Holy Frijole

No, no literary news. The fate of the nation is just too damn important. Virginia and Montana are tight, but Tester and Webb are both ahead and it’s looking possible that the Demos will get the Senate too.

Bush has called a press conference for 1:00 PM EST. What is this guy going to say? What is he going to do to spin this when he just got drop-kicked by the votes of the people?

The Latest Numbers

Okay, it boils down to this. If the Demos take Montana, Missouri, and Virginia, then we have the Senate. Here are the latest numbers:

Tester (D): 88,302
Burns (R): 75,256

40% precincts

Claire McCaskill (D): 812,038
Jim Talent (R): 799,471

80.3% precincts

Webb (D): 1,150,473
Allen (R): 1,148,656

99.47% precincts

Kentucky Rep Races So Far

  • 2nd District: Mike Weaver (D) ahead, 59.5% to 40.5% (2.1% precincts). Weaver is running against Republican incumbent Ron Lewis.
  • 3rd District: John Yarmuth (D) ahead, 51.1% to 47.6% (14.9% precincts). Yarmuth is running against Republican incumbent Anne Northup.
  • 4th District: Geoff Davis (R) ahead, 50.9% to 42.2% (0.3% precincts). He’s the incumbent and Ken Lucas (D) is running against him.

It’s far too early to tell, but so far, that’s two representative seats for the Democrats.

2006 Election Roundup #2

2006 Election Roundup #1

Mark Ames’ Republican Challenge

Based on phone calls and emails I’ve received today, nearly every political junkie I know, even the half-hearted ones, are starting to go insane, becoming giddily hubristic in their pronouncements. Case in point: The eXile’s Mark Ames is so convinced that the Republicans will take both houses that he’s willing to register with the Republican Party by the end of the year. But that ain’t all:

Whoever challenges me has to agree to the following: If the Republicans hold on to both houses of Congress, then my challenger(s) must sign a statement confessing that America’s experiment with democracy has failed. That America’s democracy can no longer be excused as “imperfect,” but rather, as your public confession will stress, democracy is the root of America’s problem. Your solution? You pledge to support the peaceful transfer of power to a junta, which will work to “restore order.”

(Thanks, Richard!)

Hope for Ned Lamont?

liebermandog.jpgI’m likely to run naked into the streets tonight if the Democrats manage to take both houses, but the one thing that would make me laugh my ass off and wallow in the most despicable schadenfreude (and since I’m drinking tonight, I should note that bourbon does this to a man) would be to see Joe Lieberman go down in flames. There are some early signs that this may, in fact, happen.

The Journal-Inquirer: “In Manchester by 10 a.m., 5,562 voters, 18.3 percent of those registered in town, had come to the polls, officials said.” Keep in mind that 23,643 voted in Manchester during the 2004 presidential election. Now I should note that 18.3% of that little number is a mere 4,327 heads. Which suggests that, in Manchester at least, more people are concerned with this race than 2004.

The Hartford Courant is also reporting that there is a high turnout.

NBC30 reports that the secretary of state believes that this is the biggest turnout for a statewide race in more than a decade.

Whether these are Joe-lovers or Ned-lovers, it is difficult to say. It’s encouraging, but let’s not count our chickens just yet.


I was third in line, the first to return the mammoth five-sheet ballot in the machine, which I had spent hours researching last night and this morning.

I have to commend the volunteers at the Page Street Library. Last year, I experienced problems. But it seems that there has been serious reform. The woman who hectored me about voting a particular way last year had disappeared. In fact, the Department of Elections has become much stricter about the dissemination of political information near polling places. Outside the library, one gentleman was asked to remove his button because he was well within 100 feet of the polling place. In light of the endless machine-oriented calls (Ah-nuld apparently called me last night at 10:02 PM) and the despicable robocalls reported, it’s good to know that some areas of the nations still care about ethical elections.

Now comes the midterm elections, which I am now prepared to accept whichever way they turn out. It’s really anybody’s game at this point. The polls are close, yet the stakes are high.

In discussing the matter with friends, there have been comparisons to the so-called 1994 “Republican revolution,” should the Democrats manage to take back both houses. I think it’s naive to assume that any big sweep is going to mean dancing in the streets. If we do this, this is the first battle in a long war to undo the damage that these bozos have inflicted upon the country.

Can the Democrats be counted upon to show some spine? Let’s not kid ourselves. But I think any liberal can agree that a tug of war is better than getting sodomized.