
Paul Harding (BSS #364)

Paul Harding is most recently the author of Tinkers. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Tinging with Mingus and tinkering with Tinkers. Author: Paul Harding Subjects Discussed: [List forthcoming] EXCERPT FROM SHOW: Correspondent: We were talking before all this about the idea of novels and whether or not they can actually serve as a handbook for life. […]


Yiyun Li (BSS #363)

Yiyun Li is most recently the author of Gold Boy, Emerald Girl. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Confusing golden boys with golden tickets. Author: Yiyun Li Subjects Discussed: [List forthcoming] EXCERPT FROM SHOW: Li: The way I look at fiction is that the most dramatic moments do not come from physical or real dramas, but from […]


Andrew Ervin (BSS #361)

Andrew Ervin is most recently the author of Extraordinary Renditions. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Contemplating alternative forms of freedom. Author: Andrew Ervin Subjects Discussed: [List forthcoming] EXCERPT FROM SHOW: Ervin: What else do we have but politics to write about? Ultimately. Whether it’s on a personal level or a cultural level or a national level, […]


Matthew Sharpe II (BSS #358)

Matthew Sharpe is most recently the author of You Were Wrong. He previously appeared on The Bat Segundo Show #132. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Abandoning the animal experiment. Author: Matthew Sharpe Subjects Discussed: [The truth of the matter is that there doesn’t appear to be enough time in the day for me to summarize subjects […]


Scarlett Thomas II (BSS #357)

Scarlett Thomas is most recently the author of Our Tragic Universe. Ms. Thomas previously appeared on The Bat Segundo Show #117. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Unusually pedantic about modifiers. Author: Scarlett Thomas Subjects Discussed: [List forthcoming] EXCERPT FROM SHOW: Correspondent: I wanted to address one review. Jessa Crispin in The Smart Set. She said, “Well, […]


Mary Robinette Kowal (BSS #356)

Mary Robinette Kowal is most recently the author of Shades of Milk and Honey. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Confusing magic with milkshakes. Author: Mary Robinette Kowal Subjects Discussed: [List forthcoming] EXCERPT FROM SHOW: Correspondent: I wanted to start with the specific language in this book. The specific Jane Austen template that you laid out. You […]


Allegra Goodman (BSS #355)

Allegra Goodman is most recently the author of The Cookbook Collector. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Confusing cookbooks with novels. Author: Allegra Goodman Subjects Discussed: [List forthcoming] EXCERPT FROM SHOW: Correspondent: Jonathan’s dialogue is so reflective of Sergey Brin. I mean, he says things like “Introduce me. I’m serious.” Very Star Trek-like in his dialogue. Goodman: […]


Prince of Broadway & Adam Langer II (BSS #354)

Sean Baker is the director and co-writer (among other things) of Prince of Broadway. Darren Dean is the producer and co-writer of that same film. Adam Langer is most recently the author of Thieves of Manhattan. He previously appeared on The Bat Segundo Show #175. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Searching for princes and publishing insiders. […]
