June 08, 2004

Tanenhaus Watch

Under Tanenhaus's firms hands, it appears that the NYTBR has begun issuing corrections. The corrections, as usual, are laced with the kind of minutiae that will prevent merely a handful of fulminating fanboys from slashing their wrists. However, given the pedantic obsessions, we here at Return of the Reluctant encourage Tanenhaus & Friends to continue. Here are a few that we suggest:

"A review by Michael Kinsley suggested that David Brooks be bitch-slapped three times. Mr. Kinsley actually intended for Brooks to be bitch-slapped four times, not three. In addition, Kinsley would like to kick Brooks' ass while he is being simultaneously humiliated by a Girl Scouts troop."

"When pressed by editor Sam Tanenhaus for an 'innovative' idea for her column, Laura Miller referred to 'lingering headaches' and turned out a silly column about spy stories. She followed this up with an epileptic fit and demanded a Ritalin prescription. The Times regrets any misinterpretations caused by Miller's histrionics."

"Lizzie Skurnick intended to use 'fuck' in her review, but it was gently suggested to Ms. Skurnick that the Times was a family newspaper. The Gray Lady hopes to let down her guard, however, in the event that Mr. Bush is re-elected in November."

Posted by DrMabuse at June 8, 2004 05:23 PM