1. “Spider-Man 3” is a total mess. It lacks the ernest, ‘aw shucks’ appeal of “Spider-Man” and the visual, emotional, and narrative cohesiveness of “Spider-Man 2.” There is simply too much of everything in this film. Too many characters, too many special effects and action sequences, too much melodrama, too many musical interludes (believe it or not) and too many separate narratives. Sam Raimi had a lot to do with “Spider-Man 3” making me believe even further that “Spider-Man 2” was only as good as it was by accident. Raimi here shaped the story and the screenplay on top of everything else and that is the aspect that sunk the film. When all is said and done Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” trilogy is a bust. The accidental perfection of “Spider-Man 2” not withstanding, these films are silly and more or less a waste of time.

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