February 12, 2004

Woo Hoo!

We're in. Look for Wrestling an Alligator, written and directed by Edward Champion, at this year's San Francisco Fringe Festival, sometime in September 2004. More details later.

Posted by DrMabuse at February 12, 2004 05:12 PM

What wonderful news! Congratulations!

Posted by: Sarah at February 12, 2004 05:42 PM

Fuckin' A, Ed! Gimme the details when you have 'em, and I'll come up.

Posted by: TEV at February 12, 2004 06:50 PM

Really great, Ed! Looking forward to seeing it.

Posted by: Frankie at February 12, 2004 08:46 PM

Yes, but will he remember the little people?

Posted by: ogic at February 12, 2004 08:55 PM

Congrats. And how can we can a bit part?

Posted by: moorishgirl at February 13, 2004 01:21 PM

Congrats, cat. Thought of streaming an excerpt here at your site?

Posted by: Tom Working at February 13, 2004 09:07 PM