January 29, 2004

Unilateral Typography, Motherfucker

The U.S. State Department has banned the courier font from all diplomatic correspondence. "That'll show 'em," said a State Department official, who hoped that Times New Roman would be next. "Who the hell do they think we are? Screenwriters? Typists? We're diplomats first and foremost. And we'll fuck your shit up without using Courier." (via Six Different)

Posted by DrMabuse at January 29, 2004 04:34 PM

So nobody's made the obvious joke yet? Oh all right.

"There are only three exceptions to the draconian new typographical rules: telegrams, treaty materials prepared by the State Department's legal affairs office and documents drawn up for the president's signature"

...because everything that goes to the president has to be in Comic Sans!

Jay Leno, you have my number.

Posted by: Rory at January 30, 2004 04:38 AM