Tricia Sullivan, the author of the fascinating and underrated novel Maul (which I read a year and a half ago in its UK edition and which Night Shade Books, bless its heart, picked up for American release), has a LiveJournal.
Tricia Sullivan, the author of the fascinating and underrated novel Maul (which I read a year and a half ago in its UK edition and which Night Shade Books, bless its heart, picked up for American release), has a LiveJournal.
Oh, I’ve read this book!!! It’s really great!!! Super!!! You know, at that time I was with my family in the Emirates!!! The weather was wonderful!!! But when I began reading “Maul” the life stopped for me!!! I was sitting in the Dubai hotel and was reading and reading, ‘gulping’ the pages one after another. Even on having a dinner, I was constantly thinking on how quicker to finish my eating and continue the reading!!! Really a super book!!!