Due to forthcoming (and long overdue) events, you may or may not have to resubscribe to the feed (although it's looking more like the former). I apologize for this. I am trying to figure out how to presere the feed as it stands so there will be no major hiccups. But I wanted to give you the head's up. The good news is that you will soon have several feed formats to choose from. More to come.
[UPDATE: Yup. Definitely not going to happen. You're going to have to resubscribe. The (currently nonexistent/should exist by Wednesday or Thursday night) new feeds will probably be this one for RSS and this one for Atom. Apologies for the inconvenience. I don't know if redirecting will help, but I will try that for the existing subscribers.]
Posted by DrMabuse at July 26, 2005 06:42 PMThanks for the heads up. Bloglines makes it easy. What's irritating is realizing that some sites have their feed down and do nothing about it.
Posted by: Bill Peschel at July 26, 2005 07:25 PM