To paraphrase Groucho Marx, we’re going to speed things up here. If a blog readership orders a one-hour roundup, I’ll give it to them in twenty minutes. If they order a twenty minute roundup, I’ll give it them in ten minutes. If they order a ten minute roundup, I’ll give them my RSS feeds and let it work out for themselves. Time is limited. So here goes.
Dan Green on the “marketplace of ideas” nomen. Since I have moved to New York, I have been contending more and more with people who view books as nothing more than a commodity and are not well-read and more taken with scarfing down canapes and free drinks at junkets than engaging with authors and books on even a remotely intellectual level. Even accounting for the reality that publishing is an industry, Dan’s words are well worth considering.
I don’t see anything particularly wrong with the Harvard Classics approach to education, but is five minutes a day really enough time to take in a classic?
Ed do you feel that tradition has bee upturned by commodification? See my blog for more detailed version of the question. I’m taking a non-scientific survey.
Now that you’re a New Yorker, Ed, you should know that you’re competing with 10 10 WINS – “Give us 10 minutes and we’ll give you the world.” on your AM dial.
Ed do you feel that tradition has bee upturned by commodification? See my blog for more detailed version of the question. I’m taking a non-scientific survey.
Now that you’re a New Yorker, Ed, you should know that you’re competing with 10 10 WINS – “Give us 10 minutes and we’ll give you the world.” on your AM dial.