May 11, 2004

Dead Letters

A list of epistolary fiction.

War letters.

Famous Love Letters: Includes Napoleon, Robert Browning, Lord Byron, Samuel Clemens, Honore de Balzac, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and more.

"Eight or Nine Wise Words About Letter Writing" by Charles Dodgson

Emily Post on Longer Letters: "The art of general letter-writing in the present day is shrinking until the letter threatens to become a telegram, a telephone message, a post-card. Since the events of the day are transmitted in newspapers with far greater accuracy, detail, and dispatch than they could be by the single effort of even Voltaire himself, the circulation of general news, which formed the chief reason for letters of the stage-coach and sailing-vessel days, has no part in the correspondence of to-day."

Einstein's letters to FDR.

The letters of Henry James.

The letters of Jane Austen.

Posted by DrMabuse at May 11, 2004 10:40 AM