December 16, 2003

The Reluctant Tries to Remain Impartial Too, But...

The BBC has banned its journalists from writing newspaper and magazine columns pertaining to current affairs. The m.o.? "Impartiality." The ban extends to both staff and freelancers. There is at least some consolation: voicing vitriolic opinions on things like food is considered impartial. Whether such a restriction will trickle over the Atlantic to the "fair and balanced" networks remains to be seen.

Mayor Cleese? (via Tom)

New OED words: "fuckwit," "non-homosexual," "Norman Rockwellish," "no-talent," "cut and shut," "fist-fucker," "gang-bang," "huevos rancheros," and "super-unleaded."

The Illustrated Complete Summary of Gravity's Rainbow (via MeFi)

Mary Shelley's original MS. for Frankenstein has been saved thanks to a grant. The draft, with Shelley's handwritten corrections, can now be found at Oxford's Bodleian library.

Posted by DrMabuse at December 16, 2003 10:01 AM