1. Empty Nester,

    You are so right about Central Ohio(the Columbus area)..this place is absolutely horrible and if the economy weren’t so bad..I wouldn’t have come here in the first place. This are has hands down THE WORST drivers I have ever seen in ANY city. I’ve already witnessed multiple accidents (as they have occurred) with a lot of them way too close for comfort. The weather is VERY bizarre. One day it can be almost 60 degrees and the next it’s 30 degrees with howling winds and snow. This place and the people who live here are weird, schizo and uninteresting. The city has no culture whatsoever and it just looks like someone decided to build a city on top of farmland.

    Ohio in general is just a joke. There are no decent jobs here…every city in this state is an armpit and most of the people who live here are poor or very close to being impoverished. The lack of sun causes serious mood problems such as depression and anxiety (I’m not joking). I honestly hope to be gone from here within the next two years. I am just living here because I need to work and pay off some debts. Once I am debt free, I am leaving this city and state. I can’t see myself tolerating this place for more than two more years.

  2. Seasonal Affective Disorder-SAD. What a curious thing. I wonder how it affects those who are already severely depressed. Oh, wait. I know.

  3. why does everyone around here just indiscriminately drive around while leaving their high beams on and blinding me while I try to drive? is that on Ohio thing? or is the entire country just full of douche bags?

  4. just migrated here from another country a year ago (2011), after 4 months of staying here in Ohio (Northeast)…I am so ready to get out of this state! it just sucks the life out of me, I’ve been reading lots of comments on this one & I agree with most of it. Looking forward to relocate to California in a few months

  5. I have lived in Columbus off and on for most of my life and not very fond of this place. Other than having family here, there is really nothing that ‘wows’ me about this city. Like everyone else has mentioned, the drivers here are terrible, never paying attention and causing unnecessary accidents. This city is so bland, I always see people comment on how great it is to live here.
    Let me put it to you like this, If you are looking to raise a family, work a decent 9 to 5 and have no problems with living in mediocrity, then this is the place for you. If say you are into the arts and very cultured, then you are in the wrong place. And the whole Buckeye football craze is so pathetic, I mean come on now…it’s college football and these morons go crazy over college football and moan and hiss whenever they lose. Truthfully, after a Michigan provided Ohio State wins, you will have an interesting time say you go to any of the local bars, the fans will be more than obliged to buy you drink after drink in good buckeye spirits, when they lose, it’s like a ghost town here. I will be finally leaving here this summer (thank God) and won’t be looking back. If you are single and dating, do not date anyone here, you will be wasting your time, the woman love to play to many head games and some of the men here lack maturity….I get bored very easily and no one can stimulate me in any kind of conversation unless you are into cliques and reminiscing on high school for the rest of your life. Good riddens to Suckeye City or as they would say in Dayton ‘Slowlumbus’ lol, you can have this place.

  6. Ohio is the worst state when it comes to cops being predators for everything. Almost every day when I go to work, I see at least one cop sitting on the side of the highway or road or having someone pulled over for something. Speed traps are common on most highways at any given time of the day. I think it’s because there are a lot of young cops on the force who want to keep their jobs and impress their bosses by getting more money and citing people.

    A couple months ago, I was going west on a two lane highway on a Friday evening in the pouring rain. I was just getting out of a construction zone (there’s a surprise), and I was going the exact speed limit the entire 10 min I was on the freeway. I was in the far right lane and there were 2 cop cars who had some vehicle pulled over. Again, wet roads and pouring rain. Now correct me if I’m wrong but usually in a two lane highway in a construction zone area, they ask you to stay in your own lane. Okay so 1 of the 2 cop cars pulls me over like 2 miles later down the highway. I couldn’t figure out why, I wasn’t speeding, I didn’t have a light that was out, I wasn’t drunk or swurving, etc. He comes up to me and out of nowhere he said, “Was there a reason why you didn’t get over into the next lane?” and I said “Um, I’m not sure what you’re getting at.” and he said , “In a two lane highway, with a cop in the shoulder lane, you need to get into the next lane over or slow down when passing.”

    You got to be freaking kidding me! So… I told him I was already going a tad below the speed limit as I was just in a construction zone and it was pouring rain so I was driving safe. So I had slowed down, which was one of the things I apparently had to do. Which either way, when cops sit on the shoulder in a two lane highway, most cars whether they can get over or not, don’t switch lanes because it’s safer to stay in your lane as there are signs posted. So I got ticketed for basically not getting over into the next lane with a cop on the shoulder even though he had no proof if I could get over at that time and it was difficult to see anyway. So if there wasn’t a 2nd cop car there, I wouldn’t have been pulled over. But he just randomly chose my car out of all the cars in the lane. I got ticketed $250 just for that. That’s more than a 15MPH over speeding ticket.

    So freakin’ ridiculous. I couldn’t believe it. Gotta love Cleveland, the police departments will do anything they can to throw more money to the state. I told the whole story my colleagues at work and they never heard of such a thing. But I couldn’t defend it because I had no chance nor proof of any.

    What’s funny is after I got pulled over, that would then make a cop car in the shoulder lane behind me, most cars in the far right lane against me didn’t switch lanes. Sometimes you give someone a badge and a gun and they let it go straight to their head.

  7. Ryan,you are sooo soo right about these worthless ass cops. I just got some garbage ass ticket a few weeks ago from some trailer trash dumb ass with a badge..I take as many road trips as possible to get some FRESH air (not Ohio’s shit ass air),and I NEVER see as many damn cops sitting on the side of the road like I do in Ohio. Ohio is just an abomination;especially that pile of sh#t in south west Ohio (trashinati)..I would say Ohio is for the birds, but the birds don’t even want this sh#t hole..

  8. Look, Columbus sucks. I absolutely hate this place and I wish I would have stayed here a few days before deciding to move here. The air quality is horrible and this year I have had BY FAR the worst allergy season I’ve ever had in my entire lifetime. To call Columbus a “real city” is a complete JOKE. This is a cowtown at best full of cliquey, standoffish, backstabbing, mean, ignorant and boring people. This is funny because you’d think it would be quite the contrary with the fact that this place somehow houses one of the top colleges in the country. My thought is that the city suffers from brain-drain in that the best and brightest individuals leave for better areas of the country. This city has some of the worst drivers I have ever seen and I’ve been to other major cities such as Cincinnati and Cleveland. Columbus is about as worse as it gets driving wise. The land area is just way too small to accommodate the over 730,000 plus people that live here. The sad story is that even more people are moving here by the day. Roadways are a nightmare during Rush hours and most times of the day and there is no form of a highly developed mass transit system like a rail system. Columbus only has COTA as a bus system which is honestly a joke.

    The restaurant scene is horrendous. If you want to go out to eat, you have your choice between all of the typical chain restaurants. This is a travesty especially if you were used to tasty mom and pop, small business eateries etc. Nope, you won’t find much of that in Columbus. In terms of entertainment, there is nothing for young people to do around here. It’s extraordinarily boring. The city also has no culture whatsoever. There is nothing that defines the city or makes it stand out from the competition. Yes, there is a melting pot of diverse culture that lives here but they contribute nothing at all to this city. Most share the same agenda that I have, they just tolerate this place because this is where they work but they show no loyalty or contribution to the region.

    How about land geography? Well, Columbus is a whole lot of nothingness. It looks like someone cleared out a farm and built a bunch of buildings on top of it. The terrain is extraordinarily flat and there are no interesting parks or natural wildlife areas. If you like nature, here is another reason to hate Columbus. The suburbs are your typical cookie cutter suburbs where there racial segregation and income disparities become apparent. Downtown Columbus is a joke and is dead after rush hour traffic has cleared. It also looks like trash in that it should belong to one of the smaller, more economically depressed Ohio cities like Dayton.

    Speaking of economy, the economy in Columbus in my opinion is typical of what you’d see in Ohio. It’s not as bad as Northeast or Northwest Ohio but it is not far off. Don’t be fooled as there are no jobs here and you can really do better some place else in the country.

    How is the weather? It is schizophrenic like most of the city’s residents. One day it might be 80 degrees and the next 5 days it’s raining with highs only in the mid to low 50’s. When you wake up, the sun and warmth will smile in your face and later that day the cold will freeze your spirit. The summers get hot and muggy and the winters are long and cold even though it doesn’t snow much here.

    I failed to mention the wild, psychotic obsession over the OSU buckeyes but why even bother? Unless you’re into OSU football, you will already have a big enough reason to feel overwhelmingly out of place here.

    I know after reading all of this, you are wondering to yourself “Well, what is good about Columbus, Ohio?”. To be honest, absolutely nothing and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart. The place is abysmally lame and overrated. Anything that I have found tolerable about the city are traits that I could find in a city with better weather, more friendly, educated residents and a stronger, more diverse economy. I don’t plan on staying here much longer and am seeking to move in a couple years. If you’re reading this and deciding whether or not you should “take the plunge”, step away, no…, run away from the diving board before you make a mistake you will regret. There are better options. Remember, location is everything…..

  9. My husband and I moved from southern Ohio (where I am from)to Arizona and then Oregon and have been out West for 8 years now. Needless to say, we love it here. The air is crisp, fresh, clear. The mountains, lakes, rivers and waterfalls are inspiring and beautiful beyond words. My children have learned to kayak, ski, snowboard, climb mountains, and dirt-bike here. It is truly and outdoor paradise. So, what a shock that we are moving back to Ohio, right? In two years, my daughter graduates from high school here in Oregon, and I have decided that I need to move the family back to spend time with my parents there in their last years. I am already starting to mourn and grieve for Oregon, even though I am not leaving for two years. If it weren’t for my family, nothing could ever drag us back to Ohio. Moving from Ohio to Oregon was like stepping out of a dark, moldy corner out into the sun and a cool, clear breeze. It really is different out here, but I love my parents and they will NEVER leave Ohio, so back we go in 2014.

  10. To the contrary of Tete, I left Ohio for Florida, as did my sister, and we told our parents if they wanted to be nears us and their precious grandkids they’d have to move to Florida also. After some resistance they obliged, and during the last decade they have not only enjoyed our company but have also become avid boaters and beachbums as well. There’s really no excuse for settling for Ohio. Life is too short to live in a craphole.

  11. @tere, you didn’t ask for advice or opinion, but I am going to give my take on it and that’s: Do NOT do it!!!! If you’re happy out West, and you’re already mourning coming back, but you’re rationalizing the move as something you HAVE to do because you’re parents live here and they’re in their last years….I don’t think that it’s worth it. Not only that, but who’s to say that it’s anyone’s “Last Years”….ALL of us…EACH and every one of us live day to day…there are NO guarantees in life that chronological age is guarantee of anything. Young people die all the time, older people live to be in their 90’s or over a 100. I really have no issue with how long anyone lives as I am not God, but I’ll tell you what, if you move here with your kids and already know that you will be unhappy with what you are giving up, you will be one sad, unhappy cookie. Don’t do it!!! It’s very hard to get the hell-o out of here once you’re here….you will find that out through hard-earned experience if you don’t know if already.

  12. Agree with Geru, “There’s really no excuse for settling for Ohio. Life is too short to live in a craphole.” One thing for certain is that life IS TOO short to live anywhere where one is not happy! I am so sick of people giving their their right to happiness because of family pressure and family B.S. I’ve been wanting to get out of Ohio since 2000, but due to hubby & children being in school…I got STUCK. Fast-forward 12 years later, and life has changed/is changing in such a way that I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as far as being able to make my move to wherever I feel I will be happier. As shallow as this might seem (or maybe it doesn’t) – WEATHER is a biggie with me as I like to be outdoors 12 months out of the year. I need sunshine 12 months out of the year. I need to get out and stay physically active for quality of life…it’s what makes ME happy. I need to get away from people who’s sole existance and happiness in life is based on how well the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Indians, The Cavs are doing or the Ohio vs. Michigan vs. Pittsburgh vs. whomever rivalry or where every Saturday in the Fall isn’t taken over by the Ohio State Football game. Truth be told, I have no problem with people enjoying whatever they enjoy. But I AM tired of not getting to enjoy the things that I want to enjoy because I’m stuck. I’m also tired of some of the other mentality around here, much of which has already been discussed in other postings. Basically, I’m ready to get out very soon. If you’re here here and you like it/love it – STAY and enjoy Ohio. If you are planning on moving here and aren’t really sure but you’re doing it for family pressure, marriage, whatever…be forwarned and do not take it lightly.

  13. To all the people that are stuck in Ohio and want to get out. Keep Your head up. After reading this blog. May Art Model the former owner of the Cleveland Browns Rest in Peace. I see why he moved. With a state and the city without a real tax base, and bad politicions breaking promises to build a new stadium. That’s one of the many reasons why he moved. But the Media made him out to be this bad guy villian leaving this nice quaint city, which it isn’t . It’s more like a dump. He wanted a better future for his business and he couldn’t get it in Cleveland. I see it now. That can go for LeBron James as well. But again the media spins it like he’s a villian but both guys are not villians. They wanted better oppertunites in life and it got exhusted with the narrowmindedness and Mediocre lifestyles the business, politicians, and people that they had over in that city and state of OHIO. RIP ART MODEL.

  14. Relocated here (temporarily I hope) for my job situation; and I can honestly say I’ve never seen a place which doesn’t live up to expectaations like this sh$t sandwich of a city.

    When I first moved into my neighborhood (New Albany); all I heard was how great this stenchhole is “Oh we’ve got a great arts scene with the gallery hop; we have sports of course; we have such a great food scene with all the new restauranuts (why didn’t you know, Columbus is the next Vegas as a food destination); we have a great nighlife scene, blah, blah blah.

    Anyways, the gallery hop is so freaking great that its only once a month; which is good b/c I couldn’t stand to look at those abysmal “artworks” everyday in those hoight-toighty art galleries with pontificating hipsters in there who don’t have real jobs other than to try and look cool (you don’t).

    The sports scene comprises of OSU of course; which if you’ve ever been to a game as an opposing fan, consider yourself lucky you didn’t have a cupful of piss thrown at you. Columbus has a major league soccer team (whooppee) which draws the same superficial idiots that go to the gallery hop and no nothing about soccer. There’s also a hockey team, but they are liteally the worst team in the NHL and usually have more opposing fans there than home fans.

    The local entertainment scene blows chunks as the ballet stinks, there’s no symphony, and simple-ass cabaret I went to (the name escapes) was like watching drunk high school kids with a video camera for the first time.

  15. Hey, to all the haters, please, get the fuck out and we’ll be better off without you! The day that your sorry ass leaves will be a good day for Columbus. Honestly, it’s your own goddamn fault you hate this place so take your misery somewhere else. Thanks!

  16. I can’t agree with you guys more- I am from the northeast and I have gone to Ohio State for the last 4 years, almost 4.5 now. It is the most pathetic place filled with the stupidest, rudest, stuck-up uncultured pricks I have ever seen. Horrendous drivers who honk at you for not moving even when THEY have the right of way.

    I still can’t wrap my mind around how a state can have so many unsophisticated, stupid people and such a stupid culture of oppressive mediocrity. Also, the women here suck; they dress like shit and sleep with everybody; they have no self-respect.

    It’s like they’ve imitated the culture they saw on TV because that’s the way they think the modern world is, but underneath that facade of hooded sweatshirts and ipods is a completely backwards culture.

    I’m leaving right when I get my degree- the rest of the midwest isn’t like this; I’ve visited and the other areas are much more friendly. Bye Ohio. Good fucking riddance, stupids.

  17. I love the fact that Columbusites (?) view their city as one of the most rpestigious in all the land when in reality it’s a garbage heap.

  18. Well, 3 months later and Cbus, Ohio is still sucking a high, hard one. Gallery Hop still blows; Ohio State (Oh, sorry, THE Ohio State U.) 12-0 and nowhere to go. This sorta exemplifies this putrid city (or state from whereever your vantage point may be). Approximately 360 days and a wake-up until I’m outta here.

    Sorry Mr. Eatsalotofdicks; your sorry arse has been given a life sentence to Cbus; so you and all your pretend friends can talk of what it must be like for other people who live in real cities with real transportation options (i.e. light rail); real sports teams, a real nightlife (sorry, Cbus downtown turns into a nursing home after 7pm) a real restaurant scene (food trucks don’t count homey; anyways Cbus is about 10 years behind the curve on that); real entertainment/arts scene. etc., etc., etc.

    But Mr eatsalotofdicks, you can stay in Cbus, because as Smails says “the world needs ditchdiggers too”.

  19. The blinders came off me about two years ago. I have lived in the putrid state for almost 34 years. I was always happier when I wasn’t here. It is time to pack up and go. It hard to grasp the mentality of people here. It is like the twilight zone. Oh but Ohio is coming on board… I mean we just built 4 or 5 casinos to further bankrupt the state. This place makes good-hearted people bitter. What’s more amazing is the lack of ambition, common sense and decency of most Ohioans. The good old days are over. The industry is gone… corruption is rampant. I have never met so many obnoxious and ignorant people in my entire fucking life. Most buckeye fans have never attempted post secondary education. The courts are so corrupt, blind and insensitive to fathers, it is unreal. Yet they “promote” that it takes two parents to raise kids. So to the legislature, judges, police and lawyers… take this state and shove it up your corrupt asses! Fat ass lazy attorneys and cunts that got something to prove against men… rot in hell. I could stay here years and years dumping money into the court system without getting anywhere… but made a hard decision to throw in the towel. I’m in the process of saving money (which isn’t easy in this crime ridden, over-taxed state but I will manage). I told my buddies that I am leaving and like typical Ohioans, it bewildered their cerebral stuffing. My advice, like so many others that I have read on here, is to get out of here as soon as possible. Anytime I hear O-H-I-O, I fucking cringe.

  20. helpmehelpmehelpme,

    Trust me, I feel your pain. I’ve lived in this Cowtown Columbus,OH for quite sometime and it is by far the worst city I’ve ever lived in. The crime around this place is outrageous, jobs are not plentiful and the drivers are some of the worst I’ve seen outside of a place like DC. This place is also way too overpopulated. I have never been a victim of a crime until I moved here and I live in the so called suburbs. I have NEVER felt safe in this city. ALL of my favorite stores within the last 3-4 weeks have been victims of armed robberies. Heck, there was an armed robbery directly across the road from where I live. Transportation in this city sucks with traffic congestion all times of the day and the lack of a decent mass transit system. The weather is terrible. I am so tired of dealing with snow and cold weather. It is extremely boring here and outside of shopping there is nothing for young people to do.

    The people who live are are judgmental, two-faced and just downright awkward. I can only count on one hand the amount of decent people that I’ve met in this city and guess what? THEY AREN’T FROM OHIO! Yes, Ohio blows but there are better cities in Ohio to live in if you MUST stay here. As for me, I am looking to leave Ohio completely. I’ve been here too damn long and I am sick of it. Luckily, my financial goals will be complete in two months. I’ve already started looking into other places to live because in two months I plan on looking for a new job in a different city. The violent crime in this city is REALLY scaring me though and I want out. 2013 is the year that I leave Ohio and this stupid wanna be Cowtown of a city called Columbus. Two more months before I begin my journey away from this place. Two more LONG months because I don’t know how much more I can take of this city and state. *sigh*

  21. Well, I moved out last month. I am in a much better mood now- it’s amazing how much you appreciate anywhere else in the country after you’ve lived in Ohio- even the little things, like people saying “hi” back when you say hi, people making friendly conversation at the grocery or the gas station…women who are nicely dressed and don’t openly swear in public and talk about the sex they had the night before….

    I greatly sympathize with those of you still stuck in the Twilight Zone. God be with you in your journey to escape that cesspool…

  22. I came from Delaware in 09 and can’t wait to get the hell of the redneck racist fake church people I call them hipochristians I have never been In a duller less interesting fucking place in my life. Got to get back to Delaware theeastcoast you know where the normal people are. Ohio would be a great trash dump

  23. Well as a life long Ohioan ive learned alot over the years as you grow and learn about the enviroment around you and in ohio how shitti it is i can tell you so much about whats wrong with this god forsaken place called ohio i will break it down piece by piece if you have morals direction and motivation in life you must i mean must get out now many of ohios best brightest creative hip sucessful ambitious and even those who want to turn it all around in life go somewhere else if you want to work a dead end job have kids out of wedock at a young age be dipped in tatoos be a eminem hillbilly ghetto wanna be if you want to live in secition 8 if you want to drink beer smoke and live off welfare if you want to drive a 80s or 90s car if you want to hunt mud wear camo listen to country music gamble live backwoods if you want to live the american dream of meidocrity if you want to raise you kids to be ignorant ill educated if you want to belive and if you want your kids to belive that every place in america is like ohio if you want to die of depression and pop prozac all you life if you want to have friends who are hilljacks billys drugdealers eminem wanna bees mob wannna bees and once weres if you want a job in tattoing if you want to live in this place that is called ohio but is more like eminems 8 mile trailer park with rednekcks and hillbillys in the mix if you are a female and you want to breed as many kids out of wedlock if you want to live a low class life with low class people if you want to have winter 8 months of the year from nov to almost may if you want seattle without the glitz in the spring and with some 10 degree temps in the mix if you want to be single all you life if you want to see rebel flags and your too scared to go down south to if you want to take part in the true meaning of a mediocre lifestyle at best ohio is the place for you.

  24. Like it said on my license plate beautiful just beautiful ohio people in Beachwood ,Hudson Indian Hills New Albany , and some of our other desireable communities really want to keep the rift raft out well you get my opionion i cant agree with them more based on my last post about what to expect in Ohio My friends Ohio has several problems it its true Ohio is a mix of chicago and detroit blended with ky and wva and the child is a ghetto , mob ,redneck ,hillbilly state .

  25. problems with ohio cities 1 Cleveland Cleveland has lost like more than half its popluation from 900 000 in 1950 to 390 000 in short the large Dallas Ft Worth suburb of
    Arlington tx has more people than cleveland ohio amazing just amazing many distant suburbs have gained popluation strongsville westlake avon lake and twinsburg but why well when people move up some move out i think you know what im talking about parma ohio a large and incredible shrinking blue collar wasp suburb of cleveland is a bunch of beer drinking overweight archie bunker wanna bees who go to church every sunday and love people like them parma is very very unfriendly and has been that way for along time it was a sundown town til like the early 80s damn im not going to let the city of cleveland off the hook though i mean that place is just like the movie the day after and boys in the hood all in one we for some reason wonder why lebron left i actually laughed when he left he didnt want to live in a state, city in which i described in my first post that just embreaces meidocrity in everything and anything 2 Cincinatti or ,Shitcinatti the Queen city the Queen of mediocrity that is Cincinatti is another dying ohio city and actually 4 ohio cities named on forbes most miserable list toledo clevland akron and canton cincinatti actually was given an honoralble mention because of a dying economy racial tension which is no suprise since cincy is near ky and ky is actually much worse than ohio and defintely parts of tx louisiana mississippi alabama are bad as well ohio in race relations is in the middle of the road but everything we do is in the middle of the road so its only fitting if anybody sees that rebel flag barn on i 71 near shitcinatti its clear that youre in south ohio and hamilton ohio north of cincinattti i think 70 pct of the popluationof 65.000 comes from ky wva mostly but tennesee and even yes a pinch of arkansas alabama,mississippi so the deep south is in the mix as well. 3 Youngstown Ohio youngstown or dyingtown as the locals say yongstown has lost 60 000 people since 1980 homes can be bought at ridiculously low prices in undesierable neighborhoods the mob acutually ran parts of the city during its heyday and car bombs were a daily way of life but kids and innocent would get injured frequently also known for political corruption james trafficant and others are a poster child of why ohio send more politicans to prison than to washington hint rumor is that the rock and roll hall of fame could be moved to austin tx but there was no comment on the rumor some prominent businessman from austin who declined to give his name or even be identified said that who ever says im going to cleveland on vacation ?
    Columbus ,Dullumbus Well home of Ohio State and by weak ohio standards a growning economy Columbus is somewhat more desireable than most ohio cities but still most people who move to columbus are from ne ohio or cincy suburbs meaning youre getting more of what would you get from those communities in clevland cincy most college grads go out of state in short columbus is a city that may be growing and will continue to grow as long as the natives leave elsewhere in ohio and yes ky and wva but if you have hopes dreams dating ,career columbus isnt for you its a overhyped overpriced overrated midwestern city that doesent offer anything but more midwestern ohio culture with a dash of ky wva. So there you have it Ohio has 4 of forbes most miserable cities twice the number of michigan who has unemployment sometimes higher than ky wva and ohio is one of the 5 most miserable states and one state that has the most overweight and the state with the most pollution almost as much as smog ridden cali and one of the least tolerant 44 of 50 i do question that i thought it would be in the middle but i guess i was wrong and is ranked in the top 5 in forclosures welfare applicants per 100 000 and sucides . some studies suggest ohio is the worse weather state in america or one of them. it dosent take a rocket scientist to know ohio espically its rural areas around the state are very shitty to live in.

  26. i do defend the right to keep you neighborhoods safe but in 1989 a black doctor from kenya moved to a well kept neighborhood of cleveland heights with his family and the whole block was up for sale in other words for sale signs shot up faster than flowers in the spring cincinatti cleveland areas are among forbes the most segerated metros in america and both were in the top 10 of 25

  27. Ohio has its faults but for a hip 30 yr old young adult who wants to date and maybe marry a girl who doesnt have 4 kids from 4 fathers a girl who dosent like mudding 4 whelling tobacco shooting pick up truck driving country music listing somewone who is smart enough to know about movies music mostly rock and euro techno and has some decent values and sports and nice clubs and traveling and i dont mean going to wva or ky but to nyc chicago sf and others where ive been somewone who is smart enough to understand that every place in america isnt like ohio or ohio isnt the only state in the union and doesent have boyfriends who are old enought to be their dad and somewone who manages their weight doesent have hair that looks like it came out of an waffle iron i want somewone who isnt dipped in tatoos when ive met that girl its been somewone from ca fl tx ny or even nc its time to live in a place like that not like where here being educated not ignorant is a bad thing or learning proper english unlike the tatoo covered black and white trash of ne ohio urban and rural are like its bad enough to live in a gloomy weather st but when youre surronded by these tatoo ghetto gangsters hillbillys rednecks mobsters and mob wanna bees you really have to hold yourself toghether.

  28. Ohio has its faults but for a hip 30 yr old young adult who wants to date and maybe marry a girl who doesnt have 4 kids from 4 fathers a girl who dosent like mudding 4 whelling tobacco shooting pick up truck driving country music listing somewone who is smart enough to know about movies music mostly rock and euro techno and has some decent values and sports and nice clubs and traveling and i dont mean going to wva or ky but to nyc chicago sf and others where ive been somewone who is smart enough to understand that every place in america isnt like ohio or ohio isnt the only state in the union and doesent have boyfriends who are old enought to be their dad and somewone who manages their weight doesent have hair that looks like it came out of an waffle iron i want somewone who isnt dipped in tatoos when ive met that girl its been somewone from ca fl tx ny or even nc its time to live in a place like that not like where here being educated not ignorant is a bad thing or learning proper english unlike the tatoo covered black and white trash of ne ohio urban and rural are like its bad enough to live in a gloomy weather st but when youre surronded by these tatoo ghetto gangsters hillbillys rednecks mobsters and mob wanna bees its really hard thats why im heading straight outta ohio

  29. Ohios singles scene is subpar i even think minneapolis minnesota is a superior place to party and live in and i have no plans living there at least they move the party indoors and have excellent food too and state cuisine and theyre a cleaner st and although they have it worse with the snow they have cleaner air and more beautiful rural areas and women espically in those rural areas minnesota women can compete with tx fl ca ny sc girls minnesota actually is producing jobs at twice the rate as blow hi o and has far less poverty and health issues most singles clubs in ohio are like underground rap scenes and most attractive girls with or without money who actually stay or come from somewhere else stick to themselves and i just cant blame them for doing so with the ghetto and hillbilly trash running around every white male is like an eminem wanna be or a larry the cable guy look alike or a cross of both and every black male has his pants dragging down his ass and a toothpick in his mouth and a dew rag using the n word and bitching about hoes and bitches people black white brown who have degrees even them dont use their brains all the time this is a really stupid st and the way people treat and raise their kids here is a joke Immigrants dont want to come here because many people in this st who have dreams hopes leave like katrina refugees ohio for a state its size have very low immigration rate 1.9 pct latino in ohio thats how shitty this st is mexicans hate it here or even hear about how shitty it is to be here and they would rather go to fla ca tx ny or chicago

  30. The seasons in ohio sept oct 20 degrees frost nov to apr may snow april mostly rain and some flurries may finally spring but mostly rain and 50s july to august summer 80s 90s and once sept comes its 20s 30s dark by 7pm

  31. Recenlty i talked about leaving ohio to a co worker and i was told that tx ca fl has a higher expectations of living and ohio has culture and cheap living everything i need i said in my mind not to him bullshit fuck you you embasil hunting country music farming church going bible thumping camo wearing mudding pick up driving and sex with your cousins watching low class girls date guys 30 yrs older than them living in a state full of gangster wanna bees mob once weres rednecks hilljacks hillbillys idiots tattoed douchebags drug addicts welfare living money hustling.,the mentality that other states have higher expetations and we have resonable ones is why ohio is near the bottom or at best in the middle in everything ca fl tx ny and even mn girls are so much diffrent and civi than these buckeye girls who pop out 4 kids from 4 fathers and look like a middle aged woman by age 20 and the ones who dont leave to find a real guy from another st but mostly from ca tx ny fl and if they do date douchebags its douchebags who have money and are more civiliazed than the lazy ill educated tatoo trash we have here .

  32. At work guy with a rebel flag tatoo listening to country music on his phone i yelled if you dont turn that shit off i will shoot that phone and i will shoot you these are the kinds of imbred country 4 wheeling ,pick up truck driving trailer ,trash ,weed spitting, hunting, fishing cornhole uncivilized ill educated bastard, fuckers we have in this shit hole called ohio .

  33. At work guy with a rebel flag tatoo listening to country music on his phone i yelled if you dont turn that shit off i will shoot that phone and i will shoot you these are the kinds of imbred country 4 wheeling ,pick up truck driving trailer ,trash ,weed spitting, hunting, fishing cornhole uncivilized ill educated bastard, fuckers we have in this shit hole called ohio this st is a abortion waiting to happen this chicken shit state .

  34. At work guy with a rebel flag tatoo listening to country music on his phone i yelled if you dont turn that shit off i will shoot that phone and i will shoot you these are the kinds of imbred country 4 wheeling ,pick up truck driving trailer ,trash ,weed spitting, hunting, fishing cornhole uncivilized ill educated bastard, fuckers we have in this shit hole.

  35. Man, Columbusites need to get a life. Why is it that Columbusites think their shit-kicker of a town is so “urban” and cool? This place is so vanilla; I guess that’s why it’s the test-market for all those crappy fast foods. This town has no ethnicity whatsoever. Columbus has an Italian village; and do you know what’s in there — a plaque that says “welcome to Italian Village” and some gibroni selling spaghetteos from a taco truck. Where’s the Italian food? Italian stores? Italian architecture? It’s kinda funny, well, actually it’s sad; but Columbus is doing this whole re-branding thing by trying to artificially imbue otherwise crappy neighborhoods with “culture” by giving them names, i.e. King-Lincoln District, Italian village, etc. What a farce, let’s stick a coffee shop in the neighborhood, give it a name, and now all of a sudden, voila, Columbus has “Historic” neighborhoods, each with their own “identity”. Give it up already Cbus, give it up.

  36. HAHAHA, omg i am cracking up at all these comments about Ohio, i’ve lived here for the 30 years i’ve been on this earth and while it was enjoyable as a kid growing up to live in, it sux as an adult! I hate the long deadness of winters, the grey skies, the subpar women, the shitty bar scene, the “lake” that has dirty beaches with siringes. The job market isn’t bad depending what your in, (i’m in IT). Its just straight up depressing, and i actually suffer from seasonal depression and anxiety because of it! i’m getting the FUCK OUT, i HATE IT!

  37. Wow, I am so glad I stumbled across this, because I need to vent. I moved to the Columbus area last year with my boyfriend. He grew up here and we met in New York, where I am from. I was so excited to come here because I thought it would be a down-to-earth, charming place. I just had this idea in my head that it would be a breath of fresh air after living in the Hudson Valley in New York, where most people are wealthy and I was not, and the cost of living was high.

    What a fool I was. I’ve been here for 11 months and I have never been so miserable. No one I’ve met here has any sense of humor beyond Family Guy level, I’ve been called stuck up for using multi-syllabic words, and there is zero culture anywhere. I have met about 3 genuinely friendly people. The rest are boring, humorless, uneducated, rude, cliquey, and gossipy. The food here sucks, except for a few places I’ve tried in the Short North area of Columbus. The rest is all chain restaurants with processed, bland food.

    Also, people can’t drive here. It’s true, in New York people tend to drive too fast or tailgate, but in Ohio it’s like there are no rules. No one uses their turn signal, they stop at green lights, they pull out in front of me and go 20 below the speed limit, and when it rains, forget it. Not to mention the roads are so congested that it takes 25 minutes for me to drive about 5 miles to my job.

    The weather is awful, too. Last summer was oppressively hot and sticky. I couldn’t even breathe when I was outside. And now it is April 1st and it seems like winter has dragged on forever. The wind is howling all the time, it’s always gray out. I’ve experienced some serious depression since I moved here, I cried for months, almost every day until I convinced my boyfriend to go back home with me. He hates it here too, by the way. It is not how he remembers it from his childhood.

    I would have to say though, the worst thing here is the crime. We live in the suburbs of Columbus. In the 11 months I have been here, I have never felt safe. A few weeks after we moved in, I was home alone and someone tried to break into my apartment. I made a bunch of noise so they would know it wasn’t empty and they took off, thankfully. Then at work, one of my coworkers started walking home and got mugged and beaten. And now, at least once a week at my job, someone comes to the parking lot and smashes car windows and steals things. I was on Front St in Columbus a few weeks ago and went in a bar to have a beer. When I came out my window was smashed and my things stolen. We called the police and they did not even care. They refused to take a report and said to file a report online. I did so and have never received a follow up call. I’m not expecting the cops to find the lowlife who did it, but it would be nice to be acknowledged as a crime victim. Oh, and my car battery died in the middle of a long drive through line a few months ago, and not a single person in a line of 20+ cars would jump my car (I had my own jumper cables). Not one. They didn’t care about anything but their fucking cheeseburgers.

    Needless to say, I cannot wait to get out of this hellhole. Ohio makes upstate New York seem like Mayberry as far as safety and friendliness goes, and I am starved for intellectual conversation and culture. This has been a horrible experience, and I only hope I can return to the same happy person I was before I moved here, because Ohio has made me bitter and angry towards humanity. I hate feeling this way. 15 weeks left, and Ohio can kiss my ass!!!!!

  38. I think based on exprience its just plain hard to tell a rich girl in ohio from a poor girl here because they both dress like shit kids by 20 out of wedlock tatoos on face even kids from 4 diffrent fathers pajamaz in public hair that came out of a waffle iron bad teeth hagged out at a young age there are good girls in ohio but they leave at age 18 let me say this working class women in ny ca tx fla mn look and dress much better and are masters of ohios upper class women ohio upper class women are slaves to the ca ny tx fla mn working class girls comparing an avg ohio girl to slightly below avg ny ca fla tx mn girl is like comaparing a rust bucket pick up truck which is the ohio girl thats so popluar here to a mazerati the out of state girl . fuckers in this state drive big trucks and bitch about gas sell that big piece of shit hillbilly to pay your bills one more thing in the grocery store a baby was in mothers arms and the casheir said hes gonna be a hillbilly awww hillbilly said in my mind WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think the government should take control of this shit hole of a state the culture is fucked up here ghetto boys gangsters black males who bitch about hoes and bitches and calling each other nigga and are ignorant and dont take care of their unwed and white rednecks hillbillys hilljacks tattoo dip shits camo dip shits hunting fishing sex with cousins damn did i get it all the first set of stereotypes are like grizzly bears and the second set are like rattle snakes both can kill you

  39. I think based on exprience its just plain hard to tell a rich girl in ohio from a poor girl here because they both dress like shit kids by 20 out of wedlock tatoos on face even kids from 4 diffrent fathers pajamaz in public hair that came out of a waffle iron bad teeth hagged out at a young age there are good girls in ohio but they leave at age 18 let me say this working class women in ny ca tx fla mn look and dress much better and are masters of ohios upper class women ohio upper class women are slaves to the ca ny tx fla mn working class girls comparing an avg ohio girl to slightly below avg ny ca fla tx mn girl is like comaparing a rust bucket pick up truck which is the ohio girl thats so popluar here to a mazerati the out of state girl . fuckers in this state drive big trucks and bitch about gas sell that big piece of shit hillbilly to pay your bills one more thing in the grocery store a baby was in mothers arms and the casheir said hes gonna be a hillbilly awww hillbilly said in my mind WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think the government should take control of this shit hole of a state the culture is fucked up here ghetto boys gangsters black males who bitch about hoes and bitches and calling each other nigga and are ignorant and dont take care of their unwed and white rednecks hillbillys hilljacks tattoo dip shits camo dip shits hunting fishing sex with cousins damn did i get it all the first set of stereotypes are like grizzly bears and the second set are like rattle snakes both can kill you the fashion here for black and white males is hat on backwards pants draggin toothpick in mouth body dipped and i mean dipped in tatoos and the camo jackets as well

  40. Katie Katie Katie my sweet girl i could just look you in the eye bless your heart my misenformed soul if you read what this site is about what are you doing here ?this is a site for people who hate this waste of space called ohio if ohio is the utopia you say it is why isnt the statue of liberty is here if ohio is the greatest st in america Katie i think you hate this st and you know it, you just cant leave for somereason so you go with the flow people who hate it here and cant leave end up defending this st to cover up their own frustrations whats so appealing about hillbilly hilljacks larry the cable guy emenem look alikes ghetto thugs who bitch about hoes and beat their women and try to evade paying child support what so appealing about chily weather in april and wet and cold in may what so exciting about cincy cleveland columbus dayton and youngstown and akron what so exciting about women who look and dress like shit even if they have money and looked hagged out before they hit 30 who drink so much their liver rots in their bodies whats so appealing about the diversity here black people white people nothing else mexicans hate ohio they love mexico but hate ohio whats so appealing about a state that rankes near the bottom or at best the middle in everything you can imagine whats so appealing about sports teams who suck up here no title since 64 whats so appealing about lake erie and toxic beaches whats so appealing about the hillbilly culture hunting fising gun in pick up truck twang talking shit kicking bible thumping culture that is a disease here whats so appealing about fat drunk stupid people .Katie my friend ive met 2 kinds of good people here in the buckeye state those who are planning on leaving and those who have left i would love to invite you to go on a long vacation with me next week im sure you would love it cali is a pretty place and you would not want to leave.

  41. Year nearly half gone, and not a single week of consistently nice weather. Rude, shallow minded people who don’t get it, and what’s more don’t want to. I agree with Salome’s previous comments. This place makes me feel bitter and resentful toward humanity. I don’t like feeling this way either. Vent completed.

  42. I’ve been in New England for 2 months now, and I am still consistently shocked at how nice everybody is here (how different it is from Ohio!) Here, strangers exchange smiles all the time, exchange friendly small talk all the time. If you see a person, you just assume they are nice.

    I can’t believe what has gone wrong in Ohio or what has happened there, but what a cesspit. Stay far, far, far away!!

  43. I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio and after 32 years moved to New Mexico with my family for work. When I first arrived in New Mexico, it felt like I had arrived in an alternate universe. Since I grew up under a haze of grey skies, only saw the sun 80 days out of the year, and only smelled toxic gasses in the air, the landscape and environment out here completely changed my perspective. Now don’t get me wrong, New Mexico, like any other place, isn’t Heaven on Earth or perfect in any way. But come on, Ohio, and Cleveland/Columbus in general is the most overrated place in America. I have childhood friends and college colleagues who lost millions of neurons trying to wrap their minds around the news of my departure to New Mexico. Ohioans are raised and fed to believe that they are living in the best place in America, and that anyone who believes otherwise must be from Michigan aka Hell. The winters make people criminal and suicidal. They are long, dark, cold, and miserable. There are only four places you go between November and April: work, gas station, grocery store, and home. It’s fucking horrible. And i’m a proud Ohio State graduate (along with nearly everyone else in my family) and I can only imagine how anyone living in Ohio who isn’t a native or a Buckeye fan must feel completely and utterly alienated and unwelcome. After moving here, I feel embarrassed and ashamed for the way that Ohio State fans act. They’re an obnoxious, belligerent, unfriendly mass of sloppy drunks who think that destroying property and sleeping around is all part of a good night. Also, don’t move there unless you have a solid four degree or equivalent experience, because the economy is for shit. All I can say is that if you aren’t a good old down home Ohio born and raised boy or girl, you won’t be welcomed there. The entire state is like a fraternity on campus that everyone wants to join, except when you walk in the front door, all the members are sitting on disguising hand me down furniture eating cold pizza, drinking Natural Light, and watching a taped VHS of an OSU bowl game from 2003 like it was being played on live TV. It’s pathetic.

  44. sorry to post this again but the first one had spelling errors.
    At one point, I thought i was just imaging things or being over sensitive but I realized that a lot of people in Ohio can be arrogant,two-faced,xenophobic,and intolerant towards people who are different or people who aren’t from here.I am African-American male from New York who has been in Ohio for a while and i noticed a lot of people from here tend to act as if they are better than other people,even if you try to be sincerely polite or kind, they tend to continue to be rude. Even though every city or state has good or bad elements, I experienced so much drama from these backstabbing and obnoxious people. Even a simple discussion can become an argument because they have to be right about everything instead of seeing both sides of the coin or they want to just be the victor of said argument. Also, the cliquey, gossipy and gang-like mentality makes it hard to trust people or make any true friends in these areas. I will admit there are some people here who have stood out among the others that have shown decency,kindness and respect towards other but it so rare to see that here.

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  45. I have lived in this God forsaken state for most of my life. I must whole heartedly agree with all the anti-Ohio bloggers. This is the worst state bar none. My recent travels really brought this to light. We have a terrible economy and being part of the rust belt is what our biggest problem is. It does bear mentioning that this very uneducated, unenlightened attitude on the part of the government will make us another Detroit. The crime and drugs are here already, even in the rural areas. My son was recently a vicitm of the court system (long story). It is now being brought before the Supreme Court with the help of the ACLU. This all stemmed from his vehicle being stolen and incompetent corrupt police officers (yea Cleveland Rocks)that beat him so badly he has a permanent head injury. The court systems will violate your constitutional rights without a pause. I am moving as soon as this trial is over and this Judge is disbarred which is what is going to happen. So blatent it was a cake walk for ACLU.


  47. Ive just had to comment but Ohio is absolutely segerated up the ass Cleveland Cincy are the harshest examples but canton and Toledo are almost as bad you don’t see different races mingle interact at all when I was in Cali SF Oakland Berkeley it was totally different than most of the rust belt im not going to single Ohio out Michigan Indiana PA west NY most people are poor lack education and lack of education is the breeding ground of ignorance from both races black and white anyting but factory work North Carolina and Virgina the old south is dying fast and people are doing great Ive been to the west side of Leaveland and im telling you its as white as rural Ohio and the east side is like South Central La Many cities in America have white flight but Cleveand with apologies to Milwaukee and Detroit has the absolute worse case of it any minorities moving to Ohio brace yourself latino population is going down to 1 .9 pct and 13 pct African American Cleveland has in some cases has garnered the most dubious distinction as city with the uglisest people rust belt cities are the colon of America to be fair ohio 45 of 50 in tolerance we are bible belt Midwest in the country and successfully segrated in the cities ive been to much of the south and I see more intergration there than up north there are more interracial marriages in the old confederacy than in the rust belt WOW! I think the problem once again is many educated enlightened bolt satans colon after college and live where they can find people like them

  48. Brace yourself the buckeye st is the new west virgina to put it clearly people who have education fear for their life in ohio and are persecuted like jews in ww2 this st hates smart and beautiful and enlightened simple as that

  49. I’ve lived in Columbus for several years. Everything sucks.

    According to a big study from the well-respected Gallup poll of all the 50 states: Ohioans are stressed (bottom rank #43 out of 50), Ohioans are unhappy (rank #44), Ohio has the unhappiest city in America (Springfield, OH just next door to Columbus), and Ohioans are obese (bottom rank #37).

    According to the CDC study in 2009, OH is in the top quartile for # of smokers, and the top quartile for death from cancer. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, OH is 4th place from the bottom for infant mortality rate (which is a major criteria physicians use to judge how foreign countries take care of its citizens).

    According to the EPA in 2012, Ohio is ranked as #1…for being the most polluted state in the country. It has 4 cities in the the top 20 most polluted cities in America.

    According to the Census Bureau, Ohioans make less $ than the average US citizen (household income #35, poverty rate bottom #30). OH and # college graduates? (rank #38).

    As for my personal experience? The food sucks. The weather sucks. The crime rate sucks. The lack-of-anything-to-do sucks. The ugly flat landscape (with lack of mountains, lack of tall trees, lack of big bodies of water) sucks. The lack of cultural diversity sucks. The lack of state-provided services to the poorer population sucks (not me, but I see it in the people I take care of with my job). The lack of state-provided protection for workers suck (again, my job). The lack of curiosity and spirit of exploration among its people sucks. Columbus, what an uninspiring city. Can’t wait to leave.

    And for those who keep on saying, “It’s great to live here. Cost of living is so cheap!!” I would respond, “You get what you pay for.”

  50. Ohio as a state is one of the least racially tolerant state in America based on a major news magazine ohio is 40th in discrimination complaints 43rd in hate groups at one point ohio had more hate groups from both races black and white than any other st even cali and texas which are signifigantly bigger in population ohio has 2 of the most racially segerated cities in America and both were in the top 10 Cleveland 4 cincy 5th but on one list of cities with a segeration index above 69 which is extremely high Cleveland had a 84 cincy had an 81 and Columbus was 71 ohio had 3 cities on that list of highly segerated American cities but to be fair most rust belt cites were on it and very few from the east and the south the bone that we all should be picking is that there no way ohio should be 44 of 50th in racial tolerance no way but segeration in our 3 largest cities is one of the reasons why the states of Mississippi and Texas and Louisiana are more racially tolerant because they are less segerated than the Midwest media says

  51. The weakness of ohio I have toally exploit the shit our of is that 90 pct of the people here like to cram bibles religion,nascar ,guns,pro life ,anti gay ,homophobia xenophobia segerationblight thug life tattooing boozing cheating slutting whoreing up the ass of people who hate this st . ohio is what I said it is and will never be anything more or less ive said my peace

  52. hmmmm. things about columbus that suck hard:

    1) Geography – flat and bland. like these peoples’ faces and personalities

    2) Art – where the fuck is it?

    3) Sports – OSU has felon-friendly head coach; the Crew stinks and has no support (recently sold)and I can’t wait until the boojackets shit the bed so that by March, everyone has exited the bandwagon. Clippers suck too; they’re minor league anyways (like the Crew, which BTW, why do they try and make the Crew reminiscent of a Pittsburgh team, i.e. black and gold colors with a workman-like logo? Are they trying to pander to Pittsburgh folk for support)

    4) Entertainment – movie places out the wazoo with maybe one or two that show quality flicks; most, if not all show fucking brain-candy.

    5) Hipster-factor – also out the wazoo; where did all these faux-intellectual types come from? the women are mostly vapid, ding-a-lings and the guys try and stuff their moronic, corn-fed asses into skinny jeans; they’re pussies to boot.

    6) Culture – remove OSU, and you have the most monolithic, vanilla-ized of suburbs. Chipotle, Olive Garden, Wendy’s rule the day.

    7) Transportation – way to go COTA! I must’ve missed the train station. You would think that with a bland and flat geography, these putzes would have a pretty cheap path to build some sort of light-rail, train station, trolley, whatever. But nope, let’s rely on these shitty, diesel-belching buses instead b/c the roads aren’t choked-up enough yet with cars, people, bikes……

  53. I am laughing myself to tears. I thought it was just me. I have lived here off and on since 1977. I am endeavoring to leave again if I get this particular career break in West Haven, CT. I read the other responces, views , and takes on Ohio. I am living in Columbus unfortunately and YOU QUYS HIT THE TARGET ON UR ASSESSMENT. Still laughing because u are correct.

  54. I forgot to mention; I don’t think I’ve EVER been in a city whose populace is so consumed with itself and how it ranks against other metropoli; i.e. posting rankings and talking about being the most livable, most diverse, most food trucks, biggest increase in urban (read downtown) population, most downtwon developments, most locally-produce shit (food, shitty movies, local blah blah blah). Columbus is like the guy at the piss-trough at the football game, who discreetly eyes up the other guys’ schlongs and takes a smug pride in the fact that his is the most waxed/trimmed/hairless whatever; and he’s completely ignoring the fact that he doesn’t know how to use it other than rubbing one off while thinking about the fat guy who dances at boojackets games.

  55. Heres why Cleveland sucks
    Based on a Brookings study of 100 of americas largest cities Cleveland is next to last in number of new residents , residents with college degree residents with even a hs diploma residents in two parent homes residents with income over 50 000 residents employed racial intergration and new immigrants from other countries . Ohio is near the bottom in net population gain and net immigration from other coutnries ohio has more outmigration than any other st and out of the 25 largest cities each has at least a 5 pct makeup of former ohioans .

  56. OMG. I’ve lived here in Columbus Ohio for 9 years, I originally moved from New York, I was basically dragged here by parents, such idiots. I endured high school here, which is probably the most torturous thing one can endure, the teachers cannot teach, Columbus Public robbed me of 2 years, I can never get back, I also … Have to say OSU is one of thee worst colleges to attend. I just thought it’d be a lot different in College but no, it’s like the midwest sent all their reject children to OSU, to party and act up tight, for no particular reason, it’s a public college, anyways all my coworkers talk about is race, all everyone here talks about is race, the segregation is apparent, the politicians are all crooks, this state has brought me nothing but bad news, I’m glad to say, I’m leaving in 9 days or less. I hope to pack all my belongings and never look back at this crappy place. Not a single friend in 9 years. I wish it was me, but it’s not. The men here are mediocre. The women so desperate they pay for everything, to keep a man that continuously cheats on them. I have nothing but good byes, East Coast here I come. I have to make up for that 9 years. I don’t care what type of weather it is out east, it’s nothing like the boring winters in Ohio, where everyone acts handicapped and nobody can come outside after 9pm, worked at a retail store, and people stopped showing up at 6pm because of bad weather, the drivers all drive on full because there are no street lights, everyone seems to be hiding under trees and trees, because if you don’t have acres you’re not living right in this farm invested state. Sheesh. I hate this place. GOOD BYE

  57. OHIO SUCKS, I TOTALLY agree and I’m happy for you. Growing up in pissinati aka cincinnati,OH was hell on earth. Literally. That place is a disgusting piece of garbage and the “people” there are all trash-from hell. I can’t believe I exist here. What a worthless place. Ohio has been dead for a long long time and I can’t wait for the day I can, like several other people I know, run away from this place. Maybe then I can make up for the time that was wasted in this fucking sh.t hole. I have to travel like every other month so I can stay sane lol.
    I’m glad I didn’t obtain my bachelor’s and master’s degrees from this dump of a state.

  58. I moved to this place 2 years ago with my fiance. This place will suck the life out of you. It is always gray, windy, and cold. The people here are fat and ugly, and they seem to be alright with that. EVERYONE wears OSU clothing every day of the week. You could be miles and miles away from OSU and every store, every person, and every car is plastered with OSU gear. Its like the only thing that exists here. I guess its the only thing worth a damn in this shit hole. Its honestly sickening. People in this state CAN NOT DRIVE! If the speed limit is 65, everyone goes 55 or 60. IN THE FAST LANE! Merging is the worst. A traffic jam can happen just from the shear numbers of morons who cannot understand how to merge or when to merge. The roads are in horrible shape also. The people here are poor and uneducated hillbillies, complete cookie cutter copies of each other. There is no diversity at all. Look at all the crazy shit that goes on here, School shootings, daycare poisonings, wild animal releasing, women taking, Dimebag Darrell killing, everyone here has more than a few screws loose. There is nothing to do here. The clubs in Columbus are a joke, imagine walking into a club and all the girls are wearing the same outfit (brown knee-high boots and a jean skirt) and the guys jump up and down singing “Call me Maybe”. Absolutely pathetic. These people have no style except the Cabellas hunting gear and boots and the OSU shit. The restaurants are trash, not even the Chipolte is acceptable. How the fuck do you mess up Chipolte? These people can. And every time you go to a store, the cashier always says “today” after everything. How are you doing today? How can we help you today? Did you find what you were looking for today? What can i get you today? UGH! I have been here for 2 years and have not seen 1 attractive person. Not one. Everyone here looks like they are on Meth or something. Its nasty. No one laughs or smiles or anything in public. It is like a bunch of fat sloppy zombies walking around. And these people bring their kids everywhere. Even the bars in restaurants have children sitting at them. WTF! I do not understand why these people are so proud of their state. IT IS A COMPLETE SHIT HOLE!!!!!!!! We will be leaving soon, we just came to make the money that the Ohoians weren’t qualified to make. I wonder if they wonder why there are so many out of towners here making their money…..ITS BECAUSE OHIO IS FULL ARE RETARDS!!! Stay poor and stupid and please never come to my great state.

  59. Guess what you get when you complete the activities sheet at Denny’s? A degree from ohio state…

  60. As a lifelong Ohioan , I can tell you that this is the most evil cult-like brainless wart of a state.
    I’ve lived here a long time and it’s been one huge relentless waste of my time on earth.

    The state is full of moronic unemployed inbred community policeman who double as a professional dirty tricks squad for the local filth politicians. Did I mention break-ins? Did I mention death threats? Did I mention pepper spray through your windows at night? Did I mention broken windows. Did I mention arsine gas sprayed in your home with the hopes you would fall asleep and DIE? Workforce mobbing? Slander, Satanism ,cow and sheep sex. This is O-H-I-O – beautiful Ohio.

    If the idiot buckeye fans don’t get to you the stench of enforced mediocrity and conformity will. My advice, pray for an asteroid and leave.

  61. I’m from Colorado, so I can only speak from the experience of having Ohio folk visit my home state, but good God, how do those guys get drivers’ licenses? No kidding, the only 2 times I’ve ever actually yelled at another driver (in DENVER and the surrounding areas, by the way), they ended up being from Ohio.

    The first was because I was walking in the parking lot of a mall to my car, and a girl behind me was impatiently waiting to pass me.I moved over, and she sped violently past me, almost hitting me, just so she could get to a parking spot that was conveniently next to my car. My boyfriend and I shot her and hers a dirty look, and her boyfriend gets out of the car, doesn’t apologize, and says ‘I already said something to her about the way she was driving, so you don’t have to look at us like that.’ Essentially the conversation ended with me telling her to go back to Ohio where there’s fewer people that she can try to run over.

    The other one was a guy who honked at me for ‘cutting him off,’ I.e. signalling for 4 seconds and getting in front of him when he stayed in the same spot. Apparently in Ohio, not leaving 3 to 4 carlengths between you and the other driver is considered cutting people off…not here, buddy! The startling fact was that when I asked him at the light why he honked at me, he was so outraged that I cut him off. WELCOME TO A SUBSTANTIALLY SIZED CITY.

    That’s all I know. XD

  62. Columbus does suck, but that is not Ohio. I’m born and raised in Western Hills, Cincinnati, and have always enjoyed living there. After my job took me to Maryland, I have to admit, I have the *exact* same view of DC that everyone here says about Ohio. Maybe a lot of this is just different views about different places…?


  63. Found this website by accident, and I do agree with about 90% of everything written here, However, don’t you think a lot of this could apply elsewhere? I’m born and raised near Dayton, hate Cleveland and dislike Columbus, but do enjoy most of the Southeast state. All of the remarks about the weather and rednecks are true about most of the Rust Belt, from Detroit to Baltimore. Honestly, I’d have to say the ration of jerks to decent people is slightly LESS great in Ohio than Penn or Maryland. Obviously New York City is not the entire state. Having lived in other states, areas, and cities, I’d actually prefer to move home to Ohio if I could, financially or professionally. Yes, perhaps I’m remembering the 1980s too much, and maybe I’m the exception to your complaints, having graduated college and made a successful career. Again, I agree with most of your complaints, not trying to argue. But there is just so much screaming pain on this website, perhaps knowing that other places are not so different, or even better, might make the bad times a little less? Anyway. Simply trying to add one moment of quiet to all the yelling, and again, third time, i agree with you about Ohio. Just remember, the grass ia always greener, and once you move away, you might start missing Kings Island, Krohn Conservatory, Union Terminal, Geotta, Oktoberfest, safe neighborhoods, smiles, unlocked doors, clean streets, and one murder per decade. At least, that was my home town. I don’t know about Youngstown. Try a web search for “Pittsburgh Sucks”. Peace!

  64. What kind of country bumpkin douchebag prefers Ohio over d.c. what a loser. Had to comment. Hahahaha

  65. Why do you think they were talking about DC? Sounds more like New York. What a loser. Had to comment. Hahahaha.

  66. You’re both morons. It was two different people talking about two different cities. Go back to your trailers and get high, then forget about why Ohio sucks. For you. Everything will be better tomorrow, when you’re both safely back in the stockroom at Wal-Mart. MEGA douchebag losers! Don’t forget to cut the weeds under the Harley. 🙂

  67. Lived in Cleveland and Parma my whole life.
    Good lord do i hate Ohio.
    No jobs, corrupt Politicians, Dumb ass cops .
    I plan to move to Cape Coral Florida. At least i have family there.
    Ohio makes you homicidal.

  68. Thank you all for your entertaining posts. I could make some derogatory comments either way, for Ohio or against but what’s the point. Since 99% of the posts are against Ohio I’m sure the people of the state that you the 99% don’t live there anymore or that you will be leaving soon. The 1% that are still there and love it – good for you.

    There is no point to this post and nothing to respond to so good luck and have a nice day.

  69. Wyatt, you are one sorry mf’er. Your blasé, vanilla, milquetoast platitudes typify central Ohio sensibilities. Please F*ck off.

  70. Ohio is the worst place to live. There is nothing to attract people nor nothing to keep them here, other than a spouse who likes to be near family. I swear to God that people who live here will die prematurely due to the weather and horrible air. Pollution is terrible and the cold weather kills thousands who would live much longer if they lived in a warm climate. Whatever you do, do not come to Ohio.

  71. I cannot begin to express how much Ohio is the pits. I’m from MD, Germantown area, after coming to Ohio all I can say is what a mistake. Jobs? Hah, funny – enjoy <$8/hr with just the MOST PEACHY attitudes ever (really hope sarcasm shines through strong there) regardless of the individual.

    The roads? Just, wow… drivers' in Ohio have no respect or care for anyone else other than themselves. AND POTHOLES?! It's like the state got together and had a vote to never repair holes, ever. Then when it snows (so just about every other day) the fucking plow trucks pile it up at the entrances/exits to most parking lots, SMART – I HATE being able to SEE where I'm trying to pull out from.

    I've been here around 4 months, solicited my resume all over with one hit – a fast food place. Took the job, should have never bothered.. The people? typical OH bullshit attitudes and lack of intelligence. Lack of care is abundant here, it's spewing from everyone, everywhere, everything around here.

    I'm in central OH I guess, Colombus area, and just the most depressing weather I have ever experienced. I find myself becoming cold, miserable, distraught, depressed, anxious, angry, and down right sick of this place in this SHORT period of time.

    Ohio is a piece of shit place to live, with piece of shit society to suit. Yeah yeah, I'm sure not everyone sucks and I'm sure its "lovely" during the spring / summer… though I doubt that. By and large Ohio has been the worst place I have ever had to be.

    PS: Ive been in Texas, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV, FL, PA, and probably a few others that I'm failing to recall due to short durations. It's the pits, do not come here – if you are here I'm sure you're already thinking this but GET OUT. RUN, DONT LOOK BACK. Let this place rot away, it's the best thing for it.

  72. geez ‘ohgeez’, you really know how to hurt a guy. I’m going to go scamper away now and “fuck off”, just as you suggested. As for you – I hope the bird of paradise or wherever the hell you are doesn’t fly up yo ass!

    …and once again, have a nice day, really – I mean that.

  73. lived in southeast Ohio for past two years due to pipeline. From Detroit no less. very well traveled. College in Phoenix and San Diego. Few years in Nashville and few years in Florida. Moved to Ohio with fiancee and young children. After two years of sub-par education for my kids and working with worst work force in country I left middle of school year before my once smart kids got any stupider. Rudest, ugliest people on planet. absolutely no cultural diversity, shit food, inbreds and dirty tattooed woman with 4 kids from 4 different fathers. Most corrupt cops and politicians i have ever seen and im from Detroit. This place makes Detroit seem like a fine tuned cosmopolitan city. Sold everything and left the old man there to finish job. Only people making oil money there are from out of town and will be gone soon. Worst state in the country. Northern state but feels like southern Mississippi in the sixties. Sickening!


  74. Thanks, you guys just proved I was not imagining things you hit 100% of what I thought about Ohio. I went to grade school in Canton. It’s been like that since 1940.
    I am in Louisiana great people here.

    Never went back after military , that was my ticket out.

  75. My dumbass moved back here for school. So stupid! I was away for a long time with the Navy and I forgot how retarded it is in Ohio. Guys treat women like shit here and the girls take it for the most part. Then those same guys are like “Why can’t I find a decent girl?” Well gee loser I don’t know maybe cause your a douchebag? When I don’t take their shit the whine “You’re so mean!” no you’re an asshole, asshole! Thankfully I graduate next year and then I’m outta here. Something else that bothers me, it seems like there are a ton of perverts here? Is it just me? A lot of these guys are creepy as hell and every time I look at the news it’s about some teenage girl getting kidnapped or raped by some creepy old guy. WTH is up with this place? It’s like the guys don’t know how to talk to a woman so they go after the teenagers who don’t know any better. WEIRD

  76. I Looked out on this post and some Ohio fan on here said people who cant speak English shouldn’t stay in this country .Most big cities have very culturally diverse population Cleveland and Cincy have Blacks and Whites who live worlds away from each other and I see shirts in Wooster that say welcome to America now speak English this is why immigrants hate Ohio because its racist as fuck and for whites on here to say racism is a problem here tells the story .Ohio is 86 pct white 9 pct black Ohio is 2 pct Asian and 2 pct Latino the Latino population in Cleveland has shrunk . I heard a guy in public ask a black guy are blacks afraid of water in Canton . This is why we are 44 th of 50th in tolerance people here are blue collar redneck illeducated and just plain dumb . Cleveland Cincy worse cities for interracial couples based on vogue magazine .One post a white male with Asian girl in Parma which is as racially progressive as a Mississippi Tea party rally and avg income is 30 grand and like 5 pct of population has a college degree out of a city of 90 000 his girl got called a gook ni####. This is why educated and open minded people leave when they can . You Tube video LeBron buring jersey do a google search on it one guy with the trademark whiny Cleveland accent said quote “this sounds like a kkk rally ” and all the insults that LeBron took from the please stay lbj club was just classless and don’t forge Delonte West was messing sexually with lebrons mother not long before “the decision ” Cleveland”s gm said Delonte was a good fit for Cleveland well tattoos in tow he is and only in Cleveland would a guy like Delonte West get a chance and knowing what I know I just laughed when and how LeBron left .By the way his show gave money to charity and that was a very noble cause . Based on the type of people we are dealing with in NE Ohio the pity party please feel for us were a uncultured ill educated broke un cultured ill sophisticated city ,no title since 64 , no jobs, no tolerance ,no leadership in our city.That mentality that’s is common as Ohio”s signature overcast weather. It is enough to put a stain on the reputation of this country hell a place like Ohio in general is enough to do that .Here”s something else I see minorities in the west and the south have worked their way in the middle class and improved their quality of life based on an Akron Beacon Journal study Ohios black population are only more likely to achieve higher education and achievement than blacks in Mississippi and Michigan which are the two most poor states in the union . The income and dissimilarity in this st is one of the worse in the country . Me will be visiting Cali again LA and SF went there last yr and all I have to say is that its like going from rags to riches from shit to silver could one step away from following my parents steps of leaving Ohio this corn pone bible thumbing twang talking gross hagged out blight and tattoo ,plagued shit stain rust car and truck kids by 18 and divorced illeducated state . I grew up in Wooster which isn’t as bad as Youngstown Cleveland and Akron .Canton but if we could create and buy a bmw pick up truck and plaster it in camo that’s the kind of people we are in Wooster we are duck dynasty wanna bees ive had enough of this low class st with low class people here in Wooster we treat outsiders like shit there was a couple from Oklahoma who moved here from a big town outside of Tulsa and they looked confused about the lack of courtesy from my hometown they lived in a down to earth community Wooster is a mix of redneck and snob .

  77. I am from Tucson Arizona, but lived in PHX, Las Vegas, DC, New York, Virginia Beach and other cities….. Ohio is by far the biggest piece of shit state I have ever stayed. Columbus, OH are stupid as fuck, and if they ever visit my state we’re going to push every single one of them from the highest peak of the Grand Cayon, and let the crows do their work. Farming chicken fucks that have 0 diversity. All they do, is stare from their wal-mart house made trailers, that look assembled from Pakistan and disrespect people who are different. In my land people are nice, but we won’t put up with those pieces of shit, in fact, I think no state would. Ohio should join Canada or given independence from our land.

  78. These are all the same things I would say about Colorado. Without the natural beauty Colorado doesnt have a leg to stand on in terms of relevance

  79. I am a 5 year transplant along with my husband and 4 children. We moved from the east coast. We are dying inside here! There is no where to go nothing to do unless you like sports fish walking eating getting drunk or hunting.
    Our brain cells scream in agony every summer vacation! There is NOTING of any intellectual value at all unless you are in school. The museums are geared for young children or are hands off exhibits like art or restored homes.
    Where we used to a seriously on the go family we now are a seriously stagnant one 🙁
    Summer vacation will begin very soon and it will be 2 1/2 months of looking at the tv or computer.
    My 16 year old daughter is back home now. I spent 2 years watching her slowly crack from being here so I found somwhere for her to go back home. She was ticked I would make her leave the family! About 7 months later she called me crying and saying ty mom ty for making me go home I was losing my mind there it was the worst place ever and I was not coping at all with the mind numbing boredom of everyday life there. She is desperate to get the rest of us out now. She knows what Ohio is like and is worried her brothers will crack like here due to the mind numbing hours that stretch into days weeks months and years here.
    My kids are depressed becuase of this chit hole and as much as I try to keep the families flailing spirits up It is getting harder and harder as time goes on. The idea of 2 1/2 months of lifeless nothing in this cesspool is getting harder to bear. I cant wait till my kids grow up and can get out of here!!
    I just asked my middle son what was so bad about ohio. He started shooting off..the roads, the schools, the government, the people and he stopped dead.. looked at me said “I just realized …there is nothing good about Ohio nothing at all”
    If you ever think of moving to Ohio DONT!! Too many people get trapped here and must learn to merely exist you will too!!! If you do not want to end your days withering away in despair DO NOT DO IT!

  80. So, I have been living here in Columbus, Ohio for over 5 years and this place is nothing but an absolute hell hole. For starts, NOONE knows how to drive around here. There are multiple “pile ups” everyday. it is just unbelievable. The people who live here are, without a doubt, the worst drivers in the country. Secondly, it is BORING. This terrain in this city is as flat as a pancake. No mountains, no natural scenery, no real parks, just NOTHING. There is nothing to do here but eat and get fat or shop till you drop at one of many strip malls or shopping chains. BTW, Where the hell is Spring around here? The weather here is absolutely terrible. It rains all the time and when it isn’t raining it is cold, dark and gloomy outside. I am looking outside my window right now and it’s just cold, wet, dark and depressing here. This type of weather is not good for a person’s soul and well being. My plants don’t even like it here. It’s been so dark and cold that they are starting to die off and they are sitting in windows! The local economy is terrible. The only jobs that you can get here are service and skilled labor type jobs. For access to the GOOD jobs, you are competing with students coming out of that overrated, piece of shit excuse for a university Ohio State. Service here in general is terrible. Terrible doctors (most of which are from Ohio State), terrible mechanics, terrible food service, it’s just all bad. If I always do my research on what college a doctor graduated from. If he went to Ohio State, I will find a new one. I’ve NEVER had a good experience with a doctor who graduated medical school from that place. The people here have terrible attitudes and are overly fixated on race and materialism. At work, like another poster said, their always talking about race. It’s either how race relates to Obama or some aspect of sports. This is a town full of low life people with cancerous attitudes. There is also so much racial segregation here. The people with a decent amount of money live in the cookie cutter suburbs while the poor are just left to decaying ghettos. I’ve seen both types of neighborhoods and it is just depressing. Everybody in Ohio is either poor or barely making it because it’s hard to even find livable wage jobs in state. BTW, where the hell is Spring?

    I’m honestly sitting here today reflecting on whether or not I made huge mistake moving here. NO, fuck that, I DID make a huge mistake moving here. I only did so because the financial crisis almost destroyed my career and I was in no position to just flat out deny a job offer. I was desperate because I needed a job to support my family. I feel terrible now and for years I have been trying to get out of this dumpy ass city and state. This place has just really weighed me down and I guess I have to keep trying. I really want to leave here more so sooner than later. I’ll even take a salary cut just to get the fuck away from this purgatory. Ohio shouldn’t even be a state, it should be one large federal prison. It should be a place where murders are sent to serve out their sentence. “Hereby, you have been sentenced to serve 10 years in Ohio living out of a trailer in the middle of nowhere”. I wonder how many criminals would opt for the death penalty instead?

  81. Ohio sucks butt. It is super depressing. I got whiplash at 5 y3ars old in crappy Cinncinnati thanks to my dad’s crappy driving. We lived in the crappy smog filled Cleveland area from the time I was 6 years old. We were best friends with our German next door neighbors. The German dude on the other side gave us candy. I think he was a Nazi pretending to be nic. We moved to Cuyahoga Falls (Caucasion Falls) later. That was annoying. I was harassed for being part Asian immediately. Even before I was enrolled in school. That’s how disgusting they are.

  82. Are you people fucking retarded? 99% of the shit you tards list as reasons for hating Ohio, could be said for every other fucking state. Driving? Really? Have you been to Georgia? And complaining about Columbus and the Buckeyes? It’s a new city, and its a FUCKING COLLEGE TOWN YOU IDIOTIC MORONS! People in Syracuse will wear Syracuse gear, that’s how this works. And economy? The unemployment rate is 5.7%, that’s 3rd best among states with over 10 million people. Think about that, you mindless idiots. Lake Erie, 2 National Forests, Cedar Point, Kings Island, Thousands of museums and Hall of Fames, 3 large cities. If you people can’t find happiness, you either a.) Don’t have transportation. B.) Would rather sit in front of a computer all day. C.) Are fickle and too fucking lazy to get the facts about this state. D.) Didn’t wanna move from your original home in the first place. Or E.) Have never traveled out of State to see that Every other place has negative issues. If YOU don’t like Ohio, don’t blog about it fucktards, just get the Fuck out, and let those of us who aappreciate this state, enjoy it.

  83. Those who live here the longest the facts are true 44 of 50th in racial tolerance this st is full of country towns and suburbs that are 90 pct redneck . Ohio this yr or no later than next will join Michigan as the only st to lose net population because we do have big cities in this st but 7 of 8 have lost tons of population since the early 70s and even Youngstown is on the verge of more deaths than births once that happens its very hard to reverse that trend. We have 2 or maybe 3 of the most segergated cities by race Clevelands west side is completely white in the suburbs and most blacks live on the near east side. all exurbs are mostly if not totally white Cincinatti had a race riot in 2001 and like its fellow Ohio city Cleveland is among the 10 most poorest cities . Columbus most blacks live on the east side whites live in most suburbs and northside . Ohios job growth out of 50 states is still among the worse in the country in fact west va and ky are growing their economy more than ohios and both have larger net gains . Out of the big8 cities all have had a net loss since the early 70s except Columbus because most transplants from Columbus are from in state and from neighboring states . Interracial couples are more common than ever but in Ohio its not just below the national avg and even the Midwest avg for all genders and races its has two cities Cleveland and Cincy as the worse cities for interracial couples not just for blacks but based on my earlier post even for the ever accepted Asian female white male couple. In 2006 a southern ohio pastor refused a wedding to a interracial couple. This is the worse st for interracial couples bar none ! Ohio is numero uno or close as far as child poverty and has the 12th worst avg income per person . Racial minorities are more likely to earn less than in almost any other st . There was a ranking in best cities for minorities and out of 50 every major metro in ohio finished in the 40s . By contrast the cities in CA the 3 largest were in the top 10 best . This is a state full of hillbillys bible thumpers archie bunker wanna bees and people who are just plain ignorant and dumb .Its a pain in the ass seeing all these right wing bumper stickers and shit. and the reason people pray in this st is to pray for their ticket out . The big problem in Ohio is that we will never invest in modern tech and get in the computer age Cleveland isn’t built for it and neither is Cincy this st was built as an industrial st and the st doesent have low taxes to bring in business and the lack of will to invest in light rail for Cincy and Columbus and statewide its akin to genocide of the spirit of the people who work here its economy and the states ability to retain young people because this st has more 60 and older than the us average and by 2020 instead of getting younger it will get older by 15% if the trend continues which its almost certainly will .Its also foolish to try wish the industrial age back .Its gone and it will never return . And its true the more old people the more ignorant this st will be and it doesent help to have a governor who is more concerned about voter suppression which is bogus and restriction of abortion clinic access rather than get this dying st into the 21st century and he must be held responsible for his moral failure .

  84. Lebron Ditched ,Art ditched ,Cleveland Barons folded Cleveland Rockers folded and even Shamu took his talents to Sea World San Diego . And im being told this is an awesome st and on top of that we could lose the rock hall ? In fact we only have 4 Big Cities Because the other ones lost so much population that Cleveland Columbus, Toledo and Cincy are even losing population faster and are in crisis pretty much since the early 70s

  85. LeBron didn’t leave Cleveland because of the city. LeBron did what free agents do in every professional sport. He wasn’t surrounded by enough talent. Point blank. And yes Ohio is stronger in some industries then others. “Tech” is a very broad term, but in general, Ohio has definitely diversified it’s economy. You can’t be a dead state and put out 513 Billion in GDP. Add oil and gas to the new Ohio economy. Ohio’s problem is lack of recognition. Hell, ssome people think Ohio’s landlocked. I’ve seen “all farmland” on this site. That’s just false…65% of the state is covered in Appalachian forests and 1200 ft mountains. As I said, I don’t how people can hate an area with invisible boundaries. Here’s a little tidbit about the weather: if it’s cold and grey in Cleveland, more than likely it’ll be cold and grey in the entire Midwest, east, and much of the south too. Speaking of which, it’s mid May, and as I sit here in Atlanta Georgia, for the last 3 days it has been overcast, rainy, and in the 50’s. Weather is not an Ohio thing, it’s an American thing.

  86. And damn it, I just love when people come from a “one trick pony” state (one city in the entire state) and rag on the entire State of Ohio. Guess what asshat from Phoenix, if you think Ohio’s a cesspool, You obviously have neverbeen outta your bland, boring ass city of Phoenix, to see the rest of Arizona. Ohio has 11.6 million people, 28 fortune 500 companies headquartered here. That’s 7th in Population. I’ll end with this statement and a question to the whiners: I’m a VERY WELL TRAVELED Ohioan, and I can back up my facts. Comparing Ohio to Coastal California, NYC, Chicago, and Miami is just stupid. Very few States and Cities will compare. With that said, what can’t you do in Ohio, that you can ANYWHERE else. I’ll wait?

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