December 11, 2003

Putter Patter Silver Platter

Hugh Hefner plans to auction off his black books. Among the entries? "Big blonde from 'Wild Women of Wongo.'"

Brian Stillman remembers Hal Clement.

Stories from Eric Kraft at The Hamptons.

Life working at B&N (via Maud).

Sad news from Ohio: Almost half of the third-graders failed a reading test, with a wide gap in race. And in Scotland, half of the 14 year-olds failed a national writing test. Writing of an altogether different sort might be in the horizon for NYC subways.

And a comparative oldie, but a goodie: J.M. Coetzee's Nobel speech.

Posted by DrMabuse at December 11, 2003 11:05 AM

One study of university students found that 40% could not place the Civil War in the correct half-century. Only 37% knew that the Battle of the Bulge took place during World War II. A national test of high school seniors found that 57% performed "below basic" level in American history. What does that mean? Well, over half of those tested couldn't say whom we fought in World War II. Eighteen percent believed that the Germans were our allies! -- article in OpinionJournal, via A&L Daily

Posted by: at December 11, 2003 05:36 PM

wow, you're back! what a pleasant surprise. and i never knew the word 'tenebrous' existed until now. o happy day!

Posted by: shauny at December 12, 2003 07:45 AM