just leave you out there with a MetroCard and see if a country boy like yourself can figure out how the hell to use a subway. “Defi” Gotta stop laughing now…

  34. I am laughing my ass off right now because everything you guys are saying is exactly what I’m feeling. I came back to Ohio to go to OSU since this place is my home of record, I get a discount on school. I was going to go to UCLA but nooooooooo my dumbass had to go to OSU. I laugh just about that everyday, especially now because it’s raining every f@cking day. I just got out in August and I come to school here and think, these fools are hilarious. Like who the f*ck still wears UGGS? NOBODY but Pam Anderson’s skanky ass. I can’t even name how many people act like they are the shit at OSU and are like really intelligent because you gotta be intelligent to go to OSU right? RIGHT? Whatever. I’m trying to graduate early too, I’m going to school through summer and Clepping some classes and then I’m going to bounce!

  35. here’s another thing I forgot to post. Why the f*ck are there so many hipsters here? They are gross, creepy and annoying. I was shopping in the grocery store today and this one had his hood up the whole time he was shopping. He looked like the Una Bomber. Way to cool for me!

  36. I am from ohio and this place is a joke. My stepdaughter is on welfare and then she went to get a disability check. Because she is a lazy piece of garbage that doesn’t want to work and guess what, the joke is on Ohio because these dumb no count morons allow this type of garbage to happen. The next time the government or states talk about not having money is because this type of stupid shit is going on. I would think these morons were a little more educated and could see through this type of garbage, this state is uneducated and thanks for supporting her boyfriends drug habit, without your free disability check he could not get his drugs.

  37. Just thought I would point out all the negative comments do come from people who have no close family’s. Which is sad. Without family one is usually a bitter person with low self esteem.
    Last but not least why are you still in Ohio? Oh that’s right, because you are a loser too. Just leave! Grab what fits in your car and leave. Oh and please do let the door nob hit you in the ass when you do leave. P.S. The grass always seems better on the other side.

  38. Yuupp i hate how Ohio dominates in every sport.. go ahead and be haters cause you wish you were from Ohio .. id be salty too

  39. Even Lebron knows that Ohio sports teams are actually total shit! Also, remember Ohio VS Florida 2007?

  40. I lived in Youngstown Ohio and moved to Calif, san Luis Obispo, and Santa Cruz been here now since 1988 is Ohio really that bad? My wife and I where talking about moving there because we have family there no relieves here at all, our kids ages 8, 5, and 2 we also homeschool I just though it would be a good idea for them to be around there grandma and grandpa and nieces but it really worries me what people are saying here and yes my family in Youngstown & Niles are saying we should move what do you guys really think will it help or will it be a terrible thing to move, I am also unemployed and we do get help with our rent in low income housing here in san Luis Obispo,

  41. Andrew G… stay in Cali. I moved to Columbus from LA because my job moved here. EVERYTHING everyone is saying in this blog is true. Columbus is provincial. The people here think they live in a great place, but that’s because they have no imagination. The city of Columbus lacks culture… any culture. I’m an artist and was told that there are plenty of opportunities for artists here. Not so… the galleries show crap and the ONE figure drawing class is attended by a bunch of posers who probably go because it’s the only opportunity they’ll ever have to see a naked body! People from here told me that the summer art show was wonderful. It took 45 minutes to walk through the entire thing and most of the booths were selling crafts (wooden yard ornaments and crap like that.) If you’ve been to the Farmer’s Market in SLO you’ve seen more creative endeavours that you’ll ever see here.

    In general the people are rude and stupid. OSU fans are for the most part, people who are unable to earn a college of degree because of lack of intellect. The girls do get married as soon as their out of college, and if they haven’t popped out a kid by 25, the Ohio population generally considers them to be barren or mentally ill.

    What surprised me the most is that most of the people in Columbus are bad drivers. It’s rare to find an Ohioan who actually knows how to use turn signals. They routinely cut others off when lane changing — no one turns to look if another car is coming in another lane.

    Life in Cali is rough right now, but if I had to do it all over again, I would never have left. Even with all of the traffic in LA, it’s a far superior place to be. This place sucks!

    BTW, love SLO and especially Cayucos. My favorite beach town in the world. I’m moving back to SoCal as soon as my time in purgatory is done. Ohio sucks!

  42. Tess – so well said! It’s funny. At the time, the circumstances of my leaving Ohio (sudden loss of my job at the WORST possible time, almost lost a home to foreclosure) had made me bitter about Hell-Hi-Oh and had unfairly colored my opinion of Cow-lum-bus. But then I read your letter and, NOPE! I wholeheartedly second your opinion of the place. Especially for those who are artists, artistically inclined, or a big fan of culture and the arts; and doubly so for those from large, diverse, coastal cities. The people there, probably because they have little-to-nothing to compare it to, think they live in some sort of Midwestern version of Paris. Hardly! You can tour the one museum (it’s an art museum), easily, in a couple of hours. By comparison, in DC – my hometown, it would take days to tour just the art museums. And NYC, where I live now – as we say, fuhgedaboudit! You could spend a week alone in just the Met! As well, the difference in quality of the collections is staggering. What you’ll see in DC/NYC are significant masterworks – Warhol’s Campbell Soup Cans, Van Gough’s “Starry Night”, Jasper John’s “Flag”. In C-minus-Bus, it’s mostly second/third tier also-rans.

    I’m just laughing thinking about the “art” show. It’s that one in early June? Yeah, that is pretty much crafts, not what you or I would think of as “art”. But again, they don’t know what they don’t know.

    I’m not an fine artist, but I am a graphic designer/art director who worked at an agency in Columbus. The designers and writers I have worked with at agencies in DC and NYC are, for the most part, super artsy. On the weekends, they go to gallery exhibits and shows as well as do their own artworks. People can’t believe this, but, in Cow-Moo-Moo, the other designers and creative directors I worked with would get together and go – wait for it – deer hunting, four-wheeling and target shooting. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!! And they would look at me like I was weird because I’d go to a photography exhibition. Fu*cking, ass-crack-showing, cousin-marrying, corn-pone, mother-fu*king country fu*ks!!!

    Also, the drivers! Yes! For a metro area of roughly 1.7 million, I couldn’t believe how many accidents there were. I think because the typical driver in the Columbus area is either an over-aggressive, overweight, backwards baseball hat wearing, good-ol-frat-boy in some gas guzzling V8 Ram pickup, tailgating everyone because he’s in a hurry to get to his job at Nationwide; or some complete namby-pamby country-fu•k who grew up and learned to drive out in the sticks; never wondering what those funny mirrors on his/her car are for and totally lacking in a single aggressive driving bone in their body. Who, by the way, even after many years of driving, seemed to have to think very hard at a green light what each color signifies, and then, which is the appropriate pedal to push in response.

  43. Hey Hunter,

    I guess the quality of crystal meth you hillbillies are producing in the trailer parks of Ohio has really improved. Ohio sports teams dominating? About the only thing they dominate regularly is the basement; because that’s where they usually are in the standings by the end of the season. The last time a professional sports team from Ohio won any type of championship was, I believe, in 1990 (Reds). The Browns are an a elite team, I guess – one of the only remaining NFL teams to not only not have won a Super Bowl, but to never have even appeared in one! But, Oh, wait. Oh, you’re being sarcastic! I get it. Never mind 🙂 | )

  44. Tess, you hit it right on the nail buddy. I moved to Cow-lum-bus some ways back after losing my job in the Cleveland area. Columbus is the most boring city I have EVER lived in. The people that live here think that they live in some big city that is FULL of opportunity, excitement and culture. Yea right, this place blows. Sadly enough, as messed up as Cleveland is..it is even better than Cow-lum-bus. At least you can find SOMETHING to do there. You are absolutely right about the drivers in this hellhole. The highways of Columbus are absolute deathtraps. I have never lived in a city where NOONE knows how to drive and there are multiple car pile-ups and accidents DAILY. I was on Rt. 315 one day and I saw a very bizzare wreck. On the side of the road, I saw an SUV that was smashed up in the front and the other car was smashed in the back 40 feet above the SUV ON TOP OF A FREAKING HILL! I’m thinking to myself..How in the HELL did that happen!!!??? Then I thought..only in Ohio. When it sprinkles rain..these people drive 20 MPH! Don’t even let me get into how they drive when it SNOWS. Let’s just say..subtract another 10 mph from how they drive when it is freaking DRIZZLING. When I lived in Cleveland…traffic MOVED..rain..sleet..snow..whatever. Then, here in Columbus..let us have ONE warm sunny day..yes…which doesn’t happen very often in Ohio let me tell you…..these morons want to drive like maniacs. They weave in and out of lanes….they cut you off and damn near run you off of the road. I almost got into a serious accident out on 315 last week because some Columbus jackass decided it would be cute to merge between myself and another vehicle going 50 mph while the traffic was BRAKING in front of me. Let me get into the BRAKING also. The people in Columbus RIDE their br
    brakes for no reason at all. They break when noone is in front of them..they constantly brake on the freeway. Dude, I ground out a new pair of brake pads in only two damn months around here! How abt the freeway system around here?? Hm yea…take the freeway system of some smallish, irrelevant city like Youngstown and cram 92475694256295905 cars onto and you have the highways of Columbus. Obviously the engineers didn’t plan this right as they didn’t anticipate population growth. I have no clue why people are moving here. Is it REALLY that bad in other areas? I heard about some fool moving to Columbus from the east coast. Now, why in the hell would you go and do something like that!? If you’re going to move to Ohio..you might as well volunteer yourself for a lenghty prison sentence with lethal injection being the ultimate outcome.

    How about the people of Columbus? They are typical of most people in Ohio. They mean, rude, arrogant and backstabbing. They are also dumb as shit. If you have ANY form of education in this state..people will hate you for it. They worship Ohio State like it’s some elite college or something…which it isn’t. It’s just one huge..glorified state school that charges OUTRAGEOUS fees for the same quality of education that you could recieve at a community college. Don’t get me started on the sports teams and how OSU teams only rack up wins and move into the limelight when there is lackluster talent and teams around their respective leagues.

    And then…holy shit!..have you ever looked at the new “Beautiful Ohio” license plates and wondered what the hell were they thinking when they designed them? It just HIT me the other day..sort of like the on-going sulfury-egg smell of Columbus. The picture on those plates is representative of COW-LUM-BUS and every other city in Ohio. They show a little ass wannabe turd city of a town surrounded by massive farmland. You notice that the city in the center in BLACK. They are telling you that everyone who is smart…has goals..ambitions..whatever..left and TURNED the freaking lights off!…and I hope to be one of them very soon. I hate this pathetic, redneck, retarded-ly backwards state.

  45. From Tess-“the galleries show crap and the ONE figure drawing class is attended by a bunch of posers who probably go because it’s the only opportunity they’ll ever have to see a naked body!”

    LMAO Tess.That was hilarious, but true. Ohio is a non- factor and a joke, and for the idiots that come on here and defend this piece of sh#t state (O-hell-O) you really can f#ck off! Again, this is the Ohio SUCKS message board. Take that “Ohio is a great” bullsh#t and shove it.

  46. You all need to change the way you live instead of complaining about where you are living.

  47. I have to say that this site is more like a support group. After reading the posts, I feel not so alone in my feelings about Columbus and Ohio. I have lived here for almost three years now and over those three years have been working to get the hell out of here. I’m moving in July and don’t think it could come fast enough. We moved here in November and basically my plants and myself became depressed once we were in a constant state of greyness. It amazed me that days could just be overcast w/out any rain, rhyme or reason. Then to find out that the job situation was close to 10% unemployment didn’t help out. We’ve been a one-income family since we moved here. Looking back on what natives of Columbus had told us about the city and how great everything was… I am no longer taking adv ice from any of them. Also for the first time I learned about vindictive driving – people purposely trying to screw you over. I was in the fast lane behind someone going 61, then as I went to pass them on the right, they sped up to 78! This happens to me about every time I get on the interstate 🙁 I could go on for hours about the negativity and downfall of this city, but am trying to focus on moving out of the rectum of the universe and become happy and positive person again.

  48. I hate this fucking state fucking weather is fucked up cost of living is hight you have to burn more gas,coal amd natural gas just to stay warm and than we are wondering why is fucking gas cost so fucking much the population of the noth was a fucking bullshit

  49. This has been one of the best “Ohio Sucks” websites I have found. I moved to Columbus from NC almost 3yrs ago. Ahhh… the things we do for love. I am trying everything I can to get the heck outta here.

    People who have lived here for their whole life, or haven’t experienced life outside this landlocked state, have no idea. It cracks me up how much people talk about “Columbus being a great place to raise a family.” Really????!! Everytime I turn on the 10 o’clock news, someone has gotten shot at a bar or their house has been burned down. I am in my 30’s and have no children. When I tell people I’m waiting a few more years, they gasp and ask me if I’m scared of having a child in my 30’s. It’s ridiculous.

    The driving here is terrible. Any weather variation changes peoples driving styles. Snow, rain, ice, even sunshine = licence to drive like an ass. When you try and merge onto the interstate, forget trying to merge safely. If you are getting onto the interstate, people think that you are in a NASCAR race and think you are trying to take their position. So you will most likely end up in the breakdown lane trying to merge.

    Listen, I am an educated person with a good job, but most of the educated people in the city think they are super trendy and more important than everyone else. I hate going to Bar Louie at the Easton shopping mall because half the people in there think they are in some posh NYC bar. I just want to take over the hostess mic and say “Can I have your attention please? I would like to remind all of you that you are dining and having happy hour AT THE MALL!! We are not in NYC, so those stilettos and mini skirts aren’t necessary attire. Oh and just because you choose to spend happy hour AT THE MALL, doesnt mean you are super cool. Again, I’d like to remind you that you are AT THE MALL.”

    I also cannot stand the Buckeyes. I’m sorry. I tried. They are just annoying. Watching them play football is painful. SEC boys kick their ass everytime they play in a Championship game. Perfect example… Thursday night… Kentucky… The OSU football schedule is pathetic. I feel like I’m watching bully’s beat up on the wimpy kids. If OSU was actually given a challenging schedule, maybe they could entertain me more. I was traveling through West Virginia and stopped at a rest area. Someone saw my licence plate and instinctivly yelled “O-H.” I just rolled my eyes and kept walking. Sorry I left you hanging there buddy.

    I think the worst thing about the city has to be the lack of resturants. Or, no, not the lack, because you can find a fried chicken fast food joint every 2 blocks, but the lack of good resturants. No Columbus, Olive Garden isn’t considered GOOD italian food in many parts of the country. It’s pretty bad when you can find a good slice of NY style pizza in rural South Carolina, but not in (what some people consider a major city) Columbus. They can’t even cut the pizza’s in triangles. I mean, they dont even give you the option. Who’s idea was it to put sauce and ridiculous amounts of toppings on a Ritz cracker and call it a pizza?

    I hate the resturant scene here. If you even spend the money to have dinner at the Columbus-Made-Famous Cameron Mitchell Resturants, prepare to be dissapointed. Two words: Over Rated. Even 4 star resturants suck. I’d rather have a steak at the Outback. But if you ask anyone from Columbus, they rave about how awesome the food is here. Really? Did you guys smoke your taste buds away? Can I get a little spice other than salt in my food?

    All in all, I’m ready to go. I’ve been cold for 5 months now and unfortunatly, I will not be warm until the end of May. Reading all these posts have reminded me how I need to put my house up for sale.

  50. Again…people, people that defend this pathetic, diminishing state, how the he** did you find this site? (btw found it very easily by typing “ohio sucks” in the search bar, as i’m sure the many others on here have done the same) If you think this state is so wonderful why dont you go look up “ohio is wonderful” and post on that site. I find it amusing how those of you who come to this site and “try” and defend this POS state have had no experience of any other states to compare it too…and no FL does not count just because you been to Disney, LOL! I hate this state and btw I AM moving as a matter of fact next month and i cant freaken wait!!! As for the person that stated that the only people that cant stand this state are the ones that do not have any family here…well thank God for that! Its bad enough i dragged my unwilling little ones with me to this horrible nightmare of a place, but to say that i have family here too…no thank you! Oh and let me just say that right before i go back to New England (YAY!) Yep thats right haters…New England i WILL be changing my license plate so that i dont have to face the pain of having to show people there that i am moving from such a joke of a state, LOL!! I am so sick n tired of this boring state, the dreary weather, the stupid (God help them) people. Not having ANYTHING or ANYPLACE to go EVER!!!!!! This twilight zone of a place can have its misery and all its people that think its so great….it wil be nothing but a lost memory to me and hopefully to my children and husband as well. I never want to remember this place again! You Ohio lovers can keep your cows and your cow fields, the dead deer on the side of the road every ten ft, the never ending grey cloud that hovers over this state as though mother nature herself is ashamed of it and doesnt feel it deserves to see light…..the ugly women and even uglier men….the undeducated children who know no better because they grew up seeing their parents living off the system and choose to take on the tradition too (who needs school?)…the parents that have no pediatrician for thier little ones (how the he** dont you have a pediatrician for your child) The rusty, dirty vehicles and the people who drive them that look as if they just rolled out of bed and hopped in the car…people who dont understand big words, instead use words like :”yins” or “crick” and what is with the word “ornery” everybody seems to like to use that word here..i think it makes them feel smart, LOL! Yes, it’s on to better things for me and my family….GOODBYE OH and GOODBYE to all who think this state is great!!! I would say good luck but there is no point…. Again for all of you who know what i’m talking about and are planning or trying to plan to get the heck out of here good luck and keep the faith! Never give up..where there’s a will there is always a way! I would rather struggle someplace and be happy and proud to say that i live there than stay in this sinking crap hole of a state! I AM OUT!!!! :0)

  51. GettinOut-

    Oh how you twisted my arm to make another post on this site. I just keep having more things to say and forming more opinions about this craphole state. It’s very hard to rank the big cities in order of worst to best. But from where I’ve been I think Cleveland and Cincinnati are the worst. And Columbus is just plain overrated. But I can rank in order the things that make Cleveland the terrible city it is. I mean you just try to like and appreciate what the city has to offer and everything in it but it’s tough because there are most likely better pastures anywhere else outside Ohio.

    Here is my Top 10 list of things that make Ohio suck so much:

    10. Many bad drivers, with a 10 to 1 ratio of vindictive drivers to courteous, civilized drivers.
    9. Too many poor people who are stuck in the 80’s that don’t care about trying to move up or move out.
    8. Once most women in the state hit 25, they are done. Kids popped out, divorces already on the way, smoking and drinking every other day, tattoos all over the place, no higher education obtained, etc.
    7. There are no real jobs except a tiny bit in the big cities, but those go to people who grew up here while the economy was real good and already have their experience to beat out everyone else. New college grads might as well start looking for apartments in other cities before they graduate. Unless they want to be working minimum wage/part-time jobs and live with their parents, til they are 30.
    6. No travelers to see how better it is elsewhere, no open-mindedness at all, no culture, unless you count hole-in-the wall bars, fast food places, construction zones, drug stores, and car dealerships.
    5. The dating scenes everywhere are full of middle-aged divorcee women in their late 30’s/early 40’s who think they are 22 again and still haven’t lost the weight from their children they had. Either that or you have hillbilly women with 10 tattoos trying to look for a guy who can give them everything which by the way they will never think they are asking for too much in that department.
    4. Bad, inconsistent weather year round. The sun never shines between Nov. 1 and February 28, and the snow doesn’t stop between Nov. 1 and April 1. 10 degrees in the winter, 90 degrees in the summer, enough said.
    3. Loooooooooooooong history of bad mayors or political leadership (especially Democrats) in all major Ohio cities. Schools systems are falling, crimes aren’t stopping, population still dropping, ghettoness is multiplying, foreclosures multiplying, more businesses collapsing, taxes rising, etc.
    2. Racism is at an all-time high. People won’t admit to it but it’s true. I’m so sick of it. Ohio is probably the highest rated state in terms of percentages of people moving away because of the demographics of people moving up. Every Ohio city has had the white flight every 5 years or so. People seriously complain about having to move with their reason being “too many blacks moving in” It’s hysterical, it’s like you’re the dumbasses that move to let them move in. Oh and most people hate gays too, probably because they creep them out or something stupid like that.
    1. Wait for it….wait for it…. the annoying Ohio State Buckeye fans, team, bandwagons, scandals, and everything else having to do with them. Cleveland is not a suburb of Columbus, let’s please not think someone’s a terrorist because they choose not to root for a fucking college team. Oh yeah we are the greatest football team ever! Gotta love that cupcake non-conference schedule and the SEC teams beating us all the time. They always act like they are the big bully on everyone. I guess it makes sense with the borderline Div. 1-AA schools they play.

  52. I just read Ryan W’s post and I pretty much agree with everything he said.

    I’m sitting here at work looking out the window into the overcast skies and thinking about how backwards and impoverished this city is. It’s amazing that a city of Cincinnati’s size is as conservative as it is and contains the amount of hillbilly trash that it does. The public transportation is an embarassment and if I’m not mistaken, Cincinnati is one of the largest cities to not have light rail. Even Buffalo, NY has light rail.

    There are a lot of things I can ramble off that I detest about this city, but it would be a long and drawn out post. Plus a lot of the gripes I have with the city have already been mentioned.

    The biking culture is severely lacking. There are hardly any biking lanes througout the city, and surprisingly, there are NO biking lanes downtown. Even Louisville and Dayton are better cities for cyclists. And I get tired of people using Cincinnati’s topography as an excuse. San Francisco is a greaty city for cyclists, and Pittsburgh is not too bad either.

    I came here from Western NY for grad school because of the cheap cost of living and relatively mild winters. Living here has given me the chance to save money and live fairly comfortably while in school, but I learned the hard way that 9 times out of 10, when a city is “dirt cheap” to live, it’s usually for a reason. It’s all about supply and demand.

    With cheap cost of living, you also receive services reflecting that. I will say that given Cincinnat’s hilly terrain, the road crews do a pretty good job with snow removal IMO. On the other hand, Cincinat’s infrastructure is in deplorable shape: neglected roads full of potholes, water main breaks, rusty bridges, old signage, buildings rotting away, trash all along the highway, overgrown grass in parks, etc.

    I constantly get stuck behind someone puttering down the highway in the left lane (driving 5-10 mph under the speed limit) in their rusty bucket. It still amazes me some of the cars you see on the road here. A lot of the cars here would not be on the road in NY.

    As Ryan W mentioned, frumpy and obese women can be found all over this state.Cowlumbus would probably be the only exception. They also tend to be “hagged out” by the time they hit 25. I’m 28, but females usually think I’m around 20-22. Maybe if more people would be more active an d stop smoking so many cigarettes and eating fast food everyday, they wouldn’t look so terrible at a young age.

    Depression, drug use and binge drinking runs rampant among the natives. At a few house parties I went to, people were openly consuming copious amounts of alcohol, cocaine, and e-pills. I think drug use and alcohol consumption is relatively high here because of the amount of depressed people living in Cincinnati.

    It seems that the infectious pessimissitc attititude that many Ohioans have has rubbed off on me. Now I’m counting down the days until I finish school so I can leave this state. Ohio is a dying state with vanishing opportunites. Just take a look at the Census numbers if you’re thinking about moving here from a different state, and think long and hard about your decision.


  53. 1. Maynard James Keenan of Tool says in the song Jimmy, from the album Aenima, “Under a dead Ohio sky.” (that’s how I chose my name.) Nuff said.
    2. David Bowie said @ a concert, “Cincinnati, I’m glad to be here.” Later in an interview he said “I was lying.”
    3. Even the Sun hates Ohio, as it only occasionally shows up.
    4. Stupid people live in ohio, and I am one of them for staying here!
    5. The only good thing about ohio is the border, where ohio ends and becomes something else.

  54. This is so comical. I live in Ohio and have for my entire life, and I mean, it isn’t the best place ever but it certainly is nothing like what these overly-worked up idiots try to make it out to be. If you were expecting Ohio to be like Hawaii…you’re a dumb ass. Ohio is considered part of the Mid-West, so yes, logically, you will have long winters so don’t act so outraged when you see the snow coming. And the original author here claims he is talking about only the unemployed Ohioans, because APPARENTLY, unemployed citizens in other states would just never be seen in sweat pants or have crooked teeth. That is the most idiotic and ignorant statement I have ever heard. Travel the world a bit before you go running your mouth. Try knowing what you’re talking about first, that might help.

  55. PS. For the dumbass who is completely confused as to how someone who appreciates Ohio comes across this site? It’s called browsing the internet, clicking a link here and there, and being taken to another site. It isn’t complicated to understand, smart ass.

  56. You know what guys you really don’t seem to be looking very far into Ohio if you see all this shit and can’t find anything good to say about Ohio. Yes our sports teams suck (professional at least major college teams seem to do very well), and we have killer winters, and some people could be really ignorant, but what state doesn’t have that. We have one of the top theatre districts, our education department is top notch in the training. Seriously, we have so many schools that have specialised programs in education it isn’t even funny. I haven’t heard of another school (except John Hopkins) that is a major education school that is outside of Ohio.
    I have lived in Ohio my whole life and plan on continuing living here. I come from a small town called Columbia Station right outside of Strongsville. Our class had 76 people graduate and we started freshman year with maybe 80 (maybe). Also if you say something to the effect that I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life and have never been outside of my hometown you are completely wrong. I’ve gone to New York, Pennsylvania, many cities in Spain and Japan, Toronto, Niagra Falls, so I have seen a bi of the outside and will admit that some places are better in some aspects but I still prefer life in Ohio.
    Look if you all hate Ohio so much get out. No ones forcing you to stay here. Especially with Ohio’s economy being the way it is why would you ever stay here when you are probably working in a job far beneath your skills and taking away work from true Ohio workers, one who want to be here and aren’t complaining about it. It is not that hard to understand.

  57. Also I forgot about this but think of this Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison was born and raised in Lorain Ohio, and that is only one of many greats from Ohio

  58. Well MyTown and LovinOhio you both spell and formulate sentences like a true Ohioian’s and one most know that you must be product of the wonderful school system here in this crap ridden state. Many of us unfortunately have been relocated to this dump for work since all of you smart Ohioians could not qualify for most positions requiring a college degree since many of you have barely made it out of high school, at least that is what I have deduced in my last two years in this hell.

    I too have been all over the US and out of the country and there is no culture in this state. You have the great city of Columbus which if you want to do something other than drink it does not have much to offer and pretty much closes up after 5PM. Oh and that great “art museum” downtown which is small enough to probably be housed in most double wide trailers you Ohio Lovers tend to live in and love so much.

    So please don’t worry like I said many of us had this hell forced on us for work but I’m out in two months so please don’t fret as I will not be looking to take your job at the local drive thru liquor store or one of the many call centers this state has to offer. I leave you the grey skies, dead deer on the side of the road and all the OSU Buckeye crap that you would like.

  59. Didn’t Snooki get paid more than Toni Morrison to speak at Rutgers? Ms. Morrison can’t be that much to worship. But at least we have a Governor who labeled police officers as idiots. Yeah this is a great state alright.

  60. OK first of all im 20 and ive lived in Cleveland all of my life and the things you people are saying are not true at all, just because we are the most loyal fans in the country and love our teams no matter how bad we may be says alot about those people not from OHIO you fucking fare weather fans, you wish you loved your teams that much and please dont get me started on New york/New England/Florida people how bout you guys fucking get over yourself. New Yorkers and New Englanders talk like fucking retards and florida people think they are better than us because you have some fucking sand and nice weather i hope another hurricane comes thru and wipes ALL YOU FUCKERS OUT, that was mostly directed toward DWade, CBosh, and LEFUCK James. For all those who commented on Ohio sucks well yall can suck a big fat Ohio DICK. Not to mention that most news reporters come to OHIO to learn how to speak the right way, so i think that puts to rest that we are dumb when most of you want to talk like us. Still think we are dumb? How bout you check out these names without these people most of you wouldnt be able to survive. Charles F. Bush, Arthur Compton, Thomas Edison, Charles Kettering, Granvile Woods. So next time you idiots start talking down about ohio maybe you should get your fucking facts straight first. To all the people bitching and complaining about being here well your dumbass must have done something to get yourself here so suck that shit up and stop crying, and what really thinks we want you assholes here anyway your not from here then stay the fuck out and if you havent noticed Ohio is just like the rest of the midwest so if your disrespecting Ohio then your talking about all of the midwest and we all stick together other than the other regions of the country. I just want to give thanks myself for finding this shitty website and ripping on all those haters out there and laying down some real facts about ohio that most of you didnt even know and please respond i would love to make ALL of you feel stupid again.

  61. Hey, all you clowns feeling the need to “defend” Blow-Hi-Oh in the thread:

    First, they probably didn’t teach you this in those sub-standard Ohio public schools you attended, but, at US citizens, we have a guaranteed right to free speech; and that includes voicing an opinion. An opinion, by the way, is neither right, nor wrong, because it is personal.

    But, just for the sake of argument, I think, if you count, there are many hundreds of posts here lambasting you’re beloved, flat, gray, milquetoast, sorry excuse for a state; and only a very few defending it. That may be, in part, because this thread was meant for those who want to share our dislike and distaste for the fu*keye state. Feel free to start a “My IQ is just marginally within the normal range and I happen to love Ohio” thread somewhere. I promise not to troll it as you have done here.

    Also, the “I’ve lived here all my life and I think it’s great” argument really does not hold much water. As an example, let’s change this statement to, “I’ve swum in sh*t my entire life and think it’s great” You see (I hope, even though you are a kind of slow, most likely inbred quasi-appalachian) my point. Oh, and spending a week or so visiting some other local (I’m lookin’ at you, MyTown) means diddly. If I just spent one, unusually sunny week in Cow-lum-bus, I might not think it was so bad. One has to really live somewhere to be able to make any real judgment calls. This is why, when asked to list previous residences, one does not note every place they’d been in their life. By the way, this, “I’ve visited here, there, and everywhere, so this qualifies me to be an expert on said place” attitude is something I’ve only seen coming from Ohioans. Say what you will about New York/New England, there, Chrystian. I’ve never met anyone from those places dumb enough to try to float an argument like that. And I’m glad you love your sad sack pro sports teams, but when was they last time any of them won a championship. Hmmm… all I hear is the sound of chirping crickets. It’s good you’re young; my bet is you’ll be pushing old age by the time you’ll get to bask in the glow of championship victory.

  62. Oh, and Ohiohater – excellent point. I too came to Hell-Hi-O(MG!) for work, not really by choice. Left more than two years ago. When my friend and I passed the “Welcome to Pennsylvania” sign from Ohio in a rented truck, when I moved to NYC, it was one of the happiest moments in recent memory we laughed, cheered, high-fived and smoked a J for good luck. So no good telling me, “if you don’t like it, then leave” – which a lot of you Ohio Üntermencshen think is such a witty, snappy retort.


    I have lived here all my life! Yes, I said it all MY LIFE and it is horrible!!!!!! I have been to only 2 other states (Colorado and Montana) and I was never happier while in those other states. The people there were very polite and would do anything for you. The states and the air were CLEAN!!! Yes, no matter where you went it was CLEAN.

    People in Ohio(me being from Ohio) suck. The attitudes, the ignorance(I feel like I am stuck in the movie Idiocracy), and just the complete lack of respect to anyone at all makes me sick to my stomach! The need to smack people is becoming very hard to control. All I see here are rednecks going to Wal-Mart in their PJ’s with their 8 kids following behind them as the parents insist(and I do mean insist) on yelling curse words and calling them Lil’ Fuck ups. I actually got into it with one woman who called her kid every name in the book as my kids stood in horror with disbelief! As, I told her to go back to middle school and continue until she graduated with a diploma(which was funny) her child laughed so hard and said “my mommy dropped out in the 6th grade”. The people here are as dumb as rocks and I refuse to defend them at all! I have realized lately that the ones who love Ohio are the ones who have great houses with a protection fence around the community to prevent certain types of people from getting in or live on more than 10 acres of land. I have gone to school and am going to college to get a doctorate. As soon as I am done with college(and I mean as soon as I am done!), I am getting my husband and kids and moving as far away from Ohio as possible! This state is the worst state possible to raise kids or even try to stay positive in. It will drain you and leave you for dead. When you think it can’t get any worse, it does and always will.

    DON’T COME TO OHIO AT ALL!!!! Don’t think about it or even say the state’s name because if you do, it will suck you in and take everything you have or believe in and laugh at you!

  64. Oh, and for what reason (talking to the ones who love Ohio) do you keep mentioning these “great” people from decades past? This is 2011. Maybe 50 years ago it was decent but not anymore.

  65. I have never been on this website before, but I really take offense to alot of these comments. I was born and raised in Austintown, Ohio which is a suburb of Youngstown, Ohio. When I married we moved into Youngstown, Ohio. All of our family on my husband and my side of the family live within a 10 mile radius of each other. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Yes, times are tough with jobs right now. We have had alot of really high paying jobs go out of business or move. My husband up until 4 yrs. ago had a great paying job. Two of my son’s have families and have good jobs ( and they didn’t go to college). Two of my kid’s did further their education and are both working, unfortunately not what they went to school for because everyone wants 2 years experience to hire them. One was a Dental assistant, one in Electrical Technology. They both excelled in school. They are working though. We live on the out skirts of town near Austintown, we have lived in our home 32 yrs. We haven’t had any crimes in our neighborhood fortunately. We haven’t had a Tornado, Hurricane, or any major disaster like alot of cities. I have been to Miami, Florida a few years ago and don’t care to ever go back there. There are hardly any English speaking people there. You go into stores, and people are very rude and don’t speak. They don’t thank you for your business or anything. The only exception was restaurants. We went to a Bubba Gumps and they were extremely friendly. Walmarts and other stores were horrible. To me, if people in our country can’t speak english they shouldn’t be here. Our ancestors learned the language, they shouldn’t cater to these people. If I ever moved it would be to a warmer climat, not because we don’t like Youngstown, Ohio. They have there crappy sides of town, like every other city in America and they have alot of beautiful parts too. I wish more businesses would check us out. Check out Ausintown and other areas. You don’t need to move in downtown. We are a friendly bunch of people, we have manners, alot of places don’t. I am proud to have raised our children here and our grandchildren are being raised here. Now, Youngstown schools, that’s an entirely different matter. I want my grandkids to change schools. My kid’s went to Youngstown Schools, but I really want my grandchildren to change to Austintown. Great school district. All I can say is Boo to the people who think we are all stupid…

  66. I want to start by saying I have straight,beautiful,white teeth and I am from Ohio. Yes, the weather can be rough but it teaches you something. If you can drive here in the winter, you can drive anywhere. My husband and I have a house in Florida as well and do plan to retire there in the next twenty years, but I will miss Cleveland Ohio. I was born in PA but I love Cleveland. Say what you will about it,Cleveland does have affordable colleges.(Tri-C..the best kept secret in the country at 84 dollars a credit hour) Anywhere I go I will always be thankful for the education that I was able to obtain in Cleveland. Oh and by the way, I currently haave a $40 dollar an hour job in a healthcare facility. Thanks to my affordable education at Tri-C! Cleveland Rocks..if you make the best of it!

  67. Peggy; Diana

    Do you (or have you) spent much time on the Internet? Have you noticed the title of this thread – if you haven’t it’s “Reason #426 WHY OHIO SUCKS”. Bully for you that you love Ohio so much. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s your opinion and that’s fine. But, as the saying goes, opinions are like assh*les – everyone’s got one. That being said – and as I’ve iterated in a previous post just last week; you are wasting your time telling the other many posters here, who, by the way, happen to despise your beloved Ohio and, I doubt, are about to change their minds one bit just because your opinion of the place differs from theirs. If you want to blow sunshine up each others’ butts about how much you love Ohio, then, by all means, go start a thread somewhere else and do that. Again, I promise that I will not search it out and offer my negative opinions of the place. Sorry you are offended by some (my guess would be most) comments in this thread, Peggy. If you read (I’m guessing, maybe for the first time) our Constitution, you are not guaranteed the right to not be offended. But you (and I and everyone else) are guaranteed the right to free speech (this thread being a form of said free speech). Again, if it offends you, then go somewhere else. I would add that, if Youngstown is so flippin’ great and the known center of awesomeness in the universe, then why has it lost almost 50% of it’s population since 1980? Just sayin’ …

  68. I agree wholeheartedly ohiohtr. This is a forum for us who aspire to be non-ohioans to vent our frustrations about this purgatory we find ourselves in. And in response for whoever posted “if we don’t like it, then just leave”, well they can go fly a kite. (Would not be hard here w/ all the damn WIND) I can’t even step out my front door without WHOOSH!!! being nearly blown over if I’m not being DROWNED BY RAIN!!!! It would be nice to take a walk without the need for Gore-tex and lead weights once in a while. ADDITIONALLY it may not be as simple to just LEAVE. Anyone with a minimally functional brain realizes there are CIRCUMSTANCES keeping us here, hence the frustration. I am not alone on this.

  69. Oh, and if I may iterate, (to borrow a fellow ohio hater’s term), All people have opinions, like a**holes, and every country has an A**hole, and ohio is it.

  70. I just can’t take it anymore with these people who keep saying how much they love this state. I’m a pretty intelligent person I like to think with a magna cum laude college education and I’m not sure what some of these Ohio lovers are seeing that I’m not. And I have lived here my whole life almost. I still don’t understand how many people think there are a lot of jobs in this state when every major metro city has at least a 9% unemployment rate or higher. I don’t understand how people think it’s easy to find someone worth marrying when 40% of women in the state are having children while not being married. Someone I know very well is a marriage counselor and she has all these statistics to show me and it’s shocking.

    I still don’t understand how people think it’s easy to find something to do in the cities and enjoy it when way too many things are overpriced and parking availability and affordability is always shitty. Cleveland for example, always likes to try to put new places up and things to do but yet never creates enough parking for it, ever! I still don’t understand how people say people in this state are healthy and fit, when every other family I see in public is overweight or obese and/or has children who are overweight or obese. Or every job I’ve had pretty much, I’m one of very few people who don’t smoke. No offense to the women in this state but seeing you smoke, makes you uglier.

    I still don’t understand how there are so many people who don’t respond or don’t even look at you when you say things like “Hi, how are you today?” or “Hello mam, how’s your day going so far?” Out of all 10 states I have set foot in, Ohio is the worst with common courtesy friendliness. So many times I’ve said those things to people and have gotten no response or no acknowledgment. It’s unbelievable. When I go visit my uncle in Myrtle Beach, people are saying hi to each other all the time and good morning and good afternoon without hesitation too.

    And when people say thank you, why do people respond with “Yep” or “Mmmhmm”? I mean it must be an Ohio thing. And how come so many people look pissed off or have a pissed off look on their face all day as if they want to stab someone who wants to try to be their friend. Not too many people want to look pleasant in Ohio, they all want to have nothing to do with anyone else and don’t care about smiling. They never act like they’re enjoying life, which I guess living in Ohio, they have some excuse. Women especially have this problem, where they think if they look pissed off and are on the verge of starting drama if they don’t get their way, then people will bow down to them and try to make them happy. Does anyone else notice that?

    By the way, the recent poster who said “Ohio is a terrible place to raise kids.” could not be more dead on with that statement. The society and atmosphere in Ohio as a whole, will ruin children. Parenting sucks and most of them don’t know what the hell they are doing. They think teachers in schools are supposed to raise their kids. It’s parents themselves who are supposed to raise their kids. Teachers, their job is to educate kids, they are educators.

    The other day at a fast-food place, I saw this one mother who had a daughter with her and she couldn’t keep her by her and stay by her, she kept calling her name which didn’t do much, and she’s like apologizing and saying her daughter is crazy and she said “I can’t believe she’s like this now, wait til she’s a teenager.” And I was laughing and I’m like well if you think she’ll be like this as a teenager, why don’t you change or fix it now so it doesn’t happen later. I mean seriously.

  71. There are some good people in Ohio, but it seems like the majority of Ohioans are rednecks, old people, and ghetto trash. Ohio is defiantly an older state, and the main employer in my city is a nursing home. I am not entirely cynical about my Ohio experience, because it has made me damn tough! I do not hate old people either, but I am young and educated, so I want to be in a city that has others like me. I just look at Ohio as a stepping stone to something better. I think this phase is actually quiet typical of many young people in Ohio. We finished high school, then college, and then move out of the state. We want to be apart of something growing and not something that is dying.

    I was able to get a great scholarship, but at YSU. I went to school there for only one year and got the hell out of there. The college was okay, and there were some awesome faculty and students there, but it was in a terrible location. Even the suburbs of Youngstown were mediocre and completely overrated. I felt like I was living in the 1980’s. Think of Youngstown as a ghetto in the middle of a sea corn.

    I transferred to CSU, and I was able to graduate there as double major at the age of 21. Cleveland is a fake city, and most of the commotion is from commuters going to work or school. Cleveland pretty much dies every night. Essentially, Cleveland is a commuter city. Half the time I had to commute out of the city to purchase goods, because they were not located in the city. Living there was terrible especially during the summer. Most of the college students were out of Cleveland at that time, and people only came down there for the ball games, so the city would come alive temporarily.

    Many people seen walking or working in Cleveland did not actually live there. The people that I met lived in suburbs or in out of county communities far away from the city. The people there would say that they were from Cleveland, but they were actually living in places like Mentor, Avon Lake, or somewhere that is a separate city. Rarely, did I meet someone that was actually from downtown.

    The city was very pedestrian unfriendly. Walking there at night was uncomfortable, dark, and dangerous, so that is why nearly everyone lives far from the city. When I was there, it was really scary hearing that they were in the process of closing one of the police stations down there. I felt really bad for the foreign exchange students from Japan, Germany, and Italy. They seemed depressed, and started to drink much, and became bitten up by the Cleveland fever. I had a hard time explaining to them that an Ohio city is not like the real cities that they were used too.

    In my final semester at CSU, I learned that 1 person leaves Cleveland every 50 minutes. The city has been real quite about that statistic, so it remains behind closed doors like everything else in that city. The main joke when I was a student at CSU, was that Cleveland State has some of the best urban affairs and economic development programs in the world, yet Cleveland is an absolutely abysmal city with little economic development. Cleveland is obviously better than Youngstown, but it still is an older, close-minded, and blatantly corrupt city. They are building super expensive condos and lofts in Cleveland, and that is absolutely hilarious. My favorite monument that I looked at in Cleveland, was at the lonely luxury condos that were next to a street that was completely caved in. They are completely out of touch with reality, because they think that people are going to pay well over six figures to move into a pothole infested city that has high crime and unemployment.

    Rural Ohio is actually worse than urban Ohio. I know that may sound crazy, because of the high crime in Ohio’s cities, but at least there is some diversity, some college students, and at least some places to go in the city. There is nothing in rural Ohio besides old people, hillbillies, and cop cars. I lost many friends here due to drugs and alcoholism. Personally, I believe that those people turned to those things, because of the extreme lack of opportunity. I was exposed to way more drugs in the country than in the city any day. If you do not have a retro sketchy mustache and get a boner every time you see a ford truck, then there is little room for you here.

    The people that I stay in touch with that have moved out have fared better I know six people that graduated from college in Ohio, but they are now down south or in the west. I know at one time Ohio had the highest rate of college graduates moving out of any state, and I am sure that Ohio is still up there.

    The main problem is that Ohio is not friendly to young professionals, college graduates, and people in their twenties, because it is a close-minded state. The people here even judge you by the brand of car that you drive. Many of the inhabitants are haters and losers, and they hate anything different. If you are young and educated, then you are in the minority in Ohio. If you have an import car on top of that, then you are Satan. I hate when you get that stare or “the look” from the locals, and you just do not get that as much when abroad. I worked extremely hard to get to where I am, and I lived in squalor and ate Ramen noodles daily in order to graduate. Excuse me for not being an underachiever like them!

    Do not get me wrong, because there are some good people in Ohio, and some of those hillbillies make great friends. Not everyone here is a prick. The difference is that many think it is acceptable to still act like they are in high school. They just accept things, and they do not care about having goals. They do not realize that this state is a sinking ship. I will not join them for the ride down to failure. All you need to do is look at a graph showing the population decline of Cleveland over the last forty years.

    I believe my criticism is fair, and I did not even talk about the sports, racism, politics, or weather at all. I am leaving Ohio on April 30th, 2011. I am moving to Austin, Texas, and I am started my own business near the University of Texas.

  72. I’ve read through these comments feeling both anger and resolve. I am a native Ohioan who left the state for NYC. As an artist with an interest in academics I had a terrible time growing up with my peers who only wanted to shop at chain stores. So yes, I agree that Columbus people are generic in taste and interests. But on the other hand, NYC is full of people who left their hometowns because they were considered odd. I also left because with my college degree I couldn’t find a job. Many of the high paid positions in Columbus seem to be held by non-Ohioans (WTF!) and when I told them I was from Columbus in interviews I got looks of amazement (You can speak English! Whoa!).

    I saw that there was constant reference to Ohioans as stupid but I know plenty of intelligent, college-educated Ohioans who aren’t ghetto/ hillbillies. Who are you people around that you only meet trashy people? I can agree with the statements about the clothes. I remember wearing a denim dress from Old Navy and everyone thought I was dressed up. I was in Newark.

    BTW, I attended Kent State University for a year and I agree that NE Ohio is the worst place I’ve ever been. Horrible people that won’t talk to you and somehow always look dirty. After a deep depression I moved back to Columbus and thanked my lucky stars it wasn’t Akron/ Cleveland/ Canton/ Youngstown. I wouldn’t live in anywhere but Columbus because racism is incredibly high in Cinci-tucky.

    Honestly, after almost 4 years of New York and NJ, I’ve come to the conclusion that every place has its faults. The amount of stupid NYers and NJians I’ve met is numerous. Not to mention that everybody here thinks 40 is a normal age to think about having kids; until then they sleep with everyone under the sun. Anyway, that’s for another discussion. I have my gripes on both places and I’m at a crossroads as to where I will live. Go home to family, friends, live cheaply but be bored and slightly ostracized for being “weird” and ‘dressed up’ or stay in NY with friends, live with roommates until I’m over 30 and can afford my own place, date guys who could care less about commitment and be expected to live for nightclubs and shopping. SMH… there’s gotta be more to life.

  73. I still can’t get over Salyers Boy Son! “Ghosted”… cripes that’s so pathetic that it’s really just hilarious. anyway, based on my experiences in the toilet that is NE Ohio I have reached the conclusion that if you have enough of these traits you fill fit in just fine.

    -You can derive self-esteem from your ability to successfully drive a crappy car on a solid block of ice
    -You consider getting fucked up on alcohol and/or drugs to be a legitimate hobby
    -You like being on welfare
    -You think trading your food stamps for drugs is clever
    -You really, really, really like unintentionally getting or making people pregnant
    -You think the universe literally revolves around the Buckeyes
    -You are sexually attracted to NASCAR drivers
    -You think Insane Clown Posse is a legitimate movement and is the pinnacle of human cultural achievement
    -You think tattooing is the greatest form of self-expression possible
    -You believe you need to smoke an absolute minimum of 1.5 packs of cigarettes a day or you will die
    -You divorced the other parent of your children
    -You relieve stress by screaming at your kids and/or significant other
    -You consider KFC fine dining
    -You think god awful weather is the norm
    -You absolutely love college sports AND have no plans to graduate from any college ever
    -You have been diagnosed with some sort of mental impairment that entitles you to some sort of special treatment other people shouldn’t get
    -You think the point of getting a dog is for attacking/terrifying any people who come anywhere near where you live
    -You believe you are entitled to free money until a factory reopens up and gives you the perfect job
    – (if female) you are entertaining becoming a lesbian simply because you are far too ugly to attract any straight male on the planet
    -You take no shame whatsoever in being generally, fat, rude, and gross
    -You place a huge amount of emphasis on race in one way or another (redneck, wigger, gangsta etc.)


  74. oh and i forgot to add
    -you like to simultaneously bitch about gas prices while driving the largest “Truckosaurus” tank on the face of the earth

  75. also, a revision to: “-You divorced the other parent of your children.”

    You probably will fit in far better if you never even got married to the other parent of your kids in the first place. you should still try to make sure that you 2 are not even in the least bit functional of a relationship now. You will fit in best if the 2 of you absolutely hate and resent each other and use your kids to get back at each other on a regular basis.

  76. All rain and no sun makes DOS a dull boy.
    All rain and no sun makes DOS a dull boy.
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    All rain and no sun makes DOS a dull boy.
    All rain and no sun makes DOS a dull boy.
    All rain and no sun makes DOS a dull boy.
    All rain and no sun makes DOS a dull boy.

  77. Today is the 3rd day in May and still no spring weather. Each passing day brings us closer to next winter and I can not see doing this again. It has been a cold rainy spring thus far and I want to enjoy the outdoors but I just can’t. For people who don’t believe the weather has no effect on how a person feels, you’re probably not from Ohio.

  78. For the entire month of April, there was rain for no less than 2 consecutive days in a row. For everyday we had no rain, the rain came for 4 more days. It is the 5th of May, and the sun is shining, which means everyone is driving like assholes. But alas, the clouds and rain return tonight to stay with us another 8 days. I can’t take it anymore. Counting down the days until I graduate nursing school and I am outta here on the first ticket!!

  79. I love reading this webpage because its ALL TRUE. Its nice to know that other people see Ohio as a complete piece of shit beyond reason,but you’ll never get them to admit it.They are in complete denial that anything could ever be wrong with their willingly stupid attitude.Could all these comments be considered hate?? NO! Its the disgusting truth.. Wake up Ohio and get a soul !!!

  80. drunken inbred moron redneck neighbor lets his giant pitbull run unsupervised around the apartment buildings with no tags or collar. pitbull repeatedly tries to force its way into the next door apartment, so they call the the dog warden. instead cops arrive and immediately shoot pitbull. about 7 more squad cars show up. commotion wakes up my baby while pitbull bleeds to death outside my front door. what the fuck is wrong with all these people? oh yeah, it Ohio…
    north east ohio: the land of irresponsible drunken rednecks and fleets cop cars

  81. Ohio is a pathetic state in general but Northeast Ohio is probably the worst part of the state. Well, except for the part of southern Ohio that encompasses Cincinnati. Cincinnati is THE worst city in the state of Ohio. I will get back to that in a moment. There is nothing in NE OHIO…no jobs…no future…absolutely no sun whatsoever. I am from the Youngstown area and I lived in Cleveland for a little while as well. My times in NE Ohio were some of the worst moments of my life. Ohio in itself has been in a deep depression since about late 2004. This is well before the U.S economy started to unravel around December 2007. NE Ohio is a death trap. It is an area that has a concentration of negative minded people, horrible weather and no chance of a future. My family still lives there but I try not to visit often as the whole atmosphere puts you into a depressed..horrific mood. Whoever said that weather affects your mood is ABSOLUTELY right. Dealing with long periods of rain and no sun really starts to affect your psyche a bit. It affects your motivation…everything. It’s always either snowing or raining in Ohio and when it isn’t doing one of the aforementioned….the skies are overcast, dark and grey. Just last week…we had a frost…A FROST IN FREAKING April!!!

    Youngstown is just a complete disaster. The crime rates are high, there are absolutely no jobs unless you want to do telemarketing or retail. Moral in the city is at an all time low as noone is confident in their futures anymore. Cleveland is not any better. The entire city stinks…it’s full of racial prejudice, corruption, crime and the job situation is also REALLY bad. It pains me to even talk about my experiences in NE Ohio…they were THAT bad. It’s almost as though I suffer from some form of PTSD..esp. when I go go back there to visit. This is real folks…NE Ohio is THAT bad.

    Now that I’ve from NE Ohio..I now live in Columbus which really isn’t any better. I hate Columbus actually. It’s a flat, boring city with typical Ohio weather and typical Ohio people. When I say that there is nothing to do here..I mean that there is NOTHING to do here. I literally asked someone is there anything fun to do around here? The person had to actually think about it. I just said..I assume there is nothing fun to do around here and that is sad. Really sad. You go to work and your bored as all hell…you come home and there is nothing to do unless you like strip malls and chain restaurants.

    I’m not even sure if I could say anything else about Ohio that hasn’t been said before. It’s ALL true folks. If you live in Ohio and stay here long enough..chances are..you will be prescribed antidepressants, cholesterol pills and blood pressure pills. You will become fat, depressed and generally unhealthy. You can’t do anything physical outside because most of the time..the weather is inclimate. You stay inside and just eat. Living in Ohio..esp. as a young person is VERY unhealthy and detrimental to your career. I tell people I am from Youngstown..specifically NE Ohio and they LITERALLY RUN the other way or look at you strangely as though you are going to kill them. Why the look at me funny? If you’re from Ohio..we’re all on the same sinking ship.

    I said it before and I will say it again…the next economic downturn is going to wipe Ohio off the map economically. There are no jobs here that can sustain life. If I lost my job today..I have NO IDEA where I’d be able to work to support my family. I’d probably have to work at Burger King or Walmart. I am still planning to leave this state I am going back to school in the fall and plan to leave this hellhole completely after two years. Reflecting back…this state is making me sick…mentally and physically. I want to know what it is like to see a beach….to actually see beautiful people and not people who were once beautiful but have allowed themselves to succumb to this shitty state. If you are young…GET OUT…and get out as fast as you can. Hug your mom…your family but tell them that you need to do what ultimately will make you happy and improve upon your chances of having a healthy future. If you are thinking about moving here…DON’T DO IT. You will be very sorry.

    Sure, every state has it’s quirks but every other state I have been to is NOTHING like Ohio. NE Ohio is like a hollowed out nuclear zone….Southern Ohio is an extention of the horrifically racist state of Kentucky. Those clowns in Kentucky have even managed to permeate Columbus. Ohio is already THE most racist state in the union next to maybe Mississipi or Alabama…but you add those clowns from Kentucky to the mix and it’s all out racial warfare.

    If you are smart…you will start packing your bags now and doing WHATEVER it takes to get out of here. The longer you stay in this prison..the harder it is to get out. These are facts and I am not making this stuff up…neither are the other people posting here.

    Ohio is truely a miserable call home. I hope to be able to leave soon.

  82. Ohio Sucks, you are 100% correct..Shitinati is a pile of GARBAGE ;point, blank, period. The people are garbage. Ghetto trash and trailer park trash run the town, and living there is literally hell on earth. Shitinati is retard land.I have never seen such retarded fuckers in my life..Cinti is the worst city in the country, and I agree being next to Ken-fucky makes it even worse.

  83. Hey Ohio Sucks, you were dead on. But about the point you made about Kentucky being a really racist state, there used to be words or lyrics in the “My Old Kentucky Home” song that they used to sing around the Kentucky Derby time, that were racist against blacks. And they called them “the darkies”. Go down to Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky, they are so racist to blacks that they don’t even know how to talk to a black person or use good manners with them. Of course the only time they probably see black people is when the garbage is picked up every week.

    Anyway, Ohio Sucks is correct in the fact that if you stay in this prison state with no hope for a decent future long enough, you will be sucked in and almost forced to lower your standards about anything in life whatsoever. It happened to my cousin who got married in this state and to a woman who had every other person in her family an alcoholic or a drug user. He has a college degree too and has worked crappy labor jobs his whole life. Everything plateaued for him but I guarantee you if he moved to a better economically driven city/state and with more morally correct women, his life would have been better. I feel sorry for him.

    But I mean I am in my late 20’s and have had the same problem too with finding a decent ideal job with my college degree trying to make a decent living without being laid off after a year. I have also had the problem with finding a halfway decent woman who is girlfriend material. It’s really frustrating. The last 3 women I tried to date (we’re talking to Toledo here), have had certain issues that any goal-driven, intelligent, sane person would know better to not deal with.

    The 1st woman had bi-polar issues, would cry out of nowhere, was very selfish, threw things at me when I refused to buy her anything for Sweetest Day (what the fuck is that anyway?, is that an Ohio thing?) Had went back to school 3 different times and had no clue what the fuck to do with her life. Sat at home all day bitching about anything and everything with her mom. And her mom by the way gave me shit when I tried to stay away from her daughter because of her psychoness. Unbelievable.

    The 2nd woman had made horrible choices in boyfriends her whole life so that would explain her violent personality. She acted pissed off at a lot of things. I’m a genuine person and it was difficult to be genuine to her, let’s put it that way. She had a hard time keeping jobs because of her reliability. Oh yeah and she drank and smoke a lot as if it was her hobby.

    The 3rd woman I recently tried to date started off as a nice open-minded type person but then as I got to know her more, I realized she was one of those woman who walked around in public trying to be flirty and was just looking for a guy to knock her up and could careless if she was married to the guy or not. She was one of those backwards women who complains about getting cheated on but has the level of vulnerability to cheat on guys herself and not even realize it. So you get the idea. Oh and she was also another one with every other person in her family being either a smoker or a recovering alcoholic of some sort.

    So folks, thanks for your time on here, it’s been fun. Need I say more about how awful Ohio is?

  84. Just counting the days when I can get out of this hell hole and go somewhere that I can enjoy the sunshine. I keep telling myself that not all Ohio people are bad, but yet I have a hard time finding any really nice people. Maybe one out of 10 are okay, but it appears that the majority of the people here are phonies. I have a small business and the only person I can depend on is myself. I have so called enployees that either try and steal my customers or won’t work when I need them the most. I do favors for friends who don’t appreciate my friendship and yet tell me how they can’t stand people who act the way they do, unbelievable!

    I laugh when I read these posts because everything I read is true, except for the I love Ohio posts that appear here. All I ever here from people here is that Ohio isn’t the only place that sucks and that everywhere else sucks too. I don’t believe that for one minute because I have traveled and always could not stand coming back to Ohio. This is the I got sucked in mentality that most every Ohio person wants to suck you into. I know a guy who constantly wears Ohio sports gear such as Ohio State, Cleveland Cavs, Browns, Indians, Lake Erie Monsters Ect… He is an Asshole Redneck and a Bully who brags about everything and anything he does. If you have money, he will play up to you as a nice guy, but deep down he is really a jerk. Without going into detail he is the Good Ole Boy type that only cares about himself.

    You have got to watch these people in Ohio, because the economy sucks and all they can do is try to fuck you over to make a buck and think nothing of it. I know it is a burden to live in a state with people that are ignorant and desperate. I envy the people who got out of here the last few years because they had common sense enough to see this place going straight to hell.

    All I’ve ever heard my whole life was how Ohio has a water supply that the other states would love to have. Then why is the economy so bad if we have this great resource? We have corrupt politicians and good ole boys that keep screwing us in order to line their pockets. They have never really made Cleveland a really great city because the city does not care about business and how to create real jobs. The city of Cleveland Sucks Balls and if you want to believe the hype the locals tell you about the culture and the history, it’s just to make themselves feel better. They gave away the Salvador Dali Museum in the 80s because no one would support it. They used to have some very creative people who have now gone to places where they are appreciated.

    This is a city that replaced real culture with garbage clubs and sports bars. This place is run down and depressed and the people do drink and smoke more than other places. I am tired of the same old things people do in Ohio and only have a short time each year to enjoy any warm weather. So this is the time I need to end this madness and take a chance on getting out of this misery.

  85. @Ohio Sucks

    When you mentioned that inbred Appalachian freaks – most likely of Kentucky origin – are pretty numerous in Columbus, you are dead on. I used to live at the southern end of the German Village neighborhood there. Just south of that area is so inundated that it might as well be Kentucky. Columbus city has an Independence Day fireworks on July 3. These inbreds would all march north to the downtown area past my house for this event. Thousands and thousands of them. I would feel like Charlton Heston in “Omega Man” – where I’m the only human with a normal 42 chromosomes and everyone else is nuclear mutant! I guess inbred mutants just love fireworks 🙂

  86. Please tell William Turek Ohio sucks no matter what. It is a perpetually full cup of fresh squeezed suck.

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