Weekend Sightings: “People in Order”

The question of whether life represents a parabolic arc is taken up by Lenka Clayton and James Price‘s short film “People in Order” — in which 100 people are edited together and proceed to beat on the same drum over the course of three minutes. It’s an inventive spin on the Michael Apted formula. The people here have been arranged by age, starting from the age of 1 and ending at 100. What’s particularly striking is the varying levels of enthusiasm, both in the people expressing their age and in their need to bang the drum. Some of the figures are happy at any age. Some are sad. Some seem to wonder what all the fuss is about.


  1. To me it’s not necessarily enthusiasm that’s lacking… some seem more quizzical than others and some more happy in general… but there is either a sense of properly doing what is required (state age, one bang) or just doing your thing (extra words, multi-bangs).

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