- Top Ten Girl Geeks
- Scientific American: “Having a word stuck on the tip of the tongue is enough to activate an unusual condition in which some people perceive words as having different tastes, according to a new study.”
- In a desperate effort to get down with the kids, Burger King now trying out viral Google Video. (via Davis Freeberg)
- Altman memoir dead?
- You had 9+ hours of Jackson helming this nonsense. Quit your bellyaching.
- Clive Owen knows nothing about Sin City 2. This is a bad sign.
- Bloggers receive immunity in California Supreme Court. And I’d like to be the first to thank those sophomanic cocksuckers at the California Supreme Court for this fine decision.
- The Rake has tried to coax Pynchon into an appearance without apparent success.
- Damn. Can’t wait to see this.
- Webster’s Daily: poetry from Webster’s original 1828 dictionary.