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Good to see that you are doing audio blogs again, Ed! No bagels for me today as it is the first day of my diet. Good seeing you last week!
Posted by: John at January 12, 2004 04:47 PMAh yes, I remember those original augs... you were ahead of your time, Ed.
Posted by: Rory at January 13, 2004 01:24 AMJohn: Good seeing you too. Good luck on the diet, man.
Rory: I have the babblings I did circa 1998-1999 here on my computer. Embarassing stuff really, if only because they revealed what an uninformed cocky mofo I was (still am a bit, but decidedly less so -- who needs more of that in the world?).
Posted by: Ed at January 13, 2004 07:55 AM