Some more info on the DeLillo play from Backstage. The most interesting comment is from John Heard: “It’s an actor’s dream. But at the same time, the language is his language, so you get scared if you start to paraphrase. I’m constantly going back to the script, `I saw a dead man on the subway once.’ It’s not like, `There was once a time I saw a guy on the subway.'” Is this a case where DeLillo-speak doesn’t quite translate to the stage?
David Sedaris: I’m a sorry excuse for a rock star. I think what they meant was a literary equivalent of a rock tumbler, one who just grinds and grinds and grinds.”
Rick Kleffel nails one thing s cool about Ego & Hubris: “Random House has given Pekar a very nicely printed, tight and tidy hardcover format for his latest work. It’s beautifully laid out, easy-to-read and feels right. If you’re a book freak, well, these things matter, I’m a book freak, and well, these things matter.”
Greg Knauss offers a new dichotomy: referential and experiential bloggers. But what of the blogger who crosses both areas? That’s like a purple district on a political graphic of the United States.