1. Wow. Seeing this I wish publishers took as much care in removing typos and grammatical errors in books they release.

  2. Ah, yes. Bowdlerization has *always* been seen as a public service.

    The ‘N-word’? Good gravy. Couldn’t they find a politically correct term that wouldn’t leave a reader annoyed or confused throughout the novel?

    When I first heard about this, I’d thought the ad just changed it to get it past spamblocks… but no. It’s a public service to change a word to something so ridiculous that a person wouldn’t be able to get past it. And this is supposed to make it more ‘accessible’?

  3. Holy f-word!

    Doug said: Wow. Seeing this I wish publishers took as much care in removing typos and grammatical errors in books they release.

    Unless they just used the find-replace function.

  4. Wordbridge is a Christian conservative publisher, and by their mention of white guilt this does seem to be an attempt to politically correct what they see as offensive text. I’m a little confused…

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