Smoking Songs

Jeff is, quite bravely, quitting smoking. Having started and stopped many times myself and knowing the terrible feelings of nicotine withdrawal and the resultant brain fog, and wanting to see Jeff live on this planet a few extra years, I fully support his decision. Those who would rail against smoking, generally not having smoked themselves, usually have no concept of what quitting smoking entails. But to give you a sense of what it feels like, it involves the entire body screaming at all hours of the day, “I want a cigarette,” and the mind using all of its powers to resist these far from petty impulses. It involves escaping out of routines that were once thought casual but are now discovered to be terribly ingrained and deadly reminders of the previous smoking state (a cigarette after a meal, a cigarette after work, the like) and, if you’re a writer who smokes, it takes considerable time for the brain to adjust to the now nicotine-less environment. Little accident that quitting smoking is often described by methadone patients as “more addictive than heroin.”

Former smokers are often expected to go up against these far from comfy impulses alone, sometimes with the support of friends and family who may not fully comprehend what the smoker is in for. Current society, which is remarkably olfactory and teeth-conscious in the American theatre, would dictate that a certain “tough love” policy should exist. For smokers are often considered to be rapacious addicts who do not even possess beating ventricles. They must, as they snap their head like Gollum at the sight of the Ring, endure other people who smoke cigarettes and the persistent threat of addiction, not permitting themselves to cave into the impulse of “just one.” Even when they have applied patches and nicotine gum.

It seems amusing to me that all of the so-called antismoking PSAs and the like not only fail to understand the problem from the smoker’s perspective, but are punitive in their intent. They give the smoker messages of disapproval, disinterring grainy video images of Yul Brynner telling people not to smoke as he is dying of cancer or, at the more grotesque end of the spectrum, a woman who inserts a cigarette into her tracheotomy opening. I would suggest that a smoker, perhaps silently humiliated by these images, is more inclined to rebel against these disapproving commercials, lighting up rather than staying off the butts, simply because the tone of these commercials transforms smoking into some grisly and over-the-top visual, rather than the commonplace activity that it is. These commercials fail to convey reality to their intended audience. Outside of any bar, you will find habitues firing up their Marlboro Lights with sequential brio. The addiction is treated like a sad, intensely personal thing (it is that and much more) that the recovering smoker can only effect their recovery with a bootstraps mentality that has much in common with the cruel way American government treats the working poor.

Not one of these commercials points out the positive results of not smoking, such as the return of taste and smell after three days. Nor do they note that breathing improves, that sex is better and that a lover’s smell transforms from pleasant to divine. Nor do they point out that the five dollars or so put into cigarettes a day adds up to $1,825/year — truly a colossal savings if the now recovering smoker were to put the money they would spend on cigarettes into a jar. I would suggest that advertisements striking these hopeful notes would perform greater good among the populace at large.

But to get back to Jeff, I’m happy that he’s found another mechanism to contend with the terrible withdrawal he’s no doubt feeling right now. He’s putting together a song list of songs that concern the last cigarette and the like. If you have some ideas, do indeed help the man out.


  1. Marco Roth had a good essay called “Last Cigarettes” in the second issue of n+1, but it’s not available online.

    I have quit smoking many, many times, but am hoping that when I quit in early September of this year it was the last. I agree with you about the idea that ads should instead emphasize the positive–I like the one that gives the timeline for how your lungs will recover (you know, 24 hours, cilia no longer deadened, six months… blah blah blah). And the money! Seriously, those are the positive incentives… Good luck to your friend Jeff.

  2. Ive recently quit after 23-24 years of a pack a day. Im only 37 years old! Im not sure why I did, as I know Ive always thought about it, and really people…The thought of a patch helping me was sooo silly! Its been 5 weeks, and Im on a patch and yes I have puffed on a few, but not more than a few puffs and ony 3-4 in the last 5 weeks. First thing I want to share is my Brain fog is virtually GONE. My mind is so clear and I feel great. I have fought with levels of depression most my life and after reading an article about brain fog and dopamine and cigarettes and NO anti depressant ever worked for me, I elected to quit smoking. For the first time in years I feel alive and like I have a future and wants and desires I once had , but lost in my brain fog. Yes Ive had some other events take place in my life, such as divorce and some alcohol abuse, bad gone sour relationships a failed business and just one let down after another.
    I remember back as a small child and visiting my grand parents only 2 times a year and they smoked. All I can remember is being a very small child and sick as a dog the whole time I was with them? As a young boy I was very active and even ran up to 6 miles a day. Around 13-14 I picked up smoking as it was cool! I now look back and when I started smoking I almost instantly stopped running exercising and being an outgoing kid. I can almost even see the attitude that came along with it. As I drowned myself for the next 20 plus years wanting to feel like a kid again, but tinking ? They is NO way I can or could ever run or be active again! Ever! Well, I was wrong and in the first time in many years I have my breath back my confidence back and a positive outlook that my life is about to be better than ever. I have NO doubts in my mind that cigarettes completely changed the person I really am.
    I do at times think about smoking and at times its not so easy, but I remind myself that there is NOTHING good to come from it. Im actually much calmer and relaxed verus firing up a smoke to calm my self. Face it. As soon as you puff that smoke it increases blood pressure and all sorts of bodily functions. Im still on a patch, but Im not getting the other know 4,000 chemicals released into my body. I feel GREAT! ANY day is a good day to STOP!

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