December 15, 2003

On the Run

Move over, Ali (Muhammad, not Monica). MIT scientist Michael Hawley has created the largest book. And he has the Guinness credentials (the record, not the beer) to prove it. Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom is 5' X 7', 112 pages and costs $2,000 to produce. Hawley's charging $10,000, with the balance going to charity.

Madonna's interested in a Ph.D. I don't know what's more frightening: the idea that Madonna has intellectual pursuits or this photo. (via Bookslut) [UPDATE: Well, goddam. Maud reports it's a hoax! That's what I get for racing through the newswires in a hurry.]

Richard Kopley has tracked down an unexpected Hawthorne inspiration source: an anonymous novel entitled The Salem Belle.

Hilary Clinton: "'I love independent bookstores. I tried to go to as many of them as I could on this book tour. I had promised to try to go to the top markets and I'm slowly but surely checking them off.'' Funny. The Simon Says site seems to be down, but she sure seems to be hitting a lot of Barnes & Nobles.

[Insert your obligatory Moses/Rasputin/Unabomber/Nostradamus-Hussein comparison here. Ha ha.]

Posted by DrMabuse at December 15, 2003 08:11 AM

"My ultimate goal is to do what I've always done, but to do it better, with more authority. I want to be a teacher." - Madonna

Are you sure that's not a link to the Onion?

Posted by: Susan at December 15, 2003 06:53 PM