
Michael Muhammad Knight (BSS #307)

Michael Muhammad Knight is most recently the author of Impossible Man and Osama Van Halen. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Expressing forceful words about his distinct identity. Author: Michael Muhammad Knight Subjects Discussed: Knight’s powers of prescience, Muslim punk, fictional suicide as a form of personal critique, the fictional character Mike Knight vs. the real Mike […]


Catherynne M. Valente (BSS #266)

Catherynne M. Valente is most recently the author of Palimpsest. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Looking for a way into a secret city. Author: Catherynne M. Valente Subjects Discussed: Writing a novel with four character perspectives, how structure influences perspective, the importance of numbers, color theory, thriving on restriction, Neal Stephenson, the importance of flow and […]


Nick Antosca (BSS #263)

Nick Antosca is most recently the author of Midnight Picnic. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Terrified about what his ex-wife does during a midnight picnic. Author: Nick Antosca Subjects Discussed: The lack of picnics in Midnight Picnic, Jackie Corley’s confusion with the title, Midnight Picnic vs. Midnight Panic, dream logic, mouth birth dogs, Mr. Antosca’s lifelong […]


Azar Nafisi (BSS #260)

Azar Nafisi is most recently the author of Things I’ve Been Silent About, as well as Reading Lolita in Tehran. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Reliving transcendent memories. Author: Azar Nafisi Subjects Discussed: Authenticity, W.G. Sebald, photographs and text, Iranian birth certificates, being true to the story when writing a memoir, accuracy and memoirs, the extraordinary […]


Sarah Hall (BSS #206)

Sarah Hall is most recently the author of Daughters of the North (published in the UK as The Carhullan Army). Condition of the Show: Remaining optimistic about a dystopian future. Author: Sarah Hall Subjects Discussed: Daughters of the North vs. The Carhullan Army, writing books that aren’t set in the present day, concern for environmental […]


Elizabeth Crane II (BSS #195)

Elizabeth Crane is most recently the author of You Must Be This Happy to Enter. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Failing to understand why so many people are happy. Author: Elizabeth Crane Subjects Discussed: The unwarranted stigma behind the exclamation mark, what it means to be happy, zombies and reality TV, Max Brooks’s World War Z, […]


Lydia Millet II (BSS #194)

Lydia Millet is most recently the author of How the Dead Dream. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Battling upholders of decency. Author: Lydia Millet Subjects Discussed: The “nation” of ideology, empathy as an endangered species, graying hair color compared against graying landscape, obnoxious cell phones, subconsciousness vs. the innate design of a novel, the life cycle […]


Jeffrey Ford II (BSS #191)

Jeffrey Ford is most recently the author of The Shadow Year. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Wondering why he isn’t invited to the Bowery Bar. Author: Jeffrey Ford Subjects Discussed: Writing a book representing a congeries of genre, the visceral advantages of not relying upon research, The Shadow Year‘s unnamed year and unnamed narrator, Botch Town […]


Eran Kolirin (BSS #176)

Eran Kolirin is the writer and director of The Band’s Visit, now playing in theaters. Condition of Mr. Segundo: Contending with the inflexible language demands of the Academy. Guest: Eran Kolirin Subjects Discussed: Using a great deal of static shots, Antonioni, the influence of comic books, creating a cinematic fable, contending with too many extras […]
