- Closing levee breaches is National Guard’s top priority.
- A helpful history of hurricane flooding.
- Katrina is equivalent of Ivan in some parts of Alabama.
- Inflation worries.
- Overview of Katrina’s effects, at a glance.
- Latest from WWL: Navy now sending three ships from Gulf Coast. Four dead in St. Tammany.
- More at Brendan Loy’s about the levee breach threat abating and the potential threat from the Mississippi, given Katrina’s work up north.
- Nearly two days after this all started, Bush finally gets around to delivering a statement. Remarkable. Of course, there’s no mention of monies earmarked for federal aid. Will this prove to be as embarassing as the bargain basement Asian tsunami funding?
- From the WWL TV stream, river is back to normal height. Flooding now coming exclusively from lake.
- < a href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-1758006,00.html">“This is our tsunami.”