April 09, 2004

Andrew Franklin Is My New Hero

Publisher's News UK: "[Profile Books Publisher Andrew] Franklin made the point almost as an aside at last month’s SYP meeting. 'I think it’s despicable to try and pay anybody less than the minimum wage,' Franklin told PN later. 'Salaries at the top of publishing are not too bad now, and, when people are paying themselves more than £100,000 a year, it’s awful that they would try to pay people less than £150 a week.' He also attacked the system’s effect on publishing recruitment, saying, 'it’s like the debate about tuition fees: it creates a barrier to entry, and people whose parents can’t afford to support them can’t go into publishing. That’s why you have so many people in publishing with names like Rowena and Belinda.' Profile never pays less than the minimum wage."

Rest assured, I'll be buying some Profile titles as soon as possible. (via Publisher's Lunch)

Posted by DrMabuse at April 9, 2004 12:12 PM