December 06, 2004

Reluctant Returns After One Year

This morning, it was pointed out to me that Return of the Reluctant, being the version of edrants that has been (for the most part) literary, turned a year old just a few days ago. Let me thank you, my dear readers. You're the ones who help keep the flame alive. The people I've met and the opportunities that have come from this blog have been incredible. And without going into too much detail, I think it's very likely that this blog helped me in a subconscious way to make some very good moves in the last year.

Despite a few calamities on the personal and geopolitical front, it was a good year under the circumstances. And I'm looking forward to making '05 an even better one -- thanks in part to all of you.

While the bright burgeoning light of Segundo will shine again soon, who knows? I might even bring Miguel Cohen back.

Posted by DrMabuse at December 6, 2004 03:30 PM