May 03, 2004

Personally, I've Whiffed a Micromegas on A.O. Scott

"Elvis has this sort of Candide-like air about him." Elvis has left the Gray Lady, and the press is pulling reverence histrionics that are laughable at best and incoherent at worst. However, anything that gets Bill Keller groveling can't be all bad. (via TMFTML)

Posted by DrMabuse at May 3, 2004 07:47 AM

OK, I'm going to commit a little bit of heresy here, quietly, on your back blog because I know I'd be subject to a never-ceasing shit storm if I just came out and said I think Elvis Mitchell is a shitty film critic. Didn't like him at the LA Weekly, don't like him at NY Times. Truly do not understand what the fuss is about. Begone and good riddance, sez I.

So there.

Posted by: TEV at May 4, 2004 03:23 PM