September 25, 2004

Around the Sphere

We're stuck at home on a beautiful day waiting for the damn gas man to show up so we can cook again. There are also deadlines. Such is life. But here's a brief look at what's happening in the literary world:

And we promise to alert readers sometime in the next 24 hours whether or not Mr. Tanenhaus has earned his brownie this week or not. We apologize profusely for remaining incognito on this extremely pressing development. But we shall do our best to post all the statistics that are fit to print. Unfortunately, this also means resetting the Brownie Batting Average for consistency's sake. We're sure you folks understand.

Posted by DrMabuse at September 25, 2004 01:29 PM

Yes, by all means, send the Jew some JuJu...FWIW, I took down both of the My Old Man posts in deference to Lizzie and her antithesis toward all things Sohn. Which I understand and respect and would probably share if I ever bothered to read anything she (Sohn) ever wrote outside of the occasional advice column on tit-fucking.

Posted by: Jimmy Beck at September 27, 2004 10:50 AM