October 13, 2004


Congratulations, Mr. Balk (formerly known as TMFTML). Rest assured, now that Mr. Balk has very publicly sold out to the man, boiling a few live babies just before walking to the Times office, and lighting up Havanas underneath Bloomberg's very own nose, it is clear that Mr. Balk has become too untrustworthy and hopelessly corrupted to be useful for the blogosphere's purposes. We will be certain to write blasphemies about his work, with the same pragmatism with which we use Tanenhaus's NYTBR issues for our furnace. Mr. Balk cannot be trusted ever, ever again. (via Maud)

Posted by DrMabuse at October 13, 2004 01:50 PM

You mean his real name's NOT Charlie Algernon? I think I need to lie down.

Posted by: Jimmy Beck at October 13, 2004 02:21 PM