September 14, 2006 by Edward Champion A Whirlwind, Indeed Uncategorized 3 Comments Katie Couric is blogging. The results read like a chipmunk on methadone. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Tumblr Reddit
This is further proof that Katie Couric is thinking outside the box and changing the face of TV news! You go girl!
The results read like a chipmunk on methadone. This is such a completely apt statement that I can’t stop laughing about it. I mean, wow, OMG!!!!!
Katie loves exclamation marks!!! OMG!!!
This is further proof that Katie Couric is thinking outside the box and changing the face of TV news! You go girl!
The results read like a chipmunk on methadone.
This is such a completely apt statement that I can’t stop laughing about it. I mean, wow, OMG!!!!!