February 06, 2004

Round Robin

Today: Not so literary.

B is ordered to cease and desist by UFS. His crime against humanity? A link and a screenshot of that goofy Charlie Brown video.

Spike interviews J.G. Ballard.

Al Martinez on Stephen Glass's The Fabulist: "There are some books you can't put down and other books you can't wait to put down. Into the latter category falls 'The Fabulist.' Not only is it bad, it's embarrassing."

"Cinema Redux" by Brendan Dawes condenses all the cuts of a film in a single image. Samplings include The French Connection, The Man Who Wasn't There, Vertigo and Taxi Driver. (via Radosh)

Wilde's influence in Pynchon.

The Online Video Game Atlas (via The Map Room).

Low Culture sums up Dennis Miller's demise with a single image.

The Severity of Offensive Language on UK Television (via LinkMachineGo). [Related: John Lydon calls viewers "fucking cunts."]

Tower has filed for Chapter 11.

Vegan porn? (NSFW, via Menlo).

Posted by DrMabuse at February 6, 2004 09:06 AM