September 23, 2004

Excerpt from Anne Rice's Diary: Anne Rice Defends Her Day

Dear Diary:

Seldom do I consider subject-verb agreement when telling you what I've done. In fact, the entire development of my career (which should pay for a few more Botox treatments) has been fueled by my ability to write as lazily as possible. These fans amuse me. They actually expect me to write more of these goddam vampire stories? Well, if they're prepared to part with their cash, then I'll just have to extend the pergola at the back of the house.

There is something compelling about Amazon's willingness to accept my reviews. You and I now, Diary, that I tossed that puppy off almost as quickly as my last book. Worthy of Lestat, I suppose. But those fanboys have to learn one way or the other. I consider my rant an ethical warning, a panegyric for the unlived life. Those little bastards are obviously smarter than I suspected. I guess I may actually have to revise a paragraph or two -- that is, assuming they'll lay out thirty bucks a piece. (Oh, they will!)

Worse comes to worse, I can blame it all on the diabetes. There's always something or someone to blame. That's what being a privileged and popular author is all about.

I'm justifiably proud of being taken so seriously. They like me! They really really like me! But for how long?

Of course, Diary, you and I both know who has the sexiest ass. No magic mirror needed. It's in the bag.

Loving myself more every day,


Posted by DrMabuse at September 23, 2004 01:21 PM